Meithrinfa Si-Lwli

Monday: 08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 18:00
Friday: 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -



Cyflwyniad bach i’n sesiynau ysgol goedwig 🌿🐜
A little introduction to our forest school sessions 🌿🐜


Croeso i’r byd Cai Elis Gardner! Llongyfarchiadau mawr i Anti Gwawr a’i phartner Alex!
Welcome to the world Cai Elis Gardner! Massive congratulations to Anti Gwawr and her partner Alex!


Mae'r plant wedi dechrau "Sesiynau Awyr Agored" wythnos yma. Fydd y sesiynau yn cymryd lle ar ddyddiau Llun, Mercher a Gwener, a fydd y grwpiau yn newid yn wythnosol. Heddiw, gwnaeth y plant dechrau creu'r gwesty trychfilod, archwilio’r ardd am drychfilod gan ddefnyddio chwyddwydrau a chasglu dail lliwiau, a threfnu nhw i'r bwcedi cywir!
The children are starting "Outdoor sessions" this week. The sessions will take place Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, with the groups rotating weekly. Today, the children began building the bug hotel. They also explored the garden with magnifying glasses and collected and sorted different coloured leaves!


Plîs sicrhewch fod eich plant yn mynychu Si-Lwli efo dillad addas i'r tywydd! Cot gynnes, menig, het a sgarff. Mae'n oer ofnadwy tu fas!
Please ensure your children attend Si-Lwli with weather appropriate clothing! A warm coat, gloves, hat and scarff. It's very cold outside now!


Hoffem ddymuno Nadolig Llawen i’r plant a teuluoedd oddi wrth yr Antis a Wncls Si-Lwli 🎄🌟🎅🏼
We would like to wish a Merry Christmas to the children and families from the Aunties and Uncles of Si-Lwli 🎄🎅🏼🌟


Diwrnod olaf Anti Gwawr! Pob lwc a ni’n edrych ymlaen i cwrdd â’r babi yn y flwyddyn newydd! 💙
Anti Gwawr’s last day! Good luck and we look forward to meeting the baby in the new year! 💙


Mae’r plant wrth eu bodd efo’r cinio ‘dolig!
The children are thoroughly enjoying their christmas dinner!


Dyma’r pamffled efo’r dolen i chi ddarganfod fwy o wybodaeth am yr cynnig gofal plant.
Here is the pamphlet with the link for you to learn more about the childcare offer.


Diolch yn fawr i chi am ddod i’r noson carolau neithiwr, roedd hi’n braf gweld cymaint ohonoch chi yno! Bydd angen meddwl am lleoliad fwy blwyddyn nesaf!! 🎅🏼🎄🎼🌟
Thank you for coming to our carol singing evening last night, it was brilliant to see so many of you there! We will need a bigger venue next year!! 🎅🏼🎄🎼🌟


Cofiwch! Fydd hi’n noson carolau yn Si-Lwli heno 5.30-6.00 🎄
Remember! It is carol singing evening tonight at Si-Lwli 5.30-6.00 ⭐️


Film bach o ein trip nadolig ddoe! A little film of our Christmas trip yesterday! 🐴🎄🌟🚜


Rydym wedi edrych ar y rhagolygon tywydd ar gyfer yfory, ac mae 'na rybudd o law! Os yw eich plentyn yn mynychu'r trip yfory, plîs allech chi roi esgidiau glaw arnyn nhw i safio eu hesgidiau rhag gwlychu!
We've looked at the weather forecast for tomorrow and there is warning of rain! If your child is attending the trip tomorrow, could they please wear wellies in order to save their shoes from getting wet!


Mae Carwyn a Cadog ati eto! Bore ‘ma, daeth y plant mewn am brecwast a dalon nhw’r carachod yn nghanol gêm o cerdiau!
Carwyn and Cadog are at it again! The children came in for breakfast this morning and caught the little elves in the middle of a card game!


Mae Carwyn a Cadog yn gwneud ffrindiau yn barod! Bore ma wnaeth y plant darganfod y corachod yn darllen llyfyr i’r deinosoriaid.
Carwyn and Cadog are making friends here already! This morning the children discovered the elves reading a story to the dinosaurs.


Edrychwch pwy sydd wedi dod nôl i Si-Lwli! Cofiwch cadw llygaid i weld beth mae’r ddau corach direidus yn ‘neud tra ei fod yn ymweld â ni!
Look who’s come to visit Si-Lwli again this year! Remember to keep an eye out to see what these troublesome elves are up to during their stay!




Diolch i Jên Angharad am ei ymweliad wythnos yma! Joiodd plant wylio’r perfformiad a chymryd rhan yn y gweithdy! Fideos i ddilyn!
Thank you to Jên Angharad for her visit this week! The children thoroughly enjoyed watching the performance and taking part in the workshop! Videos to follow!


Cafodd y tîm lawr llawr diwrnod cynhyrchiol iawn yn yr ardd ddoe! Ar ôl cael hyfforddiant ar sesiynau coedwig, aethon nhw ati i lanhau'r ardd a gosod cwpwl o ardaloedd newydd i'r plant!
The team downstairs had a very productive day in the garden yesterday! After having training on forest sessions in the morning, they went on to clean up the garden and set up some new areas for the children!


Rydym ni wedi bod yn rhan o deulu Si-Lwli ers dros dair mlynedd bellach ac wedi mwynhau pob munud! Ma'r Anti's wedi bod yn ffantastic - yn gyfeillgar a phroffesiynnol - ers y dechrau ac ma'r mab yn joio bod yn eu cwmni. Ma' fe'n rhedeg i mewn bob bore ac yn edrych ymlaen am ddiwrnod prysur a llawn hwyl! Llawer o ddiolch xx


Rydw i wedi gwethio yn Si-lwli am 8 mlynedd nawr, rydwi i wedi joio pob blwydfyn ac wedi dysgu shwt gymaint. Fy mrhofiad yn Si-lwli wedi bod yn wych ac yn edrych ymlaen i lot fwy o flynyddoedd hefyd. Dwi wrth fy modd yn edrych ar ôl y plant ac yn adeiladu perthynas dda gydar plant ac rhieni. #carusilwlifam


Our little boy loves his time at meithrin. Very caring staff, lovely activities and food. Very supportive of our Welsh learning. Really happy our little boy gets to attend this wonderful meithrin!


My youngest goes to Si-lwli, and the wrap around service they provide means he can also go to school in the afternoons. My oldest also attended and made friends who are still very much part of his life. The facilities may not be as good as newer places, but the live and are the kids receive is second to none.


My son has recently started here and has settled so well. He enjoys going to nursery and always comes home with lots of smiles. and I look forward to his first parents evening tonight�


My son has been going here for over three years now and my newborn is due to start in September. The antis and uncles have been so lovely, kind, caring and fun to be with I couldn't ask for anything more. Diolch pawb!xx


Mae staff si-lwli yn chwarae rhan enfawr yn natblygiad fy mab. Mae Gruff yn gwirioni wrth i ni gyrraedd yn y bore ac methu aros am ddiwrnod arall o hwyl a dysgu efo’r antis a wncwl! Diolch am bob dim. Lle gret a staff ffantastig!


Mae fy merch wrth ei bodd yn Si Lwli ac mae’r staff yno yn groesawgar ac yn cymryd yr amser i ddod i nabod y plant yn dda. Mae yna awyrgylch hapus a chyfeillgar yno ac rydym yn gwbwl hapus yn gadael ein merch yno gan ein bod yn gwybod ei bod hi’n cael y gofal gorau ac ei bod hi’n cael hwyl a sbri yn Si Lwli.


I could not have asked for better people to look after my daughter who has been going 3 to 5 days a week! They are not just nursery nurses they are one big family to all the children in their care! Thank you all for everything you have done for both of us!


Great nursery with lovely staff. Both my children are really happy there. Diolch!


Fantastic nursery, my son loved going everyday, always came home with arts and crafts. Staff lovely and really felt at ease leaving him there while I went to work :) would definatley recommend.


Down to earth nursery where my kids had lots of fun and especially loved the garden space :)


Cyn i'n mab ddechrau yn SL yn 6 mis oed, roedd o'n ddibynnol iawn arna i a do'n i ddim yn siwr iawn sut byse fo'n bodloni yn unrhywle hebddo i, ond diolch i'r merched, fe gafodd ei setlo mewn yn raddol braf, ac yn sensitif iawn i'w anghenion. Mae'n dal yn joio mynd i SL bron ddwy flynedd yn ddiweddarach. Ac mae'n dal yn ddirgelwch i ni sut mae'r Antis yn llwyddo i'w gael i gymryd nap!


Brilliant nursery for both my children. Fab staff too!


Both of my children have attended Si-lwli (our youngest still does) and we honestly feel they couldn't have had a better start and it has simply got better and better! The environments are constantly being updated to ensure the maximum opportunities for engagement and learning. The staff are kind, dedicated and extremely knowledgable about the children's development and clearly work hard to provide a child centred approach to learning and our children are always happy to go and have a story to tell about their day! Diolch i chi i gyd!


Both my children have attended Si-Lwli over the years. We have always found it to be such a lovely, nurturing and relaxed environment. The staff are brilliant and play a key role in developing the children in a caring and fun way. I have had difficulty getting my daughter to leave on occasions!! Diolch!


Amazing staff and set up. Children clearly thrive and develop in this environment. Cannot praise highly enough �����


All three of my children have been there and the fourth is on the list - they love it and I love it - the staff really do love the children xxx


All 3 of my children went to SiLwli and my youngest is still here. Friendly, approachable staff who really get to know the children as individuals. My older 2 still love returning for a visit when we pick their brother up and they always get a warm welcome and a catch from the antis. Its like an extended family.

More about Meithrinfa Si-Lwli

Meithrinfa Si-Lwli is located at 24 Park Road, CF14 7BQ Whitchurch, Cardiff, United Kingdom
Monday: 08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 18:00
Friday: 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -