Nock Strength Training



Weekend away in North Wales. Nice lower body dynamic effort session at Wells Gym. A great gym situated in Llandudno. I certainly recommend training there if in the area. A nice old school gym with a friendly atmosphere.
#nockstrength #northwales #lowerbody #dynamiceffort #llandudno #squat #bench #deadlift #powerlifter #powerlifting #wellsgym #personaltrainer #harborne


Dynamic effort upper body day.
Testing the new Axle Bar and 20kg Chains (each). Only going light as working on speed.
If you want to get strong don't hesitate to DM me.
... #powerlifting #powerlifter #bench #benchpress #axlebar #chains #nockstrength #dynamiceffort #persomaltrainer #harborne #harbornevillage #harbornecommunity #speedreps #20kgchains #strengthshop #primalstrength
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Training Westside Barbell Style tonight!!!
#boxsquats #bowbar #kettlebell #westsidebarbellstyle #nockstrength #strengthshop #primalstrength #personaltrainer #harbornepersonaltrainer #harborne #harbornevillage


Tested the new Strength Shop Bow Bar tonight at Nock Strength. Plus with the weight releasers once I had warmed up.
This bar actually feels surprisingly healthy on the shoulders considering the extra range of motion. You will have to lower the weight due to this but overall what a nice bar to bench with. The shape of the bar also forces you to bring your elbows in and utilise your lats more which is another bonus point the bar has. I recommend adding this bar to any offseason program or as an accessory to your normal bench workout.
#nockstrength #strengthshop #bowbar #benchpress #bowbarbenchpress #personaltrainer #harborne #harbornepersonaltrainer #harbornecommunity #quinton #bearwood #squat #powerlifter #powerlifting #specialitybar #westsidebarbellstyle


Nothing like a bit of smelling salts during a workout. Some of my early morning clients say they wouldn't be able to get through the workout without it (and preworkout)
Smelling salts are great whilst psyching yourself up for a PB.
Be careful though. Never put your nose right up to the product. I have made this mistake.
... #smellingsalts #nockstrength #personaltrainer #harborne #harbornecommunity #quinton #birmingham #strengthshop #nosetork
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Could not agree more with Squat University. You can do all the prehab / rehab you want but if your form is not correct you are wasting your time. I have learnt and am still learning this.
#alwayslearning #squatuniversity #prehab #rehab #correctform #injuryfree #injuryprevention #nockstrength #personaltrainer #harborne #harbornepersonaltrainer #harbornecommunity


More new equipment at Nock Strength!!!
Eccentric hooks are a great way to add variety to your workout and a safe way to train the eccentric portion of a lift.
I tried these by myself the day they came and my life it was a bit scary at first as you are hoping the weight will drop off at the bottom - thankfully it did!
... Why train the Eccentric portion of a lift? We are stronger eccentrically - up to 1.75x more. It helps tendinopathy and increases muscle mass faster!!
Eccentric training requires less metabolic energy but does more muscle damage, however ensure you can press the remaining weight back up as quick as possible!!
#eccentrichooks #weightreleasers #bench #squat #strengthshop #plateloadable #nockstrength #powerlifter #personaltrainer #harborne #harbornecommunity #quinton #everythingmosely #harbornevillage #benchpress #accessory #gainz
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Accessory work on the Primal Strength Plyo Box - Single Leg Box Jumps.
For a while now I have been practicing my single leg box jumps, particular with my right leg as it is my weaker side. I could single leg box jump on the 50cm side up with my left leg but not with my right. This week, however I did a personal best with my right leg by finally managing a single leg box jump on the 50cm side up. Goals don't just have to be how m7ch you can lift. Explosive power is just as important.
#boxjumps #singlelegboxjumps #primalstrength #personalbest #unilateraltraining #legday #squat #bench #deadlift #plyometric #explosivepower #personaltrainer #strengthcoach #harborne #harbornevillage #harbornecommunity #quinton #sellyoak #bearwood


Try this High Interval Interval Training routine at the end of your workout as a finisher!
Medicine Slam Balls - 15 - 30 seconds
Kettlebell Swings - 15 - 30 seconds
... Rest - 15- 30 seconds
Perform 3 - 5 Sets depending on you fitness level.
#HIIT #workout #finisher #squat #bench #deadlift #personaltrainer #medicineball #medicineballslams #kettlebell #kettlebellswings #nockstrength #ironmaster #primalstrength #harborne #harbornevillage #harbornecommunity #birmingham #quinton #bearwood #sellyoak #strengthcoach #PT #powerlifter #powerlifting
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The shoulder pin press is a variation of the overhead press and is used to directly target the muscles of the shoulders. The exercise will also indirectly target the core, traps, and triceps.
The shoulder pin press is an excellent exercise to train power since you will be pushing the weight used from a dead stop. The addition of pins also allows the lifter to use slightly heavier weight than they might performing the traditional shoulder press variation.
Shoulder Pin Press In...structions
Adjust the safety pins to shoulder height while standing or seating.
Set the bar on the pins, load the desired weight, and stand / sit directly beneath the bar.
Place your hands at (or just outside of) shoulder width with a pronated grip.
Inhale, brace your abs, tuck your chin, and push the bar into the rack as press overhead to lockout.
Exhale once the bar gets to lockout and reverse the movement slowly while controlling the bar back to the pins.
Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.
Shoulder Pin Press Tips
Reach tall at the top and don’t worry about keeping the shoulders packed down and back.
Allow the elbows to rotate and point outward at the top of the movement but tuck them tight to the ribcage at the bottom.
Fight to control the bar from rolling your wrists into extension and think about “rolling your knuckles toward the ceiling.”
Keep momentum out of the movement and don’t add any additional leg drive by flexing and extending the knees.
Squeeze your glutes and brace your abs as you press. You shouldn’t be leaning back excessively as you press.
Imagine you’re trying to look out a window at the top, your ears should be in line with your biceps.
If your shoulders are bothering you during the movement, consider experimenting with a wider grip or utilizing some of the vertical pressing progressions.
Press into the rack the entire time and lean forward slightly to enhance the movement even further.
You can use a staggered stance to prevent the lower back from arching excessively but if you still can’t control the anterior core then consider using a half kneeling regression.
#nockstrength #personaltrainer #pinpress #overheadpress #pushpress #harborne @ Harborne, Birmingham, United Kingdom
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A stronger core = a stronger squat, bench and deadlift. This can never be a bad thing. This is why you shouldn't neglect the core completely. Whilst it is true that performing the big three compound lifts engages the core, it is still important to perform them as accessory movements or as short workouts on rest days.
Try this short routine at the end of your workout or next time you are at the gym:
Hanging knee holds - 30 seconds x 3... Ab rolls - 3 sets of 10 reps Decline sit ups - 3 sets of 10 reps Bird Dogs - 3 sets of 10 reps (each side)
#coreworkout #hangingkneeholds #abrolls #abroller #declinesitups #birddogs #nockstrength #squat #bench #deadlift #big3 #core #primalstrength #ironmaster #personaltrainer #harbornepersonaltrainer #harborne #harbornecommunity #harbornevillage #quinton #bearwood #sellyoak
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High-intensity interval training (HIIT) has become a familiar workout style. HIIT uses repeated high-intensity exercise bouts interspersed with brief recovery periods to improve endurance and efficiently activate fast-twitch muscle fibers. But what if you are a Strength Athlete or Powerlifter who avoids cardio because you’re afraid it will burn away all those hard-earned gains? Can HIIT work for you?
The short answer is, yes! In a 2017 study, men 25-70 years of age who 12 weeks of HIIT along with strength training experienced increases in VO2 max, insulin sensitivity, mitochondrial function, fat-free mass, and muscle strength. HIIT improved the oxidative capacity, or efficiency, of mitochondria regardless of age—as long as study participants did strength training and HIIT together. Participants who did strength training alone didn’t experience these benefits.
HIIT can help you with quick fat loss for a more shredded look. If you compete as a strongman or woman, you can use HIIT to train your fast-twitch muscle fibers.
You can make these improvements by using a variety of exercises while doing short HIIT workouts in the middle of or after your weightlifting program. All you need is your body weight, some space, and, if you’re feeling adventurous, some simple equipment.
Squats, burpees, lunges, sit-ups, and push-ups—and the dozens of variations of each—are essential parts of a HIIT workout. You can also incorporate sandbags, kettlebells, barbells, dumbbells, and resistance bands.
One of my personal personal favourite is the rower. For this I normally incorporate a 15 second off and 15 second off method on the most resistant setting. This doesn’t sound hard but trust me a few minutes of this and you will feel it!
#HIIT #highintensityintervaltraining #strongman #strongwoman #powerlifter #powerlifting #personaltrainer #harborne #quinton #bearwood #sellyoak #harbornevillage #harbornecommunity #strengthcoach #burnfat #cardioforstrengthathletes #nockstrength
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New business cards arrived 💪💪💪
#nockstrength #powerlifter #powerlifting #personaltrainer #personaltraining #squat #bench #deadlift #ptstudio #privatestudio #harborne #quinton #bearwood #sellyoak #stourbridge #dudley #birmingham #blackcountrybarbell


Face Pulls are a great warm up exercise before a Bench Press workout or any upper body routine for that matter.
They are a great exercise for the rear delts, trapezious and upper back muscles. Robert Herbst, a 19 time World Champion Powerlifter and Personal Trainer once said "They help keep the shoulders squared and back so someone doesn't get the pulled-forward look from doing too much chest and delt work. They also help build a thick upper back as a base to arch onto for a ...power bench press."
Face Pull Instructions:
Facing a high pulley with a rope or dual handles attached, pull the weight directly towards your face, separating your hands as you do so. Keep your upper arms parallel to the ground.
#benchpress #facepull #pushpress #delts #personaltrainer #harborne #harbornevillage #harbornepersonaltrainer #strengthcoach #nockstrength #primalstrength #warmup #shoulderprehab #upperbodyworkout #howto
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Only the best strength equipment at Nock Strength Training Studio. Whilst designing the studio I did my research on dual adjustable pulleys. I ended up choosing Primal Strength and this functional trainer is quite frankly a must have.
The Stealth Commercial Fitness Elite Functional Trainer has been engineered to be an ultra-smooth, dual-adjustable pulley that will stand out in any commercial training facility. The heavy duty design ensures it is perfect for... sports team’s facilities, commercial gyms, PT studios or as a multi-use trainer in a hotel or school environment.
The functional trainer offers a wide variety of cable exercises and comes with a huge range of accessories. The accessories include; a hardened-chrome, double-clip squat bar, a hardened-chrome, double-clip EZ bar, several different nylon handles including long and short stirrup handles, ankle attachment, a golf club handle, 2x hardened-chrome stirrup handles, double tricep rope and has a step support for ease of access to the premium, full width, Rubber Grip Chin-Up handles.
The Functional trainer has two numbered 100kg weight stacks that increase in 5kg increments. It comes with an exercise chart and has metal shroud guards, the shrouds can be removed but offer safety to other users in a commercial environment. The functional trainer doesn’t have plastic pop pins or any inferior parts often found on cheaper dual pulleys or functional trainers and is finished with ionised-metal weight-stack pins, metal pop pins on the pulleys, bush-bearing pulley wheels and commercial grade cables. The frame is made of 11 gauge/3mm steel, powder-coated in Matte Nero and backed with a lifetime frame warranty. All other parts are backed with a full commercial one-year warranty.
The Stealth Commercial Fitness Elite Functional Trainer has been designed to work seamlessly with the Stealth Commercial Fitness Elite FID Bench or flat dumbbell bench. The FID Bench has a slightly smaller foot print, which is perfect for any dual-adjustable pulley or functional trainer.
#primalstrength #nockstrength #functionaltrainer #dualadjustablepulley #100kg #200kg #fullbodyworkout #personaltrainer @ Harborne, Birmingham, United Kingdom
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1) Begin with a pad or BOSU ball placed directly behind you and your feet hip-width apart.
2) Transition your weight to your dominate leg and lift the opposite leg slightly off the floor. Keep your neck neutral and maintain a straight back. This will be your starting position.
... 3) Slowly descend by pushing your hips and butts backwards. Continue descending until the knee of your bent and raised leg lightly touches the pad or BOSU ball.
4) Upon contact, push through the heel of your stationary leg and return to the starting position. This is one repetition.
5) Repeat for the recommended number of repetitions and then switch legs.
1) Creates knee and hip stability.
2) Trains a stable arch.
3) Quad and glute/hamstring development.
4) Develops single leg strength.
5)Teaches neutral spine.
6) Transfers to the landing position of a HOP or 1-2 Stick (essential drills for developing bulletproof knees).
7) Decreases the risk of ACL and other knee injuries by teaching the ankle/knee/hip to be strong and stable.
#bosuball #skatersquat #bosuballskatersquat #bosuballworkout #squat #squatvariation #personaltrainer #personaltraining #ptstudio #powerlifter #unilaterallegtraining #singlelegskatersquat #singlelegworkout #legday #legworkout #kneeprehab #kneerehab
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1) Begin with a pad or BOSU ball placed directly behind you and your feet hip-width apart.
2) Transition your weight to your dominate leg and lift the opposite leg slightly off the floor. Keep your neck neutral and maintain a straight back. This will be your starting position.
... 3) Slowly descend by pushing your hips and butts backwards. Continue descending until the knee of your bent and raised leg lightly touches the pad or BOSU ball.
4) Upon contact, push through the heel of your stationary leg and return to the starting position. This is one repetition.
5) Repeat for the recommended number of repetitions and then switch legs.
1) Creates knee and hip stability.
2) Trains a stable arch.
3) Quad and glute/hamstring development.
4) Develops single leg strength.
5)Teaches neutral spine.
6) Transfers to the landing position of a HOP or 1-2 Stick (essential drills for developing bulletproof knees).
7) Decreases the risk of ACL and other knee injuries by teaching the ankle/knee/hip to be strong and stable.
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This week Nock Strength saw the arrival of our new piece of kit - Train Smarter and Safer with the Wolverson Jammer. 🐺💪
Train with less injury, the Wolverson Jammer is designed to accomplish the same power output as a traditional Olympic lift, without having the risk of wrong technique which can lead to injuries. 💪 The Wolverson Jammer is a piece of equipment to fit into all type of facilities whether it be CrossFit, S&C, Commercial and even Studios. ... 💪 Simply attach it into your landmines and you have a niche product to practice a wide range of Olympic, Power and Strength-based movements. 💪 This product would thrive in all gym environments as it's easily usable, gives more stability during different types of lifts. Keeping less pressure on your wrists as the 360 Degree Rotating handles whilst maintaining a central centre of gravity. 💪 There are a number of benefits to using the Wolverson Jammer...
Ideal for the non-specialist weightlifter ✅ For those who want to achieve the same explosive power output as a specialist.
360 Motion Revolving Handles ✅ Ideal to move with you whilst keeping you anchored on a central point.
Deadlift Technique ✅ A better centre of gravity helps to improve movement efficiency and posture on the lift.
Romanian Deadlift ✅ Build hamstring strength for both the one-legged and traditional Romanian deadlift movements.
Floor Press ✅ Ideal for static pressing and improving power in isolation.
Explosive Jumps ✅ Add resistance to explosive vertical jumps to improve power output.
Shoulder Pressing ✅ Improve explosive movements in the push/strict shoulder press with a fixed range of motion optimising your output.
Prone Row ✅ Push your limits with more load bearing capability and stability.
Workout Complexes ✅ Full body workouts improving pulling power from the floor to pushing power overhead.
#wolversonfitness #nockstrength #vikingpress #jammer #RDL #one-leggedromaniandeadlift #cardeadlift #powerlifting #powerlifter #personaltrainer #strengthcoach #wolversonjammer #pronerow #shoulderpressing #floorpress #explosivejumps #deadlifttechnique #360motionrevolvinghandles #romaniandeadlift #workoutcomplexes #fullbodyworkouts @ Harborne, Birmingham, United Kingdom
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