London Art College

About London Art College

Welcome to the Official London Art College Facebook page. Looking to study art from home or online? Visit our website www. londonartcollege. co. uk

London Art College Description

For eighty years The London Art College has run successful Distance Learning Art Courses. Originally described as a Correspondence Art College, then as a Home Study Art College, today we use e-learning to reinforce more traditional methods to teach art. Offering more than twenty Painting and Drawing courses together with Graphic Design, Illustration and Art history, all supported by your personal tutor, we are one of the World's leading art colleges for Adult Learning art courses.

Each course is specially designed for home study, allowing students to work at their own pace in the comfort of their own home. Students set their own timetable and decide when they are ready to submit work to the College. We believe that painting and drawing skills can be acquired by anyone – with proper tuition and practice.

More about London Art College

London Art College is located at Admin Centre, London Art College, P.O. Box 239,, WR9 1DT Droitwich
0800 3280 465