Jenny Joseph Reflexology

Monday: 12:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 12:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 15:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 19:00
Friday: 14:00 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Jenny Joseph Reflexology

Jenny Joseph's Reflexology Facebook Page

Jenny Joseph Reflexology Description

I qualified as a Reflexologist in 2006 having been interested in the therapy for some years previously. I have over 35 years experience of working in the NHS as a hospital nurse, practice nurse and most recently as a Health Visitor prior to my early retirement in 2015. Reflexology has taught me so much more about how our bodies work and how we can promote our own well being!
My Qualifications:
Previously registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council until November 2015:
*Registered General Nurse (RGN) Registered Sick Children’s nurse (RSCN) Queen Elizabeth School of Nursing, Birmingham. 4 years completed 1984.
*Registered Specialist Public Health Nurse (Health Visitor) University of Central England 1 year completed 1989
*Level 3 diploma Reflexology Oak Tree School of Reflexology Worcester 13 months completed July 2006
Maternity Reflexology with Expectancy Ltd completed April 2015
Plus numerous seminars on various topics related to reflexology.
Advanced facial reflexology 2018

Currently training as a Bach Flower Remedy practitioner - 2019

I am obliged to undertake continual professional development in order to maintain my registration with the AOR and CHNC (Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council see www. uk) and am fully insured.

I am secretary of the Warwickshire AOR group.

What is reflexology?
Reflexology is an ancient therapy that has been practiced for over 5000 years and was introduced to the western world over 100 years ago. It is a non intrusive complementary therapy. It can be received by anyone, at any age. A Reflexologist applies pressure to specific points on the feet, lower leg and hands, sometimes on the face or ears.
Clinical Reflexology is different to Reflexology experienced in a spa or beauty salon, as it involves taking a detailed medical and lifestyle history, is more specific, and treatment plan is prepared according to the individuals health needs.

Reflexologists work holistically and can help you get involved in mitigating the stresses that impact on your life and help you achieve optimum health. Improved wellbeing is much more than the absence of illness; it encompasses an improved frame of mind, better relationships with others and increased sense of wellbeing.

The hours stated on this FB page are my normal working hours, I have some flexibility.

I offer home visits at a £10 surcharge, plus 45p per mile if in excess of 10 mile radius of Warwick town.



Did you know you might be able to claim for your reflexology treatments if you have one of these plans? It’s worth taking a look!


Couldn’t agree more!


Absolutely fascinating, safe for everyone and effective. Having been aware of and using rescue remedy for years, I’m now learning the use of the entire system of 38 remedies... will be adding this to my reflexology practice by the end of 2019.👣


So very true


Some of my clients are able to claim money back for having reflexology treatments - it's worth checking if you have a policy with health shield ( or bupa, or axa ppp)!


Well after a very busy year, I am back, with a new look Facebook page! A lot has happened since my last post here.... I have completed the advanced training in facial reflexology...and many clients are giving fabulous feedback, some even preferring it to foot reflexology. I attended a wonderful Reflexology conference in March where I learnt more in 3 days than I thought possible and had the opportunity to network with Reflexologists from across the globe. The clinic in Leek W...ootton, where I practice has had a change of ownership and is now known as Lyra Beauty and I have changed my regular slot to Tuesday evenings. appointments are scheduled at 7, 8 and 9 pm. Reluctantly, I gave up my sessions at The New Dispensary doctors surgery as the sessions had to be during surgery hours and most of my clients need or prefer evening appointments. Some also commented that they didn't really like the environment being so clinical. However, the demand for home visits has increased dramatically and in one household I have 4 clients! I now provide reflexology as a volunteer at the Aylesford Unit Warwick hospital, which is a wonderful place to work - the staff and patients are amazing. So, enough about me, time to think about you and your well being and how reflexology might be just what you need.... I hope to see you soon 👣
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I am delighted to announce that I am now able to offer Bergman method facial reflexology treatments, having trained with Ziggie Bergman in London. If you thought foot reflexology was good - wait until you try this! Facial reflexology helps re balance the body and provides an invaluable way of reducing the effects of stress. Email me soon if you would like to book a treatment, limited slots available. £45 - 60 minute appointment, or combine with a foot reflexology appointment 90 mins - £60 Gift vouchers available


Forgot to say it's at 5.45pm!


Good morning! Due to a last minute cancellation I have an appointment free tonight at the Warwickshire wellbeing clinic. £25 instead of £35 offered to the first person to txt me on 07736718717 Jenny 👣


April is Stress Awareness Month
This has been held very April since 1992: "Health Care professionals and health promotion experts across the country join forces to increase public awareness about the causes and cures for our modern epidemic"
Having times in our life when we feel stressed and anxious is normal and if it is for a short duration, may help us achieve a goal or perform better.... However, long term stress can effect many systems in our body - the Cardio-pulmonary-vascular system prepares us to fight or run away, heart rate and blood pressure increase. Breathing becomes more rapid and shallow. The muscular system tenses, (in anticipation of a blow/injury) this sustained muscular pressure develops into aches and pains. Pain perception is reduced in order to keep fighting or running for as long as possible. The digestive system will be deprived of blood in order to send oxygen to body parts needed for fighting or running away, this results in a sick feeling in the stomach, cramps and irritation. Blood is directed away from the urinary system and as a result of this we loose voluntary control over the muscles of the urinary system, resulting in loosing the ability to "hold on" until a convenient time, this gives a powerful and frequent desire to urinate. The reproductive system is considered by the body to be irrelevant in times of great stress, so, blood supply to these organs is restricted, leading to malfunction.
All of this is thought to be responsible for many illnesses.
We need to take responsibility for our lifestyles and the effect our stress levels affect our health. One very good way to do this is to try Reflexology.... Reflexology helps us relax, improves mood, aids sleep and helps relieve tension. It can also improve ones sense of well being.
I am supporting Stress Awareness month and would encourage you to book a treatment today. Treatments booked and taken in April,with reference to this post will be offered at £30 instead of the usual £35 and a course of 4 treatments, paid in advance for £100.
Although in times of stress it can feel like it would be impossible to take an hour out of your hectic life, if you make this first step, it may help you feel like you can take control again and you are likely to become more productive and you may feel generally happier as a result. See what others have written on this page about their experiences...

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April is Stress Awareness Month
This has been held very April since 1992: "Health Care professionals and health promotion experts across the country join forces to increase public awareness about the causes and cures for our modern epidemic"
Having times in our life when we feel stressed and anxious is normal and if it is for a short duration, may help us achieve a goal or perform better.... However, long term stress can effect many systems in our body - the Cardio-pulmonary-vascular system prepares us to fight or run away, heart rate and blood pressure increase. Breathing becomes more rapid and shallow. The muscular system tenses, (in anticipation of a blow/injury) this sustained muscular pressure develops into aches and pains. Pain perception is reduced in order to keep fighting or running for as long as possible. The digestive system will be deprived of blood in order to send oxygen to body parts needed for fighting or running away, this results in a sick feeling in the stomach, cramps and irritation. Blood is directed away from the urinary system and as a result of this we loose voluntary control over the muscles of the urinary system, resulting in loosing the ability to "hold on" until a convenient time, this gives a powerful and frequent desire to urinate. The reproductive system is considered by the body to be irrelevant in times of great stress, so, blood supply to these organs is restricted, leading to malfunction.
All of this is thought to be responsible for many illnesses.
We need to take responsibility for our lifestyles and the effect our stress levels affect our health. One very good way to do this is to try Reflexology.... Reflexology helps us relax, improves mood, aids sleep and helps relieve tension. It can also improve ones sense of well being.
I am supporting Stress Awareness month and would encourage you to book a treatment today. Treatments booked and taken in April,with reference to this post will be offered at £30 instead of the usual £35 and a course of 4 treatments, paid in advance for £100.
Although in times of stress it can feel like it would be impossible to take an hour out of your hectic life, if you make this first step, it may help you feel like you can take control again and you are likely to become more productive and you may feel generally happier as a result. See what others have written on this page about their experiences...

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More about Jenny Joseph Reflexology

0773 6718717
Monday: 12:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 12:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 15:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 19:00
Friday: 14:00 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -