Love Life In Motion

About Love Life In Motion

Passionate about children and families moving for health and enjoyment - to move, to learn, to play. Health researcher and facilitator to support healthy lifestyles.



A great way to find some relief at home ! Remember the 10 second rule: If it hurts just as much or even more after 10 seconds and you haven’t increased the pressure then it is probably an acute injury that needs time to rest to recover - not a massage 💆‍♀️.
I prefer something a little harder personally - I use rubber dog balls 🏀 but tennis balls work too.
I also target the fascia on the bottom of my feet 🦶.


This scientifically-proven strategy will boost your mood in 12 minutes flat. ..... Love💕 the answer to happiness ❣️
#Happiness #lovingkindness #lovelifeinmotion #REALhealth


These 'Harmless' Evening Habits Are Totally Messing Up Your Sleep
#Sleep #Caffeine #CircadianRhythm #lovelifeinmotion #REALhealth #RestandRestore


Not to state the obvious, but losing weight is hard. #WeightLoss #Fitness #lovelifeinmotion #REALhealth #ditchthediet


Home Remedies: Steps to help relieve sinusitis
If like me you have been, or are currently suffering from a sinus infection you know how painful it can be. The following tips really do help even though it can take a few weeks to be back to peak performance #Selfhelp #MayoClinic #Sinusitis #lovelifeinmotion #REALhealth


Can you make one simple change for your health today? Don’t wait for Monday to start a new lifestyle of eating healthy, exercising more... and so on. Join me now to make one small change towards a healthier you. I’m making a commitment to increase my time spent meditating. Just 10minutes a day but I know how great I feel doing a few minutes most days. Its important to stick with something at the same time each day to change behaviour and make it a habit. Follow for more heal...thy living and yoga posts. #moveyourbody #yoga #letssmashthis #REALhealth #lovelifeinmotion #onesmallchangeatatime
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Small changes can make a huge difference. #makeachange #lovelifeinmotion #REALhealth #CSVyoga #corestrengthvinyasayoga


Lower Back Pain (LBP) is one of the most common complaints I get and can really make us feel out of control which can be scary and frustrating. The following link provides the top 10 things you need to know if you, or anyone you know suffers with LBP. If in doubt talk to a Health Care Professional


I absolutely love turmeric!! So much so I was thrilled this morning when I added this to my coffee. Turmeric Latte by Remedy Roots. Mixed with ginger it really provides a zing and can be mixed with just milk. I think I’m in love 💕✨ #turmericlatte #remedyroots #lovelifeinmotion #antiinflammatory


Here's Why It's So Freaking Hard To Eat Well These Days. One of the 4 pillars of my REAL health guidelines is to eat Real Food! I’m not a fan of diets as they are restrictive and as soon as we restrict ourselves we set ourselves up for failure. The more you practice saying yes to healthy, REAL food with ingredients you can pronounce and identify the less time you spend saying No to unhealthy choices. #lovelifeinmotion #REALhealth #lifeisforliving #foodisforloving #HuffPost #FastFood


Scientific research confirms that playing outside is good for children and their development, but how do families find the time? #lovelifeinmotion #healthyfamilies #activeplay #getputdoorsandplay #MentalHealth


Take a little more care of yourself today than time let you yesterday. #goodlife


Ayurvedic medicine is one of the oldest Forms of medicine in the world. The following practices can be done throughout the day to help balance our hormones 🧘‍♀️


Who is coming along to yoga tonight to light up that belly bonfire and build a strong core connection?Who is coming along to yoga tonight to light up that belly bonfire and build a strong core connection?


Anyone else feel like they cannot meditate because they can’t ‘switch their mind off’. For years I struggled with unrealistic expectations until I realised that it’s natural for our minds to wander. The very nature of the human mind is to process our many thoughts and emotions, making sense of the world and making decisions on a conscious and subconscious level.
Is it any wonder that it takes practice and acceptance to be at one with ourselves without judgement.
✨Don’t give... up. ✨Don’t be scared to try. ✨Dedicate to a few minutes a day. ✨Expect your mind to wander and mindfully accept without judgement the miracle of our complex minds. ✨Inhale. Exhale.
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Early morning CSV flow with Alix this Saturday. Going live at 7am. Hope I make it!


This card this morning (The Universe has your back @gabbybernstein ) reminded me of the book ‘Lean In’ by @sherylsandberg But instead of leaning into the board room and believing in yourself and your self worth and all the other great things from that book......... It reminded me to Lean in to Love 💕
For many of us we have relationships that at times can be testing - husbands, partners, children, parents, ourselves and the world around us.
... Rather than viewing situations or relationships with anger or frustration or judgment instead choose a perspective of love and joy. Flip your view and see how you feel.
I’m not saying become a pushover or let things go because you don’t want to argue with the kids but approach from a place of love 💕 Practice these loving minutes to start flipping your perspective:
1) Spend a few minutes identifying 5 things that you can see that you LOVE. Really soak in what you see and how that makes you feel. Try not to compare to anything else or hold judgement. Be in that moment of LOVE and enjoy the feeling. Be very mindful of love in those moments. Never use.... I would love this even more IF....... or..... I love this BECAUSE........ just simply..... I Love this 💕
2) start your day with a mantra of love. “ I am filled with love and joy and I sail through life with ease” or “I am filled with light and love and the universe has my back”
Lean in to Love 💗
#lovelifeinmotion #leanintoloveandjoy #gabriellebernstein #yoga #lovequotes #love #positivevibes #positivequotes
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