Manor Primary School

Monday: 09:00 - 16:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 16:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 16:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 16:00
Friday: 09:00 - 16:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -



Ah - and one Robin who sat on the carpet, quietly getting on with his activity, and nearly missed Santa. Good job the elves were checking. Merry Christmas!


As the big day approaches, Santa has been out on his round. He paid Robins and Ducklings a visit to check that they were all being good - thankfully they were! Merry Christmas Robins and Ducklings - not long until Christmas day now!


A huge, massive and enormous well done to Robins and Ducklings! They have been rehearsing the songs for the Nativity in class, and learning different actions to help us remember the words. The children did some rehearsals in the hall; one week with the stage in the hall, and only beginning dress rehearsals this week. All of the children's effort and enthusiasm has paid off. They responded so positively to the first performance with an audience, when the other classes came to them on Thursday morning. They were superb - the best performance so far. But they surpassed themselves on Friday morning. Despite a blip at the start (Mr Forman and technology don't always see eye-to-eye...), the children were absolutely fantastic! From the viewpoint of the Robins staff, it hopefully gives an idea of what a great class they are to work with. It was a brilliant performance, and has hopefully put everyone in the festive mood. Well done, once again, Robins and Ducklings. You're brilliant!
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Christmas is coming and Robins and Ducklings are getting very excited. To add to the excitement, we have been writing our letters to Santa, and heading to the nearby post box to send them off to the North Pole. Hopefully the photographs reflect what a lovely time we had. Fingers are crossed that everyone gets what they've asked for on the big day.


Swans class nativity songs. Please use these links for practising the words and actions. Thank you…
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Swans will be making their own Christmas tree decorations as part of their DT lessons. We need to research different types of decorations. If you can spare any of these types of decorations please can we borrow them for our first lesson on Wednesday. We will return them straight after the lesson. Thank you 🙏🏻


This week you can get double discounts on all orders. This is really easy to use and you can even download an app (after you’ve registered) to make it even easier. So if you shop online please shop via this page and help generate much needed donations for school. Thank you 👍


It's amazing how the weather changes the dynamic of what happens in school. Robins and Ducklings always have a great time in Forest School, but it was fascinating how the rain in the morning changed what the children got up to. There were lots of mud pies and cakes; the mud kitchen was very busy. Some of the children made a birthday cake for one of the children who had recently had a birthday. They delivered the cake, and sang happy birthday too. Brilliant! Perhaps the bigges...t draw was the large hole that the children have previously been working on. It was already a respectable effort, but when it filled with water, it became something else altogether. Children were mixing coffee, hot chocolate, and all sorts of magic potions. Great fun was had by all. If proof was needed, the amount of mucky hands by the time we were ready to return to class was it. Great fun, indeed!
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Swans class reminder - Polar Express Day tomorrow. Swans pupils can wear their PJ’s and slippers (please come in shoes for playtime and lunch time) If you have a plastic mug for hot chocolate please send it in with your child (we do have some in school) thank you 😄


Change of menu for Tuesday 😄


And again, even more photographs from the wonderful trip to visit Santa today. That's your lot - enjoy!


Swans welcomed 3 new members of the class today - Chocolate Biscuit, Speedy and Booboo. They were all very well behaved. It was lovey to see the children sharing their Science knowledge and asking good questions about the animals. We learned that guinea pigs love to eat cucumbers and that rabbits are not that keen on lettuce! Thank you to Chocolate Biscuit's and Speedy's owners, Ms Dowling and Mrs Pearce for their time and expert knowledge . I wonder what pets will be visiting our class next week?


Ho ho ho.... how much fun can Robins and Ducklings fit into one day? The answer - loads!! We've all had a brilliant day at Ash House End Farm, on our visit to see Santa. The day started by visiting the chicks and chickens, saying hello to them, and finding out just how soft and cuddly they are. Everyone stroked the chicks, and was wowed by just how cute they are. Next, we went off to visit some very special animals indeed; two of Santa's reindeer. They looked very comfortable..., having a good rest before the big day arrives. We sang Rudolf the red-nosed reindeer while we were in their stable. Next, we went into a different stable, where the children re-enacted the Nativity story. Mary was very brave and sat on the donkey, ready for the long journey to Bethlehem. Then it was time for the big event - the visit to Santa. We all waited quietly outside his door. One of the children knocked on the door, and moments later we all heard the lock open. Wow - it looked fantastic inside the grotto, with a tall, beautifully decorated Christmas tree. The children were all very excited, and enjoyed telling Santa what they wanted for Christmas. From eavesdropping, real ponies were one of the top requests! After all of the excitement, we were off again to feed some of the animals around the farm. Lots of children enjoyed letting the animals feed from their hands. Well done. After lunch, we saw some smaller (moslty) critters, like bearded dragons and huge snails. Mrs Perry particularly like the snakes, whilst Mr Forman really enjoyed seeing the tarantula... Which means Mrs Smith must have been the bravest of all! The fun continued, when we saw some wonderful birds such as owls and kestrels. All of the children said goodbye to Farmer Chloe, who had been brilliant at taking us around for the day. There was even some time to play in the playground. The children had great fun there, until the rain put an end to the enjoyment. We made our way back to the coach when the weather wasn't so good, and headed back to school. A big thank you to the parents who were kind enough to give up their time to help out. Cheers! All of Robins and Ducklings were absolutely brilliant all day, being a credit to you, the school, and themselves. It was a fantastic day out, and a perfect way to get ready for December, and all the enjoyment that is to come.
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Ash End House Farm visit on Friday. After a few questions, here are a few things that will hopefully answer and clarify things for Friday. Children can come in their own clothes, similar to Forest School, but have their school jumper or cardigan on. Much of the farm that we are visiting is concrete, but suitable footwear, wellies or otherwise, would be useful, especially as the forecast for the next couple of days is for wet weather. If children are bringing their own packed lunch, it will be okay to use ordinary lunchboxes and drinks containers. No fizzy drinks, thank you. The coach is staying for the visit, so items can be kept on the coach. If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Thanks - the Robins team.


Robons and Ducklings have been very busy putting out some fires. But first of all, they had to make them!. The children collected sticks and bits of branches, then added pieces of materials for the flames. They then put on their firefighter outfits and got to work putting out the flames. It was a dangerous job, but everyone was very careful. Well done, everyone!

More about Manor Primary School

Monday: 09:00 - 16:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 16:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 16:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 16:00
Friday: 09:00 - 16:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -