Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - Ocd Therapy Edgbaston Birmingham

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -

About Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - Ocd Therapy Edgbaston Birmingham

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a condition in which a person has obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviours. OCD takes the form of persistent and thoughts, images, impulses, worries or fears

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - Ocd Therapy Edgbaston Birmingham Description

OCD can be distressing and significantly interfere with your life, The illness affects as many as 12 in every 1000 people (1. 2% of the population) from young children to adults, regardless of gender or social or cultural background. It has traditionally been considered that there are four main categories of OCD. Although there are numerous forms of the illness within each category, typically a person’s OCD will fall into one of the four main categories: CheckingContamination / Mental ContaminationHoardingRuminations / Intrusive ThoughtsFor many people with OCD there is often an overinflated sense of responsibility to prevent harm and an over-estimation about the perceived threat that an intrusive thought signifies.



Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is distressing not just for those suffering from OCD but also for family members and friends. Contrary to the popular view of OCD as being harmless over-cleanliness or simply checking things over and over again, people living with OCD experience a high level of anxiety – and the condition can damage their relationships, social and work lives, and physical health.
Many sufferers are ashamed of their problem and hide it and many people with m...ilder forms of OCD do not realise that they can be helped, and do not seek help until their condition becomes much more severe. If you or a family member of friend need help with OCD, please call Stuart for a free 30 minute consultaion to see how hypnotherapy/NLP can help alleviate OCD stuart@hypnotherapy4freedom.com www.hypnotherapy4freedom.com
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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (O C D ) Therapy Birmingham has successfully helped many clients deal with their OCD issues,in the comfort of our therapy rooms in Edgbaston, Birmingham. Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a condition in which a person has obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviours. OCD sufferers experience obsessions which take the form of persistent and uncontrollable thoughts, images, impulses, worries, fears or doubts. They are often intrusive, unwanted..., disturbing, significantly interfere with the ability to function on a day-to-day basis as they are incredibly difficult to ignore. People with OCD often realise that their obsessional thoughts are irrational, but they believe the only way to relieve the anxiety caused by them is to perform compulsive behaviours, often to prevent perceived harm happening to themselves or, more often than not, to a loved one. Compulsions are repetitive physical behaviours and actions or mental thought rituals that are performed over and over again in an attempt to relieve the anxiety caused by the obsessional thoughts. Avoidance of places or situations to prevent triggering these obsessive thoughts is also considered to be a compulsion. But unfortunately, any relief that the compulsive behaviours provide is only temporary and short lived, and often reinforces the original obsession, creating a gradual worsening cycle of the OCD. OCD can be distressing and significantly interfere with your life,it affects men, women and children and can develop at any age. The illness affects as many as 12 in every 1000 people (1.2% of the population) from young children to adults, regardless of gender or social or cultural background. In fact, it can be so debilitating and disabling that the World Health Organisation (WHO) once ranked OCD in the top ten of the most disabling illnesses of any kind, in terms of lost earnings and diminished quality of life. You can break free from the cycle of obsessive/compulsive behaviour , live a calmer, happier, much more relaxed, balanced life.. Call Stuart – 0121 403 3163 / 07825 599340 for a free 30 minute confidential consultation.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (O C D )Therapy Birmingham Quadrant Court 51-52 Calthorpe Road Edgbaston Birmingham B15 1TH stuart@obsessivecompulsivedisorderth erapybirmingham.co.uk www.obsessivecompulsivedisordertherapybir mingham.co.uk
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For many people with OCD there is often an overinflated sense of responsibility to prevent harm and an over-estimation about the perceived threat that an intrusive thought signifies. It is these factors that help drive the compulsive behaviours, because the person with OCD often feels ultimately responsible for trying to prevent bad things happening.
To some degree OCD-type symptoms are probably experienced, at one time or another, by most people, especially in times of stres...s where they have succumbed to the seemingly nonsensical need to perform an odd and often unrelated behaviour pattern. However, OCD itself can have a totally devastating impact on a person’s entire life, from education, work and career enhancementto social life and personal relationships.
The key difference that segregates little quirks, often referred to by people as being ‘a bit OCD’, from the actual disorder is when the distressing and unwanted experience of obsessions and compulsions impacts to a significant level upon a person’s everyday functioning – this represents a principal component in the clinical diagnosis of Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder. You can break free from the cycle of obsessive/compulsive behaviour , live a calmer, happier, much more relaxed, balanced life.. Call Stuart – 0121 403 3163 / 07825 599340 for a free 30 minute confidential consultation.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (O C D )Therapy Birmingham Quadrant Court 51-52 Calthorpe Road Edgbaston Birmingham B15 1TH stuart@obsessivecompulsivedisorderth erapybirmingham.co.uk www.obsessivecompulsivedisordertherapybir mingham.co.uk
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OCD is diagnosed when the obsessions and compulsions:
. Consume excessive amounts of time (approximately an hour or more) . Cause significant distress and anguish . Interfere with daily functioning at home, school or work, including social activities and family life and relationships.
... Sufferers often go undiagnosed for many years, partly because of a lack of understanding of the condition by the individual themself and amongst health professionals, and partly because of the intense feelings of embarrassment, guilt and sometimes even shame associated with what is often called the ‘secret illness’. This often leads to delays in diagnosis of the illness and delays in treatment, with a person often waiting an average of 10–15 years between symptoms developing and seeking treatment.
To sufferers and non-sufferers alike, the thoughts and fears related to OCD can often seem profoundly shocking. It must be stressed, however, that they are just thoughts – not fantasies or impulses which will be acted upon.
For someone with OCD, their logical mind always remains functioning, even if their OCD mind is spiralling out of control. Most people with OCD know that their thoughts and behaviour are irrational and senseless, but feel completely incapable of stopping them, often from fear that not completing a particular behaviour will cause harm to a loved one. No matter how small the risk, the person with OCD will always feel responsible for preventing that bad event from happening. For some people the OCD symptoms will remain unchanged, but for others it is not unusual that over time there may be changes to the type of OCD that becomes more troubling . Equally, it is not unusual for symptoms to wax and wane over time if untreated and become a little like a roller coaster, with the severity increasing during times of stress, perhaps at work, university or within relationships, for example. Doubt is one of the emotions that feeds most obsessive and compulsive behaviour and it is this inability to live with doubt and uncertainty that continues to drives OCD. People with OCD prefer black or white answers for their OCD, rather than being able to accept shades of grey. OCD, if left untreated will mushroom and feed upon itself and can have the power to consume if left unchallenged. You can break free from the cycle of obsessive/compulsive behaviour , live a calmer, happier, much more relaxed, balanced life.. Call Stuart – 0121 403 3163 / 07825 599340 for a free 30 minute confidential consultation.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (O C D )Therapy Birmingham Quadrant Court 51-52 Calthorpe Road Edgbaston Birmingham B15 1TH stuart@obsessivecompulsivedisorderth erapybirmingham.co.uk www.obsessivecompulsivedisordertherapybir mingham.co.uk
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OCD Therapy Edgbaston,Birmingham You can learn to stop performing your compulsive rituals and to decrease the intensity of your obsessional thoughts A person with OCD can learn to manage symptoms so that they won’t interfere with daily functioning. This allows them to regain a much improved quality of life, but it is also possible, to achieve a complete recovery from OCD.
You can break free from the cycle of obsessive/compulsive behaviour , live a calmer, happier, much more r...elaxed, balanced life.. Call Stuart – 0121 403 3163 / 07825 599340 for a free 30 minute confidential consultation.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (O C D )Therapy Birmingham Quadrant Court 51-52 Calthorpe Road Edgbaston Birmingham B15 1TH stuart@obsessivecompulsivedisorderth erapybirmingham.co.uk www.obsessivecompulsivedisordertherapybir mingham.co.uk
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OCD During the trance of obsessionality,people rely heavily on their imagination as a guide to reality.This tendency to mix fantasy with reality, known as inferential confusion, makes a person believe their fantasy over immediate perceptions of reality.So they see that their hands are clean, but imagine they are contaminated. Once we stop taking our cues from observable reality, we become prey to our own imaginations.The obsessive does not think their hands are contaminated,... but they feel they are.We need in OCD Therapy to calm down feelings before we can challenge thoughts,as OCD could be referred to as a disorder of the imagination . At Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Therapy Birmingham you can learn to break free from the cycle of obsessive/compulsive behaviour , live a calmer, happier, much more relaxed, balanced life.. Call Stuart – 0121 403 3163 / 07825 599340 for a free 30 minute confidential consultation.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (O C D )Therapy Birmingham Quadrant Court 51-52 Calthorpe Road Edgbaston Birmingham B15 1TH stuart@obsessivecompulsivedisorderth erapybirmingham.co.uk www.obsessivecompulsivedisordertherapybir mingham.co.uk
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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is driven by anxiety, a stress condition, generated by stress,The sufferer feels compelled to carry out rituals repeatedly in an attempt to deal with anxieties. OCD makes people think they have no choice,no volition other than to succumb to the demands of their obsessive preoccupations .Initially OCD seems to offer comfort, but as with any repetitive behaviour,habituation kicks in, the more you do,the more you have to do. The more we can relax ab...out obsessive imaginings,stand aside from them,and let them fade, the less likelihood that obsessive thoughts will morph into compulsive actions.When we use our brains calm prefrontal neocortex to help us decide the validity of the obsessive imagination, we can start to control the extent we buy into our own imaginings. Call Stuart – 0121 403 3163 / 07825 599340 for a free 30 minute confidential consultation.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (O C D )Therapy Birmingham Quadrant Court 51-52 Calthorpe Road Edgbaston Birmingham B15 1TH stuart@obsessivecompulsivedisorderth erapybirmingham.co.uk www.obsessivecompulsivedisordertherapybir mingham.co.uk
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OCD can often start with the feeling of being safe, having control over our lives.But in time, the obsessive compulsions start to control the person that has them.Some people report feeling disassociated or "tranced out" during times of obsessive ritual,escaping from our usual mode of consciousness,perhaps escaping everyday life which we may not like very much. Neuroticism, easily feeling negative emotion and proneness to maladaptive perfectionism, seem to be some innate pers...onality traits that can predispose to OCD, but it is also important to consider what needs OCD seems to meet for the person ? The imagination is a major player in the formation and maintenance of OCD. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is not a thinking disorder- it is a feeling disorder.Feelings produce the thoughts, not the other way round. Call Stuart – 0121 403 3163 / 07825 599340 for a free 30 minute confidential consultation.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (O C D )Therapy Birmingham Quadrant Court 51-52 Calthorpe Road Edgbaston Birmingham B15 1TH stuart@obsessivecompulsivedisorderth erapybirmingham.co.uk www.obsessivecompulsivedisordertherapybir mingham.co.uk
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If you are a person suffering from OCD it is very important that you are honest and open about your thoughts and behaviours, no matter how embarrassing they may seem to you . This is the first step of acceptance and seeking help . Many OCD sufferers have depression and thoughts about harming themselves or others, and for some suicidal thoughts are also a feature – it is important to discuss these feelings openly and honestly.Also, many people with OCD, especially those with t...houghts of a physical, sexual or harmful nature, are fearful of the consequences if they tell anyone about what goes on their heads Some people worry about having the tag OCD and Mental Illness on their medical records, due to the fear of possible employment related consequences in the future. Whilst this is an understandable concern, we know that left unchecked and untreated, for many people OCD will mushroom and impact on your daily life to the extent that you would be incapable of work because of the immense amount of time and energy spent on the OCD. Call Stuart – 0121 403 3163 / 07825 599340 for a free 30 minute confidential consultation.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (O C D )Therapy Birmingham Quadrant Court 51-52 Calthorpe Road Edgbaston Birmingham B15 1TH stuart@obsessivecompulsivedisorderth erapybirmingham.co.uk www.obsessivecompulsivedisordertherapybir mingham.co.uk
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At Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Therapy Birmingham you can learn to break free from the cycle of obsessive/compulsive behaviour , live a calmer, happier, much more relaxed, balanced life.. Call Stuart – 0121 403 3163 / 07825 599340 for a free 30 minute confidential consultation.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (O C D )Therapy Birmingham Quadrant Court... 51-52 Calthorpe Road Edgbaston Birmingham B15 1TH stuart@obsessivecompulsivedisorderth erapybirmingham.co.uk www.obsessivecompulsivedisordertherapybir mingham.co.uk
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OCD Therapy Birmingham Call Stuart – 0121 403 3163 / 07825 599340 for a free 30 minute confidential consultation.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (O C D )Therapy Birmingham Quadrant Court... 51-52 Calthorpe Road Edgbaston Birmingham B15 1TH stuart@obsessivecompulsivedisorderth erapybirmingham.co.uk www.obsessivecompulsivedisordertherapybir mingham.co.uk
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OCD can often start with the feeling of being safe, having control over our lives.But in time, the obsessive compulsions start to control the person that has them.Some people report feeling disassociated or "tranced out" during times of obsessive ritual,escaping from our usual mode of consciousness,perhaps escaping everyday life which we may not like very much. Neuroticism, easily feeling negative emotion and proneness to maladaptive perfectionism, seem to be some innate pers...onality traits that can predispose to OCD, but it is also important to consider what needs OCD seems to meet for the person ? The imagination is a major player in the formation and maintenance of OCD. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is not a thinking disorder- it is a feeling disorder.Feelings produce the thoughts, not the other way round. Call Stuart – 0121 403 3163 / 07825 599340 for a free 30 minute confidential consultation.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (O C D )Therapy Birmingham Quadrant Court 51-52 Calthorpe Road Edgbaston Birmingham B15 1TH stuart@obsessivecompulsivedisorderth erapybirmingham.co.uk www.obsessivecompulsivedisordertherapybir mingham.co.uk
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Self-Awareness: Tips For Understanding Your Personality Type Your personality type is a huge determining factor when it comes to how you interact with other people and the world around you. We have developed an excellent understanding of what characterises human beings, and the five-factor model is a great example of the knowledge we have of human traits.
The theory uses five broad dimensions to describe the human personality and psyche, which have been defined as openness to...
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When We Don’t Love Ourselves, We Can’t Be Loved By Someone Else When we don’t love and accept ourselves fully, we can’t ever have a great relationship or a happy life.
Our partner may whisper, “I love you so much” and we won’t believe them. We’ll always be looking for evidence that they are secretly losing interest.
... Did they call us when they said they would? (If they didn’t, it’s because they don’t love us.)
Did they initiate sex, or cuddle like they used to, or hold our hands when we walked down the street? (They are losing interest. They’ve met someone else. I’m less desirable than I was ten years ago.)
We can’t tell them our secret feelings or fears, because it will push them away.
We feel like we “aren’t good enough” to date our crush, or we settle for someone who is “safe” or “fine” but who doesn’t make our heart leap with joy.
We don’t trust our partners (they aren’t telling the truth). We think they are cheating (where was she last night?)
We carry around the pain of never feeling good enough to have the kind of love other people experience. We doubt ourselves; we doubt our partners; we doubt love.
We let challenges demoralize and deflate us, and it’s not long before we realize we’re a much smaller version of ourselves. We won’t ask for a raise; we’ll stay in dead-end jobs.
We’ll lose weight and feel fatter than ever. We give up on our health, thinking it’s too hard or takes too much effort.
We’ll look for quick fixes to make ourselves feel better: a new haircut, a one night stand, a bottle of bourbon, a brownie sundae.
But none of these fixes fix us at all. They leave us feeling lonelier, emptier, sadder.
And we will remain that way until we stop looking for other people to give us the love and care we yearn for and deserve.
After all, why would someone else love us, if we don’t think we are worthy? Call Stuart -07825 599340 stuart@hypnotherapy4freedom.com www.hypnotherapy4freedom.com
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More about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - Ocd Therapy Edgbaston Birmingham

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - Ocd Therapy Edgbaston Birmingham is located at Calthorpe Road 44-45, B15 1 TH Birmingham, United Kingdom
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -