Jess Barlow - Zeal Living

About Jess Barlow - Zeal Living

Entrepreneur building an empire. Perfectly positive. Attract and believe in the good.



Egg, spinach and tomato with mixed seeds. A nice balanced, warm, healthy, protein rich way to start the day рҹ’—
#instafood #yummy #tasty #foodstagram #breakfast #healthy #healthyfood #protein #eggs #spinach #mixedseeds #balanceddiet #goodbreakfast


Sunday afternoon baking.
в–«пёҸCherry trifles with coconut milk topping sprinkled with mulled linseed and chia. A nice alternative for dairy.
в–«пёҸA fresh baked vanilla sponge with home made toffee sauce and butter cream filling, topped with golden crunch and toffee and a side of home made whipping cream.
... It's a nice way to spend a few hours, relaxing and family time рҹ’—
#food #foodie #trifle #jelly #coconut #coconutmilk #chia #chiaseeds #mulledlinseed#linseed #cake #spinhe #vanillasponge #toffeesauce #toffee #buttercream #homemade #homemadebaking #baking #family #familytime #relaxing #love #happiness #grateful
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Home made sushi рҹ’— except without the fish haha. Not a fan of fish.
But this is carrot and avocado sushi with soy dip. My lunch today рҹҷҢ
#sushi #avocado #carrot #food #foodie #happy #lunch #tasty #healthy


More pie! But this time with parsnip and carrot Nash and oven baked broccoli...I really do love eating рҹ’—
#pie #food #morefood #alwayseating #foodie #happy #happyplace #positive #grateful #parsnip #carrot #broccoli #dinner


Pies!! рҹҷҢрҹ’—
I had a taste for pies....and they were sooo good. I'm definitely a fan of @toppingspies
Go get some pies
... #pies #toppings #toppingspies #food #foodie #lovetood ##happy #coffee #coffeelover #coffeewitheverything #myplace
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This is so true in so many situations. Whatever yours is, just know and believe you can do it and sooner than you think, you'll be there рҹ’—
For me, overcoming injury has been my weakness. As soon as I felt the smallest niggle, I quit. I used my injuries as an excuse to not carry on...
... because 'I am not strong enough'...
... What we tell ourselves and what we are capable of are two very different things.
How bad has the world become when we can only criticise?
Don't do that but instead see all the worth that you are and of that around you. I can guarantee it's a much better way to spend you time and live your life рҹ’—
Today I squatted for 40 minutes straight, changing styles from front, back and zerchers. I then did leg curls from 18kg to 52kg for 10 reps on each weight. I used the leg press the same. Leg extensions...I smashed that too and plate squats.
Today I didn't quit! Today I stayed strong and believed I could do it!
#gymlife #strong #gym #neverquit #believe #believeinyourself #keepgoing #squats #legpress #legcurls #legextensions #overcome #nodoubts #grateful #positive
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A full fruit bowl is a pretty fruit bowl рҹҘ°
One of our favourite things in my family is a nice full fruit bowl we can get at whenever we like.
The problem here is that it never lasts. The fruit is gone within 2 days рҹҳӮ
... I guess there could be worse things we eat haha
#fruit #fruitbowl #somuchfruit #food #foodie #freshfruit #apples #bananas #plums #oranges #healthyfood #healthysnack #healthy #goodsnack #pretty #grateful #happy
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Quick pitstop at @pizzahut for lunch earlier.
Love the pizza buffet, all you can eat. 3 plates later and sale for a balanced dietрҹҳү рҹҳӮ
#pizza #pizzahut #pitstop #food #foodie #lunch #buffet #pizzabuffet #salad #whoneedsadiet #happy #grateful


What do you do when you have a craving for something sweet?
You bake of course рҹҳҒ
Cinnamon muscovado sugar cookies (which are sooo tasty and soft) home made toffee sauce, butterscotch sauce and lemon curd рҹ’—
... I think this sates my sugar needs for a little while рҹҷҢ
...and now for coffee haha
#baking #food #cookies #homemade #toffee #toffeesauce #butterscotch #butterscotchsauce #lemon #lemoncurd #foodie #lovefood #cooking #enjoyinglife #happy #muscovado #eating #sugar #sugarcookies #tasty #winning #coffee #coffeelover #coffeewitheverything
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If you know me, then you know getting hungry all the time is something I'm known for...I cannot stop eating. I am always wanting to eat something else. I love food.
So here's what happens when you're being healthy and get really hungry. A large bowl full of about 500g if fresh raspberries and blueberries рҹ’—
Let's see how long I'm satisfied for
... #food #foodie #hungry #health #healthyfood #healthyliving #healthyoption #raspberries #blueberries #alwayseating #happy #lovefood #grateful #tasty #fruit #fresh #freshfruit
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Pre-workout for the gym today
Got a nice 2 hour shoulder and back workout in. I'm feeling good from an endorphin release and happy with my progress рҹҷҢрҹ’—
#gym #gymtime #gymlife #weightlifting #preworkout #food #foodie #coffee #coffeelover #endorphins #endorphinrelease #happy #progress #grateful #shoulderworkout #backworkout #training


What happens when you but squeezy condensed milk? ...other than just squeezing it into your mouth рҹҳӮ
The result is soft, fluffy raspberry and caramelized lemon loaf cake рҹ’—
Just perfect for those days you need a little sugar in your life рҹҷҢ
... #cake #homebaking #baking #raspberryandlemon #loafcake #cooking #raspberry #lemon #homemade #tasty #food #foodie #foodlover #treats #cheatday #condensedmilk #happy #enjoyinglife #positive #grateful #familytime #family
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Time to eat рҹҷҢрҹ’—
Rye Crispbreads topped with avocado, fresh cooked chicken and chilli, and as a side fresh cooked gammon.
A good bit of food after training in the gym today, after fighting temptation of McDonald's and cakes haha
... I am so grateful for what I have рҹ’—
#gym #training #gymtime #fitness #fit #healthy #healthyfood #healthyoptions #food #foodie #lovefood #foodlover #gymlover #loveyourself #happy #happyplace #strong #avacado #chicken #gammon #meat #ryebread #healthyliving #positive #gratitude #grateful
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I love the fact the my sister lives next door but one to me...not only does it mean family is close but it means that we get treats breakfast made on Christmas morning by my brother in law рҹ’— . I am always so grateful for what and who is around me рҹҷҢ (not just when they bring me food рҹҳү). . . #breakfast #christmas #breakfastonchristmas #family #sister #brotherinlaw #bacon #egg #baconandeggs #winning #lovinglife #food #foodie #grateful


When you're hungry so have all the food together, no starters here рҹҳӮ Pizza Hut Restaurants UK It never lasts 5minutes when we're around. But it tasted so good. New Orleans Chicken pizza, garlic bread with cheese, BBQ chicken wings, cheesy bites, jalapeno poppers, unlimited salad and salted caramel cookie dough with ice cream... рҹ’— What dreams are made of... . . .... . . . #food #livefood #lovefood #foodie #pizza #pizzahut #cookiedough #chicken #bbq #happy #happyplace
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I got the gym hard. I had two sessions in that day and I made progress. You shouldn't train silly but you should channel your emotions well and use that fuel as energy. . I was able to do that. Each exercise was done for 8-10 reps for 5 sets. . I worked to 45kg on the diverging seated row. I did this twice as I used the alternate grips for the second time, 50kg on the lat pulldown and around 27kg for facepulls.... . I then did to 45kg in the leg extension and to 45kg on the leg curl (I haven't lifted these in a long time). The stack (91kg) on the prone for hip lifts on both and calf raises and 64kg on single leg hip lifts. I also did 41kg on the prone using it in the traditional sense. . I worked until I no longer felt the way I did. I worked until I felt better. Training is a release and I worked until I reached a point where I knew I was ok. We all deal with things differently. The gym is mine and I am proud I am making progress. . . . . . #gym #progress #ProgressNotPerfection #liftingweights #strength #strengthtraining #strong #legcurl #legextension #emotion #seatedrow #latpulldown #training #power #gymlife #push #pull #pushyourlimits #livesore #livesorenation #grind #resistancetraining #doyoueven #doyouevenlift
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What an incredible turn out for our training last night!!! рҹҷҢрҹҸјрҹ‘Җрҹ‘©рҹҸ»вҖҚрҹ’»рҹ‘ЁрҹҸјвҖҚрҹ’ »
516 people spent an hour of their time with us learning how to use social media to earn five figures online.
The group closed after the training but people keep adding themselves in to watch it, which is great рҹ‘ҚрҹҸј
... So weвҖҷve decided to keep the group open for a few more days so that as many people as possible can learn from this free training!!
рҹ‘ҮрҹҸјрҹ‘ҮрҹҸјрҹ‘ҮрҹҸј guresAndAbundance
If youвҖҷre genuinely looking for a way out of your job, or would like to try something new If you want to travel the world and take your work with you. If you simply want more time and money for the important things in life.
Then this is the solution!!!
Our teams are smashing 5 Figure Months consistently рҹ’ҘрҹҡҖ
Want to be one of them? рҹӨ”рҹӨ”
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Below is a short video of my coach, Adam. Give it a watch! рҹҺ¬рҹ‘ҮрҹҸјрҹ‘ҮрҹҸјрҹ‘ҮрҹҸј
Are you thinking вҖңthereвҖҷs more to life?вҖқ
... Are you in the same position that he was, before he became a successful online business owner?
In less than 24 hours, we are going live to show you how we have made the transition to online entrepreneurs!
We will teach you how to use social media and create a business from it рҹҳҺ
As Napolean Hill, author of my favourite entrepreneurial book said;
We are currently putting the finishing touches on this presentation - you absolutely cannot miss it if youвҖҷre looking to make a real change in your life.
рҹ‘ҮрҹҸјрҹ‘ҮрҹҸјрҹ‘ҮрҹҸјрҹ‘ҮрҹҸјрҹ‘ҮрҹҸјр ҹ‘ҮрҹҸјрҹ‘ҮрҹҸјрҹ‘ҮрҹҸјрҹ‘ҮрҹҸјрҹ‘ҮрҹҸјр ҹ‘ҮрҹҸјрҹ‘ҮрҹҸј
If you would like access to this EXCLUSIVE, limited time training... Type вҖңTRAININGвҖқ below!
Or request to join the group рҹ‘ҮрҹҸј
HereвҖҷs the link to the group:вҖҰ/FastTrackToF iveFiguresAndAbundaвҖҰ/
We go LIVE at рҹ‘ү[9pm GMT on Wednesday]рҹ‘Ҳ - put it in your calendar and get ready for some massive value!!!
рҹ”Ҙ See you soon!!
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Let me tell you a short story. Its only a 3 Minute Readрҹ’Ҙрҹ’Ҙ
Not many of you know what I have been up to in my spare time because I have often held the fear of what people will think. But I no longer hold this fear, nor worry anymore what they think. I am doing for me and my family and I am so glad I have...
This is my online business coach + mentor Ad Gateley
...Continue Reading


Jess, thank you for your constant support, wisdom, and inspiration. This business venture was a big risk for me but you helped me dive into my fears head on & I have grown and learned more then I ever thought possible because of it.

Not one question or concern I have had hasnвҖҷt been promptly and throughly answered by Jess or one of her amazing team members.

I truly appreciate the personalized care and support you give me on the daily.

With her kind of energy, enthusiasm, and knowledge, success is the only possible outcome.


Jess is incredible! She is an inspiration to me as well as others! Making moves and succeeding in the Online world, much like she has motivated me to do!! Thank you for your positive energy and keeping me on track! You are a rock star рҹӨ©

More about Jess Barlow - Zeal Living

Jess Barlow - Zeal Living is located at DN50PP Bentley, Doncaster, United Kingdom