Long Mynd Dark Sky Discovery Sites

About Long Mynd Dark Sky Discovery Sites

Four Dark Sky Discovery Sites on the Long Mynd, Shropshire - Carding Mill Valley, (via Burway Rd) Shooting Box, Pole Cottage, Cross Dyke at Devil's Mouth.

Long Mynd Dark Sky Discovery Sites Description

Four Dark Sky Discovery Sites on the Long Mynd, Shropshire - Carding Mill Valley, (via Burway Rd) Shooting Box, Pole Cottage, Cross Dyke at Devil's Mouth.



The reduction in aircraft since Monday this week.....
I recall that after 9/11 astronomers got excited because the night skies were clearer. Perhaps again .. and better perhaps as road traffic has reduced too?


Have a go...


This is an inspiring article. You don't need to have eyesight to be an Astronomer....


Thank you Pete Williamson for turning out in such a wet and windy night. Also Andy for showing his fascinating scope, Andrew Makin and Darren too. Pete's talk on telescopes from Bir to Hubble was great and was very well received. We are looking forward to your next event in June.


A great picture from Andrew Fusek Peters. Taken from the Long Mynd looking over to the Stiperstones.


Shooting box may be a good place to see this. Alternatively one of the Burway Road car parks


Typical of views from the top of the Long Mynd.


More pollution in our skies, and a bigger junk yard in orbit.


Will be visible to us in Church Stretton, but probably not in Carding Mill Valley as the valley is in shadow at this time of year.


Remember 11th November 2019 for a rare event visible in the UK from just after midday till sunset.


Thank you Pete Williamson for an excellent evening. We got a bit of observing in too, and three scopes went to three new homes. Thanks to Sylvia Hickman, Andrew Makin, Darren Hall, Syb Williamson, Tim Caswell and Sonia for all their help too. Excellent Soup. I missed Richard Yeoman-Clark's technical support.... RIP.


Only a few tickets left.....


ANNOUNCEMENT!!! Solarsphere are so excited to make our first guest speaker announcement for 2020... This lovely chap really needs no introduction, but well, lets just say he's a Professor of Physics at the University of Oxford, a Research Fellow, an Author of many books, the co-founder of 'Galaxy Zoo', the Principal Investigator for the citizen science web portal Zooniverse and the face of BBC's 'The Sky at Night'! YES!!!! ..... you've got it, it's the wonderfully charming CH...RIS LINTOTT!!!!
Chris will be talking about his new book 'THE CROWD AND THE COSMOS' which you will be able to purchase at Solarsphere, meet Chris and get your copy signed!
The Crowd and the Cosmos is 'a superbly written insight into the unique and powerful contribution enthusiasts from all walks of life can make to scientific knowledge' (says Brian Cox) and 'delightfully anecdotal, inclusive and witty' (says Brian May). It tells the story of how I, a distracted astronomer, try to understand the Universe with the help of more than a million volunteers, concentrating mostly on our attempt to understand galaxies, find planets and occasionally stumble across what might be aliens. The project has made for some great stories, and a recent lecture was described thus by 8-year old Felicity Hicks. 'It was funny but it made your brain ache. A lecture's only good if it makes your brain ache a bit.'
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Neptune in Binoculars.

More about Long Mynd Dark Sky Discovery Sites

Long Mynd Dark Sky Discovery Sites is located at SY6 6 Church Stretton, Shropshire