Lee Wilcox

About Lee Wilcox

Follow my journey of running a Social Media & Publishing Agency.

Lee Wilcox Description

In August 2014 my best friend (Adam Barrie) and I used the last bit of cash we had to start a tech company that we thought could change the Construction Industry's recruitment problems forever.

With little to no experience of running a business and no revenue streams in place, I made the decision (some thought a crazy one) to quit my job to work full-time on the business. Adam followed shortly afterwards and we quickly enrolled the wisdom of Andy Taylor to complete the trio. In the space of under 3 years On the Tools is now the largest Construction Community in the world and has gone from zero members of staff to 17…. . and counting.

Please like the page and follow our journey of growing OTT into one of the largest Social Marketing Agencies in the world.

More about Lee Wilcox
