Optimal Sports Performance

Monday: 06:30 - 21:00
Tuesday: 06:30 - 21:00
Wednesday: 06:30 - 21:00
Thursday: 06:30 - 21:00
Friday: 06:30 - 19:30
Saturday: 09:00 - 14:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 12:00

About Optimal Sports Performance

Premier Strength and Conditioning gym in Cannock providing group and individual trainining, sports rehabilitation and therapy.

Optimal Sports Performance Description

The Premier gym in Cannock

More than just a Gym - Get Coached - Get Educated ŌĆō Get Results

OSP is a 3, 500 sq /ft gym in Cannock that has been designed to meet your needs, fuel your aspirations, and achieve your goals. At OSP youŌĆÖll find group strength and conditioning programs and one to one training; teen athletic development and sports rehabilitation - all under one roof. And every training session is supervised by a highly experienced and qualified coach.

At OSP our sole focus is improving you - the whole you. Our training program is specifically designed to improve your health and fitness, whatever your sport or lifestyle. When you join our gym, we will dedicate ourselves to making you fitter, leaner, healthier and most importantly proud of what you have achieved and of the hard work you put in to get there. Our program is scalable and can be adjusted to any level of ability. So itŌĆÖs the perfect application because it offers a bespoke training program to everyone, regardless of their experience. We simply scale the load and the intensity - we donŌĆÖt change the program.

We get individuals fitter, faster, and stronger for good reason. Our methods are effective, honest and genuinely the finest there is. WeŌĆÖre not driven by fads, passing trends or celebrity crazes. WeŌĆÖre here to stay and so we want to offer our support and guidance to people with enduring ambition and long-term goals. And these arenŌĆÖt just motivational slogans. Results donŌĆÖt lie, and our passion for working out is relentless. We talk the talk and walk the walk: everything we do is underpinned by world-leading scientific research, practice and principals.

Everyday you will be faced with a different challenge. One that will help you grow both mentally and physically. We can provide you with every opportunity to achieve your goals, fulfill your dreams and exceed your expectations. And in our community, you will build special bonds and relationships that only the OSP tribe will truly understand.



Week 2 -
Christmas Party - Tickets are now available from the gym - 8th Dec - ┬Ż5 -


Opening times update for this weekend and the Christmas Party!
As most of you know our very own Craig is getting wed this Friday so the gym will have altered opening times this weekend:
... 6:30-7:30 WOD 7:30-9:30 Open Gym 9:30-10:30 SWEAT 10:30-Onwards Closed All day
SWEAT 9:30-10:30 Closed all day after SWEAT
Open as usual.
This years Christmas party is on Saturday 8th of December and is being held at Chacha's Bar (next to Georgios at the Ramada WS11 0DQ. We have the room 7:30-1:00 with awards, DJ and a buffet! Tickets will be going on sale at the end of the week and are ┬Ż5 each so make sure you grab one off one of the lads.
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Well done to all the members that competed today.
New 6 weeks plan starts tomorrow. Check it out here. #OSPSTRONG #FITNESS


We are into our last week on the program and have some great tests to see if we've improved.
If you struggle with your gym routine or want some structure to follow jump right in on our program. We offer it for FREE every week via the link below. Every 6 weeks we concentrate on specific skills/workouts to make our overall fitness game as well rounded as possible.
Or even better come and join in and get coached on how to move properly, get stronger and fitter all in an hour a... day! Drop us a message if you have any questions on joining up.
https://www.optimalsp.co.uk/single-post/Ō Ć”/Workouts-this-week
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Open gym is only on till 12:30 today guys and remember that SWEAT starts tomorrow at 9:30-10:30 ­¤Öī


Big congratulations to our members smashing it at Rainhills this weekend and a podium finish for Andy and Helen!
Remember next Sunday is our first SWEAT and kicks off at 9:30. Grab a buddy and bring them down, first session is FREE!
Heres this weeks workouts....
... https://www.optimalsp.co.uk/single-post/Ō Ć”/Workouts-this-week
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What a day!!
Our second training day went down big! Rowing, gymnastics, individual wod and a cheeky partner wod to wrap it up. Want to say a massive thank you to everyone who attended and big thanks to the rowing master John Healy for dropping knowledge bombs this morning.
Keep an eye out for the next Training Day just after the New Year. Until then keep practising everything your learnt today.
... Workouts for the week are here!
https://www.optimalsp.co.uk/single-post/Ō Ć”/Workouts-this-week
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We are adding more SWEAT! On Sundays!
As from 7th October we are now running SWEAT class from 9:30-10:30. As our busiest class we want even more people to get involved and help you achieve your fitness goals! For all our members who already SWEAT you can attend this class for no extra charge and for non members our SWEAT classes are ┬Ż6 to drop in.
Our SWEAT timetable now looks like
... Mondays 7:00-8:00pm Tuesdays 6:30-7:30am Wednesdays 7:00-8:00pm Thursdays - no SWEAT Fridays/Saturdays/Sundays 9:30-10:30am!
For more details on memberships/attending the class don't hesitate to get in touch.
Remember your first class is free! Just sign up to our mail list on the website https://www.optimalsp.co.uk/free-trial and receive your free trial!
If all members could like and share this, that would be greatly appreciated!
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Week 2ŌĆÖs workouts are up guys!!
As most of you are aware the gyms opening opening hours are slightly different this week due to a certain someoneŌĆÖs stag weekend:
Monday - Thursday = normal... Friday - closed until the evening. Wod at 5:15 and barbell club at 6:30. Saturday - open gym 8:00-9:30 and then sweat 9:30-10:30. The gym will be closing after sweat. Sunday - open gym 8-10:30. Monday - back to business.
Any questions on these drop us a message.
https://www.optimalsp.co.uk/single-post/Ō Ć”/Workouts-this-week
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Find this weeks workouts here!
https://www.optimalsp.co.uk/single-post/Ō Ć”/Workouts-this-week


Today marks out 4th Birthday!!
We'd like to say a massive thank you to all our current and previous members who have shown support over the last 4 years. We've gone from strength to strength each year and there is no way the OSP train is slowing down!
We're extremely excited to see where this next year takes us with plenty in the pipeline leading us into our milestone 5th year.
... We could easily rename the gym to
O - optimistic S - supportive P - people
because every single person who comes into the gym cant say enough about how friendly and welcoming everybody is. So thats credit to you guys! (oh and your all decent at fitness!)
Enjoy this weeks workouts and all the weeks to come.
Thanks OSP!
https://www.optimalsp.co.uk/single-post/Ō Ć”/Workouts-this-week
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Reminder of the opening times this weekend!
Sunday - as normal
Monday - itŌĆÖs our 4th birthday ­¤śŹ
... 7:30-9:30 open gym 9:30-10:30 SWEAT 10:30-11:30 open gym 11:30 - closed
Enjoy the bank holiday ­¤Öī
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Grab a pal this weekend and try our Partner Friday workout out.
8 rounds for time
60 Double Unders... 30 KBS 24/16 20 Burpee Deadlifts 22.5/15 10 Walking Lunges with the dumbbells in front rack 22.5/15
Reps can be broken anyhow but you both have to do the lunges.
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TodayŌĆÖs WOD was a tough one!
7 rounds for time - 35 minute cap
7 HSPU... 7 Thrusters @60/40 7 Knees to Elbow 7 Deadlifts @110/70 7 Burpees 7 KBS @32/24 7 Pull ups
When/if you finish lie down like @richy.locke89
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This MondayŌĆÖs intervals arenŌĆÖt no joke ­¤öź
2 minutes on 2 minutes off. 5 rounds of each
A) 10 burpee pull ups + 20 box jump overs + max dumbbell snatch @22.5/15
... B) 100m run + 10 clean and jerks @60/40 + max wall balls
Score is Snatches and Wall balls, anyone hitting 70+ on both ­¤ż¬
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Week 5
Absolutely massive week. Some big lifting and a ton of gymnastics!
Check out our class programming here every week via our blog or better yet get in touch and come join!
... https://www.optimalsp.co.uk/single-post/Ō Ć”/Workouts-this-week
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Week 4's workouts are here!
Remember we still have places on our training day in September, check out our events page to see the details.
The training day is focusing on rowing technique, HSPU, TTB and some tough workouts thrown into the mix.
... https://www.optimalsp.co.uk/single-post/Ō Ć”/Workouts-this-week
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Workouts are here!
We also have only 9 places left on the training day so If you intend on attending make sure you sign up quickly to avoid disappointment!
https://www.optimalsp.co.uk/single-post/Ō Ć”/Workouts-this-week


This gym is so different to others. Firstly Craig, Connor and Jon really really care and give a dam. It's not just about taking your money each month like many other gyms it's all about helping you achieve your goals and work around your weaknesses. First class lads keep it up ­¤æŹ


Thanks to Craig Owen at Optimal Sports Performance today for a great massage, none of this 'the more pain the better' mentality he really is awesome at his craft! I'd highly recommend for any training injury or prevention needs!


Really enjoyed the session - was perhaps a little advanced for beginners, but I got on with it anyway. I have 2 very minor niggles - why is there no water cooler? Also, IŌĆÖm very deaf and I couldnŌĆÖt hear instructions over the music, however, I understand the music makes it for a lot of gym bunnies. Neither of these things prevent me giving top rate 5*. Would recommend and will definitely be going back!


Only been training a couple of weeks but found OSP a billiant place to train with real expert coaching.

Sessions are hard...YES... but the friendly atmosphere makes it easier to handle. Thanks guys ­¤Åŗ’ĖÅŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ­¤Åŗ’ĖÅŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ


My 13 year old daughter tried one of the sessions ~ she said it was really tough but loved it. She's going to have to learn to skip though ’┐Į


Love it, first session was amazing looking forward to this week coming


Looking for great atmosphere; excellent coaching, physio and all round hard work at a gym then this is place to be.....


I'm not going to lie it's bloody hard work, you'll do excersises that you've never done before, you'll sweat your arse off and do a shed load of squats. Team OSP really do provide a great service. Top coaching, great classes and all the members are a friendly bunch. A breath of fresh air from your usual globo gym.


I was once uninspired, chunky and bald.

By a matter of chance I heard about a training paradise called OSP.

I decided to go and what I discovered was somewhere that limits are pushed, challenges set, training is structured and like minded people throw heavy shit or just their own bodies about to get amazing results.

The sensation I had after that first workout can only be compared to the first time you sit on a washing machine whilst on full spin.....perfection.

Like a bee hitting nectar I am now hooked and addicted to the challenge, atmosphere, dedication of those who train and the amazing feeling you get after every single session!

I am now motivated, inspired and no longer chunky.

I am still bald but that isn't anything to do with OSP but a 6 star rating will be given if my hair grows back.

Great atmosphere....great team....great structure....great sessions that really do make you up your game!


I was a bit nervous about going to OSP as I'd heard that it was just full of really fit and strong people and it was way out of me league.

I plucked up the courage and took advantage of their free sweat session. Jon and team made me feel very welcome from the start.

The workouts and really tough but the people and staff are great.

If you want a great workout and a great place, don't look any further.


I can't rate this place highly enough. Coaching is second to none. Choice of times of classes are excellent. This is the place to be.


Had physio today on my shoulder and I am very impressed after five weeks of agony I am pain free thanks to Craig would highly recommend you thank you


Had my 1st sweat session on Wednesday had a great time people were friendly and supportive even if I was totally useless being as I'm just starting out. It's tough and demanding but very rewarding, Il certainly be going again


Excellent Coaching with great guidance and support. All the people are lovely and a pleasure to train with. I would highly recommend this to anyone. Best form of keeping fit that I've ever experienced and ive near enough tried and tested the lot. Great variations to keep you striving for more. Top class Training.


Dropped in for a taster session today and the team element of the workout hits you straight away. Everyone is super friendly and the instruction is excellent.

Needless to say, I'll be signing up!


Damn these people work you hard! The trainers are friendly and take the time to explain the exercises before letting you loose on the circuits and the members are lovely and very encouraging which helps when there is little gas left in the tank. SWEAT really gets the blood pumping!


Bored of your regular routine at a standard gym? Get down to OSP for expert coaching and a fabulous training environment. Best place to train, never made so many gains! ŌØż’ĖÅ the coaches, there ace .


Been coming for about 8 weeks doing sweat class twice a week. Staff are friendly & very knowledgable. It's blooming hard at times but feeling a difference in my overall fitness already , despite my 54 years , other members are really friendly no egos I'd recommend it love coming here , no 2 classes have been the same ’┐Į


Awesome place to train, great coaches and atmosphere, can't recommend it enough ’┐Į

More about Optimal Sports Performance

Optimal Sports Performance is located at Unit 6 Lakeside Park, Walkmill Way, WS11 0XE Cannock
Monday: 06:30 - 21:00
Tuesday: 06:30 - 21:00
Wednesday: 06:30 - 21:00
Thursday: 06:30 - 21:00
Friday: 06:30 - 19:30
Saturday: 09:00 - 14:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 12:00