I Yoga.Midlands

About I Yoga.Midlands

Yoga & Holistic Therapy



~ Yoga Misconception ~
You don't need to be super bendy or as strong as on Ox to practice yoga. Yoga isn't based on your ability to touch your toes or stand on your head. Yoga is about being kind to yourself, making time for yourself and accepting where you are right now.... Approaching yoga with mindfulness is the kindest gift you can give Yourself.
Happy Friday 🙏🏻
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Thank you I Yoga Yogis for joining me for this weeks practice. There are two spaces left for tonight's class at Namaste, Wylde Green, at 7pm. If you would like to roll out a mat and join us for tonight's meditation, yoga and relaxation class you can - Text - 07939547392 Email - IYoga.midlands@gmail.com... Fb - Private Message - IYoga.midlands
Looking forward to seeing you there
Angie 🙏🏻
#yogawyldegreen #yogasuttoncolfield #yogaclassesbirmingham
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FlashbackFriday to the banks of Mother Ganga,India, nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas and enjoying a Mehndi moment 🙌🏻 It's time to free up some storage on my phone and it's a good time to do it.
We are in Ayurvedic spring just now, a time to clear out the old and begin with new fresh enthusiasm. Okay so it maybe freezing outside and snowing in many areas but rest assured that beneath the ground nature is getting busy.
... Decluttering our personal space, Negative behavioural patterns, Wardrobes of unwanted clothes, Unhappy jobs, Non positive mindsets........ Get rid of it or take steps to change it. It's a perfect time, New year resolutions may have fallen by the wayside but that doesn't mean you have to, we have a whole year ahead of us to transform into. Like the new beginnings of nature that has been resting and now starting to move forward.
Now is the time for mindful change 🙏🏻
#flashbackfriday #yoga #yogabirmingham #yogasuttoncoldfield #iyogamidlands
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Warm hugs and thank you's going out to I Yoga Yogis for braving this chilly weather to come to classes this week. I know some of you did have second thoughts about sofa, fire and tv V meditation, yoga and relaxation. Yoga prevails 😉😁🙏🏻 Have a great weekend and Stay Warm 🙏🏻 Angie x


A few spaces are still available for the New Yoga classes at Namaste, Wylde Green, starting Tuesday 29th and Thursday 31st January.
If you would like to join us contact Angie by Text - 07939547392 Email - IYoga.midlands@gmail.com... FB private message
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Hi I Yoga yogis, I hope you enjoyed the class with sub teacher Kate tonight!! Don't worry I haven't been slacking, and I'll be back with you next Monday. Tonight I took part in a course run by our local ambulance team to learn how to use the new defibrillators that are being appointed around the Midlands and at two of my class venues. Although I hold a current first aid certificate, it's really beneficial to have these devices at hand locally and the knowledge to know how ...to use them. There will be another course available in March if any of you would like to take part, just text or message me and I will be happy to send you the information.
Angie 🙏
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Happy Thursday
~ Palo Santo ~ Smudging, Clearing and Inviting Positive energy
Did I mention how much I love these little sticks? ..... (Ermm, probably once or twice on the Group page).
... I've been using Palo Santo (Holy Wood) for some months now and I'm really grateful to have found a Local supplier at Namaste, Wylde Green, instead of ordering online.
Reponsibly resourced, Palo Santo also known as Holy Wood is such a beautiful source to use if you feel stagnant, collecting negative energies throughout your day or if you feel like shedding a skin and starting afresh. It's my Go to if I feel like this.
I've just picked up a fresh bundle from Namaste, Wylde Green where I'll be starting new Yoga classes next week on Tuesday mornings 10.30am and Thursday evenings 7.00pm.
If you are interested in these gorgeous little sticks I will be happy to share more information with you after Yoga, and you'll have the opportunity to purchase some for yourself downstairs in the Namaste shop.
Angie 🙏
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Well done I Yoga yogis! A very well deserved svasana at the end of class. Everyone practiced beautifully tonight, connecting breath, mind and body in every asana, even the unfamiliar ones. I'm incredibly grateful for your constant attendance and enthusiasm and for welcoming new faces so kindly into our little group. It's such a pleasure to be a part of your week.
... Namaste 🙏
Angie x
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Good evening I Yoga yogis, Ok so the snow may not be serious just yet but it's still quite slippy underfoot. The entrance to the hall has been gritted but the public paths are a little icy, please be careful on your way to class tonight.
See you later for a nice warming class at Banners Gate.
... Namaste 🙏
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Whether you are new to yoga or already have a practice, join me for new weekly classes at Namaste, Wylde Green starting -
* Tuesday - 29th January at 10.30am and
* Thursday - 31st January at 7.00pm
... Learn how to approach Yoga in a safe, mindful and accessible practice suited to your own individual ability and enjoy the benefits of what Yoga as a whole can do for you.
To reserve your space or for more information contact Angie
Text - 07939547392 FB - Private message Email - IYoga.midlands@gmail.com
Mats available on request
Namaste 🙏🏻 #wyldegreenyoga #yogasuttoncoldfield #yogaclasses
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Whether you are new to Yoga or already have a practice, come and join me at Namaste, Wylde Green for new weekly classes starting -
* Tuesday 29th at 10.30am and
* Thursday 31st January at 7.00pm
... Learn how to approach yoga in a safe, mindful and accessible practice suited to your own individual ability and enjoy the benefits of what Yoga as a whole can do for you.
To reserve your space or for more information contact Angie
Text - 07939547392 Fb - private message Email - IYoga.midlands@gmail.com
Mats are available on request
Namaste 🙏🏻
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Did you feel it? Who felt unusually tired lastnight, almost as though you were being gently pulled in a different direction. It was the Moon and the wonderful arrival of January's Super Blood Wolf Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse between the 20th and 21st 🌚 and its devine alignment with the sun.
Thank you to those who joined me for Chandra Namaskar in place of Primary series, grounding and letting go of tensions, unwanted emotions with apana mudra meditation, and inviting empower...ing and inspiring new beginnings. Namaste 🙏
Although it was an Ashtanga rest day, Full moon rituals started a little earlier for me, collecting my crystals for a supermoon cleanse, taking a little longer than usual on my Ayurvedic self massage with essential oils (abhyanga), and eating my final Kitchari meal followed with a wonderful meditation and theta waves before heading off to class.
I hope you all enjoyed this beautiful occasion, the clouds may have hidden this beautiful sight but the energy was most apparent 😊
Thankfully, i had the privilege to witness the approaching moon the night before, it certainly looked like its was going to be a wondrous display.
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🕉 So happy to be sharing new classes at Namaste healing centre and crystal shop 🕉
I'll be holding classes on Tuesday mornings at 10.30am and Thursday evenings at 7pm
Join me for beginner friendly Yoga and Meditation 🙏
... Wylde Green, B23 5TN
Text 07939547392 or FB message if you would like more details
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Happy New Year 🙏 Welcoming 2019 and easing myself in gently. How often we rush into the new year with all good intentions and resolutions only to have them fall by the wayside shortly after. Within the traditional practice of Sankalpa (or resolve/intention) we can honour ourselves and plant a seed that can be nurtured and strengthened over time. With the realization that we already own the tools for transformation within us.... Investing in ourselves and allowing us the time to nuture our own needs, can create a beautiful sense of wellbeing to support us throughout the coming years. Embrace this new beginning and create a sankalpa that honours you.
With that said, regular Yoga classes and holistic treatments will resume from Monday 7th January.
If you would like more class or treatment details you can email me at Iyoga.midlands@gmail.com or fb private message.
Namaste 🙏
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Truly Grateful to our services and care keepers 🙏🏻💞🙌🏻


I have my mornings free for a short while and can't resist the opportunity to get out into nature, my favourite place. This time of year can leave us feeling rushed, anxious, overwhelmed not to mention the cold winds, dark days and nights and gloominess of it all. But sometimes there is a little break in the grey skies and it's the perfect time to take a peek outside and enjoy absorbing the warmth of the brief appearance of the sun and it's beautiful energy. As we leave Vata... season and transition into Kapha, there is no better time to start moving again with purpose. It's so easy to stay snuggled up on the sofa but this is the time we need to start focusing on us and what we want for the year ahead. The holiday festivities will surely take preference but keeping that mindset for the following start of a new year in your mind will help you reach it, and getting outside with our brief sunlight really helps. Embrace it when you have the opportunity and let it fuel your soul 🙏🏻 #iyogamidlands #yogasuttoncoldfield #selfcare
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Totally loving these I Yoga yogis, for releasing the fear and embracing the foundations to flee the nest and take flight in Crow pose this week. We've been on a learning journey to build confidence, strength, understanding of breath change and the necessity of drishti for balancing poses and its certainly paying off. Well Done I Yoga yogis 🙏 #yoga #iyogamidlands #yogasuttoncoldfield #practiceandalliscoming

More about I Yoga.Midlands

I Yoga.Midlands is located at B72 1RE Birmingham, United Kingdom