Positive Harmony Psychology By Arty Amarisa

About Positive Harmony Psychology By Arty Amarisa

Empowering you to achieve positive harmony whilst going through the peaks and throughs of life . Instilling courage and confidence to overcome chaos and confusion to cultivate calmness and clarity.



Such a informational and inspirational post ! What do you feel affects you most ?


Quieten the clamour of love by setting your intellect aside and feeling the raindrops of bounty.
#love #intellect
#artyamarisacoaching #postiveharmonypsychology... #couragefortransformation
#bachflowerremedy #emotionalfreedomtechnique #eft #acceptancecommitmentherapy #act #lifecoaching
#courage #compassion #selflove #acceptance #emotionalresilience #transformation #empowerment #selfdevelopment
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Love for the sake of loving , with no agenda, with no purpose, not for anyone in particular nor a specific day. Just respond to your innate yearning to be love and love with abandon.


Sometimes we feel lost and we do not know what path to take . That is when we need to put all efforts to gain our inner strength through concentration ... that will allow us to see the path carved out right in front of us .


Joker - such a captivating movie and well deserved award.
This award acceptance speech is so thought provoking and such a subtle quintessence of oneness amongst all living beings . He closed the it with quoting his brother “Run to the rescue with love and peace will follow.”
Some reflective moments from the film ...
... "I used to think that my life was a tragedy, but now I realize, it's a ....comedy."
"The worst part of having a mental illness is people expect you to behave as if you don't."
“As we follow Arthur on his dark journey, the movie continues to play around with the idea of reality. We see things happen that later are revealed to be inside Arthur's mind. This leads to the ending, which hints at the possibility that the entire thing could have been a "joke" in Arthur's head.”
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Sometimes when we digest the feelings multiple and we are enveloped in the orbit of love to radiate even much further .
Have a blissful Sunday 🧚‍♀️


This weekend seems to be the start of many new beginnings and intention settings . It is also the celebrations of Imbloc which according to the Celtic belief it is the midway between winter solstice and spring equinox . So there is definitely a lot happening around us.
Take a moment to reflect and remind yourself what is important in life. Tune into your strengths and promise yourself to live a life aligned to your values .
The beginning of the week also marked the Internatio...nal Remembrance Day of the Holocaust. In the words of Vicktor Emil Frankl- an Austrian neurologist, psychiatrist and holocaust survivor , ‘Only when emotions work in terms of values can the individual feel pure joy.’
A am also so pleased to share with you some gifts from some generous and lovely souls
https://kate21.kartra.com/page/SacredSpac eJJ
https://m.facebook.com/pagesofmylifejourn al/
Have a lovely weekend all.
#artyamarisacoaching #postiveharmonypsychology #couragefortransformation
#bachflowerremedy #emotionalfreedomtechnique #eft #acceptancecommitmentherapy #act #lifecoaching
#courage #compassion #selflove #acceptance #emotionalresilience #transformation #empowerment #selfdevelopment
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Sometimes all you need to do to be happy is to be receptive to the innate love within yourself
#artyamarisacoaching #postiveharmonypsychology #couragefortransformation
... #bachflowerremedy #emotionalfreedomtechnique #eft #acceptancecommitmentherapy #act #lifecoaching
#courage #compassion #selflove #acceptance #emotionalresilience #transformation #empowerment #selfdevelopment
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What a wonderful post to share about the importance of identifying with your emotional feelings to help you improve your physical help.
I am always fascinated how the Bach Flowers uncover what you are feeling layer by layer - it is a process of self development .
Just last week I had a client who could not sleep and the reason for this was he was helpless and in shock of his recent health diagnosis - so Star of Bethlehem went into his mix as well as other Bach Flower Reme...dies .
These flowers remedies from nature have the power to transform your life to live in positive harmony within yourself .
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"Don't judge someone until you have walked a mile in his shoes. " This is a great way to explain that one must not use their own yardstick to judge others because we really do not know what others are going through.
We often feel that we are intolerant towards other people's behaviour however we never know the entire picture so who are we to judge? Another way to reframe this is that we may be seeing our own reflection in the other person that may irritates us. Or as the ...below article explains that we do not understand other people's behaviour which may frustrate us because we are not aware of their context. These are different ways to explain the same message of being more accepting of other's shortcomings including our own!
If you are constantly frustrated or irritated by other people's perhaps it may be worthwhile to take the Bach Flower Remedy Beech which in Dr Bach's words are "For those who feel the need to see more good and beauty in all that surrounds them. And, although much appears to be wrong, to have the ability to see the good growing within. So as to be able to be more tolerant, lenient and understanding of the different way each individual and all things are working to their own final perfection."
https://humanparts.medium.com/laziness-do es-not-exist-3af27…
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This is such a simple, effective and easy to understand video on autism. We are so quick to judge others as we measure them according to our own view of the world. However it may be wise to consider that our framework of the universe is not always accurate. There are other ways to see this creation by just expanding our barriers and being more inclusive and considerate. Have a lovely weekend all.


It is full moon today - a day to forgive , reflect and start again. Allow yourself to embrace the power of nature .


Today is the 6th of January which is when the three wise men / kings went to visit Lord Jesus . I used to celebrate this day as a child in Spain and even now being in the UK it is a wonderful day to remember . I came across this free inspirational movie to watch to help you bounce back in this age of uncertainty. Hope you enjoy it .
Feliz día de reyes 💜🥰


Start of the 2020 ! New intentions - one of them may be to reduce the amount of meat we may eat , live a greener life , let go of the negativity , prosper in our lives , relationships , work , health ... the list may go on . Whatever it is we may place our attention , anything new is an adventure and it may be challenging . However do not give up, the alternative is boredom . So embrace the change as the constant of life ( pun intended ! )
#frasesenespanol #paulacohelo #2020...intentions #intentions
#artyamarisacoaching #postiveharmonypsychology #couragefortransformation
#bachflowerremedy #emotionalfreedomtechnique #lifecoaching
#courage #compassion #selflove #acceptance #emotionalresilience
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Best way to start the decade - acknowledge your problems and let them be rather than being controlled by them . Let us promise to accept ourselves so that we shine in our own light and radiate our innate brilliance .
Happy 2020 always 💜
#emotionalresilience... #bachflowerremedy #artyamarisacoaching #postiveharmonypsychology #couragefortransformation #emotionalfreedomtechnique #courage #compassion #selflove #acceptance
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A student asked his teacher I do not fit in, should I change and try and fit in ? The teacher replied no one really fits in so just be natural and be yourself .
If you are reading this and feel your sensitivity is preventing you from fitting in then embrace yourself and accept who you. If you do that only then others will appreciate you , see you for who you are and begin to notice your super powers.
#emotionalresilience... #bachflowerremedy #artyamarisacoaching #postiveharmonypsychology #couragefortransformation #superpowers #sensitivity #selflove #acceptance
https://tinybuddha.com/…/4-sensitive-su perpowers-that-can-…/
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EFT which is emotional freedom techniques is a fantastic and simple tool to help with a variety of emotional distress such as fears and phobias . This a short video I created to help one of my clients who is scared of being in closed space for a length of time . Please feel free to adopt the words to suit what you are going through . Enjoy !
The below videos is an introduction to emotional freedom technique.
... #claustrophobia #emotionalresilience #emotionalfreedomtechnique #artyamarisacoaching #positiveharmonycoach #postiveharmonypsychology
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More about Positive Harmony Psychology By Arty Amarisa
