Michael Pulman The Anxiety Therapist

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Michael Pulman The Anxiety Therapist

Confidential, Experienced, Effective

Traumatic memories
Physical pain

Self esteem

Michael Pulman The Anxiety Therapist Description

From my Lichfield and Walsall office

If you feel a constant heavy weight on your shoulders and a tight sickening feeling in your stomach then I can help you to end that for life so you will feel calm , confident, amazing



Officially on holiday... best wishes guys ­¤śŖ­¤śŖ­¤śŖ­¤śŖ­¤śŖ­¤śŖ­¤śŖ­¤śŖ­¤śŖ­¤śŖ­ ¤śŖ­¤śŖ­¤śŖ


Morning coffee followed by my last clients of the week. IŌĆÖm away next week so if you want a free a confidential chat give me a call today


IŌĆÖm so proud of this young lady. We had a fantastic session and with more sessions to come she knows her anxiety will be a thing of the past. Nothing but confidence and empowerment to come ŌØż’ĖÅ


Helping more clients to feel empowered today. Goodbye limiting beliefs and hello happy days ­¤śŖ


Business meeting in Birmingham then an afternoon with wonderful clients who are open to learning about their emotions and how to control them. Take control guys ŌØż’ĖÅ


Just remember.... itŌĆÖs not what I help you take away... itŌĆÖs what I help you to feel! Empowered, Confident, Happy, Relaxed, Calm, Motivated, Focused, Normal Again, Reenergised, Positive, Pain Free, Higher Self Esteem, Independent, Enough, At Peace, Stable, Grateful, Complete


Do you agree? Yes I most definitely do!


I took this pic this afternoon. Really makes me smile. Feel free to post your pics that make you smile ­¤śŖ


If youŌĆÖre feeling overwhelmed.... read on ŌØż’ĖÅ


Exciting day tomorrow...ask my why­¤śŖ


Asking yourself the right question can often help you become more self aware and lead to the right path in overcoming current emotional obstacles or even achieving life goals.
Answer the following questions to help with a current issue facing you
... What are three positive things about this issue?
What isnŌĆÖt working for you ?
What will you do to achieve your goal?
What will you stop doing in order to get the result you desire?
In what way can you motivate yourself to accomplish your target?
Name something you can do today to get the result you want?
Best wishes Michael
See More


So yesterday for the first time and through torrential rain and 65mph winds I climbed 3559ft to the top of Mt Snowden. I admit at times I was scared, but courage isnŌĆÖt the absence of fear. ItŌĆÖs going ahead in spite of the fear. So acknowledge that youŌĆÖre scared, either by verbalising it or writing it down. When you are this honest about your emotions, they are much easier to deal with ŌØż’ĖÅ


Climbing this bad boy for the first time tomorrow ŌØż’ĖÅ


If anyone is thinking of going to Chester Zoo over the summer holidays, donŌĆÖt bother. I went yesterday to see the meerkats and was hugely disappointed..... they knew f#% all about car insurance ­¤śĪ­¤śé


Have a wonderful weekend everyone... and to all my clients this week... WOW!! You guys are amazing ŌØż’ĖÅ


Another happy client ŌØż’ĖÅ


Mantras are positive affirmations that help to cultivate a more optimistic mindset. Make your own and repeat them each morning before you start your day. HereŌĆÖs some ideas to get you started:
I know that I can accomplish anything I set my mind on.
... I have the courage to step into my future with grace and ease.
I am worthy of achieving happiness.
See More


If youŌĆÖre willing to change so you can feel fulfilled and empowered with your life then letŌĆÖs have a 1-1 call. ItŌĆÖs free and confidential
https://hypnotherapist-birmingham.co.uk/c ontact/


Well i suffer with it really bad and its nice to no some one understands


This man changed my life in one session, please donŌĆÖt hesitate just book your appt!


Thank you for your great advice Michael. Straight forward and down to earth, exactly what I was looking for, and so hard to find. I would highly recommend to anybody seeking therapy or business coaching


Thank you Michael! A special man, I would recommend you to anyone.


My first session today and already a massive break through!! Really looking forward to my next session and seeing how Michael can help me more


Michael is the upmost professional within his field of work. We worked together on my stress and anxiety and I can honestly say that the techniques used have helped me ever since. If you are unsure about anything just give him a call and he will be willing to help. Thank you Michael :)


Michael is a very professional and competent therapist. He is friendly and personable and has the ability to put people at their ease immediately. I would not hesitate to recommend him.


Michael is a therapist I would highly recommend to anyone, without the slightest hesitation. He is easy going, competent and the most friendly person who will instantly put you at your ease. So easy to talk to, non judgemental and intuitive. Michael will help you to be the best you, you want to be.


Michael helped me with 5 min advice when I went to have a steroid injection and the result of it was it was painless. When ever something comes up in the future I am sure to contact Michael again.


I've had trouble with projecting stress into my stomach causing real pain. I saw Michael today at lunchtime. I was nervous but he instantly put me at ease. Since we finished I've not had to take any painkillers. He is really good at what he does. If you have any problems give him a try. Xxxxx


I would definitely recommend Michael

He helped me massively with my stress, anger and migraines

Go have a consultation and you will see how professional he is

You will not regret it


I have today had my second session with Michael and I feel fantastic. I have suffered on and off with anxiety for years but has really been an issue the last 3-4 months. It hindered my driving and my personal life. After just my first session I felt calmer, relaxed and more confident and was able to drive with a lot less anxiety.

Today I had walked away from my second session with my head feeling lighter, more enthusiastic, motivated and so much more confident. I am feeling excited about these feelings and the future.

Thank you Michael.


I had great session today with Michael. Anyone that is looking to get rid of there demons, or to gain some confidence in areas that they would like to be better in then you need to arrange a 1-2-1 with Michael A1 Service.


I cannot thank michael enough for helping me turn my life around. A few months ago I came to him in desperate need of some help to reduce my anxiety levels and to gain some control of my life. This therapy has completely changed me for the better I have much less anxiety and IŌĆÖm beginning to love myself from the inside which I never really understood until now. I have found I am more confident and have more self respect for myself which is an amazing feeling to have. Please if anyone has issues however big or small seek help Michael can really help you change and have a happy and healthier life. Thank you so much for everything you have helped me achieve it literally has been life changing.


I cannot recommend Michael enough. I cannot go into details as it was not me seeing him but if it wasn't for him, things would not have changed for a very special person in my life. Michael gave belief and hope and ultimately success. Thank you Michael


Highly recommend Michael, great result and love the entire experience.


Had three sessions with Michael to help me with life long anxiety and cannot emphasis enough how he has helped me. He is very professional in his approach and really puts one at ease

I have no hesitation in recommending him to anyone having problems with any forms of anxiety attacks


For the last 20 years I have battled with my weight constant yo yo diets great weight loss and bigger weight gain it felt like one big fail after another , last year I decided enough was enough and lost 5st OK so the diet worked and shifted the weight fast but I still had a fat person in my head who kept telling me go on eat it you can start again tomorrow before I knew it a stone had crept back on

I was feeling disappointed a failure !! so what next I'd tried every diet going with some results but couldn't keep going on like this then I found Micheal Pulman and thought OK worth a try !! From my initial contact with Michael over the phone I felt positivity his relaxed manner had me talking honest and openly he informed me of what he could offer me through his therapy and I thought OK this is it let's go for it !

Michael promises nothing but his positivity and passion for his work shines and has give me positivity something I've always possessed little of he's taught me that I have had to address the underlying issues before I can deal with my eating habits and that I can come up with all the excuses in the world for this and that but at the end of the day there just excuses !! and thats where I will fail , so with a goal set and therapy underway I've lost weight ,feel healthier have a positive mindset ,taking on new exsperiences and have discovered myself why because Michael has helped me believe in myself !!! Thank you Michael ’┐Į


Can't recommend Michael enough, first went to him around three years ago at a particularly difficult time in my life and he helped me to turn it all around and feel amazing about myself. Immediately relaxed and at ease in his company he taught me some amazing relaxation techniques I still use today. Whatever your issue I am certain he can help you to feel amazing, relaxed and completely at ease in his company, a very knowledgable person whose goal in life is to see people succeed and feel better within themselves.


Well i suffer with it really bad and its nice to no some one understands


This man changed my life in one session, please donŌĆÖt hesitate just book your appt!


Thank you for your great advice Michael. Straight forward and down to earth, exactly what I was looking for, and so hard to find. I would highly recommend to anybody seeking therapy or business coaching


Thank you Michael! A special man, I would recommend you to anyone.


My first session today and already a massive break through!! Really looking forward to my next session and seeing how Michael can help me more


Michael is the upmost professional within his field of work. We worked together on my stress and anxiety and I can honestly say that the techniques used have helped me ever since. If you are unsure about anything just give him a call and he will be willing to help. Thank you Michael :)


Michael is a very professional and competent therapist. He is friendly and personable and has the ability to put people at their ease immediately. I would not hesitate to recommend him.


Michael is a therapist I would highly recommend to anyone, without the slightest hesitation. He is easy going, competent and the most friendly person who will instantly put you at your ease. So easy to talk to, non judgemental and intuitive. Michael will help you to be the best you, you want to be.


Michael helped me with 5 min advice when I went to have a steroid injection and the result of it was it was painless. When ever something comes up in the future I am sure to contact Michael again.


I've had trouble with projecting stress into my stomach causing real pain. I saw Michael today at lunchtime. I was nervous but he instantly put me at ease. Since we finished I've not had to take any painkillers. He is really good at what he does. If you have any problems give him a try. Xxxxx


I would definitely recommend Michael

He helped me massively with my stress, anger and migraines

Go have a consultation and you will see how professional he is

You will not regret it


I have today had my second session with Michael and I feel fantastic. I have suffered on and off with anxiety for years but has really been an issue the last 3-4 months. It hindered my driving and my personal life. After just my first session I felt calmer, relaxed and more confident and was able to drive with a lot less anxiety.

Today I had walked away from my second session with my head feeling lighter, more enthusiastic, motivated and so much more confident. I am feeling excited about these feelings and the future.

Thank you Michael.


I had great session today with Michael. Anyone that is looking to get rid of there demons, or to gain some confidence in areas that they would like to be better in then you need to arrange a 1-2-1 with Michael A1 Service.


I cannot thank michael enough for helping me turn my life around. A few months ago I came to him in desperate need of some help to reduce my anxiety levels and to gain some control of my life. This therapy has completely changed me for the better I have much less anxiety and IŌĆÖm beginning to love myself from the inside which I never really understood until now. I have found I am more confident and have more self respect for myself which is an amazing feeling to have. Please if anyone has issues however big or small seek help Michael can really help you change and have a happy and healthier life. Thank you so much for everything you have helped me achieve it literally has been life changing.


I cannot recommend Michael enough. I cannot go into details as it was not me seeing him but if it wasn't for him, things would not have changed for a very special person in my life. Michael gave belief and hope and ultimately success. Thank you Michael


Highly recommend Michael, great result and love the entire experience.


Had three sessions with Michael to help me with life long anxiety and cannot emphasis enough how he has helped me. He is very professional in his approach and really puts one at ease

I have no hesitation in recommending him to anyone having problems with any forms of anxiety attacks


For the last 20 years I have battled with my weight constant yo yo diets great weight loss and bigger weight gain it felt like one big fail after another , last year I decided enough was enough and lost 5st OK so the diet worked and shifted the weight fast but I still had a fat person in my head who kept telling me go on eat it you can start again tomorrow before I knew it a stone had crept back on

I was feeling disappointed a failure !! so what next I'd tried every diet going with some results but couldn't keep going on like this then I found Micheal Pulman and thought OK worth a try !! From my initial contact with Michael over the phone I felt positivity his relaxed manner had me talking honest and openly he informed me of what he could offer me through his therapy and I thought OK this is it let's go for it !

Michael promises nothing but his positivity and passion for his work shines and has give me positivity something I've always possessed little of he's taught me that I have had to address the underlying issues before I can deal with my eating habits and that I can come up with all the excuses in the world for this and that but at the end of the day there just excuses !! and thats where I will fail , so with a goal set and therapy underway I've lost weight ,feel healthier have a positive mindset ,taking on new exsperiences and have discovered myself why because Michael has helped me believe in myself !!! Thank you Michael ’┐Į


Can't recommend Michael enough, first went to him around three years ago at a particularly difficult time in my life and he helped me to turn it all around and feel amazing about myself. Immediately relaxed and at ease in his company he taught me some amazing relaxation techniques I still use today. Whatever your issue I am certain he can help you to feel amazing, relaxed and completely at ease in his company, a very knowledgable person whose goal in life is to see people succeed and feel better within themselves.


Well i suffer with it really bad and its nice to no some one understands


This man changed my life in one session, please donŌĆÖt hesitate just book your appt!


Thank you for your great advice Michael. Straight forward and down to earth, exactly what I was looking for, and so hard to find. I would highly recommend to anybody seeking therapy or business coaching


Thank you Michael! A special man, I would recommend you to anyone.


My first session today and already a massive break through!! Really looking forward to my next session and seeing how Michael can help me more


Michael is the upmost professional within his field of work. We worked together on my stress and anxiety and I can honestly say that the techniques used have helped me ever since. If you are unsure about anything just give him a call and he will be willing to help. Thank you Michael :)


Michael is a very professional and competent therapist. He is friendly and personable and has the ability to put people at their ease immediately. I would not hesitate to recommend him.


Michael is a therapist I would highly recommend to anyone, without the slightest hesitation. He is easy going, competent and the most friendly person who will instantly put you at your ease. So easy to talk to, non judgemental and intuitive. Michael will help you to be the best you, you want to be.


Michael helped me with 5 min advice when I went to have a steroid injection and the result of it was it was painless. When ever something comes up in the future I am sure to contact Michael again.


I've had trouble with projecting stress into my stomach causing real pain. I saw Michael today at lunchtime. I was nervous but he instantly put me at ease. Since we finished I've not had to take any painkillers. He is really good at what he does. If you have any problems give him a try. Xxxxx


I would definitely recommend Michael

He helped me massively with my stress, anger and migraines

Go have a consultation and you will see how professional he is

You will not regret it


I have today had my second session with Michael and I feel fantastic. I have suffered on and off with anxiety for years but has really been an issue the last 3-4 months. It hindered my driving and my personal life. After just my first session I felt calmer, relaxed and more confident and was able to drive with a lot less anxiety.

Today I had walked away from my second session with my head feeling lighter, more enthusiastic, motivated and so much more confident. I am feeling excited about these feelings and the future.

Thank you Michael.


I had great session today with Michael. Anyone that is looking to get rid of there demons, or to gain some confidence in areas that they would like to be better in then you need to arrange a 1-2-1 with Michael A1 Service.


I cannot thank michael enough for helping me turn my life around. A few months ago I came to him in desperate need of some help to reduce my anxiety levels and to gain some control of my life. This therapy has completely changed me for the better I have much less anxiety and IŌĆÖm beginning to love myself from the inside which I never really understood until now. I have found I am more confident and have more self respect for myself which is an amazing feeling to have. Please if anyone has issues however big or small seek help Michael can really help you change and have a happy and healthier life. Thank you so much for everything you have helped me achieve it literally has been life changing.


I cannot recommend Michael enough. I cannot go into details as it was not me seeing him but if it wasn't for him, things would not have changed for a very special person in my life. Michael gave belief and hope and ultimately success. Thank you Michael


Highly recommend Michael, great result and love the entire experience.


Had three sessions with Michael to help me with life long anxiety and cannot emphasis enough how he has helped me. He is very professional in his approach and really puts one at ease

I have no hesitation in recommending him to anyone having problems with any forms of anxiety attacks


For the last 20 years I have battled with my weight constant yo yo diets great weight loss and bigger weight gain it felt like one big fail after another , last year I decided enough was enough and lost 5st OK so the diet worked and shifted the weight fast but I still had a fat person in my head who kept telling me go on eat it you can start again tomorrow before I knew it a stone had crept back on

I was feeling disappointed a failure !! so what next I'd tried every diet going with some results but couldn't keep going on like this then I found Micheal Pulman and thought OK worth a try !! From my initial contact with Michael over the phone I felt positivity his relaxed manner had me talking honest and openly he informed me of what he could offer me through his therapy and I thought OK this is it let's go for it !

Michael promises nothing but his positivity and passion for his work shines and has give me positivity something I've always possessed little of he's taught me that I have had to address the underlying issues before I can deal with my eating habits and that I can come up with all the excuses in the world for this and that but at the end of the day there just excuses !! and thats where I will fail , so with a goal set and therapy underway I've lost weight ,feel healthier have a positive mindset ,taking on new exsperiences and have discovered myself why because Michael has helped me believe in myself !!! Thank you Michael ’┐Į


Can't recommend Michael enough, first went to him around three years ago at a particularly difficult time in my life and he helped me to turn it all around and feel amazing about myself. Immediately relaxed and at ease in his company he taught me some amazing relaxation techniques I still use today. Whatever your issue I am certain he can help you to feel amazing, relaxed and completely at ease in his company, a very knowledgable person whose goal in life is to see people succeed and feel better within themselves.


Well i suffer with it really bad and its nice to no some one understands


This man changed my life in one session, please donŌĆÖt hesitate just book your appt!


Thank you for your great advice Michael. Straight forward and down to earth, exactly what I was looking for, and so hard to find. I would highly recommend to anybody seeking therapy or business coaching


Thank you Michael! A special man, I would recommend you to anyone.


My first session today and already a massive break through!! Really looking forward to my next session and seeing how Michael can help me more


Michael is the upmost professional within his field of work. We worked together on my stress and anxiety and I can honestly say that the techniques used have helped me ever since. If you are unsure about anything just give him a call and he will be willing to help. Thank you Michael :)


Michael is a very professional and competent therapist. He is friendly and personable and has the ability to put people at their ease immediately. I would not hesitate to recommend him.


Michael is a therapist I would highly recommend to anyone, without the slightest hesitation. He is easy going, competent and the most friendly person who will instantly put you at your ease. So easy to talk to, non judgemental and intuitive. Michael will help you to be the best you, you want to be.


Michael helped me with 5 min advice when I went to have a steroid injection and the result of it was it was painless. When ever something comes up in the future I am sure to contact Michael again.


I've had trouble with projecting stress into my stomach causing real pain. I saw Michael today at lunchtime. I was nervous but he instantly put me at ease. Since we finished I've not had to take any painkillers. He is really good at what he does. If you have any problems give him a try. Xxxxx


I would definitely recommend Michael

He helped me massively with my stress, anger and migraines

Go have a consultation and you will see how professional he is

You will not regret it


I have today had my second session with Michael and I feel fantastic. I have suffered on and off with anxiety for years but has really been an issue the last 3-4 months. It hindered my driving and my personal life. After just my first session I felt calmer, relaxed and more confident and was able to drive with a lot less anxiety.

Today I had walked away from my second session with my head feeling lighter, more enthusiastic, motivated and so much more confident. I am feeling excited about these feelings and the future.

Thank you Michael.


I had great session today with Michael. Anyone that is looking to get rid of there demons, or to gain some confidence in areas that they would like to be better in then you need to arrange a 1-2-1 with Michael A1 Service.


I cannot thank michael enough for helping me turn my life around. A few months ago I came to him in desperate need of some help to reduce my anxiety levels and to gain some control of my life. This therapy has completely changed me for the better I have much less anxiety and IŌĆÖm beginning to love myself from the inside which I never really understood until now. I have found I am more confident and have more self respect for myself which is an amazing feeling to have. Please if anyone has issues however big or small seek help Michael can really help you change and have a happy and healthier life. Thank you so much for everything you have helped me achieve it literally has been life changing.


I cannot recommend Michael enough. I cannot go into details as it was not me seeing him but if it wasn't for him, things would not have changed for a very special person in my life. Michael gave belief and hope and ultimately success. Thank you Michael


Highly recommend Michael, great result and love the entire experience.


Had three sessions with Michael to help me with life long anxiety and cannot emphasis enough how he has helped me. He is very professional in his approach and really puts one at ease

I have no hesitation in recommending him to anyone having problems with any forms of anxiety attacks


For the last 20 years I have battled with my weight constant yo yo diets great weight loss and bigger weight gain it felt like one big fail after another , last year I decided enough was enough and lost 5st OK so the diet worked and shifted the weight fast but I still had a fat person in my head who kept telling me go on eat it you can start again tomorrow before I knew it a stone had crept back on

I was feeling disappointed a failure !! so what next I'd tried every diet going with some results but couldn't keep going on like this then I found Micheal Pulman and thought OK worth a try !! From my initial contact with Michael over the phone I felt positivity his relaxed manner had me talking honest and openly he informed me of what he could offer me through his therapy and I thought OK this is it let's go for it !

Michael promises nothing but his positivity and passion for his work shines and has give me positivity something I've always possessed little of he's taught me that I have had to address the underlying issues before I can deal with my eating habits and that I can come up with all the excuses in the world for this and that but at the end of the day there just excuses !! and thats where I will fail , so with a goal set and therapy underway I've lost weight ,feel healthier have a positive mindset ,taking on new exsperiences and have discovered myself why because Michael has helped me believe in myself !!! Thank you Michael ’┐Į


Can't recommend Michael enough, first went to him around three years ago at a particularly difficult time in my life and he helped me to turn it all around and feel amazing about myself. Immediately relaxed and at ease in his company he taught me some amazing relaxation techniques I still use today. Whatever your issue I am certain he can help you to feel amazing, relaxed and completely at ease in his company, a very knowledgable person whose goal in life is to see people succeed and feel better within themselves.

More about Michael Pulman The Anxiety Therapist

Michael Pulman The Anxiety Therapist is located at 10a Station street, Harborne, B17 9JT Birmingham, United Kingdom
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -