Lvb Creative

About Lvb Creative

Liu Batchelor: Presenter – Producer – TEDx Curator
Explore, Learn, Try MORE
Find what inspires YOU

Lvb Creative Description

LVB Creative provides marketing and branding strategy, coaching and content to give confidence and clarity to your business message.



So the 'context' in which I work is Marketing. However ...if im honest - i wouldnt say thats what I do!
Marketing is generally considered more about the actions and the tools with which to get our product or service to market.
... But what happens when you get to market and you need to engage people in the conversations and stories about your product or service.
This is when marketing becomes a conversation. And this is the bit that facinates me; the nature of how we interact and communicate!
And its the same in business and leadership; its about creating a network of conversations that matter - to both your team, customers, and industry
And THIS is this bit i'm really interested in!
So - What are the conversations that matter to you?
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SHOULD PINEAPPLE GO ON A PIZZA?!! And more bizarre Quick Fire Questions from Kevin Batchelor!!


CONFIDENCE v's CLARITY: Which do we really want?
We all want to be confident right? But what IS confidence anyway? What do you feel when you're confident?
In this discussion, I explore with Kevin the idea that maybe its actually clarify that we want - and AS A RESULT we could be confident in our confidence (as opposed to having the 'confidence of a fool!)
... Kevin and I both believe there are two parts to being 'clear' - one is to get clarity by 'clearing our' what doesnt work, and the second is to get clarity of what you want in its place/in our future.
But as we discussed in a previous video, its important to remember that often clarity comes through taking action.
I like to take the approach of seeking clarity in terms of how I want to feel (as the result or journey I've set in front of me) - EVEN IF the specific actions, steps, or path itself is not clear.
Action and clarity is like the process of walking must slowly and consistently take one step after the other (as it gets very tiring jumping two footed right? And similarly, you wont get very far if you take one hug step with one foot, but then dont move the other - right!)
If youve found this useful, please do comment with what you're looking for 'confidence' in, and where instead looking for 'clarity' has given you the access to move forward
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TEDxFolkestone introduction speech from Liù Batchelor titled: JUST LET GO: The Courage to Step Beyond
In this introduction I wanted to explore the context and journey to the 2018 event; for both the speakers, myself, the team, and the audience.
... Contrary to just 'describing' the process - I wanted to write this piece from an experiential point of view;
- What I felt I personally needed to express and say to myself in the final weeks and days running up to the event,
- As well as what I wanted to invite all those involved to consider, in anticipation of what I assumed they may have been feeling based on the journey to date
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I believe there are two part to this answer;
The first part of 'what's missing' - I believe - is that often we dont take the time (or are too scared) to look at what really matters to us. With the busy lives we all lead, we're often too 'busy' to take the time to question what really matters to us. As a result - its easy to get caught up in 'same-old-same-old'.
... The second part (if we do take the time to question whats important to us) is then having the courage to take action on it. And where, I believe, most people get stuck in this, is that they are waiting to have a 100% clear and defined picture of what or where it is they are going, before they take any action.
...and the problem with this is - WE NEVER HAVE A COMPLETELY CLEAR PICTURE! Its only by taking the action that things become clearer .... A bit like how stepping closer to the target gives us a clearer shot (as opposed to standing still but continuing to squint, and expecting to see something different!)
Now of course, to get closer to the target, requires taking a step out on your own, in to open and unknown territory. Its natural to want to know the answer - but like anything worth having, sometimes you have to be prepared to take a risk. You have to learn to be ok in the unknown.
And this is where your relationship to failure comes in. And unless you can push yourself our of your comfort zone in this way - and be couragous in doing so (which has been a big theme for me in last few months, especially with Courage being the TEDxFolkestone theme this year) - then your action will always be out of alignment with your clarity around your goals and dreams - and hence they will remain out of sight.
I hope you found this insightful? If so - would love to hear your comments
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So, to answer this question, let me take you back a bit - in the hope that by identifying the origin of any mindset or motivation, we can take it from the subconscious into the conscious (and then we have a choice in the matter)
My drive to always be 'in action' started off as a compensation (a 'strong suit') for something I saw in myself as a weakness; that when I was younger I didn't feel I was able to express myself v...ocally through my speaking.

But the fact that I couldn't 'explain' my ideas (which often felt like they got bottled up inside me, and I couldn't get them out), meant that I learn other methods to express myself/my ideas.
So instead of 'telling' people my ideas, I would 'show' them!
In other words, I had to get into action and get on and do them ...and THEN people got them!
This then became my strength; being very 'in action' - and as a result I now love the excitement and actually embrace taking things on that others don't necessarily 'get' or think are possible.
But its no longer because i 'have' to in order to express my ideas. Instead this experience growing up taught me to not be afraid of stepping into the unknown (in other peoples eyes). Plus, I now realise there is a certain amount of freedom when no one else 'gets' your ideas; as there is no pressure of 'right or wrong' because its completely new - and YOU set the parameters.
If you're someone who's felt the same at any point; that you don't always feel comfortable explaining your ideas, or you doesn't like speaking in public etc - then I invite you to consider what other skills you have developed (because i'm pretty confident you have!) to be able to express your ideas.
These methods you've adopted will likely now be a part of some of your biggest strengths, and may even be your unique take or approach you have to offer the world.
But its important to recognise the origin of them - to bring your 'coping strategy' (your 'strong suit') into full light - so that you have a conscious choice to embrace your strengths, rather than simply try and 'cover up' and compensate for your weaknesses.
If you got inspiration, value, or realised something for yourself in reading this post - I would love to hear your comment (it helps keep me motivated to keep doing these vlogs). Either comment below or feel free to message me.
More vlogs via:
Or if you want help exploring your message or finding your voice, visit:
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"WHAT'S VITAL FOR YOU?" Kevin Batchelor asks Liù Batchelor
Simple answer: SELF EXPRESSION!
... But by this I don't simply talk about being creative or artistic etc. I believe its much bigger and all encompassing than this.
For me, self expression is about finding and expressing what is both important/meaningful to you and what you have to contribute to the world.
I feel my personal self expression is to embrace every scary aspect of making this idea a reality, by putting it into action myself, and sharing my experience - so that others can embrace the idea, mindset, and actions of doing it for themselves.
To put it simply - to be leader for full authentic self expression.
And the context i'm currently embracing this idea within - is business and marketing.
I believe we start a business because we want to contribute to our customers, industry, community, even the world, in some way. And we use our businesses as the vehicle through which to make that positive impact, and express our vision.
In this context, 'marketing' becomes the communication of this self expression we wish to have through our business; so that customers/communities can see whats possible for them, if they choose to engage with our business.
In this way and with this mindset - marketing and business, and the conversations which make them function - become far more inspiring and motivating.
Don't you think?
Please do let me know what you think (as it helps me make sure the content i'm making is relevant, and keeps me motivated). You can comment or direct message me - and of course - please do like and share
For more vlogs check out:
For info about my business LVB Creative (and how I use my experience to help other businesses express themselves fully) - check out
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Hey, Its Jodie. Just wanted to thank Liù Batchelor, The Workshop and Creative Quarter Folkestone for the opportunity of gaining some relevant work experience.
Many thanks to Liù Batchelor for giving up your time and providing me with some great experience, that has been both beneficial and helped me to discover more as to what my future may consist of.
I have had a great week and experienced a variety of different aspects from interviewing, to creating and publishing my own ...articles and blogs.
This experience has helped in steering me in the direction as to what path i am going to go down reflecting the upcoming decisions i will have to make.
Thank you to everyone involved in securing my experience, i have loved it!😀🙂
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Hi, Its Jodie again. I am a student at Brockhill Park Performing Arts College currently undergoing some work experience.
I have also created three blogs in response to the interview created.
These consist of questions i felt young people of my age may be put off by, preventing them from possibly reaching their full potential.
... Firstly finding that dream job, whether a time frame should be attached to that and debating the significance of first impressions.
I selected these areas in the hope that others can associate and provide some form of way in which we can handle the upcoming work related decisions.
I feel resolution is not the answer, rather the way in which we explore our potentials. To read the full blogs follow the links bellow: ccarron_blogpart1/ ccarron_blogpart3/ ccarran_blogpart2/
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Hi its Jodie, I have created an article in the hope to provide tips and advice for students of my age going through the difficult stage of finding that dream job.
I have uploaded the article In the hope that others can relate whilst undergoing this process. Thought you guys may be interested in viewing- Creative Foundation, The Kent Foundation, Kids2Work - career advice for young people
Rather than finding an adequate answer or strategy to grasping that job- surly trailing di...fferent paths will bring some sort of clarity?
Click on the link below to read my full article…/jodie-mccarro n_work-experience-a…/
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Hi, I'm Jodie. Coming to the end of my week of work experience i wanted to thank Liù Batchelor and The Workshop for the great experience they have allowed me to gain.
The focal point of my week was creating an interview based off some of the questions i wished to gain insight into or even provide an answer to when 'unlocking my future potentials'.
Click on the link bellow to watch the full interview and explore a little more on if we should follow our dreams or be realistic-... a common dilemma i feel many of us face.…/unlock-future _a-work-experience-…/
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I am Jodie and i'm currently undergoing my work experience. Today myself and Liù Batchelor have been to interview a local shop owner, Kitty McCall, currently operating in #Folkestone.
We were filming the next exciting clip for Confessions of a serial creative for the Creative Quarter Folkestone.
Taking necessary photos of the process undergone meant i was able to witness the key aspects, whilst capturing every vital step of the interview.
... Check out this slide show to give you a brief outline of the various stages and the process in which the interview was carried out.
Many thanks to Tania McCormack for putting me in touch with The Workshop and LVB Creative so i was able to gain the work experience i was searching for.
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CASE STUDY discussion in which we explore the challenges in communicating a unique offering or superior quality of your product or service.
It can be easy to underpromote these qualities for fear customers won't 'get', understand, or want the added value you know you can offer them.
But what is possible - for both our customers and ourselves - if we were to fully embrace the value and uniqueness of what we offer?


WHAT NUMBER PROTOTYPE OF YOUR SERVICE ARE YOU ON? This one is for all you service providers out there
We frequently hear famous examples of products (Edison, Dyson, etc) going through thousands of prototypes right?
... But how often do we ever hear stories about SERVICE PROTOTYPES?
Maybe because its something so connected with US we think we should know exactly what our service IS?? But do we know HOW people get value from it? Or if there is potentially a different version or way of us offering this service to give them MORE VALUE?
Ive certainly felt frustrated at times in the past when I feel like im contributing so much, and giving so much of myself...yet people dont seem to GET or APPRECIATE the value i feel im giving. But maybe this is just because i was still on a very early prototype?!
In the relatively short period ive been doing my own thing - i feel like ive already been through countless versions of my service - and seeing each one as a prototype has allowed me to take LEARNING from each that didnt work out, as opposed to upset or disappointment if/when any one version doesnt quite get the interest or impact I was hoping.
Of course it can be more challenges to set a criteria with which to test a service against - compared to a product - given that its so much more variable and ultimately different each time depending on the person engaging with it.
However if we can measure against peoples ACTION - as opposed to OPINION - we have a much better chance to learn. And Marketing is our first opportunity for that - if we use it as an opportunity to be watching what people engage/respond/ask/take action in response to, and opposed to only being interested in whether they convert/buy or not. Its all learning opportunities.
Its all just a case of trial and error at end of the day! And although it can be tempting to 'SETTLE' for an early prototype which gets you SOME results - just think what you could achieve and how you could benefit the world if you kept going Edison and Dyson did!!
our first opportunity for that - if we use it as an opportunity to be watching what people engage/respond/ask/take action in response to, and opposed to only being interested in whether they convert/buy or not. Its all learning opportunities.
Its all just a case of trial and error at end of the day! And although it can be tempting to 'SETTLE' for an early prototype which gets you SOME results - just think what you could achieve and how you could benefit the world if you kept going Edison and Dyson did!!
If you enjoyed this, please Like to my page, or check out my other projects at:
BLOG: TEDxFolkestone: LVB Creative CONTENT PRODUCTION: The BIG IDEAS Show PODCAST: cZl4vh58oFr28_A
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Great messages from Pilgrims Coaching for Professionals
If you're looking to improve your relationship with your English (as a non-native speaker) then definitely check them out and like their page
....and even if you are a native English speaker - some really great insights from Kevin Batchelor Jim Wright and the rest of the team


How frustrating is it - knowing you have everything you need - theoretically there is nothing stopping you - yet for some reason you still dont seem to take the simple action you know you need to to get yourself/your business out there. Or if you do ...but not with any real consistency or enthusiasm!
The fact that we're in the age of millennial and we're meant to be sharing our values and our 'why' - following ...our dreams and doing things that are meaningful to us .....well this only seems to be adding to the pressure and frustration right?!
This was exactly how i felt when i first went it alone! I could FEEL that i had something meaningful, valuable and unique to say or offer - but i just wasnt clear what it was - and I certainly wasnt able to articulate it in a punchy marketing post!! It was SO FRUSTRATING!!
And what added to the frustration was the fact that there was all these free tools, and free advice, and hints and tips everywhere - that i felt that i SHOULD be able to do it - and there was something bad or wrong with me if i couldnt!
The problem starts, i believe, in the fact that we grow up following syllabus and learn methods and processes pre-decided for us.
Rarely are we given the space and time to work out what is important to us, and what we WANT to learn or explore. And we certainly dont get much opportunity to just TRY things out, get them wrong...and, god forbid, we should FAIL at things a few times!!
But the reality is - this is the only way to learn what that THING inside you, that FEELING just below the surface - always niggling to get out - is all about!
Only by opening our mouths and getting it out of our head can we learn how to articulate it - both for ourselves, and so that we can find a way that others can understand and appreciate it too.
My invite to you ... what if we could:
- A) give ourselves the space and time to explore and experiment with what is important to us (in our business, work, lives, hobbies etc) - and we were able to try things out - and we didnt have to stick at all of was ok to quit!!
- B) Use all these free marketing tools to explore and learn more about what our message was - and to get feedback and insight - as opposed to only using them once we felt we were 'THERE' (which never really happens anyway!!)
Love to hear your thoughts and comments on this - and if you found your 'thing' - how did you do it?
**SHOUT OUT - Did the above resonate with you? Do you live in/near #Folkestone?
If so - i'd like to invite you to an opportunity and space to explore all the above for yourself part of MARKETING CLUB!
Its a fortnightly in-person meet up involving coaching, accountability and action, and networking to help you GET INTO ACTION with your marketing.
More info at: About Video: FB Group: @Marketing Club Folkestone First Meetup (3rd July) Marketing Club_Folkestone
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So, to answer this question, let me take you back a bit - in the hope that by identifying the origin of any mindset or motivation, we can take it from the subconscious into the conscious (and then we have a choice in the matter)
My drive to always be 'in action' started off as a compensation (a 'strong suit') for something I saw in myself as a weakness; that when I was younger I didn't feel I was able to express myself v...ocally through my speaking.

But the fact that I couldn't 'explain' my ideas (which often felt like they got bottled up inside me, and I couldn't get them out), meant that I learn other methods to express myself/my ideas.
So instead of 'telling' people my ideas, I would 'show' them!
In other words, I had to get into action and get on and do them ...and THEN people got them!
This then became my strength; being very 'in action' - and as a result I now love the excitement and actually embrace taking things on that others don't necessarily 'get' or think are possible.
But its no longer because i 'have' to in order to express my ideas. Instead this experience growing up taught me to not be afraid of stepping into the unknown (in other peoples eyes). Plus, I now realise there is a certain amount of freedom when no one else 'gets' your ideas; as there is no pressure of 'right or wrong' because its completely new - and YOU set the parameters.
If you're someone who's felt the same at any point; that you don't always feel comfortable explaining your ideas, or you doesn't like speaking in public etc - then I invite you to consider what other skills you have developed (because i'm pretty confident you have!) to be able to express your ideas.
These methods you've adopted will likely now be a part of some of your biggest strengths, and may even be your unique take or approach you have to offer the world.
But its important to recognise the origin of them - to bring your 'coping strategy' (your 'strong suit') into full light - so that you have a conscious choice to embrace your strengths, rather than simply try and 'cover up' and compensate for your weaknesses.
If you got inspiration, value, or realised something for yourself in reading this post - I would love to hear your comment (it helps keep me motivated to keep doing these vlogs). Either comment below or feel free to message me.
More vlogs via:
Or if you want help exploring your message or finding your voice, visit:
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More about Lvb Creative