Kundalini Yoga Coventry

About Kundalini Yoga Coventry

Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan



Just a reminder that there’s no class this Wednesday. I’m looking forward to sharing something new with you all on Wednesday 29th August. See you then 🙏


Enjoy this Celestial Communication with Adi Mantra from this year’s European Kundalini Yoga Festival ❤️


‘The center of understanding in our body’s nervous system is controlled by the navel point.’ Yogi Bhajan Tonight’s class we’ll work with Nabhi Kriya to activate the navel and follow with a series of breath work for increased clarity and a sense of balance. See you all 7.30pm at Baginton Village Hall 🙏


I’m sorry for the late notice but there will be no class tomorrow evening due to unforeseen circumstances. There’s always a flip side though and that is a free couple of hours for you to do something positive for yourself - a personal practice of your favourite meditation or Kriya perhaps? I’ll miss you all and meantime will be busy planning a great class for next week 🙏


❤️ Tonight we’ll be dancing to the beat of the drum in the Kundalini Kriya for the Heart, Shoulders and Circulation. We’ll follow with the silent ‘Meditation for a Calm Heart’ to leave us all beautifully relaxed and rejuvenated. See you all this evening, 7.30pm at Baginton Village Hall 🙏


Tonight we’ll share the Siri Gaitri Mantra, said to ‘capture the radiant healing energy of the cosmos, as a gem captures the light of the sun’. In preparation we’ll practice the Kriya for Elevation, which systematically exercises the spine and aids in circulation of the prana to balance the chakras. Looking forward to seeing you all 7.30pm 🙏


Which mantra are you playing on repeat? Important to note they work for men too! 🙏


Have you ever been drawn to certain people and felt an instant connection, like you’ve somehow known them before? This is the Pituitary Gland.
Tonight’s class we’ll be practicing the Kundalini Pituitary Gland Series 🙏
Often called the master gland, the pituitary controls several other endocrine glands in the body, including the thyroid, adrenals and reproductive glands. It secretes hormones that affect growth, blood pressure, protein synthesis, digestion, and our ability to b...ond with others.
Here’s an interesting piece about the golden chord between the pineal and pituitary glands in relation to addictions: https://www.3ho.org/…/how-understanding -addiction-and-pitui…
See More


While the energy of the season calls us to be more external, we can find ourselves in the heat of full summer, naturally wanting to slow down, to delay non-essential tasks. I’ve selected a balancing Kriya for tonight’s class, Nabhi Kriya for Prana-Apana, followed by a meditation for the heart with the beautiful Mangala Charn Mantra. See you all 7.30, at Baginton Village Hall 🙏


This Wednesday we’ll share the beautiful Antar Naad Meditation in the energy of the full moon. Antar Naad opens the flow of the Kundalini and engenders peace and security. The approaching strawberry full moon brings the opportunity to release blockages and plant seeds of intention.
Looking forward to seeing you all Wednesday, 7.30pm at Baginton Village Hall 🙏


Love and light to all this Summer Solstice 🌞
"Even after all this time, the Sun never says to the Earth, you owe me. Look what happens with a love like that. It lights up the whole world." Hafiz
There’s still time to enjoy a free class with our anniversary offer, Wednesday evenings 7.30-9pm at Baginton Village Hall 🙏


Tonight’s class is a dynamic Kundalini Kriya for Self-empowerment, expressing the full vitality of the season as we approach tomorrow’s Summer Solstice. After a deep relaxation we’ll finish with the Adi Shakti Meditation. See you all this evening 🙏


Tomorrow’s new moon in Gemini is a perfect opportunity to set a new cycle in motion. If you’re considering beginning a daily practice this is a great time to start. Committing to a practice for 40 days, you begin to break negative habits and experience the expansion possible through your chosen Kriya or meditation. What will you choose to manifest? 💫
Attending a weekly Kundalini Yoga class is a great way to support you on your path. There’s power in coming together. See you all tomorrow, 7.30pm at Baginton Village Hall 🙏


Looking forward to class this evening where we’ll be revisiting the wonderful Kirtan Kriya, shown to enhance brain function through activation of the five senses. We’ll prepare with Surya Kriya, celebrating the Summer Sun 🌞 and follow with a deep relaxation. See you all later 🙏
https://www.psychologytoday.com/…/yoga- and-kirtan-kriya-med…


⭐️⭐️⭐️ Don’t Miss Our 1 Year Anniversary Offer ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Are you considering trying a Kundalini Yoga class or returning to a regular class? In celebration of 1 Year of classes at Baginton Village Hall you’re warmly invited to try your first class for free from now til the end of June. Register in advance for six consecutive classes during this time and pay just £30.00 (representing a third off our regular price).
You’ll be assured of a warm welcome, or welcome back! 🙏


Love everything about this yoga class. Thank you. �


Kundalini Yoga with Geraldine is mind blowing ... one of the most amazing experiences I have had � I would recommend anybody who is interested in re-aligning the mental, physical and emotional body to try Geraldine's class. A very caring, kind and friendly person too


Incredibly beautiful and so healing. A safe and sacred space inclusive of all no matter age or ability. Facilitated by a gifted and intuitive teacher ���


Love everything about this yoga class. Thank you. �


Kundalini Yoga with Geraldine is mind blowing ... one of the most amazing experiences I have had � I would recommend anybody who is interested in re-aligning the mental, physical and emotional body to try Geraldine's class. A very caring, kind and friendly person too


Incredibly beautiful and so healing. A safe and sacred space inclusive of all no matter age or ability. Facilitated by a gifted and intuitive teacher ���

More about Kundalini Yoga Coventry

Kundalini Yoga Coventry is located at Coventry, United Kingdom
07811 385699