No Bs In Property

About No Bs In Property

We provide Invesment opportunities and hands off refurbishment to our clients. All things property related we can help with.

We are here to serve!

No Bs In Property Description

Property Ventures Investments and Flipping concentrate on securing profitable properties for both trading and holding purposes.

The vision for Property Ventures is to help those interested in property to invest wisely for cash flow or seek profits via flips



"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much."
A key tip in this game of PROPERTY investment/development is getting a POWER team together.
The phrase ‘power team’ is so often thrown about but what does it mean?
... It doesn’t solely mean get a few PROFESSIONALS in place to help YOU achieve your outcome.
It’s more than that.
It’s about finding people with a common GOAL.
Finding a way to enhance every individuals situation whilst potentially helping yours.
Your situation should be the last OBJECTIVE!
A wise man once wrote, “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want."
This is SUCCESS.
This is where the MAGIC is.
This is where the PROCESS becomes fun!
As we always aim to work with LIKE minded people from, tradesmen, to high net worth individuals all of these individuals MEAN the same to us.
Without 1, the rest of the process fails.
Who’s in your POWER team?
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Start earning more today?
Sounds too good to be true right?
Fortunately it’s not, and our investors can vouch for this.

We understand that for many people they enjoy they jobs but have savings in the bank losing VALUE!
So they want passive rolled up interest on their hard earned money, which we HELP them achieve, as opposed to earning nothing in the bank and losing a battle to inflation.
For others they want to earn more to supplement their yearly INCOME in order to do and buy more AND again we HELP them too.
The possibilities are endless and the RETURNS we offer are always better than any BANK.
The photo shows how much extra a month your money will accumulate.
The difference section is quite SIGNIFICANT!
*Although we typically offer 8%+ we have shown a conservative 7% here.
*Returns are usually rolled up but the figures in the photo are monthly amounts you will receive x 12
Tired of earning less? You know what to do!
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A second HMO purchase with JV partners.
A great step in the right decoration as we look to ADD VALUE and RECYCLE money out of the deal.
This 9 bed beauty will be refurbished to a high standard providing beautiful, habitable living conditions for our future and current TENANTS.
... Not only will it provide them a more suitable home to call their own, but it will also from an INVESTMENT perspective add value and allow ourselves and INVESTORS the opportunity to get great returns on their money.
For this deal in particular we have given our trusted investors 8% per annum (rolled up).
Additionally this is where BUSINESS and life begins to improve as we work with like minded people in securing future WEALTH and great cash flowing assets!
Interested in working with us in the future don’t hesitate to get in touch...
We are here to serve!
#propertyventures #cashflow #houses #property #investing #propertyinvestor #propertyinvestment #hmo #detached #house #home #asset #tenants #housing #help #money #financialfreedom #teamwork #jv #friends #business #progress @ Birmingham, United Kingdom
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Houses of multiple occupancy.
How many of you invest in these?
... July was a month we purchased 2 of these.
Not necessarily our primary STRATEGY but when money is sitting in the bank earning 0.5% it made sense to get 30% on our savings.
This already tenanted ready to GO HMO will provide roughly £1000pcm net CASHFLOW providing an ROI in 3.5 of all capital invested.
Similarly the bricks and mortar VALUATION is the exact price we purchased it for.
Couple of tips: 1. Ensure demand is sufficient 2. Ensure it is all up to date as regulations are changing in a few months. 3. Make sure bricks and mortar stacks up if your not using a commercial mortgage! Too many HMOs are being inflated in price for their cashflow as opposed to actual value.
Stay tuned for our next post as we have an even more exciting VENTURE we want to share with you and one which we are providing an investor with 8% returns on...
Get in touch!
We are here to serve!
#opportunity #hmo #houses #house #home #cashflow #money #investing #property #propertyventures #tenants #asset #interest #roi #roce #propertyinvestment #propertylife #propertyinvestor #investors @ Birmingham, United Kingdom
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Helping our friends, family and INVESTORS make great returns on their money 💰 💴 is one of the BEST things about what we do!
So the 3 main ways we HELP them is:
1. Property sourcing. We provide them hands off properties that give them a return on their investment they are after.
... 2. Portfolio building. We purchase properties together. An investor would provide funds and we would do everything else, from sourcing-negotiation-hiring trades-scheduling works-managing the project-refurbishing to a high standard-marketing-exiting (sale/letting).
3. A better % return on their money in the bank. We are always aiming to provide better returns than the bank. Minimum returns usually start at 6% but we have recently done 12% per annum on a project.
Each project is specific but either way YOU earn more than the BANK!
For more details on how you can BUILD wealth or improve your returns on your money get in touch.
We are here to serve.
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Today we sell an unencumbered PROPERTY which is something we don’t necessarily do.
However this was INTENTIONAL.
Despite always recommending having 2 exit strategies this one was always meant to be; purchased, refurbed and SOLD!
... The beauty of selling this though, is the experience acquired from it but also the ability for us to now BUY our next project...
We are purchasing a HMO that provides:
3.5 years ROI £900 Net monthly cash flow Systems in place to manage Local area, so easy to manage
Reinvesting profits and money into profits is also TAX efficient but don’t take our word for it, speak to your accountant 😉!
Property isn’t a quick rich game, but if you stick with it, it can certainly improve your £££!
We also have a few deals in the pipeline which will help our INVESTORS achieve GREAT returns!
If any of this excites you, get in touch. Let us know how we can help.
We are here to serve!
#property #propertyventures #cashflow #property #investing #hmo #asset #cash #money #rich #sale #flip #buy #propertyinvestment #roi #wealth #wealthy
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As your EXPERIENCE increases these become so much more valuable!
Knowing how to configure spaces in order to convert houses is a STRATEGY we are now focusing on.
We are opting to convert houses to FLATS, which provides higher yields and a much better ROI!
... Although we stand by BTL/ Single let’s as our bread and butter we also believe cashflowing properties are just as important.
To be successful in this GAME always look for both:
1. Cashflowing source of properties 2. Wealth building source of properties
For any assistance or if you’re keen to INVEST with us and get a much better ROI for your ££££ in the bank either via straight interest or equity then get in touch.
We are here to serve!
#propertylife #propertyventures #houses #property #investing #assets #cashflow #wealth #flats #btl #income #passiveincome #help #entrepreneur
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A sweet spot for BTL investments we find within our area fall within these ranges..
This is a tool we all take to viewings and use during our DD.
... Certain INVESTORS we work with require certain levels of returns and utilising this saves calculating every time and risk making MISTAKES.
How much do you generally aim for?
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So who BUYS LEASEHOLD Properties?
As you may or may not be aware currently 4/10 new properties in England and Wales are now sold as LEASEHOLD!
Last April (2017), it was recorded there was 4,000,000 dwellings in England alone that were leasehold.
... So what is the difference between a leasehold and a freehold?
If you purchase a FREEHOLD property it effectively means you own the BUILDING and the LAND it sits on.
However, If your property is leasehold, you hold the property on behalf of the freeholder and RENT the home until your LEASE expires.
Leases can range in their length. Usually common numbers include, 60,99,999
So what else?
Ground rent! Something that can sometimes be often overlooked is ground rent which is an annual charge the leaseholder must pay to the owner of the freehold.
Although initially a fixed AMOUNT, your LEASE may contain a CLAUSE which allows the landlord to increase the cost payable every 5 to 10 years from the date of build.
Ensure your solicitor finds out about this to save yourself BIG OUTGOINGS a few downs the line hurting your cashflow!
Anything else?
Yes service charge! This is a FEE that is payable by all residents which contributes towards the upkeep/maintenance of the BUILDING.
This OFTEN includes cleaning of communal areas, outdoor areas and general maintenance.
Similarly, the fee is often fixed but again can CHANGE year on year.
So once again please find out from your solicitor before hand.
Things you should enquire about therefore prior to PURCHASING a leasehold property:
1. The number of years left on the lease 2. Ground rent details and whether or not if or they will Increase over time 3. The annual service charge costs and if they are to change 4. Any other unrelated fees (event related/shares ownership etc) 5. Total balance of sinking fund (the amount should you sell that will be paid and retained as capital to cover any repairs which may have appeared during your residence at property) 6. Any unusual restrictions / covenants
So to conclude, yes LEASEHOLDS can be a great property investment strategy but just make sure you’re doing the necessary due diligence as with any VENTURE to ensure your investment
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We have a few PORTFOLIOS from LANDLORDS looking to get rid of their ASSETS...
The upside:
Below market cash flowing profits producing YIELDS 6%+
... Properties will go up in Value due locations (capital growth)
The downside:
They are eager to complete under almost auction type conditions.
Would suit CASH purchasers happy to REFINANCE later, although we are negotiating to allow some contingency on timescales.
Watch this space.
Have a great day!!
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Advertising your project for EXIT halfway through refurb.
If possible get a a sign/ board up for SALE / LETTING as early as possible.
... It’ll attract potential BUYERS and TENANTS, and you may even be able to secure your exit there and then.
It’ll reduce stress and uncertainty when you go to advertise post completion.
A potential BUYER, may really want to purchase it post completion so you could take a small deposit, lock that in and then tailor the finish to suit their preferences!
A potential tenant may really want to secure the location and be willing to put a deposit down to move into a newly refurbished house/flat.
Just make sure make sure they’re tied into the exit and you don’t just start painting the walls PURPLE for no reason 🤣
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Why we INVEST in the areas we do…
As an INVESTMENT, when you put your money into something you want a return.
... So what is the key CRITERIA you should be seeking when purchasing BTLS.
—— 1. You need to ensure your BTL investment cash flows POSITIVE 2. You need to ensure it has the right TENANT profile for you. (Students/Nurses/Doctors/Professionals etc etc) 3. You need to make sure that you can STRESS test this should interest rates rise.
Now the FINAL point of this post is the MOST important….
4. You need to find the SWEET SPOT!
So what is the SWEET SPOT?
Its where the return for your money is at its best, given your initial investment.
For example:
If you buy a £1m house, which has a mortgage over £1,500 and your rent barely covers that, its not a great cash flowing property.
Plus you would need £250k deposit + stamp duty
However if you used that £250k for example buying, 10 houses at £100k, your mortgage could be around £200 and rent around £550/650.
This cashflow is therefore clear to see.
+ YOU now have 10 ASSETS!
As time goes on with HOUSE PRICES moving up (which they do here) you will gain CAPITAL GROWTH on 10 properties and of course receive MORE CASH FLOW per calendar month.
Now some areas further up NORTH offer lower purchase prices, but the problem you may FIND is the capital growth is slow.
Simarly some areas down south may actually give you the CAPITAL growth, but as an investor CASH-FLOW should be KING. As an INVESTMENT, it depends, but spreading your money over 10 assets for example in proportion to your INVESTMENT we definitely believe this area is a GREAT CHOICE!
Feel free to get in touch, if your interested in working with us.
We are here to SERVE and to HELP our INVESTORS BUILD WEALTH.
Have a fantastic day!
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A day out meeting Landlords, Investors and learning VALUABLE insights from experts in related industries...
A great place to be for anyone interested Property INVESTMENT....
We have connected already with many aspiring INVESTORS eager to get on the ladder or expand their existing portfolios...
... Hope you are all having a wonderful day... 🏠
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The MARKET seems to be favouring SELLERS at the minute.
We are seeing 100s of properties being FLOGGED towards an AUCTION and the majority of those reaching more than their CEILING PRICES...
... Viewings have been consistent and our OFFERS have been fair.
The situation however is that it becomes a numbers GAME.
To achieve a good DEAL, it can sometimes take 100s of viewings, with DUE DILLIGENCE done across the majority of them.
Its frustrating, but so rewarding once we find those GEMS, and yes we FIND THEM!
13 viewings done last week and 4 set up for TODAY.
Hoping that we can SECURE a few projects by the end of the MAY for ourselves and INVESTORS...
Have an awesome WEEK everyone.
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“The Smellier, the better” We asked for it, we got it!
Just running numbers on a potential BRR we viewed yesterday.
... The state of this HOUSE was erm.... interesting! Getting hit with COBWEBS, every few steps is always a nice surprise!
However as much as we enjoy seeing HOUSES 🏚 turn into HOMES 🏡 we always stick to the numbers. - working backwards from the end/desired outcome - subtracting all costs fees - we reach a start point
If this doesn’t match the vendors expectations then we move on. It’s not about making every viewing a DEAL.
Don’t let emotions, or skewing figures cause you to make an incorrect decision that could cost you down the line.
For anyone interested in working with us, then do get in touch.
We are here to serve!
#ukproperty #propertyventures #property #home #house #refurbishment #refurb #trades #diy #makeover #homesunderthehammer #propertylife #deals #money #assets @ Wolverhampton
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Now a great lesson we learnt over the years is MONEY should only be saved in order to later be INVESTED.
As inflation exists and the true VALUE depreciates year by year it’s not worth leaving your hard earned money in the BANK.
... Unless of course you can get rates of 6%+ a month.
This is why PROPERTY if done correctly can YIELD you not only a positive cashflow on a monthly basis, providing such yields (and some) but it can also improve your WEALTH.
Historically house prices have risen.
There is only so much land, we can’t make anymore of it so you have to think, PRICES will rise at some stage.
If you’re interested in learning more about how you can work with us, to make your money BUILD wealth and get better returns than the bank then drop us a message.
We are here to serve!
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We are now on the GROUND analysing deals, producing offline marketing in a bid to help our INVESTORS build WEALTH.
It’s not as simple as negotiating a few £k of a price.
Due diligence and finding actual DEALS, worthy of the word deal or discounted need to be exactly that.
... Simple negotiating a £5k fee of a £100k house that was already overpriced is not TRUE value!
Unless it has scope that the vendor hasn’t seen, with potential to add huge amounts of VALUE it’s not how we do it.
Exciting times ahead now as our LIST of investors hits DOUBLE figures!
We will serve and bring you the best of what we see.
Have an awesome day people!
“Life is a BLESSING!
Know it’ll be over soon as your MOTIVATION to seize everyday!!”
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A useful LOAN that can be used for a short term project...
Should you use it?
... Having used these types of loans in the past we lost a few ADVANTAGES and DISADVANTAGES:
Advantages: 1. Take advantage of a short term opportunity 2. Can be quick 3. Can boost credit rating once repaid 4. Turns you into a cash buyer (more leverage)
Disadvantage: 1. Expensive usually 1%+ a month with entry and exit fees 2. Late payments can become crippling 3. Can ruin your credit profile if you ever default a payment 4. Interest compounds so long term projects would benefit from not using this approach*
*Larger developments with more profit may still benefit
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