Heartlands Hospital



What a great bunch of lovely happy staff on Ward 10 Urology clinic, put everyone at ease, explained everything to my husband what was going to happen during and after proceedure and he also had a lovely cup of tea. Thank you all.


Well i was on ward 11 where the nurses n doctors was rude messed up my blood which delayed my surgery then i was moved to day surgery where i met a fantastic nurse called abbey she was amazing so kind and helpful allways makin sure im okay making sure my operation was done and i got discharged quickly as id been in since satutday and was missin my 2 year old son i cant praise abbey enough she was amazing


On the 8/3/18 i had my baby boy via planned c section after a traumatic birth first time around (At a different hospital). From start to finish it was amazing and im so grateful for all the care i had! I was so nervous and got upset but the midwife gave me a cuddle while i had the spinal & made me feel better. The staff in the theatre we're so patient and caring towards me and brought my baby here safely. On the ward nothing was too much trouble and i was very looked after as was my baby too. Every member of staff i met was helpful and caring Cleaners, Midwives, Drs etc.

Thank you for the long hours, The care and support your staff provide day in & out �


My dad fell down the stairs last night and I cannot believe how utterly awesome all the staff have been. The ambulance crew are just amazing, particularly in view of the amount of the times they get called to the house!. But the hospital are unbelievable. My dad kept saying they are treating me like a king. I dont need all this. He had a lovely young nurse allocated to him and she was so caring and gentle. We were put into a cubicle straight away. She took him to Xray and the CT scan and stayed with him. Everyone called him sir and treated him with the utmost of respect. I am overwhelmed really by the care he received.

Also the man with the tea trolley and the biscuits - a superstar at 3.00am. Hope the staff get to see this.


I cannot thank the theatre team and staff on ward 11 SAU enough. I was admitted with severe abdominal pain and quickly looked at and diagnosed with appendicitis. Within a few hours I was ready for surgery. The staff couldn't of been more helpful from start to finish constantly asking if I was OK and if they could get me anything. I'm ex military and know how difficult it is to do a job on a low budget but manners, a smile and respect cost nothing and you all excelled in every area. Well done.


April 16th: csection: I just wanted to say ..how amazing from start of my stay to leaving that the team who not only delivered my baby ..INCLUDING the doctor from Chicago to the aneathiatist that calmed me down..the nurses that took care of my baby straight away offering to capture precious moments...the recovery nurses that monitored me ....then the ward nurses that really do graft ... and even though they are stretched they have such patience... The whole of my stay including the lovely ladies that make the tea and changed my sheets..I just wanted to thank you all ... seriously deserve so much more than you are all due !! This was my third section and I can say it's been 8 years since my last stay and you can really see the improvements and the commitments made by the people that do the hard work ..that's the staff...despite all thrown at you ... YOUR DOING A GREAT JOB !!!


A MASSIVE thank you to all on ward 16 HDU.

We are just home today after a lengthy stay with my poorly baby boy.

From the minute we transferred here from a different hospital until the minute we left every single doctor and nurse that looked after us were truly amazing.

I am totally overwhelmed at the level of care we received.. nothing was too much trouble.. not just for my baby but me and dad too!

You should all be extremely proud of yourselves. God bless you all �

Thank you again xxxxxxxxx


My daughter had a baby tue 24th April ,and love to be able to say throughout the night ,she had a fantastic mid wife called Hollie ,she kept us all in good spirit and gave my daughter the upmost care .word are not enough to say how empathic this lady was .as I live in Ireland I would love throughout our h.s.e.and and Englands n.h.s to see more hollies ,people like her makes these environments so much more caring and comforting.


Would have liked to have given no stars. Went to this hospital today for my OGD under GA, got there went through the paperwork and then I noticed only half of the paper work was there,when asked about it, did not know what I was on about, I already told the nurse that I have problems with anaesthetics,and that I have to stay in overnight for observation the member of staff called in the anaesthetist which again I had to repeat, (2nd time) he did not know nothing about my problems, had to go through them again (3rd time). I felt the staff were not listening, and fobbing me off. My GP ordered this as urgent, (wanted this within 2 weeks) and it has now been 6 weeks since the first attempt under sedation failed. What is the point of having POA at another hospital if they cannot be bothered to send the paperwork or the staff at the Heartlands cannot be bothered to read the notes. This has upset me so much due to the total incompetence of admin and communication. This has now aggravated the condition, and no places next month, so that means I am going to waiting another 6 weeks to get things sorted. Hoping I can have my OGD at Good Hope which my GP requested in the first place, not to have the treatment changed by nursing staff. I live 1.5 hour drive away, as I live in Tamworth, could it be that I am not living local to the hospital that they want to be difficult or is it I am taking their resources form the local residents? Would like to hear from someone at this hospital. Or will this comment be ignored because they cannot be bothered to read the feedback? Shall have to wait and see


This hospital should be renamed to Heartless Hospital.

What an utter disgrace. Hospital is filthy staff are rude Night staff are rough.

One thing I fail to understand; please anyone feel free to enlighten me.

" if you don't like care work, you don't like looking after people changing beds. Please explain why do such a job, why gain a qualification in that field?" All I have heard is nurses/ care staff moaning about the elderly wetting themselves; moaning if having to attend to help.

It's shocking.

This hospital im 100% must employ the lowest forms of human beings possible for night shift.

Thank God I have a gob and the confidence to tell them exactly what I thought of them.

I hope when these lowlifes get old they are left to rot.


The women’s unit Worst place give birth and after is beyond me.basically left to struggle as staff have no time.stressful as new mom but then no care help at time when need it� lack support and just more pushing u from one area to another.the women’s unit never in my life again


The hospital is great dont get me wrong but the Caffeteria Freshers Cafe the staff there is horrible. We got our food from the main entrance and visiting our relations and we came there to eat and she stood up and imediately shouted at us that we cant eat there infront of about 20 people instead of just explaining to us and we told her that we didnt know that then she started arguing instead of acting proffesional. She is the worst person youve hired! I work in a big hospitality company and that is not how u approach anyone! Hope You sort out this issues. It doesnt make the hospital look great as everyone says. She couldve at least approached us in a discreet way instead of shouting infront of everyone.


The Dr’s and Nurses were wonderful, but, having to use the main A&E entrance doorway was humiliating. It was not even a corridor. The Ambulance initially took me to Solihull, 5 mins from my home, but on arrival, the crew had to return to the ambulance and take me 20 mins further to Heartlands. This was a warm summery Thursday evening, so with doors wide open ok. Last week I would have froze.

I couldn’t believe I had a canular fitted then IV fluids, with waste bins behind me and left there to allow the drugs to relax my muscles and allow my body to vomit.

All in front of everyone.

Final straw was I was put in the reception waiting area, for the all clear from the dr.

2 hours further I went to the desk and discharged myself. I just had to get out.

In the waiting area nurses were coming in to check BP’s and temps etc. On other patients, with the other questions you are asked. Again in front of the audience. Shocking.

I am glad this was the second episode of food getting stuck, as I knew what I needed to recover.

First time was 10 years ago, at Warwick Hospital, which was more scary as the Air Ambulance and ground crew were called.

I just want to forget it, feeling if I complain, it maybe futile.


So ward 3 think it’s completely acceptable to take you out of a cubicle in a&e and stick you in the corridor next to the entrance (even though the lady in a&e told him to leave me there if he doesn’t have the room and she was assured my bed was waiting). Visitors have walked past saying “good god is this a patient”

The staff on this ward need to grow up and stop behaving like playground bullies when given constructive non personal criticism.

On the bright side alli on ward 3 is a gem and all the staff in a&e were absolutely lovely.


Should be no stars,

My daughter was taken in with a slight brain bleed, which to me is serious being as she has history of brain surgery, but no , 3 hour wait , at this hospital after scan had been done at Solihull, the nurses are rude and inefficient , I you ask a question you don't get an answer, the place is filthy, I saw a cleaner cleaning the middle of the ward floor wit a dirty mop, didn't touch the sides, the whole hospital smells, the porters and younger nurses are a credit to this hospital though , hopefully we won't be having to go back there

If your on drugs or benefits this is where you get seen quickly , angers me when people who work and pay there N.I. contributions get shunned


My 87 year old mother has been in this sorry excuse of a hospital for a week now. The level of care is poor at best and now they've lost one if her hearing aids. Each time I've asked what they are doing they have checked her property record and seem to be trying to suggest we're lying about her having 2. Shoddy sub standard care all round it truly deserves the name heartless


I would not recommend anyone to give birth here my daughter was born here 3 years ago and the staff just ignore you and they never listen to you and they just all argue with each other my misses couldn’t wait to leave to go home!!!


Disgusting hospital - Ward 21 staff are appalling, the way they treat their elderly patients is a disgrace! My nan had obviously had stroke through the night whilst in their care and it took family members to bring it to the nursing staffs attention the next day as she had just been left. Other patients falling out of bed because staff would just ignore their calls for help, my family having to assist them to the toilet. Food being left on their table & families being told they refused to eat when they wasn't even offered any assistance. I witnessed 1 poor lady in a terrible state & when a relative phoned to check on them, they were told she was resting! I apologise to the very few good nurses on that ward but as relatives, PLEASE stay as much as possible with yr loved 1 on this ward because 90% of the time they ignored.


Didn't not want to give this a one star. I had to so I am able to leave a message. They should close this waste of time back. So in professional. My pregnant wife could not breath properly. Her face was tightening up her hands and feet. They had 6 nurses just chatting away when they can see people suffering. Only when I started to shout they thought they would see her. Even then instead of trying to give her oxygen they thought they would fill forms. On top of that the nurses would come into the room to talk about other things. The nurse who was asking questions thought I was ok with her to stop her job and start talking about other things with the nurses. In total I was there for 18hours only having to return for more scans

More about Heartlands Hospital

Heartlands Hospital is located at Bordesley Green East, B9 5PX Birmingham, United Kingdom
0121 424 2000