H.O.T Gym

Monday: 06:00 - 19:30
Tuesday: 06:00 - 19:30
Wednesday: 06:00 - 19:30
Thursday: 06:00 - 18:30
Friday: 06:00 - 19:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About H.O.T Gym

Offering the best possible service, helping people of all fitness levels improve their quality of life with community-based Strength + Conditoning programs



Mad to look back and appreciate how far #TeamHOT has come
We all start somewhere which important to remember
"We are what we repeatedly do"
... #TeamHOT
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Monthly open team Relay
Welcoming members and non members
60-90 minutes of team work and fun!


👏Pay as go option with a week free trial is now running at the gym 👏
Come join the classes and experience our Personal group training! No tie ins or commitments. Learn on the go and have fun with fitness 💪
... Message me to find out more and book in 👍
Why not sign up below and get stuck into our monthly open team event.
It's an awesome morning of Team exercise 💪
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Open to all abilities
Members and non members
Team fun
... Challenging workout but one which is sure to make you feel proud and push/encourage you to meet your goals 👍
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Members and non members welcome
Workout to be released closer to the date
Members £2 ... Non members £4
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**SLEIGH PULL 2017**
It's getting very close to that time again.
This is the 4th year doing this event in aid of the elderly people in Caithness.
Again I will be pulling a custom sleigh from Thurso Tesco to my gym in Ackergill, the reason for this event is to raise awareness and support for the elderly and some very vulnerable people in Caithness.
Food,clothing,toiletry donations are all welcome to help us make up fantastic Christmas hampers for Pulteney house to distribute around the area.
Donations can be collected in your own work place, club or wherever you work or help. Then of course feel free to pop out any donations to the gym (ackergill hall).
The last 3 years we managed to make over 300 hampers which is amazing.....can we put our hands together and make it 400?😁👍
Let's all do a little to help others, some are alone, with little or no family. It's getting colder and so with a little support this can help make Christmas Day that little bit merrier 👍
#TeamHOT #MuchMoreThanAGym #CaithnessSupporter #AppreciteThePlaceYouLiveIn
Please like and share
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Heading into November!
Lots of goals crushed but many more to achieve!
Make every moment count....💪🏃‍♀️🏃🏋
... No stone unturned
#TeamHOT #PersonalGroupTraining
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Well what can I say,never thought I'd see Ne-ze and gym in the same sentence!! �� I was so nervous walking through the door but was made to feel very welcome,everyone's so friendly and encouraging and Kris is just THEE best!! He definitely knows his stuff and is VERY patient,I really enjoy my time at the gym and the cracks always good ���


Well what can I say that hasn't been said before, joined Kris when he trailed doing the mobility and movement classes on a Sunday and basically never looked back. It may come as no surprise to some folk but I do other classes as well (it's my athletic body that gives it away�) but the gym is helping me to strengthen my various weak points. Kris encourages you to push your limits, never give up, set your goals no matter how small and reach beyond them. The one thing I have learnt is everybody's achievements are recognised, the people with you in the gym are with you all the way and I applaud everyone of you. As for me I will kill that TGU, it will not defeat me! as for all the rest bring it on, the only thing holding me back is me. Thanks Kris for teaching me that no move or exercise is to be feared, face it and crush it �


Well it's 7 weeks since I started the Gym. Never did I think I would love the gym. Kris is a great support & knows what is best. He has been very patient & very helpful in various exercises as to what suits the individual. This is not a faddy diet for me, it's a complete lifestyle change. If you want results Kris is the man for you. He'll whip you into shape if you want it, nobody can do this for you, you have to want it & with his motivation & the encouragement from ALL the members you will be the best version of you. �����


This has been the best desicion to join Kris's gym, I am a big girl that has struggled for years, I probably will still be a big girl, but hopefully fitter. Kris is very patient with me, but pushed me to my ability which I would never have done before. Being at the gym for nearly two months now I can see A big difference in my fitness already. One major issue was walking through the doors with everyone being there, but realise how lovely and supportive the gym family is. 💖 Would love to think I will still continue with this journey for a long time. Thanks Kris xx


This gym isn't a place you go to to either sweat the sh*t out of you or take some selfies after being on a treadmill......no the HOT gym builds strength making your body stronger for not only now but for years to come. Not only building stronger bodies for every day life but stronger minds & more importantly confidence. There are all different shapes, sizes, fitness levels & NO ONE judges that's the beauty of the gym!

If you get the chance to join the HOT gym don't waste the opportunity don't feel I can't go there cos i can't do this or that.....everyone started at the same place! You never workout alone either which makes it so much more fun.

I can only speak for myself but I just bloody love the gym, getting fitter & stronger for not only myself but my kids!!



The gym is brilliant ,Kris is very helpful and, always willing to encourage you to push your self that little bit harder. Delighted I finally joined.


Started with kris in january & its the best thing i have ever done.� I feel like a total dif person since having my 3 kids i lost all confidence in mysel & anxiety was an issue also.but since becoming a gym member i feel so much better in mysel & i feel great.kris is fab at wat he does & knos his stuff � everyone at the gym has made me feel welcome & no question is ever a bother to ask them.


So i thought my general fitness was ok, i have ran half marathons and alot of smaller races, but strength/toning excersizes was my downfall. I so far have attended kris's classes for around 6 weeks and already feel a difference as these are all the muscles that i just dont work. I find the routines great as they are short rounds and at your own ability. Everyone in the group is fab,friendly and always happy to help. Kris is encouraging but not pushy which is great to give you some time to build your confidence when starting something new. If i could attend more regularly i most definitely would ���


Never did I think I'd hear myself say I love going to the gym but I certainly say it about this one. Was so nervous about starting as I wasn't sure what to expect but after walking through the door and doing my first session I knew it was the right decision. There is no judgement and everyone is so friendly. Kris is fantastic and very approachable. I'm doing things already that I didn't think I'd ever be able to do. My fitness has already improved and I am looking forward to see where I'll be in months/years to come.


Never did I think I would see a day where I'd be going to a gym 6 days a week & enjoying it but here I am. I love this place & that everyday is different. You work to your own ability with Kris' support & knowledge every step of the way.

Everyone is so welcoming & encouraging. I love the hi fives, the pats on the back, the claps & the cheers. Every session gives me the best buzz & I am noticing real changes to my body shape.

For anyone looking to improve their health/fitness - TeamHOT is the place to go!!!


My experience so far 7 weeks in �

Bloody LOVE it.

If the gym is a place you love then the gym by the sea is for you �

I had my doubts at the start thinking oh they'll be all so experienced and I'll look like a 'fool' but that was so wrong, I didn't need experience or be super fit to join as Kris and Team Hot members could not have been more welcoming.

From start to finish what I've learned and experience gained from all the set out sessions, mobility, Movements, warm ups, core I could not have learned on my own going to a regular gym. Kris is always there giving positive criticism to learn you to be the best you�

In just 7 weeks I'm fitter and stronger with much more potential to gain even more. (I've even signed up to The Beast race� which I'd never have done before) so I've learned to always Challenge myself, don't take the easy route where possible! Surprising how fast an hour goes by when you're enjoying pushing yourself. Can't thank Kris enough and can't recommend him enough to anyone that is interested in gym life. #TeamHot #TeamHotMemberForLife #GymByTheSea


Kris was recommended to me by a friend at work who attends the gym. I have had bad joints since I was a teenager and regularly took medication to ease the pain. I joined the gym in January 2015 and struggled with most movements but Kris adapted them so that I could build up strength in my joints. I found it very difficult to begin with but after regular sessions I started to notice a difference and the movements began to get easier. I go to Kris' gym to stay healthy and to hopefully be pain free longer term. I have had next to no medication for over a year now and that is down to Kris and his guidance. He motivates you, encourages you to do well, everyone is friendly, we have a laugh and the music is great!


I've been going to Kris' gym for around 3 months now, and have to say it is one of the best decisions I've ever made! Everyone's so friendly, welcoming and encouraging and Kris is really motivating. There is a real team spirit with Kris' gym. Being totally new to the gym, I had no idea about any of the moves but Kris has a lot of patience and ensures you are performing every move correctly and to the best of your ability. Every session is well planned by Kris and varies the whole time, it never gets boring or repetitive. I've felt a real benefit since starting, getting fitter and stronger week by week and am looking forward to improving further as time goes on. Each session really pushes you and it really feels like an achievement every time. I would encourage anyone looking to improve their fitness and/ or strength to give it a go, as they won't regret it!


I went through a bad winter where I lost all my confidence but since joining the gym back in June, my confidence has gotten so much better which couldn't have been done if it wasn't for Kris and everyone at Team HOT! The gym has a great atmosphere and the classes are tailored to everyone, no matter if your a beginner or very advanced. Best gym I've ever been a part of!


I was a chunky teenager but worked hard in my mid 20's to combat this, I became quite fit running at least 6 miles 3 or 4 times a week until I fell pregnant in 2013. I didn't maintain any fitness during my pregnancy. With my fitness and therefore confidence at an all time low I gave myself a kick up the backside and joined Kris' Health Kick Program in January this year. I have since found out I have Hypothyroidism but I can honestly say that attending the classes make me feel so much better! Some days I am so tired I can barely drag myself out of the front door but Kris is such a great motivator that when I am at class I feel like the old fit and healthy me is back again! Attending is making me feel so much better and I have accepted I am a work in progress! Kris' ethos to our training is second to none, sessions are always varied with a fun element (I wouldn't necessarily class burpees in this fun element though!! ) I cannot recommend it enough. If you are swithering about joining the gym or one of the program's I would encourage you "don't think, just do it!!"


I started with kris when he was in reiss hall almost 4 years ago. I was very unfit and very nervous about going but do glad I did.

I absolutely love it and the team spirit is amazing.

I initially started to improve my fitness/cardio but since then I've found that I really enjoy lifting weights.

For me the gym started as a weight loss plan but now I go as I enjoy it and the banter is great so for me it's a social thing aswell �


I started the gym on 04/07/17 nervous as hell, and unsure if the gym is my thing! 7weeks later... I've definitely got the gym bug � love team H.O.T!! Everyone is so welcoming and supportive, somewhere you can achieve your goals and unlock some new ones ��� xx


I started the gym about 6 weeks ago not to say I was nervous but everyone is friendly and welcomes u in and helps u out! I just feel like one of the now! As for kris what can I say he is brilliant spend alot of time watching and helping u get the moves right! Magic I love the gym and doing weight best move I every made!


I have been training with kris for just over 2 months & I can't believe how much I am enjoying going to the gym, I never knew how much fun.....yes fun!!! It could be, the variation of workouts are great, I never get bored, I am slowly starting to see a difference in my body(it will take a long time for anyone else to notice) but I'm getting there, when I first started I couldn't do a sit up to save my life, today I just completed 100 along with burpees weight lifting, lunges & rowing .

The encouragement that kris & the other members have given me has been fantastic, I can't praise kris enough for the help & support he has given me. It has taken me a long time to finally get the courage to go to the gym but I'm so glad I did, if you are thinking of trying it I would say just 2 words....."do it" it's the best thing I have done in a long long time thanks kris & all the other members for your help & encouragement

More about H.O.T Gym

H.O.T Gym is located at Ackergill Hall, KW1 4RG Wick, Highland, United Kingdom
Monday: 06:00 - 19:30
Tuesday: 06:00 - 19:30
Wednesday: 06:00 - 19:30
Thursday: 06:00 - 18:30
Friday: 06:00 - 19:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -