Laura Stannard Herbalist

Monday: -
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:30
Wednesday: 10:00 - 17:30
Thursday: 10:00 - 17:30
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Laura Stannard Herbalist

I am a medical herbalist consulting patients from Stoke-on-Trent, Newcastle-under-Lyme, North Staffordshire, South Cheshire, and Shropshire. I qualified in 1994 and have been a member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists since then.

Laura Stannard Herbalist Description

I am trained in Western Herbal Medicine and am registered with the National Institute of Medical Herbalists (NIMH) www. uk

Further details about my practice can be found on my website
www. themedicalherbalist. co. uk

My philosophy is that life is to be enjoyed. It is difficult to enjoy life when a health problem gets in the way.

I take a holistic approach to illness, aiming to identify and deal with the underlying cause of a health problem rather than just treating the symptoms. My aim is to work with my patients so that they either no longer suffer from the problem they consulted me about, or to help them manage as much of their condition as possible so that their lives are not dominated by their health problems.

In my practice I work to help my patients get well, stay well and continue to be as healthy as they can. I aim to help my patients take all the measures they can to help them to enjoy as healthy life as possible.

I use a variety of therapeutic approaches including herbal medicine and nutritional advice, with advice on diet and lifestyle. I have a wide breadth of expertise and knowledge to help my patients in health and healing.

As a herbalist, the medicines I use for my patients are just herbs - no animal products, and no endangered species. I will spend about an hour with a patient finding out what their health problem is, when it started and what their health is like generally. No two people are the same, so it seems obvious to me (and other herbalists) that no two people will need the same treatment to get well. So after exploring a person’s health, I make up a prescription of medicinal plants just for that person. I use about 200 different medicinal herbs in my dispensary.

General Information
Herbalists are often asked to help with the management of a wide range of health conditions such as the following:

* Allergies and food intolerances
* Asthma and respiratory disorders
* Autoimmune conditions
* Arthritis & rheumatism
* Cardiovascular health
* Children’s ailments
* Cholesterol & blood pressure management
* Cystitis & urinary disorders
* Digestive & bowel disorders
* Eczema, psoriasis & skin conditions
* Female health & wellness
* Fatigue syndromes such as CFS and ME
* Headaches & migraines
* Infections & immune problems
* Men's health issues
* Metabolic syndrome (Syndrome X)
* Stress, anxiety & emotional problems
* Sleep problems
* Vascular disorders

And Many More……….

Laura Stannard is qualified and trained to know about any potential herb /drug interactions and can advise on the safety of taking herbal medicines alongside your conventional medication.

Laura Stannard



November 7th is International Stress Awareness Day.
Many of the people who consult me are suffering from #stress. Stress may have contributed to their health problems or their health problems may be made worse by stress. There is so much a medical herbalist can do to help with stress. Maybe it's time to book a consultation and see how professional herbal healthcare might help you.


Just one of the many things chamomile can help with.


Fruit and vegetable consumption and breast cancer incidence: Repeated measures over 30 years of follow‐up findings support that higher intake of fruits and vegetables, and specifically cruciferous and yellow/orange vegetables, may reduce the risk of breast cancer, especially those that are more likely to be aggressive tumors.


If you're around this afternoon, why not pop in to the NIMH Facebook Online Event? And if not, you can watch it later, just not take part in the Q&A sessions. Here's the programme. This is how it works - the event will take place right here, on the discussion thread of the NIMH Facebook event page, no need to go anywhere else or follow any links. We'll be posting and streaming all the items from the programme, so just keep checking the posts.


Happening today.


Is there a herb for this?
As a herbalist, I am often asked if I ‘have a herb for this or that complaint’. The answer can be frustrating for both the person and me, as a herbalist. In general, the answer will be ‘yes, but it depends’.
One of the difficulties we have with our health probems is that we often want a quick solution to whatever the problem is. Who doesn’t want relief from pain as quickly as possible! If a patient has a sore throat for instance, I can suggest some...thing like thyme or red sage tea, both to drink and gargle with. The sore throat is likely to be short-lived and will probably get better in a few days, even if I don’t suggest something to relieve the pain and soreness (and fight whatever infection may be going on). There may be more that I would suggest but this is a simple explanation and a simple answer to the ‘do you have a herb for this’ question.
If the patient frequently gets sore throats, as well as working to relieve an immediate infection, I would want to investigate this further and find out why. Thyme or sage may help the immediate situation, but what is causing the general problem of recurrent sore throats? What is happening and what is out of kilter? That is the case, no matter what your health problem. My starting point is the patient, not the health problem.
During a full consultation I will spend at least an hour exploring a patient’s health issues in depth. I’m looking for clues in the medical history – what is happening for this patient at this time, and what has contributed to this over time. How can we work together to address these problems? What changes do I need to help this person make, and how can I convince them that changes might help, and how do I support them making these changes? Listening to the patient’s story, hearing what they tell me, working together to improve their health, and using all my professional skills as well as those wonderful healing plants that grow everywhere in the world, are the treatment, and also the answer to the question.
Sometimes it takes time to improve your health, and sometimes it can be quite a long time. It usually takes time to become unwell so recovering better health will also take time. There are few things that please me more as a herbalist, than a patient saying “I feel so well in myself”.
So, you see, if you ask me, ‘is there a herb for this, my answer will be, “yes, but it depends. It depends because, first of all, I have to know you and your health before I can say which herb or herbs are most suited to you.”
Yes, there generally is ‘a herb for this’, but actually there is a herbalist and a patient for this. The entirety of the therapeutic relationship – patient, herbalist and medicinal healing plants is the answer to the question.
#consultaherbalist #HMW2018
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What's a thunderclap you might be asking. Well, it's a way of getting noticed on social media. Social media can be a difficult place to draw attention. But if lots of people say the same thing at the same time, then they can draw attention and that's a thunderclap. So, if you can, please help spread the word about this, because we know that herbal mediicne can really help people enjoy better health. So if you have a Facebook, Tumblr or Twitter account, please join in and get this thunder rolling.


And still as effective today. Less of the 'oddball' please - these are plants with plant names. However there are some things which were part of an apothecary's shop but were not used by herbalists e.g. mercury which was used and prescribed by physicians.


Hypericum (St John's Wort) is often included in a prescription when the menopausal woman experiences anxiety. It is a reasonably well researched herb but there are other herbs which have not been so well researched (due to funding) that might be used instead, depending on the individual.

More about Laura Stannard Herbalist

Monday: -
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:30
Wednesday: 10:00 - 17:30
Thursday: 10:00 - 17:30
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -