One Fit Mama Sutton Coldfield

About One Fit Mama Sutton Coldfield

Exercise for mums at every stage of motherhood. Join us at our antenatal classes, mother & baby circuits or our unique OneFitCore programme.



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You will often hear OneFitMama talk about perinatal mental health. We are passionate about raising awareness and supporting mums who are struggling. Today I met the wonderful Sarah when she came for a trial class with her gorgeous little boy, Charlie. Sarah told me how she had been diagnosed with anxiety and OCD during her pregnancy and, tonight, she shared with me a post that she had written for Tommy’s. The article is so honest, o...pen and incredibly brave and I am sure Sarah has helped a lot of other mums by putting it out there which is why she is also happy for me to share it too. If anything that Sarah describes resonates with you then please talk to someone - a friend, family member, GP or health visitor, and if any of my mums are struggling and feel like they need someone to listen then do grab me at the end of class or drop me a message. You do not have to suffer in silence.
Don’t forget too that we have our PND/PNA referral scheme that provides a block of free classes for those mums who are struggling with their mental health and I am so happy that Sarah can access this.
#MentalHealth #PND #PNA #BreakTheStigma #MentalIllness #PerinatalMentalHealth #PostnatalMentalHealth #LetsTalk
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⭐ For one time only I am inviting BOTH LADIES AND GENTS to join me for an evening circuits class (child-free) as part of my fundraising month for Prostate Cancer UK to support my lovely dad and lots and lots of others. ⭐


For one time only I am inviting BOTH LADIES AND GENTS to join me for an evening circuits class (child-free) as part of my fundraising month for Prostate Cancer UK to support my lovely dad and lots and lots of others. The classes are not just for current class members - anyone is welcome!
8pm, Wednesday 28th Nov @ St Peter's Church Hall Class cost: £5 donation
... To book your place just drop me a message. The £5 class cost can be donated here: efitmamacircuits
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Raffle draw (probably not the most exciting of lives!) Apologies for the bad connection at begnning. It does sort itself out!


Last chance to book a place for tomorrow's charity circuits class. Of course little ones are welcome too. Come and join us for tea and cake (oh and a bit of exercise too!) All money raised will go to Prostate Cancer UK to help kick cancer right up the arse! 💪


So today dad had the last session of his radiotherapy treatment and we are all feeling very positive about the outcome 💪. Thank you for all of your support ❤️.
And that means that today is the last day of the charity raffle so you have until midnight tonight to get your ticket. Check out the fab prizes below!!! For just a fiver you can get your hands on some really nice goodies. GO GO GO!!! 😉


There are still spaces available for my charity circuits class this WEDNESDAY morning as part of my fundraising month for Prostate Cancer UK to support my lovely dad and lots and lots of others. The session is not just for current class members - anyone is welcome (and of course this includes children)! PLUS THERE IS TEA AND CAKE AFTER 🍰☕🍰☕ And i'm not just saying it but my mum makes the best Victoria sponge 😘
⏰10am, Wednesday 14th Nov @ St Pete...r's Church Hall Class cost: £5 donation Followed by tea and well-deserved cake which will be available for a small, voluntary donation
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Don't fear the smear!


There are just A FEW DAYS left to buy your raffle tickets. The prizes really are amazing (check them out below) and all ticket sales are donated to Prostate Cancer UK.
£5 donation per ticket / £20 for a strip (five tickets)
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I have spaces for November classes starting TONIGHT so why don't you kick start your week with a bit of exercise and join us? FREE trial for every new face and remember classes are not just for mums and it doesn't matter how old or how fit you are. I promise you'll feel supported and have lots of fun too 💪💪💪


And that's a wrap! After four amazing months off with Buster and Winnie I am back teaching classes tomorrow. The kit is out of the garage, the speakers are charged and my (now quite stretched from pregnancy!) leggings are ready and waiting. Thank you to Sarah and Stef from the OneFitFamily for allowing me this precious time - you're both wonderful 😍.
Do I have the return to work dread? Nope.
I am so looking forward to seeing you lovely lot and getting back to it.
... "Do what you love and you'll never do a day's work in your life".
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OK ladies (and, for one time only, gents too!!), I have TWO charity circuit classes to tell you about as part of my fundraising month for Prostate Cancer UK to support my lovely dad. These classes are not just for current class members - anyone is welcome! All money raised will be donated to the charity.
❤️ DAYTIME LADIES'... 10am, Wednesday 14th Nov @ St Peter's Church Hall Followed by tea and well-deserved cake which will be available for a small, voluntary donation Babies of course welcome (but class isn't just for mums so tell your friends, mums, aunties, sisters, cousins too...) Class cost: £5 donation
❤️💙 EVENING MIXED For one time only I am inviting BOTH LADIES AND GENTS to join me for an evening circuits class (child-free) 8pm, Wednesday 28th Nov @ St Peter's Church Hall Class cost: £5 donation
To book your place please drop me a message or comment below and I will reply with all the details 😁😁😁
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Don't forget that for JUST A FIVER (which goes to a fantastic cause 💙) you have the chance win some amazing prizes including:
⭐ Half-term of free classes at Melissa Toddler Sense Sutton Coldfield... ⭐ Half-term of free classes at TinyTalk Sutton Coldfield and Lichfield ⭐ A cut and blowdry at Fallen Saint Hairdressing ⭐10 free plays at Little Green Bookworm Cafe ⭐ A £20 voucher for Nikki Nails ⭐ A family meal (up to £40!!!) at Not Dogs ⭐ OneFitMama classes and goodies
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Say whatttttttttttt!!!!!!!!


Let's go for a lovely autumn walk in the park this morning, we thought. I know, as well as the toddler and the baby, let's take the dog too because, since Buster has been born, we haven't all been out together and it'll be really nice, idyllic even.
So we change nappies, get a drink and a snack ready, sterilise dummies and pack the bag. Oh we'll need coats, hats and gloves too because it's cold - i'll grab them from upstairs. Sorted. Wait, Buster needs a fe...
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Oh my. I've just given Buster the biggest cuddle 😭😭😭😭😭


Preach! 👇


Hope your Tuesday night is a rock 'n' roll as mine!!


How has your LO embarrassed you????


Such a fun way to exercise, mums and babies love it and it's a great way for both to socialise too. Kate is great at adapting the exercises to suit people's different recoveries after birth and beyond. I would highly recommend!


Really really enjoy Kate's classes - such a great way to meet new Moms, occupy my 4 month old & get back into fitness! :) Kate is lovely, very supportive & will offer to help out with my little boy when he gets a bit needy haha ! Its been so hard to get back into fitness after pregnancy as I have zero time to go to the gym, I am so glad this class is available in the area & I will 100% continue :) !! Xxxxxx


Me and my daughter Erin have been going to the friday OFM exercise class with Kate for a couple of weeks now. We love it! The atmosphere in the class is really friendly and welcoming. The workouts are really challenging and Kate adjusts them to the levels of all the people in the class. I have felt so much better about myself since attending the classes. It's lovely to feel like you're doing something for yourself whilst also bringing your little one along. I really look forward to my friday morning work outs. Thank you Kate.


Me and Oscar both love coming to Kate's classes. We started in the summer when Oscar was quite young and Kate was more than willing to give cuddles so that I could get on with the class :) Now he is a bit older he loves to watch and copy the exercises � I always leave feeling like I achieved something and always ache the next day - apparently a good sign! The classes are always very positive and Kate pushes you to keep going. She also helps when you don't remember how to do something or you need to adapt the exercises. Would definitely recommend for new (and not so new) mums!


Love these classes! Makes a change to have a class which is all about the mums!! I don’t think I’d have got back into exercising on maternity leave without it and my little one really enjoys it too which makes it even better. Kate is fab and you can take the class at your own pace. Going to miss it when I go back to work.


Love love love this class - my favourite baby class because Evie is entertained and I feel like I'm having some "me" time.

Kate's fab - I've never felt comfortable exercising in front of people before now but just feel very welcomed in her class and would also recommend the pelvic restore course.


Love it! Tillie plays and watches and gets interaction with other babies and moms. Very friendly class and everyone goes at their own pace. Kate explains all the differenct excercises at the beginning of each class and is on hand to help if stuck and will also help if babies/toddlers are fidgety. We love going. See u next week x


Kate’s classes are great, the right amount of challenge with an emphasis on motivation. You can take the exercises at the appropriate level and Kate always demonstrates modifications offering top tips. Value for money and the class is just the right length keeping the little ones entertained with lots of toys.


I've been going to Kate's Sutton Coldfield and Boldmere classes over the last few months. I really enjoy them as it gets me doing some exercise and meeting other mums.

Kate's great. She shows you all the moves and doesn't mind showing you again if you forget. She also pushes you but doesn't force you to do anything you aren't comfortable with and has alternative moves if there is something you can't do e.g. due to having a c section.

She's great with the babies too and often carries around my little boy for a bit if he's starting to cry so that I can keep exercising.

I would recommend the classes to anyone who is thinking of giving it a try.


I went for my first class with Kate tonight-the new evening circuits class. It was brilliant! Kate explained all the different exercises, highlighting the correct techniques to apply. I worked hard and it was a brilliant atmosphere- I really enjoyed it. Very much recommended!


I was really nervous about starting my first class, new environments and new people are a struggle to me because of my anxiety. Kate was amazing, she made me and my son feel welcome on arrival and helped us both to settle in. She was supportive throughout the session and helped me as much as possible with my son who was a bit upset. It's a very laid back class, you aren't forced to do anything and are encouraged to do as much as you physically can. Im looking forward to my future classes :) x


I love coming to Kate's classes, she is very friendly and makes everyone feel at ease. It is has been great to do a class with my son where he can mix with other babies and I can do some exercise. Thanks Kate!


I have recently done a six weeks course on a pelvic and core program with Kate and I found it has helped me so much.

Kate has been so welcoming, she is lovely and friendly Explaining everything I have needed to do.

I would definitely recommend this course.


I have been going to Kate’s Tuesday morning session with Stan since he was 6 weeks old, she was very helpful and considerate of how I was feeling, how my body was feeling post emergency section and has really helped me get back into an exercise routine. With all the postnatal classes being cut I found this the only way I could get out and meet new moms like myself and I am loving every minute of it! Thank you so much Kate ���


I have been coming to Kate's Friday morning class since December now and I look forward to going every week. As someone who doesn't get any excerise while on maternity leave it is nice to be able to do some while taking my children along. Everyone in the class is very friendly and Kate modifies the excerise to suit the person doing it. Skyla, my daughter loves going and enjoys playing with Winnie too! It's nice to see her having so much fun while I do some excerise!


I did Kate's class whilst on my maternity leave and absolutely loved it! I attended so many classes whilst on maternity that were just for my little girl that I forgot about doing something for me and this class was just that, it was for me � Every time I finished this class it made me feel fantastic and that I was looking after me, thank you Kate xx


I attended the new ladies evening circuits class tonight as a One Fit (Non-)Mama. Thoroughly enjoyed the session, squats and all! A fun, varied workout with a supportive and social element. Give it a try mums and non mums alike! Thanks Kate.


Did my second class today with my one year old and two year old. My two year old wasn’t keen on watching mommy exercising and cried throughout all of the first session. Kate was great though and kept trying to help out and make suggestions to make things easier for me and him. By the end of our second session today he was joining in with a big smile on his face. Thank you Kate x


Ava-Lily & I have been going to One Fit Mamma with Kate over the last few weeks & it's been great :) Shes very friendly and welcoming & the atmosphere is really relaxed. I have always been too afraid to go to a fitness class or the gym thinking I would look silly & people would judge me, but with OFM everyone is in the same boat, everyone is concentrating on what they're doing & Kate is always there to help out or modify an exercise for you. I really look forward to my friday morning work outs & bring able to take my little one, makes it easy & a great place to go.


Such a fun way to exercise, mums and babies love it and it's a great way for both to socialise too. Kate is great at adapting the exercises to suit people's different recoveries after birth and beyond. I would highly recommend!


Really really enjoy Kate's classes - such a great way to meet new Moms, occupy my 4 month old & get back into fitness! :) Kate is lovely, very supportive & will offer to help out with my little boy when he gets a bit needy haha ! Its been so hard to get back into fitness after pregnancy as I have zero time to go to the gym, I am so glad this class is available in the area & I will 100% continue :) !! Xxxxxx


Me and my daughter Erin have been going to the friday OFM exercise class with Kate for a couple of weeks now. We love it! The atmosphere in the class is really friendly and welcoming. The workouts are really challenging and Kate adjusts them to the levels of all the people in the class. I have felt so much better about myself since attending the classes. It's lovely to feel like you're doing something for yourself whilst also bringing your little one along. I really look forward to my friday morning work outs. Thank you Kate.


Me and Oscar both love coming to Kate's classes. We started in the summer when Oscar was quite young and Kate was more than willing to give cuddles so that I could get on with the class :) Now he is a bit older he loves to watch and copy the exercises � I always leave feeling like I achieved something and always ache the next day - apparently a good sign! The classes are always very positive and Kate pushes you to keep going. She also helps when you don't remember how to do something or you need to adapt the exercises. Would definitely recommend for new (and not so new) mums!


Love these classes! Makes a change to have a class which is all about the mums!! I don’t think I’d have got back into exercising on maternity leave without it and my little one really enjoys it too which makes it even better. Kate is fab and you can take the class at your own pace. Going to miss it when I go back to work.


Love love love this class - my favourite baby class because Evie is entertained and I feel like I'm having some "me" time.

Kate's fab - I've never felt comfortable exercising in front of people before now but just feel very welcomed in her class and would also recommend the pelvic restore course.


Love it! Tillie plays and watches and gets interaction with other babies and moms. Very friendly class and everyone goes at their own pace. Kate explains all the differenct excercises at the beginning of each class and is on hand to help if stuck and will also help if babies/toddlers are fidgety. We love going. See u next week x


Kate’s classes are great, the right amount of challenge with an emphasis on motivation. You can take the exercises at the appropriate level and Kate always demonstrates modifications offering top tips. Value for money and the class is just the right length keeping the little ones entertained with lots of toys.


I've been going to Kate's Sutton Coldfield and Boldmere classes over the last few months. I really enjoy them as it gets me doing some exercise and meeting other mums.

Kate's great. She shows you all the moves and doesn't mind showing you again if you forget. She also pushes you but doesn't force you to do anything you aren't comfortable with and has alternative moves if there is something you can't do e.g. due to having a c section.

She's great with the babies too and often carries around my little boy for a bit if he's starting to cry so that I can keep exercising.

I would recommend the classes to anyone who is thinking of giving it a try.


I went for my first class with Kate tonight-the new evening circuits class. It was brilliant! Kate explained all the different exercises, highlighting the correct techniques to apply. I worked hard and it was a brilliant atmosphere- I really enjoyed it. Very much recommended!


I was really nervous about starting my first class, new environments and new people are a struggle to me because of my anxiety. Kate was amazing, she made me and my son feel welcome on arrival and helped us both to settle in. She was supportive throughout the session and helped me as much as possible with my son who was a bit upset. It's a very laid back class, you aren't forced to do anything and are encouraged to do as much as you physically can. Im looking forward to my future classes :) x


I love coming to Kate's classes, she is very friendly and makes everyone feel at ease. It is has been great to do a class with my son where he can mix with other babies and I can do some exercise. Thanks Kate!


I have recently done a six weeks course on a pelvic and core program with Kate and I found it has helped me so much.

Kate has been so welcoming, she is lovely and friendly Explaining everything I have needed to do.

I would definitely recommend this course.


I have been going to Kate’s Tuesday morning session with Stan since he was 6 weeks old, she was very helpful and considerate of how I was feeling, how my body was feeling post emergency section and has really helped me get back into an exercise routine. With all the postnatal classes being cut I found this the only way I could get out and meet new moms like myself and I am loving every minute of it! Thank you so much Kate ���


I have been coming to Kate's Friday morning class since December now and I look forward to going every week. As someone who doesn't get any excerise while on maternity leave it is nice to be able to do some while taking my children along. Everyone in the class is very friendly and Kate modifies the excerise to suit the person doing it. Skyla, my daughter loves going and enjoys playing with Winnie too! It's nice to see her having so much fun while I do some excerise!


I did Kate's class whilst on my maternity leave and absolutely loved it! I attended so many classes whilst on maternity that were just for my little girl that I forgot about doing something for me and this class was just that, it was for me � Every time I finished this class it made me feel fantastic and that I was looking after me, thank you Kate xx


I attended the new ladies evening circuits class tonight as a One Fit (Non-)Mama. Thoroughly enjoyed the session, squats and all! A fun, varied workout with a supportive and social element. Give it a try mums and non mums alike! Thanks Kate.


Did my second class today with my one year old and two year old. My two year old wasn’t keen on watching mommy exercising and cried throughout all of the first session. Kate was great though and kept trying to help out and make suggestions to make things easier for me and him. By the end of our second session today he was joining in with a big smile on his face. Thank you Kate x


Ava-Lily & I have been going to One Fit Mamma with Kate over the last few weeks & it's been great :) Shes very friendly and welcoming & the atmosphere is really relaxed. I have always been too afraid to go to a fitness class or the gym thinking I would look silly & people would judge me, but with OFM everyone is in the same boat, everyone is concentrating on what they're doing & Kate is always there to help out or modify an exercise for you. I really look forward to my friday morning work outs & bring able to take my little one, makes it easy & a great place to go.


Such a fun way to exercise, mums and babies love it and it's a great way for both to socialise too. Kate is great at adapting the exercises to suit people's different recoveries after birth and beyond. I would highly recommend!


Really really enjoy Kate's classes - such a great way to meet new Moms, occupy my 4 month old & get back into fitness! :) Kate is lovely, very supportive & will offer to help out with my little boy when he gets a bit needy haha ! Its been so hard to get back into fitness after pregnancy as I have zero time to go to the gym, I am so glad this class is available in the area & I will 100% continue :) !! Xxxxxx


Me and my daughter Erin have been going to the friday OFM exercise class with Kate for a couple of weeks now. We love it! The atmosphere in the class is really friendly and welcoming. The workouts are really challenging and Kate adjusts them to the levels of all the people in the class. I have felt so much better about myself since attending the classes. It's lovely to feel like you're doing something for yourself whilst also bringing your little one along. I really look forward to my friday morning work outs. Thank you Kate.


Me and Oscar both love coming to Kate's classes. We started in the summer when Oscar was quite young and Kate was more than willing to give cuddles so that I could get on with the class :) Now he is a bit older he loves to watch and copy the exercises � I always leave feeling like I achieved something and always ache the next day - apparently a good sign! The classes are always very positive and Kate pushes you to keep going. She also helps when you don't remember how to do something or you need to adapt the exercises. Would definitely recommend for new (and not so new) mums!


Love these classes! Makes a change to have a class which is all about the mums!! I don’t think I’d have got back into exercising on maternity leave without it and my little one really enjoys it too which makes it even better. Kate is fab and you can take the class at your own pace. Going to miss it when I go back to work.


Love love love this class - my favourite baby class because Evie is entertained and I feel like I'm having some "me" time.

Kate's fab - I've never felt comfortable exercising in front of people before now but just feel very welcomed in her class and would also recommend the pelvic restore course.


Love it! Tillie plays and watches and gets interaction with other babies and moms. Very friendly class and everyone goes at their own pace. Kate explains all the differenct excercises at the beginning of each class and is on hand to help if stuck and will also help if babies/toddlers are fidgety. We love going. See u next week x


Kate’s classes are great, the right amount of challenge with an emphasis on motivation. You can take the exercises at the appropriate level and Kate always demonstrates modifications offering top tips. Value for money and the class is just the right length keeping the little ones entertained with lots of toys.


I've been going to Kate's Sutton Coldfield and Boldmere classes over the last few months. I really enjoy them as it gets me doing some exercise and meeting other mums.

Kate's great. She shows you all the moves and doesn't mind showing you again if you forget. She also pushes you but doesn't force you to do anything you aren't comfortable with and has alternative moves if there is something you can't do e.g. due to having a c section.

She's great with the babies too and often carries around my little boy for a bit if he's starting to cry so that I can keep exercising.

I would recommend the classes to anyone who is thinking of giving it a try.


I went for my first class with Kate tonight-the new evening circuits class. It was brilliant! Kate explained all the different exercises, highlighting the correct techniques to apply. I worked hard and it was a brilliant atmosphere- I really enjoyed it. Very much recommended!


I was really nervous about starting my first class, new environments and new people are a struggle to me because of my anxiety. Kate was amazing, she made me and my son feel welcome on arrival and helped us both to settle in. She was supportive throughout the session and helped me as much as possible with my son who was a bit upset. It's a very laid back class, you aren't forced to do anything and are encouraged to do as much as you physically can. Im looking forward to my future classes :) x


I love coming to Kate's classes, she is very friendly and makes everyone feel at ease. It is has been great to do a class with my son where he can mix with other babies and I can do some exercise. Thanks Kate!


I have recently done a six weeks course on a pelvic and core program with Kate and I found it has helped me so much.

Kate has been so welcoming, she is lovely and friendly Explaining everything I have needed to do.

I would definitely recommend this course.


I have been going to Kate’s Tuesday morning session with Stan since he was 6 weeks old, she was very helpful and considerate of how I was feeling, how my body was feeling post emergency section and has really helped me get back into an exercise routine. With all the postnatal classes being cut I found this the only way I could get out and meet new moms like myself and I am loving every minute of it! Thank you so much Kate ���


I have been coming to Kate's Friday morning class since December now and I look forward to going every week. As someone who doesn't get any excerise while on maternity leave it is nice to be able to do some while taking my children along. Everyone in the class is very friendly and Kate modifies the excerise to suit the person doing it. Skyla, my daughter loves going and enjoys playing with Winnie too! It's nice to see her having so much fun while I do some excerise!


I did Kate's class whilst on my maternity leave and absolutely loved it! I attended so many classes whilst on maternity that were just for my little girl that I forgot about doing something for me and this class was just that, it was for me � Every time I finished this class it made me feel fantastic and that I was looking after me, thank you Kate xx


I attended the new ladies evening circuits class tonight as a One Fit (Non-)Mama. Thoroughly enjoyed the session, squats and all! A fun, varied workout with a supportive and social element. Give it a try mums and non mums alike! Thanks Kate.


Did my second class today with my one year old and two year old. My two year old wasn’t keen on watching mommy exercising and cried throughout all of the first session. Kate was great though and kept trying to help out and make suggestions to make things easier for me and him. By the end of our second session today he was joining in with a big smile on his face. Thank you Kate x


Ava-Lily & I have been going to One Fit Mamma with Kate over the last few weeks & it's been great :) Shes very friendly and welcoming & the atmosphere is really relaxed. I have always been too afraid to go to a fitness class or the gym thinking I would look silly & people would judge me, but with OFM everyone is in the same boat, everyone is concentrating on what they're doing & Kate is always there to help out or modify an exercise for you. I really look forward to my friday morning work outs & bring able to take my little one, makes it easy & a great place to go.

More about One Fit Mama Sutton Coldfield

One Fit Mama Sutton Coldfield is located at B73 Birmingham, United Kingdom