Namas Yoga Solihull

About Namas Yoga Solihull

Head to the website www. for more information on classes, private tuition and workshops

Namas Yoga Solihull Description

Head to the website www. for more information on classes, private tuition and workshops



Last class before we close for Easter 🐣 Tonight's class we focused on listening and sensing the change in the seasons and how this affects us internally. Our Doshas can take a shift as we head into a more Pitta state which can suit some of us but for others can cause imbalance. It's important to understand and learn what our body needs as it continuously changes. That's why we love Yoga!
We added in lots of mobility work and binds into our flows tonight. Heading home to write... some notes on what we need to focus on next when we're back on the mat.
We're on a little break for the holidays so you can find us back at the studio on Friday 25th April.
Wishing you all a very Happy Easter 🐣👍
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Bananas about bananas | I was going to make banana bread but we've had so much food last weekend due to lots of celebrations that the thought of baking a loaf this week makes me feel 🤢 So instead, all of these and more are being chopped up to go into my freezer ready for smoothies. I had daily homemade smoothies during my third trimester in my last pregnancy and just as I've entered the third trimester this week, I'm craving the same.
I like to keep my smoothies really simple.... Anyone else find smoothies with 100 fruits wreck their digestive system?
What's your favourite things to put in smoothies? 🍌🍍🍎🍉🥑🥝🥥🍒🍓
Has anyone else been been put off adding coconut water to their smoothies or just drinking straight from the carton? I saw a video on Facebook a while ago of someone opening a carton and it had mould in it! 😤🤮 It put me right off, could have just been a dodgy batch but I've not been having any coconut water due to watching it 🙈 #somanyquestions
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If you can move this train in both directions, you can also turn a negative thought into a positive one 🙏 Wellbeing starts from within #mentalhealth


27 weeks pregnant. Finding new veins and more pressure on my hips this week. Embracing comfy clothes, enjoying the stronger kicks and trying real hard to add 1-2 self care rituals daily.
I've let go of weights and only using up to 4kg. Focusing more on mobility and stability work now, and delving into different parts of my Yoga practice that either had cobwebs on them or some things I've never done before.
There's so much that happens and changes during pregnancy, at the time it can feel like it lasts forever but it doesn't. I've had to learn to be more adaptable and compassionate to myself so these last few weeks I have to go, hopefully can go by with a bit more ease #changeisgood


How to do Lizard Lunge video tutorial, it's benefits and notes on pregnancy in the Blog today:…/how-to-do-l izard-lunge-pose-in-…


Tight hips? Let's add a dose of Lizard Lunge Pose 🦎 . There's many variations and we do lots of 'Lizarding' in my classes and 1:1 sessions. Here's a 60 second tutorial on getting started on this fabulous hip opener and leg strengthener. Let me know how you get on.


23 weeks pregnant | I'm still trying to get baby to move up a bit as he's still nestled very low, mainly on my left side. When I had my scan, that wand/stick thing they use, is right above my pubic bone 🙈 Yep, he's that low! It explains all the back pain I've been, sciatica on my left side and my vagina is whole other story! Stability movements, walking, keeping mobile and the odd inversion (plus rest) has really helped during this second trimester.
🙋🏻‍♀️ Any advice on gettin...g bubba to move a bit would be great (I've even heard of using ice packs but not tried it yet, waiting to chat with my midwife).
Note: I'm happy to do inversions in my comfort zone as I did them before pregnancy and whilst pregnant with Alexiia.
Next week I have an appointment with my midwife and I can't wait!!!
Cravings this week so far is: iced coffee, iced coffee, iced coffee. So I've been opting for soy iced de-caf lattes or making them at home.
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Presses tonight for these guys and whatever I threw at them, they went for and just kept going. Recovery is key to progress; if you keep powering through, you'll burn out or get injured. I got everyone to take Child's Pose or any other restorative pose inbetween every exercise, movement and pose we did. I'm so proud of them for the progress they made and respect them for listening to their bodies. Here they are in Pigeon Pose, cooling down near the end of practice 🙏
If you ever want to join us, head to or send me a DM telling me more about you.


Me - 'How are you all doing?' Everyone - 'Tired'
Me - 'oh... this can go two ways, we either do a relaxing class or end up doing a challenging class... let's start by lying down'
... 58 mins later - Presses, hip mobility, Downward Facing Dog lampposts, Shrimp squats, Flows.... and now relax.... Supta Baddha Konasana time'
Friday's 7.15pm we seal off the week with Yoga, ready for a good weekend. These guys worked so hard, best part of my job is seeing their faces glow after class.
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How to do Cat + Cow in 60 seconds:…/how-to-do-c at-cow-pose-in-60-se…
Which one do you prefer: 🐱 or 🐮? It feels natural for me to do Cow pose but more beneficial to do Cat pose.
Ps, I know this video is actually 52 seconds, not 60 seconds, but I ended up accidentally cutting out 8 seconds of the end of this video 😂


New blog post || 6 ways to turn self doubt into self care:…/6-ways-to-t urn-self-doubt-into-…
It has taken me many trials and errors to get to 30 and give less f*cks. This post I'm chatting about self care because it took more than self-love to make me feel worthy in all honesty. Sure, it's a commitment, has to be adaptable and requires attention but it's all worth it. No-one else can do it for us, it has to come from within!
... Let me know if you have any tips or advice on self care 🧠💪🗣
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Feeling cold just watching this!


Prepped these guys with dynamic movements for binds tonight and boy did they work hard 💪🙏 I would have left them like this in Savasana for longer if I could 😴


On Fridays we like to keep it chilled at the studio, this helps everyone digest their busy week and sets them up for a good weekend.
Our hamstrings and hips got plenty of attention last night, with mobility repetitions and yummy lunge sequences.
We have spaces on our Friday night class if you wish to join us.
... Currently, out Wednesday night class is fully booked but you can message me to be added to the waiting list or ask me my questions:
Head to the website
Have a great weekend everyone 🙏👍
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This stuff is amazing! What shall we have with it? Porridge, fruit, almond or peanut butter??? 😋


Ah - so this what goes on straight after I finish teaching Yoga to BM3 in Digbeth! Who loves dancing? It looks so much fun!


Namas Yoga and chocolates at one of the companies I teach in Birmingham?! I think they're trying to get on my good side for Monday. The lovely Rachel chatting about Wellbeing at the workplace today. Looks like they have a good balance, hope they saved some for me 😁
I've been working with this team for nearly a year now and I honestly wish there was more time to spend with them. Most of them never stepped foot in a Yoga class before. Seeing them improve over the past year and have a spring in their step when they finish class and leave work is so rewarding.

More about Namas Yoga Solihull

Namas Yoga Solihull is located at The Village Hotel, Dog Kennel Lane, B90 4JG Solihull