Healing Herbs

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Healing Herbs

We are a small company where people work together to make Bach flower remedies according to Bach's original directions, in harmony with our surroundings. We put the living forces of nature at the heart of our production process.



“Ye seek with your senses and your mind, but the answer comes from your soul within. It is thus the swallows learnt to fly across the ocean.”
Edward Bach 1933
Bach’s desire was to open each of us up to more of ourselves and to see the interconnected nature of the different aspects that make up the fabric our selves and our lives.
... When we view flower essences in this light, we can see that there can be no simple solution of “this essence solves that physical ailment”. Working with flower essences is working with ourselves on every level and accepting the influence of each part of our self on our overall balance. The more we come into balance, the more this is reflected in our physical wellbeing.
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The Seven Helpers are the essences for chronic conditions and patterns of response that build up over many years.
Oak is one of the Seven Helpers and it is a living picture of the passage of time. The signature of the tree demonstrates both the problem and how to overcome it.
Those who take Oak do not gain in strength and determination. They gain in understanding and that allows them to look afresh at the chronic life difficulty that they face. They begin to see a new way t...o grow.
Julian Barnard explains how the form of Oak shares these lessons in this video.
The Bach Educational Resource is a multilingual resource with many videos on the essences. (Simply select your language in the top right).
There are now multi-language subtitles for the Seven Helpers videos on the Bach Educational Resource in Italian, Spanish, Latvian, French and new subtitles in Japanese for the Gorse video.
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Of the 38 flower essences, one in particular stands out for not being a flower at all.
Rock Water
Why is water included within the 38 essences?
... A Rock Water person shows the rigidity and obduracy of stone that contrasts with the softening, fluid movement of water. The complementary gestures are illustrated immediately by the two elements involved.
Any well or spring which has been known to be a healing centre and which is still left free in its natural state, unhampered by the shrines of man, may be used. Sites where the water has been channelled or controlled should be avoided. The source should be protected by natural forces but unfettered by man.
Water is a medium that readily absorbs the thought forms and patterning to which it is exposed. By choosing a spring or well that is protected by nature and untouched by man, Rock Water is a blank slate, an opportunity to reset and return to our natural state – losing rigidity of thought and action.
It is no coincidence that all flower essences are made with pure spring water as it emerges from the earth into the light. Water is the message carrier.
In Bach Flower Essences & The Patterning of Water, Julian Barnard explores how the water takes up and carries the messages of flowers so that we may receive them in the form of flower essences.
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“Beyond the five physical senses where we see, touch, hear, smell and taste there is still the sixth sense, the capacity to perceive the invisible quality of the plant. This can speak to us directly of the pattern of life force that informs the physical.” (from Form and Function, Julian Barnard)
Bach used sympathetic resonance – resonating the emotional state of the person then trying to match that to the vibratory pattern of the plant.
... The ease a plant can bring is perceived with our sixth sense. We can learn from the plant by resonating with it.
In a state of emotional turmoil or focusing on the negative, we can easily overlook the positive aspects that a plant is seeking to share.
A key tool in learning to resonate with a plant is observation. Noting how the gesture and structure and behaviour of the plant speaks of its consciousness and what it can share with us. You can access the complete series of videos exploring the form and function of Bach flower essences in the Bach Educational Resource.
Which flower is drawing you in?
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What drew Dr Bach to particular flowers to make the essences?
There are many clues in his writings and from what Nora Weeks shared about his discoveries. What is clear is that Bach felt a connection to the plant when focused on or aware of particular personality states.
“All living things possess resonance; they vibrate with a particular pattern of energy, Any two bodies which carry the same vibratory pattern resonate together (like the acoustic resonance of a violin will p...ick up the vibration of another instrument played at the same pitch). Bach carried in himself the vibratory pattern of the Impatiens mental state. There was a natural resonance between Bach, the man, and Impatiens, the plant. He recognised it.
We have an account of this process in action when Nora Weeks described the moment when Bach found another remedy plant, Water Violet. That was in June 1931 when he was completing the set of the first twelves remedies which he called The Twelve Healers. Her account opens with the statement that Bach ‘was shown’ the remedy. But how was he shown it? During that morning he had behaved in a Water Violet way (quiet, aloof, withdrawn) and then announced that there were going to find the flower which would help such a person. He said he had the person in mind very strongly. He was resonating with the emotional state of this particular woman. Weeks goes on to describe her temperament. Then they went out together, found the Water Violet growing in a stream and Bach ‘gently placed his hand’ over the plant. Contact with the plant eased his state of mind, bringing a sense of peace, calmness and humility.”
Extract from Form and Function, Julian Barnard p36
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Dr Bach began his discovery of flower essences by focusing on his own healing needs.
He suffered from much physical pain in his life and he started by finding a flower that would ease his pain.
His first discovery was Impatiens which he described for ‘the irritable, cross, peevish and impatient’. Why would such a flower relieve pain? Because physical pain is associated with emotional pain and tension. Relieve the tension and emotional pain and that may relieve the physical ...pain. This is how the theory of “Heal Thyself” begins.
It was a necessity for Dr Bach to observe and understand the many responses to physical pain and distress. But observation of the person is only half of the equation. Observation of the plant provides the other half. To understand flower essences, we must go back to the flowers. It was through observation of the flowers and resonance with them, that Bach was able to take a discovery for himself and expand it to a system that anyone can use.
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The typical path of research is to look for what has been published before you – to guide your starting point and give you the first step or two.
For Dr Bach, there was no research to turn to. The world of herbalism and pharmacopoeias spoke only of the physical effects of plant medicines – particular substances for particular diseases.
Bach was looking for an effect upon the emotional or mental behaviour of the person. This fact alone explains why he made his search in the f...ields not libraries. Not in the pharmacy but in himself.
But it was not just the lack of research that led Bach to the fields for inspiration. His attention was not on the outer cause and effect - it was on the inner cause and effect. He was looking at the person, not the disease. He began with not just any person but himself.
The 38 Bach flower essences began with his quest to find a remedy for himself.
Follow the journey of discovery in the Bach Flower Learning programme – a completely free online course tracing the history and discovery of the essences and their uses.
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Nora Weeks tell us that Dr Bach spent hours and days at a time observing plants – ‘noting where they grew, the colour, shape and number of their petals, whether they spread by tuber, root or seed…’ He studied the habits and characteristics of each flower, plant and tree. He was looking for correspondences between personality and plant. He was searching for the essence of the plant in the form it took and the messages it could share with us.
For many, many years we have been ...continuing this line of enquiry at Healing Herbs and encourage the practice of plant observation in our education across the world.
It might be argued that observation is too subjective to be of value but we have run an experiment many times which you can also try.
Gather a group of people and make observations about any plant or tree that is part of the 38 Bach essences. After a while, turn to read what has been written about that plant – does an objective language of root, leaf, stem, flower and seed begin to form?
In our experience, the observations are always consistent and directly relevant to the description of the emotional state which Bach wrote for the essence. And on every occasion someone finds someone brings a new observation about the plant.
The opportunity to deepen our understanding and extend our learning about Bach flower essences never stops just as we never stop learning about ourselves.
Discover more about the form and function of plants at the Bach Educational Resource.
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This month marks the 90th anniversary of Dr Bach discovering Impatiens on the banks of the River Usk near Crickhowell in south Wales and the beginning a new era in his own personal journey of discovery.
90 years on, there are still many unanswered questions that we continue to explore at Healing Herbs, such as
How did he make these discoveries?... Why did he prepare them the way he did? How do they convey specific qualities to us?
Bach contended that the real cause of disease does not originate on the physical level but on the spiritual level as a result of conflict between human personality and spiritual being. Scientific medicine takes the view that the body is simply a physical structure that sometimes fails. Bach saw it as a temple for the spirit, the consciousness of our cosmic selves. Bach believed that aspiring to balance between our physical and spiritual forms was the key to health
Today science is beginning to reveal the impact of consciousness on wellbeing - in many different studies, in many fields of interest. But perhaps 90 years ago, Dr Edward Bach saw a glimpse of what is yet to be shown fully to all of us.
He left us a legacy that opens the door to one way of understanding ourselves better, of seeing ourselves as more than our physical being and capable of bringing spirit and form into balance and harmony.
What do Bach’s work and essences share with you?
The image below shows a map of the original location where Bach first discovered Impatiens in 1928. We are very grateful to Gregory Vlamis for sharing this with us.
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Dr Bach presented his essences in two different ways – the order in which he discovered them (the 12 – 7 – 19 framework) and by emotional groups. (https://buff.ly/2MlNU0c)
This gives everyone the opportunity to approach Bach flower essences in their own way.
The emotional groups perhaps offer a more accessible opening to working with balancing the emotions but one of the reasons we usually work with the 12-7-19 framework at Healing Herbs is because it actively encourages a ...more individual approach to diagnosis (reflecting the ways in which they were discovered and something that Bach advocated throughout his career.).
Using the 12-7-19 method, the first diagnostic question you might ask is “for how long has this been going on?”.
The answer to the question would point you to either the 12 Healers or the Seven Helpers or the Second Nineteen.
For example, if the answer was that you had had an accident a day or so ago, you would know that the emotional response was related to a very specific incident and that the most likely essence to help would be one of the Second 19 essences – which support our response to an experience.
If the answer was “for a long time”, you might perhaps want to ask “has this always been the case?” to distinguish between a condition that is essential to the human being (12 Healers) or a chronic condition that is masking the true self (Seven Helpers).
When making a diagnosis, it is understanding the individual that is key to finding the right essence combination – whether you are looking for yourself or others.
To guide you in the right direction, consider these questions:
What is the problem? When did it begin? Why do you think that it happened?
Whichever method you use to choose essences, these questions will always bring you back to the individual, which is exactly what Dr Bach encouraged us all to do.
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While we wait patiently for the perfect conditions to make Heather essence, we thought you would enjoy this.
“When we make a flower remedy, especially if it is a long way from home, there is not much else to do but sit and just be there. You sit and look at the sky, you look at the flowers, you sit and think and then you just sit. This morning it was so beautiful. The sky was intensely blue, the Heather vibrant pink-purple. The day was so warm and fine. Nobody else was ther...
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Are you new to Bach flower essences and wanting to find out more about where they came from and how to use them?
Or perhaps you would like to explore different perspectives on the essences?
At Healing Herbs we are dedicated to continuing the work of Dr Bach. He always shared his work freely and wanted, above all, for people to be able to work with the essences without restriction. This is an ethos we continue on his behalf through the resources we create, as well as our ongo...ing research.
If you are new to Healing Herbs, we have many ways in which you can learn more about the essences.
Our website has introductory information on all the individual essences to help you find the right combination. https://buff.ly/2v55sbi
There is the completely free online Bach Flower Learning Programme which guides you through the discovery of the essences and how to use them. https://buff.ly/2IokSiK
The Bach Educational Resource explores many aspects of flower essences more deeply and also covers related areas of interest. https://buff.ly/2Oys3oE
And within our shop we have a wide range of publications to help you learn more about different aspects of flower essences and the work of Dr Bach. https://buff.ly/2N9SwbB
And, of course, we are here to answer your questions and point you in the right direction as you explore and learn more about Dr Bach and the flower essences he gifted to us all.
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There’s no denying that modern life is fast paced and hectic. And it has many effects on our moods and resilience for daily life.
With anxiety disorders now rivalling depression, it is not surprising that one topic that is raised consistently in questions to the team at Healing Herbs relates to essences that can help with the daily stresses and strains of life.
We do, of course, make Five Flower essence which is the Dr Bach rescue combination for trauma and shock. We also ma...ke Exam combination essence and Night to support you in relaxing at the end of the day.
As with all physical responses and reactions, however, it is within the emotions that the clues are found to the right essence combination.
The 12 Healers are the beginning point of discovery. As the soul type or personality essences, they point to the outlook and reactions that form a common thread for each individual. From within the 7 Helpers, habitualised responses can be determined. And finally, the Second 19 point the way to specific responses to situations.
It is a uniquely individual investigation where there are no right or wrong answers. Everyone responds differently to the essences and it is only through self-awareness and exploration that the essences can find you to support you in daily life.
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“Are you burning with enthusiasm: longing to do the big things, and wishing all done in a moment of time? Do you find it difficult patiently to work out your scheme because you want the results as soon as you start? Do you find your enthusiasm making you strict with others; wishing them to see things as you see them; trying to force them to your own opinions, and being impatient when they do not follow?”
Many of the clues to the ways in which Vervain can support us are to be found in the way that it grows and flowers. Julian Barnard explores the form and function of Vervain in this video from the Bach Educational Resource.


If you are new to Bach flower essences, it can be a little overwhelming to work out which essences are right for you.
There are two ways of selecting essences that help to make it a little easier to navigate your way through all 38.
The first is using the 12 – 7 – 19 method which is how we work with the essences at Healing Herbs.
... This is how Dr Bach discovered them in the years from 1928 -1935. First he discovered the 12 Healers, then the 7 Helpers and later the Second 19. Each of the three groups has unique qualities. The Twelve Healers are the plants that Dr Bach associated with personality or soul types. They relate to our essential nature and are the most common starting point for selecting essences. It is useful to identify the one that best describes the kind of person you are. Several of them may seem to be relevant but one will be most appropriate. If we can find it then it becomes the focus of a combination for personal use.
The Seven Helpers are the support essences and are selected for long-term emotional states. Dr Bach found these chronic conditions often obscure a person’s true nature as it is expressed within the Twelve Healers group.
The Second Nineteen are the essences that reflect our emotional responses to traumatic events. They help us to develop greater inner strength and fortitude and bring out our best qualities. They are clearly focused on immediate issues.
Dr Bach recommended that you choose one of the 12 healers in combination with essences from the 7 helpers and second nineteen.
Alternatively, you can select Bach flower essences using the Seven Emotional Groups The seven emotional groups pull Dr Bach’s 38 essences into headings which support you in choosing the right essence according to your emotions. The seven groups are: Overcare for the welfare of others Despondency or despair Over sensitivity to influences and ideas Insufficient interest in present circumstances Uncertainty Fear Loneliness
Simply select the group that best fits the emotion and explore the essences within the group that fit. Healing Herbs has developed an essence selector tool that combines both the Seven Emotional Groups and the 12 – 7 – 19 method to help you select your own personal essence combination.
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The 2018 essence making season is well underway. Have you ever wondered how we make our essences?
We make every essence exactly according to the original directions of Dr Edward Bach and we hold this work in trust.
Take a guided tour with Julian Barnard in this short video ... https://buff.ly/2M5Qg41


Every day at Healing Herbs we are asked related questions about how and when to use Bach flower essences.
Questions such as:
Do I have to dilute the essences to take them?... How often should I take them? Does xxx essence work for xxx condition? How many drops should I take? Which combination will be best for xxx?
These and many more are covered in our Question and Answer page on our website.
How to use Bach flower essences is an interesting topic and worth exploring in context.
In conventional medicine, a medicine in prescribed to cure a physical condition. Take this and get better.
Flower essences work differently because they are not addressing physical conditions. Bach’s work was focused always on addressing the whole person and specifically using flower essences to support the rebalancing of emotional responses.
A core theme and message in Bach’s work and writings was that everyone is individual. Therefore what works for one person may not work for another. Only by exploring the emotional picture can we determine which essence(s) are most likely to help and how best to use them.
Whilst we always take care and time to fully answer every question we are asked, the answer is often the same – be aware of how you respond to the essences and use them in the way that works for you. There is no right way or wrong way to use them other than what works for you.
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Plant observation was essential and integral to Bach’s discovery of Bach flower essences.
In this video from the Bach Educational Resource, Julian Barnard shares examples of how the form of the plant and seed offer clues to their action as an essence.


great respect for the integrity of preparation and marketing


Very nice, very helpful, love it so much


Nice, opened people!!! Great place and service!!!


My favorite Bach Essences - the only ones I use. I have great respect for the integrity of how they are prepared and for how the company is run. And, as far as all the educational material, great appreciation for the depth and inspiration offered. The work of the Healing Herbs is the best tribute to Dr Edward Bach and the continuity of his legacy.


I use the Healing Herbs flower remedies in my high quality Aromatherapy aura & space Sprays, DaisyMay Sprays, because I feel they are the made with great integrity, love and care and I also love the purity of the area of the world they are made in. Thank you team for all you do and keeping the wisdom alive.


I ordered a complete kit with cards deck and was told to expect the delivery on about 2 weeks... but I received my order in 6 days flat. I was astonished and absolutely overjoyed. Everything right from the packaging to the quality to the delivery is spectacular. I strongly vouch for the energy of the products. Fallen in Love ���

God Bless you Guys.


I am a Bach flower Therapist from Mumbai, India. I found this site very informative and articles written touch your heart in some way. I am sure the remedies made by healing herbs will be full of positive energy. Best luck.


Great people great service best quality!


Great Bach flower essences, great people, great service!


Brilliant stuff, brilliant company. Highly recommend. Been using Healing Herbs for years!


great respect for the integrity of preparation and marketing


Very nice, very helpful, love it so much


Nice, opened people!!! Great place and service!!!


My favorite Bach Essences - the only ones I use. I have great respect for the integrity of how they are prepared and for how the company is run. And, as far as all the educational material, great appreciation for the depth and inspiration offered. The work of the Healing Herbs is the best tribute to Dr Edward Bach and the continuity of his legacy.


I use the Healing Herbs flower remedies in my high quality Aromatherapy aura & space Sprays, DaisyMay Sprays, because I feel they are the made with great integrity, love and care and I also love the purity of the area of the world they are made in. Thank you team for all you do and keeping the wisdom alive.


I ordered a complete kit with cards deck and was told to expect the delivery on about 2 weeks... but I received my order in 6 days flat. I was astonished and absolutely overjoyed. Everything right from the packaging to the quality to the delivery is spectacular. I strongly vouch for the energy of the products. Fallen in Love ���

God Bless you Guys.


I am a Bach flower Therapist from Mumbai, India. I found this site very informative and articles written touch your heart in some way. I am sure the remedies made by healing herbs will be full of positive energy. Best luck.


Great people great service best quality!


Great Bach flower essences, great people, great service!


Brilliant stuff, brilliant company. Highly recommend. Been using Healing Herbs for years!

More about Healing Herbs

Healing Herbs is located at Walterstone, HR2 0DX Hereford, Herefordshire
+44 1873 890218
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -
http://www.healingherbs.co.uk/ http://www.edwardbach.org/ http://www.bachfloweressence.co.uk/ http://www.bachfloweressence.co.uk/blog/ http://www.bacheducationalresource.org