Margot James

About Margot James

Margot is MP for Stourbridge

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Margot James Description

Margot is MP for Stourbridge

Keep up with her work by signing up at www.

Any abusive or offensive comments will be deleted.



Delighted to hear plans to build on Saltwell's Nature Reserve have been refused. Thank you and well done to everyone who campaigned against it.


Newsletter from Margot James MP -


I am happy to announce that Little Colliers Nursery will remain open at least until the end of the academic year. It gives the governing board a chance to look at ways in which it can remain open permanently.
Early years education is a fundamental part of a child’s development. When I was approached by anxious parents regarding the threat of its closure, I shared their concerns and made it a priority to work on their behalf for a solution.
I had a positive conversation with the director of the trust a few weeks ago, and I remain hopeful moving forward. Thank you to all parents who took the time to get in touch.


We remember those who gave their lives so we might live in freedom #ArmisticeDay100


Over the last few weeks, I have been contacted by many residents about plans to build on Saltwells Nature Reserve. Having looked at the proposal in detail, I have now decided to oppose it.
This is not a decision I have taken lightly, because I recognise that we need to build more houses whenever and wherever possible. But Saltwells Nature Reserve is a beautiful site that has been enjoyed for generations. These new dwellings and access routes will damage trees and woodland and risk spoiling local wildlife habitats. It is simply not the right place to be building, and the quantity, size and affordability of these houses do not fit with local priorities.


The Aspiration Stourbridge Careers Fair is next Thursday - 15th November, 4:30pm until 6pm. Over 20 organisations including the NHS, Tesco, Google, and West Midlands Police will be attending. It's open to everyone thinking about what they want to do next after their GCSEs and A Levels, whether they choose to go to university, apply for an apprenticeship or go straight into work.
Employers from all sectors have been invited to the event, so there really will be something for... everyone. If you want to come, please email with your name and school. My office will be in touch to let you know any further information about the day. Please note there will be very limited parking available at Glasshouse College, so if you would like advice on where you can park nearby, or on any other matter, please speak to my team on 01384 370574.
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My latest newsletter is out - read it here -


Avid readers of my Stourbridge News column will know that recently, I was delighted to nominate The shovel inn (lye), for the Parliamentary Pub of the Year award. It’s a proper Black Country community pub with quality beers and real ales, including house beer 'Shovelicious' - brewed specially for the pub by Enville Brewery.
Special mentions go to The Crown Oldswinford and Katie Fitzgerald’s, both of which received lots of nominations and are great pubs in their own right. Maybe next year!


Newsletter from Margot James MP -


This Sunday, I will be attending a community day organised by the Respect For Ryan Campaign and Opening Boundaries to support their Tackling Knife Crime Together campaign.
The day will begin with an anti-knife crime awareness walk from 11am starting at the Rye Market, Stourbridge. The walk will conclude at Stourbridge Football Club where there will be activities all day. Wolves All Stars will play a Justice For Ryan team, kicking off at 2pm with other activities going on until the evening.
If you can, please come along to support this event.


I have spoken with Dudley Council this morning regarding the illegal travellers encampment on Brompton Park. Officers will be visiting this morning to serve notice on the travellers to leave the site and will be commencing court action to obtain a possession order as soon as possible. I will be encouraging the relevant authorities to take all action necessary to ensure the travellers are moved on as soon as possible.


I was honoured to attend an event yesterday commemorating an unsung hero of WWII, Major Frank Foley, and to welcome HRH The Duke of Cambridge to Mary Stevens Park to unveil the statue. The event was also attended by members of Major Foley’s family and the family members of those he saved.
Major Foley was working as an MI6 officer in Berlin during Hitler’s rise to power, and used his cover as a Passport Control Officer to help approximately 10,000 Jewish people flee Germany, great personal risk to himself. He and his wife, Kay, even housed refugees in their own home in Berlin. Foley had no diplomatic immunity, meaning that if he had been caught by the Nazis, he would likely have been executed.
His bravery and selflessness went unknown for many years. He and his wife retired to Norton, Stourbridge after the war, where he died in 1958.
I am most grateful to the Holocaust Educational Trust and Ian Austin MP, who have worked tirelessly to ensure a lasting memorial could be placed in Stourbridge. I am also grateful to former Chancellor, George Osborne, who agreed to funding for the statue, and to the artists, Steve Field and Andy de Comyn for bringing the statue to life.
The statue will serve as a lasting memorial to Major Foley, and I do hope that it helps visitors to the park learn more about his remarkable life.
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Much has been written about the government’s proposals for the terms of our leaving the EU in March of next year, not all of it true. Here is more information that sets the record straight.


I have just received some very good news, particularly for Withymoor residents. Following my letter to Ministers, I am delighted that approval has now been given to allow the Council to push on with the establishment of a transit travellers site in Coseley.
When the site is operational, Police will have greater powers to direct illegal traveller encampments to the transit site, or have to leave the borough within two hours.
This site will help to put an end to ongoing issues... caused when some travellers take over our local green open spaces, denying residents access to these amenities and leaving behind a mess that the Council has to pay to clean up.
Other boroughs that have these sites have seen a dramatic decrease in the number of illegal encampments and I am confident that we will see the same in Dudley too.
I am hopeful that work at the site will commence soon so that residents in areas like Withymoor, who have put up with several of these encampments in recent years, can start to enjoy their open spaces once again.
I am continuing to work with local Councillors and Council Officers to ensure that the travellers that are currently occupying land in Withymoor are removed.
I understand that a court order is being served today that will hopefully result in the group leaving the area by the weekend.
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Yesterday a public meeting took place at Lye Christ Church. Parliamentary sitting hours prevented me from attending, however, a representative from my Stourbridge office attended on my behalf.
I was very pleased to hear that the request for additional CCTV to tackle fly-tipping and anti-social behaviour has been granted and new deployable CCTV units are now active in the area. This is a positive step for Lye.
Littering does remain an issue in the area and I continually encour...age Dudley Council to make use of new enforcement officers in Lye to take action against people caught littering.
As I am sure many residents will have seen, a temporary barrier has been erected around the war memorial at Christ Church. I sincerely hope that this barrier will be temporary and that efforts by the Council will soon allow the memorial to open again without the prospect of anybody treating it with disrespect.
Lye residents are still concerned about rogue landlords and overcrowding. A member of my team attends regular meetings of the Lye Community Cohesion working group, during which feedback is provided on any ongoing rogue landlord investigations. The Council do take this very seriously, but it is vital that anybody with suspicion or evidence of such activity reports this to Dudley Council on 0300 555 2345. The Council investigate every report.
If anybody has any specific concerns that they wish to raise, or would like me to report anything on their behalf, please do not hesitate to contact me.
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I am aware of a number of caravans that have illegally gained access to the Withymoor park area next to Sainsbury's. I have been in contact with the relevant Cabinet member at Dudley Council to request that enforcement action to remove them commences immediately.

More about Margot James

Margot James is located at 1a Worcester Street, DY8 1AH Stourbridge
01384 370574