Mindful Changes Hypnobirthing

About Mindful Changes Hypnobirthing

I provide pregnancy and birth preparation classes, including Hypnobirthing, and individual sessions for pregnant women and their birth partners. I also offer a post-natal Doula service, helping couples to settle in to life as new parents.

Mindful Changes Hypnobirthing Description

I am a Hypnobirthing coach and practitioner with 15 years experience of helping women to experience birth their way. I offer individual and group sessions for women and their birth partners.



The post natal period is so important in many different ways. In the early days and even weeks after birth, having nourishing food is vital for your recovery. If you are breastfeeding, it also means your baby is being well fed. If you don’t have help, or batches of food in the freezer, it’s all too easy to snack on the first thing at hand. After all who has the time or energy to prepare delicious, fresh meals with a newborn? This might be a solution, it could even be the best baby shower gift ever! 🤱


This is me! It’s so easy to get caught up in posting meaningful content, that you forget the basics, so here I am. This photo was taken by my 17 year old son in his bedroom. He’s the one that started me on this journey. His birth was a waterbirth, exactly as I had wanted. My birth, my way, in spite of his enormous head getting stuck! It could have been so different. Hospital policy stated that the second stage of labour should be no longer than two hours. Two hours and twenty minutes in, I had midwives willing to support me, who thankfully kept the consultant and his forceps outside my door. #thisisme #mybirthstory #hypnobirthing #stourbridge #stourbridgedoula #hagley #hypnobirthingmama #birthpreparation #thebridgehouse #doula #mybirthmyway #waterbaby


Yey! Beyond the Bump is back 😊 From September it will be a fortnightly meeting with Charlotte (Fellow Doula and ante/post natal fitness specialist) and I (Well you know who I am) sharing the spotlight. As usual we will have other people coming to talk about all things mama, and a little about the babies too. This week it’s me, bringing you techniques to help you to sleep, whether your bump is too uncomfy or your mind keeps churning, this will be a fabulous opportunity to learn how to switch off. 😁


Whether you are expecting your first or have your fourth in your arms, Beyond the Bump is a fantastic opportunity to meet other Mamas in a friendly and informal setting. We meet in the café between 11 and 11.30 to allow for nappy changes, changes of clothes etc! This week when we move upstairs I will be helping you with sleep, you not your baby. If you are pregnant it can help you to get past the discomfort as your dates approaches. Those of you that have your baby will proba...bly be familiar with that feeling once your baby is asleep; you close your eyes and will yourself to fall asleep quickly otherwise it will be time to wake up for the next feed, but because you are trying so hard, sleep just won’t come. Well I can help you to stop trying and actually sleep instead. The cost is just £4. Places are limited so please click going on the event and then send a message to book.
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In my classes I often tell parents to be that their midwife is the best advocate for their wishes if a consultant becomes involved in their care. Midwives get it, they know that birth is more than getting to the other end with Mum and baby in one piece. How women birth matters. They need so much more than a room and medical care. They need to feel safe, supported and in control. They need to have informed choice if things don't go according to plan. They need to feel that they can have their birth, their way, whatever that means.
So how do the midwives feel about the care that they are able to provide?
https://continuitymatterscampaign.wordpre ss.com/…/it-doesn…/


If you will excuse the pun, mastitis really sucks. It's painful, even excruciating and can leave you feeling like you've been hit by a bus. So if you have it what can you do? The first thing to know, is that you may need antibiotics and they should be taken within 24 hours of the symptoms beginning if there is no improvement. But there are other things that can help.
1. Rest!
... If you think back through the week before getting mastitis you probably did more than you should. You may even know exactly when you pushed through that tremendous tiredness to get just one more thing done. Stop it! If you've had mastitis once you are likely to get it again if you keep on going. Resting is the single best way to avoid a recurrence of mastitis.
2. Massage the lumps.
This may hurt, but it's worth the pain. Massage the lumps whilst you feed your baby, or when you are in a hot shower for some pain relief. Your mastitis will clear up much quicker if you can unblock that duct. Using a hot water bottle directly on the lump before massaging it will make it easier and less painful.
3. Can't stand the heat?
A fever is your body's natural way of fighting an infection. You don't need to bring down your temperature unless advised by your doctor. In fact, you can help your body win the battle by having a really hot bath or going to bed with a hot water bottle or by wearing extra layers of clothes.
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⭐️ Knowing what is necessary to bring your body back to full strength after birth can be the difference between strength and health, and pain and incontinence. If you would like a recommendation for any post-natal help please send me a message or post below ⭐️


Amazing (personal) news! For the last three months I have been part of a business mentorship programme for people serving women’s wellness. I have been in business for 17 years and never done anything like this before. I have learned a lot and not always the things I set out to. This morning was the end of the course and prize giving time, and I won the most amazing prize! I am off to a course called Woman On Fire in April! It’s a weekend dedicated to people who work in women’s wellness. I will come back with so much more to offer you! I am beyond excited!


💕I love this and had to share it with you 💕


I think the breastfeeding police officer photo has been viewed far and wide now, so hopefully you know what this guy is talking about (if not, take a look, it's a beautiful photo). This guy rocks! If you don't agree I'm sorry, but I believe in gender difference, (I also believe women should be able to rescue themselves whenever the opportunity arises), I like chivalry, it doesn't mean I'm helpless. I like that I can grow and birth a baby and men can't, it means I'm a goddess!


In my classes I often talk about this subject. Obviously the most important outcome is that Mum and baby are alive and well. But for most women this is not enough, for all the reasons outlined in the bellybelly blog. There are things you can do to prepare for birth that can significantly increase your chances of feeling satisfied, or even elated about the birth of your baby. Taking birth preparation classes that are honest about birth, that do not gloss over what might go wro...ng, is a great way to educate yourself and your partner. You might think you don't want to know about the bad stuff, but hearing about it in a factual way and then being told how you can take control if it happens to you, puts you in a position of strength, instead of leaving you to feeling helpless. Having a doula present at your birth also increases your chances of feeling calm, confident and in control. A doula will support you and your birth partner. She will also help in whatever way you wish, making drinks, keeping your birth environment as you would like it, discussing your preferences and wishes with hospital staff and more. Learning to use self-hypnosis before the birth will also give you control over your mental state, allow you to deal with discomfort effectively and make the most of the rest time between contractions as your baby is being born. Paying for this kind of help before the birth of your baby can also reduce your chances of getting PND and could be the best baby shower present ever! https://www.bellybelly.com.au/…/is-a-he althy-baby-all-that…/
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There are so many baby skincare products available, it’s hard to know what to buy. The only thing you really NEED is a cloth and water. Not all products sold for babies are safe, they contain ingredients that have not been proven to be safe. Many baby products contain ‘parfum’ or fragrance. Although this is listed as one ingredient, any parfum can be made up of many different chemicals, none of them in any way beneficial to your baby, at worst they are harmful. I took my mid...dle baby to baby massage classes. I was given sunflower oil to use as it was supposed to be ‘the closest ph to a baby’s skin’. The announcement below categorically states it should not be used! The announcement, from the Royal College of Midwives, also highlights the lack of testing of the products that we are sold for use on our babies’ skin. https://www.rcm.org.uk/newborn-skincare

More about Mindful Changes Hypnobirthing

Mindful Changes Hypnobirthing is located at Milton Drive, DY9 9LS Hagley