Lukasz Sikora - Sports Therapist

About Lukasz Sikora - Sports Therapist

Sports Therapy – A natural therapy to suit your individual needs.

Hi, I’m Lukasz and I’m currently working at Future Fitness gym providing Sports Therapy. I’m a certified masseur and have undergone extensive training programs in Poland, Norway an

Lukasz Sikora - Sports Therapist Description

Sports Therapy – A natural therapy to suit your individual needs.

Hi, I’m Lukasz and I’m currently working at Future Fitness gym providing Sports Therapy. I’m a certified masseur and have undergone extensive training programs in Poland, Norway and the UK. I have several years of experience in various types of body massage but I also work as a personal trainer as well as used to instruct modern Ju-Jitsu to both adults and children. For recent years I have been working with number of people, many elite athletes including Body Building Champions of the Europe and the World, maximising and reaching their full potential.
A sports massage I provide is not just for the professional athletes, but also for ordinary people which helps them to relief of a variety muscle problems related to many occupational activities such as heavy lifting, gardening and even the strain of pregnancy. My massage can be ideal to treat different injuries and also as a preventative treatment dealing with the health of muscle and connective tissue, range of movement, tone, symmetry, balance of muscle and quality of posture.
I treat each person individually , hence I always try to create a bespoke plan to help others become a healthier version of themselves.



Daniel Blackwell


Bryan Collier


Sports Therapy – A natural therapy to suit your individual needs.
Hi, I’m Lukasz and I’m currently working at Future Fitness gym providing Sports Therapy. I’m a certified masseur and have undergone extensive training programs in Poland, Norway and the UK. I have several years of experience in various types of body massage but I also work as a personal trainer as well as used to instruct modern Ju-Jitsu to both adults and children. For recent years I have been working with n...umber of people, many elite athletes including Body Building Champions of the Europe and the World, maximising and reaching their full potential.
A sports massage I provide is not just for the professional athletes, but also for ordinary people which helps them to relief of a variety muscle problems related to many occupational activities such as heavy lifting, gardening and even the strain of pregnancy. My massage can be ideal to treat different injuries and also as a preventative treatment dealing with the health of muscle and connective tissue, range of movement, tone, symmetry, balance of muscle and quality of posture.
I treat each person individually , hence I always try to create a bespoke plan to help others become a healthier version of themselves.
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Thanks for the treatments over the past sessions. Since then my shoulders, lower back and hamstring feeling much better, less stiffer. Would definitely recommend your services. I did indeed neglected the importance of soft tissue work and mobility specially when putting my body through so much. Cheers mate!


Szczerze polecam- pełen profesjonalizm i miła atmosfera :) Pzdr


Since I moved out of coventry I have had trouble finding a new therapist as Lukasz set the standards too high. Relax, professional and most of all knowledgeable. Lukasz is exceptional at what he does. Every session has proven beneficial. Thank you very much



Simply the best sports therapist in Coventry!

A friendly personality who definitely knows what he's doing.

With a history of injuries, particularly in the lumbar region, Lukasz was always the person to turn to. As the injuries waned, I still had regular checkups with Lukasz for body alignment and deep tissue massages.

As a competitive athlete, I would definitely recommend his services to anyone around the area.


Polecam w 100 % zawsze jak jest w Polsce to korzystam z jego porad masażów. Rewelacja


Polecam , 100% profesjonalizm.


Pierwszy raz zgłosiłem się do Łukasza 3 lata temu, jako 21 letni chłopak z uciążliwym bólem pleców, który nie pozwalał mi nawet spać. Po kilku masarzach i rozmowach zdecydowałem się rozpocząć z nim treningi w celu wzmocnienia mięśni pleców których osłabienie powodowało bóle. Silna osobowość, profesjonalizm i ogromna wiedza Łukasza zmotywowały mnie do zwiększenia częstotliwości treningów do 4-5 tygodniowo. Dzięki nim zapomniałem czym są bóle pleców, ponadto nauczyłem się prawdziwej samodyscypliny i podstaw potrzebnych każdemu w dziedzinie odżywiania i zdrowego trybu życia. Przez ten okres zmagałem się z różnymi problemami związanymi z ćwiczeniami jak i dietą ale Łukasz zawsze umiał rozwiązać każdy z nich. Dziś śmiało mogę powiedzieć, że rok wspólnych treningów odmienił moje życie. Co chwilę słyszę pozytywne komentarze na temat mojej sylwetki i pytania dotyczące mojego stylu życia. Totalnie go zmieniłem, dodatkowo dzięki ogromnej motywacji wróciłem do szkoły i zacząłem się mocno rozwijać i realizować. Dzisiaj pracuję jako konsultant finansowy i jestem właścicielem własnej firmy.

Od najmłodszych lat trenowałem piłkę nożna i sztuki walki i mogę powiedzieć, że nigdy nie spotkałem osoby z tak ogromną wiedzą i umiejętnościami jak Łukasz. Wszystkim zdecydowanie polecam jego usługi i sam będę z nich korzystał bez względu na to gdzie będę przebywał. Krótko mówiąc pełen profesjonalizm w każdym tego słowa znaczeniu! Trener osobisty w jego przypadku to za słabe określenie.



My names satty. I have been going to the gym now for over 10 years. I currently train in MMA and weights.

Over the years i have came across many injuries. I have seen many therapists too. However since i have met Lukasz i have not been anywhere. My experience with him is second to none. I have gone to Lukasz for many different types of injuries. Calves, back, shoulders and arms. All been resloved too. Best thing about it is that hes a GENUINE person to work with and the pricing is more than fair. I now see Luckasz every 2 weeks just for a general massage regardless of injury.

You will not be dissapointed with your experience with him.


Lukasz will sort out any niggles/injuries guaranteed.


Lukasz Sikora simply the best physiotherapist in Coventry. He has helped me and my family with various injuries and pain problems. Lukasz has outstanding knowledge of medicine and also talent for healing and helping people. I strongly recommended Lukasz to anyone who need professional treatment and care.


Ja rownież polecam Lukiego z calegO serducha! Zna sié na rzeczy i konsenkwentnie dâży do celu (!!) Cisnie ostroooO �, ale sà tego mega dobre rezultaty ����


I've been with Lukasz for nearly 2 years now originally going to him because of a hip injury I picked up doing squats, he was very knowledgeable about what I would have to do during the recovery process and before I knew it I was back to 100%.

Now I regularly see him to help keep my body in tip top shape and injury free!

If I ever feel a niggle or anything wrong I know I can speak to him for good advice and direction.

I also get him to give me a seca scan so I can keep track of my diet and training progress leading up to my first show.

Overall brilliant therapist and a good guy!


I've been to many sports and massage therapists and I can quite easily say that none compare to Lukasz Sikora. I've been going to Lukasz for over five plus years now and have seen him about numerous injuries through playing rugby of which he has helped me over come.

His sports massages work like magic and give you a great feeling after.

Not only is he brilliant at what he does he has vast amount of knowledge about the body and rehabilitation techniques. Lukasz is very friendly and easy to get on with, I would highly recommend him to anyone!


I just had another great treatment from Lukasz - he is spectacular! The technique is amazing, because he has a personality. I've been a regular customer for a long time. Ideal for either therapeutic and deep massage or full body health check. Definitely will recomendate for everyone.


I highly recommend Lukasz, he's always helped me with any issues I've had in preparation for my games or training. A very knowledgeable guy that's all ways willing to help. Thanks Lakasz


I have been looked after and treated by Lukasz for over 4 yrs now, for numerous different issues as I put my body through great strain and work on a weekly basis from my MMA & conditioning work. I always tell him what is troubling me before my visit and he treats it with various different methods of massage and posture. Very professional and always seems to correct and treat me first time round. Would highly recommend.


I have always used Lukasz Sikora Sports therapy for any/all upcoming events & competitions I have.

The level of service you receive is second to none. Totally effective techniques implemented to your requirements and capabilities; not only - you also learn as you receive treatment. Along with aftercare that knows no bounds. I have recommended the services to all friends & family over the years.


Hi lukasz, just wanted to say a big thank you for helping me prep for my last competition! Without your treatment and advice I don't think I would have lifted near as much!

I Took the all time UK raw powerlifting squat and total score record for my weight class!

Look forward to working with you again in the future.

Many thanks



For more than one year Łukasz Sikora takes a very important place on my path of sports development he is my personal trainer and also a masseur. His professionalism and abilities caused that I started thinking about sport more serious, after exhausting trainings I can be proud of getting the medaille of finishing the marathon. He has prepared me to it. The effects of our cooperation are: a slim figure, the change of my food habits and bulding up of the spine. In the course of my preparing to the long distance runs it is impossible to miss of the proper regeneration so thanks to the sports and relaxation massage of Łukasz I can feel prepared to take up other runs challenges. Today I can not imagine my day without trainings. Without the help of trainer, my way to conquer our weaknesses would be more longer, less efective and difficult for my health. Without proper correction there are no good changes.

More about Lukasz Sikora - Sports Therapist

Lukasz Sikora - Sports Therapist is located at 42 FAR GOSFORD ST, CV1 5DW Coventry, United Kingdom