Portraits By Blanka Gal

About Portraits By Blanka Gal

Portraits By Blanka Gal is an exclusive Brand and Portrait Photography experience transforming you and your business to its best.



Do you always wait for the right and perfect moment, or simply have a leap of faith in yourself?
I speak to many women on a weekly basis regarding being photographed, and when we have these conversations, these are the most common objections I hear:
... ❌When I lose weight, ❌I look awful onpictures ❌I am not photogenic at all ❌I am too old now, I was more beautiful when I was younger (but I didn't think that back then) ❌Not me, just my daughter, she really is beautiful and looks way much better on pictures than me ❌I am not good enough, I don't think I deserve this...
Well if you also have these thought in you I have to tell you you are not alone. But I also have to tell you that these are all b...s..t thoughts created only in you mind, and they are always related to the fact of having fear inside you, not having enough faith within you for yourself.
We could all blame the media for creating a false perfect image of what we should all look like, and that is true in a way, but I won't, because we are the only ones responsible for our own emotions and our thoughts that define us. Mel Robbins recently said in her latest book, "Life is defined by what is inside your head. Not by what is outside of you" But I do understand it can be really hard to see your true values and believe in yourself the way you deserve.
I know because I have also been there. I spent my thirties with a massive self-discovery and I truly know that photography has helped me to overcome many self doubt.
And that's why I have this mission to help as much women as I can.
✅I want to help them overcome their fears withing them, giving back faith and power and the energy that generates confidence within. ✅I would love many of you to have this wonderful, many times life changing experience. ✅I want to give you a tool for your own beautiful self-discovery, to free your mind from your own fearful thought around yourself and your body.
I feel blessed to have the power to be able to do this. I feel honoured to work with every one of you, who take this massive step ahead on this beautiful journey.
I know it is hard sometimes, you might even feel the pressure of "I must love myself" but then it just seems a bit odd and you have no clue how to start or what to look for inside of you to start to see positive changes...
The right moment is right now, right here! The only thing you need to do is to take action! Pop me a message and lat's have a chat. And please, always remember to respect that woman in the mirror, she is trying the best she can ❤️
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⭐️Did you know that you can WIN an exclusive portrait experience and pampering day with me? ⭐️ How would it feel to start your week with pampering, getting professional hair and makeup, styling, dress up in beautiful dresses, get tips and tricks how to look great on photos, prosecco and more? Look for our local Fresh Home & Living Magazine from Michelle Love for all the details!


The joy of being a photographer is so much greater than just taking a photo. It's the passion behind it all and sharing that feeling with your client. I can't express my love for what I do into words very well I admit it, but I believe it shows during a session. There's no greater joy for me than to see the reaction and surprise of one's portrait from the back of the camera, to see the excitement and confidence build up like there is no end. I love to share that moment with my clients. I feel the same way... we have the same goal... to make the best portrait ever of you.


Wishing a very happy birthday to this gorgeous mum! Have the most wonderful day Rachael White❤️


How much VALUE and what BENEFITS you get when booking a photo shoot with me?
1) the value of SELF-CARE. The value of feeling good, feeling beautiful, feeling cared for with all our attention is all around you. You get some tips on skin or hair care, some makeup tips too.
2) the value of EMPOWERMENT. You will definitely feel empowered, more valuable. You get to focus more on who you really are, how to embrace imperfection, trust or love yourself more. We focus more on your st...
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Our other halves often act like they don't really care about having pictures taken but I can tell you the minute they are together with their children... when their little girl sneaks into their lap, or their cheeky boy says during the session I love you Dad! ...
... They are all over the Moon and back, sitting proudly as they have conquered the world... And in a way they did!
Gift something special, unforgettable and unique for Father's Day, create a legacy, bring your other half with his kids or grab your parents and have photos with your dad!
You never know when they are gone forever, I know truly from my heart... When my dad passed away three years ago and I went through all his memories, at his home, and I realised our last photo was taken with him together was when I was 12!
Sometimes you have to stop for a moment and celebrate your relationships with your loved ones to create something amazing that would outlive you for over a lifetime.
Drop me a message for details. Love, Blanche xxx
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Is this not the most beautiful thing you have ever seen??? I am in love with these images!❤️🌷🌻 I am looking for dancers from the age of 10 to create artistic shoots.


I recently photographed Emma from Oojamaflick, a very talented videographer who I cannot recommend enough! She wanted something that really shows her personality not just purely a business headshot.
We had so much fun during the shoot and I think the results are so amazing, showing her and you instantly get the feeling of who she is and what is her energy when you opt-in to work with her. And I tell you, she is such a lovely, fun l...ady to be around, she has such a talented eye for details and will deliver exactly what you need in your video. Oh and laughter and professionalism are guaranteed!
I offer several packages for businesses, from one headshot to a set of 12 branding images which you can use on your social media, website, and marketing.
I also offer some design work so message me if you need help with showcasing you and your business!
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Wow! Stunned & honoured to receive this Award nomination 😮🥰 Thank you x


I am more than excited to start editing these business branding photos for Samantha Caldecott! We had so much fun this morning while creating some totally different looks and lifestyle photos for her website and social media. Behind the scenes from today's session with Claire Shiner from Claire Shiner Makeup Artist doing her magic as usual! Thank you ladies!xxx


🤔 Think about this! REALLY THINK about how true it is for you in your life:
When you were outspoken they called you rude. When you stood up for yourself they called you selfish. When you refused to fall into their emotions they called you heartless.... When you made your own decisions they called you uncaring. When you praised yourself they called you arrogant. When you chose to help people live a better life they called you a scam. When you took your brand new car out for a spin they called you a show-off. When you earn more than them, they credit the industry and not you.
💫 Can you imagine what you subconsciously think of yourself today after being bombarded with the above (or worse) every minute of everyday?
There’s a whole world out there ready to tell you that you’re not enough.
And on top of all that, we’ve been taught to run from fear and uncomfortable situations. So how the heck would you ever heal?
It's not just your body but your mindset, your soul and it goes deep down into you and you start questioning yourself. You might end up having anxiety, start comparing yourself to others on different levels, you start making compromises and your self worth starts to drop.
I can help you to break through this wall, these challenges, this mindset.
I am not just taking photos - everyone can do that - I am taking CARE OF YOUR SOUL. And at the end you will feel empowered, stronger and ready to believe in yourself again.
Photo by Blanka Gal
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In the last couple of weeks I’ve been busy creating some new double sided backdrops - all handpainted by me using different painting techniques... the weather was so great I couldn’t resist!
I cannot wait to photograph on them! The colours are in harmony with the most popular outfits used by clients, as well as the beautiful studio wardrobe collection you can wear during the shoot.
I’m so excited to show you something new soon as well... ... I hope you all have a great half term holiday, I truly enjoy spending time with my kids.
Have a fabulous weekend! ❤️❤️❤️
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Wishing very happy birthday to Shelley, an incredible woman who has overcome her own struggles of the past and inspires many other ladies with a never lasting smile, a huge heart, and with motivational stories as well as really enjoyable books. I hope you have a wonderful day Shelley Wilson❤️❤️❤️


To all my female friends of "AGE''... Most of us are going through the NEXT STAGE of our lives. We are at that age where we see the wrinkles, grey hair, extra pounds. Menopause has already showed up or just waiting around the corner.
We see the pretty 25-year olds and sigh. But, we were 25, too, just like they will one day be our age.
What they bring to the table with their youth and zest for life, we bring with our WISDOM, EXPERIENCE and GOOD HEARTS. For all we've been thr...ough earning each grey hair... raising kids, bills and ills and whatever else life throws at us, we are SURVIVORS... we are WARRIORS... we are WOMEN. Like a classic car or fine wine.
While our exterior may not be what it once was, it is traded for our SPIRIT, our COURAGE and our W to enter this chapter of our lives with GRACE and PRIDE for all we've been through and accomplished.
NEVER feel bad about getting older. It is a PRIVILEGE denied to many. ❤
Ladies, I CHALLENGE YOU to copy and paste with your picture and age.
I'm getting 41 in September and enjoying it every day more to be and become „of age“ and finding MY OWN VOICE and POWER in my life. What a great gift I was given by being able to live this life the way I do and I’m grateful for EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. 💖 #lifeisagift
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Going to a high street photographer is usually: - book a date on phone or email - show up, feeling a bit nervous about what to expect... - a few minutes after arriving, the photoshoot starts, lasts like an hour then leave - later you get a link to your online gallery to pick your images, if you are lucky, some are edited. Maybe you have an option to order some more and wait for 4-6 weeks to get them.
Booking a boutique photo shoot experience with me you get:
- A free phone call to answer all your questions - At least an hour long, detailed - preferably in-person - CONSULTATION, when we talk about YOU. I listen to your story, I listen to your concerns, your goal of the photoshoot. - We DESIGN the shoot itself, we talk about colours, styles, outfits, inspiration, timing. I tell you HOW TO PREPARE, how to arrive and what to bring on the day, what you can expect on the session day. - I make sure you know and understand my pricing structure so there are NO SURPRISES. You can take a look at the final product range I offer, you can touch them, feel them, fall in love with them. - I tell you some ADVICE on how to prepare for the photo session (no, it's NOT about starting a heavy diet to look better on the day!!!)
- On the session day you get FULL PAMPERING, hair and makeup styling by lovely professional ladies - Full USE of STUDIO WARDROBE for the session - Tasty but lipstick-free SNACKS, bubbles. - Music, smile, hugs, and FULL ATTENTION to you and to details. - Then when you are COMFORTABLE and RELAXED, we start the photo shoot, which takes around two hours. - I TEACH YOU how to pose and what looks great on photos to your own body advantages, HOW TO SMILE naturally, and many more.
You EXPERIENCE something way much more powerful, you will feel EMPOWERED, CONFIDENT, BEAUTIFUL.
You get a full day experience like an intense counseling on body confidence. You get a day out when you can leave behind all the problems. You get some hours just for yourself, without kids, business, stress if you come alone. You get to spend some quality time with your loved ones, like your mum or sister, best friend if you come for a family/group experience. You get self-care.
In a couple weeks time, you are invited back for an emotionally filled hour, the REVEAL SESSION to see your beautiful images for the first time and choose the ones you fall in love with. Most of them you can TAKE HOME ON THE DAY, or I order the extra products you choose. In case of ordering wall art, I also offer FREE FITTING in your home. You are also invited to my VIP REFERRAL PROGRAM which gives you many extras like vouchers or complimentary extra images in at least £100 value.
I invite you to a very personal experience. Trust me, I am here to help.
Love, B xx
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I describe and explain how to book a photo shoot with me. You get to know a bit of the process -what is before the actual photo shoot day. You can find out how many clients I take a month and how to be on my waiting lists.


IT’S NOT ABOUT portraits in lingerie, it’s about finding beauty in yourself in nothing else but LINGERIE.
... Film by the talented Emma from Oojamaflick
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I hardly know any woman who doesn't turn to the mirror asking "Am I good enough?" at least once in their life.
There is generally a lot of pressure in our culture. ... We feel as if there is something wrong with us if we don't meet certain "expectations".
Sometimes in the midst of all the pressure, we seem to totally forget all the wonderful, unique things about ourselves. We start telling ourselves negative things and we start to believe in our mind - although actually we control our thoughts and we shouldn't let our thoughts control us.
I know it sounds almost annoyingly simple, but the only way to achieve self-love is to love yourself—regardless of who you are and where you stand and even if you know you want to change.
Remind yourself what great things you have done, find your great achievements and moments in life, even tiny ones, the ones that you can be proud of!
Give yourself permission to show up, to be yourself!
Own your true self, raise your confidence energy level, look at the mirror and try to say out loud: I LOVE YOU! That is so, so powerful. I don't say it's easy but the more you practice the more you can relate to it. Don't wait for anyone's approval!
You are enough just as you are. And self-love will be a little bit easier every time you remind yourself of that. Deep down, you know that you deserve more, to be more, and to show up in this world the incredible being you are! YOU ALONE ARE GOOD ENOUGH NOW ❤️❤️❤️
Hair and makeup by Harriett. Photo by Blanka Gal
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