Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Recovery - Ptsd Therapy Kenilworth

Monday: 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 21:00
Friday: 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 21:00
Sunday: -

About Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Recovery - Ptsd Therapy Kenilworth

Results Driven Hypnotherapy with Stuart Downing
Helping you live the life you deserve.

Call now : + 44 7825 599340

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Recovery - Ptsd Therapy Kenilworth Description

PTSD is essentially a memory filing error. It can happen when people are exposed to an extraordinary life-threatening situation which is perceived with intense fear, horror and helplessness.

At the time someone is being exposed to this intensely fearful situation, their mind 'suspends' normal operations and it copes as well as it can in order to survive. This might involve reactions such as 'freezing to the spot' or instead the opposite 'flight away' from the danger. Usually the individual is aware of coping in an automated manner. Many Veterans will say later that their 'training took over' and they survived.

The mind does not lay a memory for the frightening event or events in a normal way because it has delayed this until the danger passes. The rule is that once the danger has passed, the mind will try to file away the memory. This means it tries to file the facts of what happened, the emotions associated with the trauma and the sensations (eg: touch, taste, sound, vision, movement, and smell).

The problem is that when the mind presents the memory for filing it can be very distressing. The mind repeatedly and automatically presents the memory in the form of nightmares, flashbacks and intrusive unwanted memories. These "re-experiencing" phenomena are the mind's way of trying to file away the distressing memory. The re-experiencing can be very unpleasant and distressing because of the nature of the traumatic experience it exposes the sufferer to.

The individual also finds that his or her levels of arousal (awareness) change. People can become hyper-aroused and suffer intense symptoms of anxiety (both physical: with shortness of breath and a racing heart, as well as emotional: feeling on edge, looking out for signs of danger and being 'on patrol' all the time or feeling panicky).

Many also feel emotionally numb and have trouble communicating with others without feeling numb or irritable or both.

These hyper-arousal and emotional numbness symptoms become so unpleasant that then individual then starts to avoid anything linked to the original trauma, this happens automatically. The person then avoids anything that causes upset or irritation or that might represent danger occurs. Avoidance can become the main coping mechanism in most situations.

The more the individual avoids things, including confronting what happened, the less likely is it that any memory processing will occur, and the more likely it is that further attempts at filing a memory will occur automatically. This leads to further re-experiencing nightmares, flashbacks and intrusive memories. These re-experiencing symptoms then lead on to further hyper-arousal and emotional numbing, and this in turn leads on to more avoidance and so on. This is how the symptoms clusters perpetuate themselves in a vicious cycle which can go on for years.

In the majority of people, however, the three symptom clusters (which represent the immediate psychological reaction to an extraordinary situation) settles down. In some people it can 'stick' and become chronic. If this is the case, PTSD may be said to be present. This theory is based in Horowitz's Information Processing Model.

For treatment to be successful, information processing must be completed. This is why therapies aimed at helping the individual to process and work through the traumatic material are extremely beneficial.
PTSD therefore comprises three symptom clusters:
Re-experiencing of the traumatic experience
Hyper-arousal and emotional numbing

It should be noted that the more people try to use avoidance as their main coping mechanism, the more likely it will be that they isolate themselves and many become depressed.
Many also avoid unpleasant irritability and hyperarousal by drinking alcohol. Some will use drugs, medications or other substances to 'feel alive'; and to counteract the emotional numbing they feel.
There may be an aspect of your life you want to change but something stops you or sabotages your intentions and you wonder why. This is typical of an inner conflict at a subconscious level for which hypnotherapy is very effective. As your hypnotherapist, I help you access the infinite resources of your subconscious mind in order to bring about the therapeutic changes you desire.

Hypnosis can be traced back to the ancient Babylonians, Greeks and Egyptians and is named after the Greek word for sleep – Hypnos. In Hypnosis, sleep does not mean the same as we understand our bedtime sleep to be. A good way to think of Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation and focus. You are in control, not the Hypnotist. As you can go into this trance state, so you can come out of it whenever you want. When your conscious mind relaxes and becomes detached from everyday worries, then your subconscious mind can commence doing its wonderful work, in its own wonderful way, free from interruptions and sabotage from your conscious mind. This relaxed state is known as trance.

Research has shown that our unconscious mind makes 90% of our decisions and that behaviors are established at a very young age. The unconscious mind’s primary function is to protect us. However, behaviors learned at a young age are not always helpful in dealing with issues that we face as adults. Although our conscious mind knows how to deal with situations rationally, the unconscious mind which is the driving force, can create a raft of limiting and unhelpful behaviors because of early programming.

Life changes, and so can you!

Call Stuart: + 44 7825 599340



Anxiety and Fear Anxiety is a normal, if unpleasant,part of life, and it can affect us all in different ways and at different times and is something that we all have to deal with from time to time.
A degree of anxiety is a natural part of living and nothing to be really worry about, something to be factored into the experience of life itself. Most of us can cope with average amounts of anxiety and still lead perfectly healthy, normal lives.
...Continue Reading


What is EMDR? Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a highly effective treatment method for a wide range of issues. EMDR is a powerful therapeutic approach with the aim of reducing distress in the shortest period of time. It uses the natural healing ability of your body to clear emotional and cognitive blockages. The mind can often heal itself naturally and much of this occurs during sleep, particularly during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. However, when yo...u experience a traumatic event (eg a car accident) or are repeatedly exposed to distress (eg childhood neglect) your natural coping mechanism can become overloaded and disturbing experiences become stuck and unprocessed. EMDR utilises eye movements to help you process blocked information so that the distressing memory tends to change in such a way that it loses its painful intensity and becomes a neutral memory of an event in the past. EMDR treatment is recommended by the government's National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines. It has successfully treated over 1 million individuals for PTSD. In addition, the World Health Organisation's new guidelines recommend EMDR for trauma and loss, PTSD, acute stress and bereavement. They state "...EMDR therapy aims to reduce subjective distress and strengthen adaptive cognitions related to the traumatic event... these techniques help people reduce vivid, unwanted, repeated recollections of traumatic events" (WHO 2013). I can help you with trauma, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, stress, sleep problems, bereavement, addictions, pain control, low self-esteem, performance anxiety, PTSD and phobias.
EMDR can help you with reducing the painful intensity of your distressing memory. Other associated memories may also heal at the same time. This linking of related memories can lead to a dramatic improvement in many aspects of your life. If you feel you or a loved one or friend could benefit from EMDR Therapy, call Stuart -07825 599340
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SELF-HARM AND SUICIDE After suicide, there are no second chances. We can't go back and try a different, or better way, of supporting someone to see if that works instead. We may have just the one chance to get it right, and none of us wants to get it wrong.
"No one is killing themselves on my watch!" we may vow. And yet a million people worldwide kill themselves each year. If a million people every year died as a result of terrorism, imagine the outcry, the public attention, ...the funding, and the need for a solution. Research reveals a fair bit about the risk factors for suicide. But does that information enable us to predict with any accuracy whether our friend, or family member will attempt to kill themselves or even be self harming ? Self-harm and suicidality, are specifically behaviours resulting from states of extreme distress linked to trauma. In working with or supporting people who are severely distressed, we can promote recovery and healing from this distress, so that self-harm and suicide are no longer seen as 'the only way out'. Call Stuart on 07825 599340 for a free 30 minute telephone consultation if you or a family member/ friend may be at risk
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When We Don’t Love Ourselves, We Can’t Be Loved By Someone Else When we don’t love and accept ourselves fully, we can’t ever have a great relationship or a happy life.
Our partner may whisper, “I love you so much” and we won’t believe them. We’ll always be looking for evidence that they are secretly losing interest.
... Did they call us when they said they would? (If they didn’t, it’s because they don’t love us.)
Did they initiate sex, or cuddle like they used to, or hold our hands when we walked down the street? (They are losing interest. They’ve met someone else. I’m less desirable than I was ten years ago.)
We can’t tell them our secret feelings or fears, because it will push them away.
We feel like we “aren’t good enough” to date our crush, or we settle for someone who is “safe” or “fine” but who doesn’t make our heart leap with joy.
We don’t trust our partners (they aren’t telling the truth). We think they are cheating (where was she last night?)
We carry around the pain of never feeling good enough to have the kind of love other people experience. We doubt ourselves; we doubt our partners; we doubt love.
We let challenges demoralize and deflate us, and it’s not long before we realize we’re a much smaller version of ourselves. We won’t ask for a raise; we’ll stay in dead-end jobs.
We’ll lose weight and feel fatter than ever. We give up on our health, thinking it’s too hard or takes too much effort.
We’ll look for quick fixes to make ourselves feel better: a new haircut, a one night stand, a bottle of bourbon, a brownie sundae.
But none of these fixes fix us at all. They leave us feeling lonelier, emptier, sadder.
And we will remain that way until we stop looking for other people to give us the love and care we yearn for and deserve.
After all, why would someone else love us, if we don’t think we are worthy? Call Stuart -07825 599340
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User therapybirmingham


Through Hypnotherapy, instead of trying to force yourself to do things against your body’s will.
• You will turn your attention toward understanding why your body wants to smoke/over eat/drink too much etc.
• You will stop seeing it as the enemy that just won’t listen to you.
... • You’ll stop trying to push it around and force it to do something against its will.
• You’ll understand why you want to smoke/over eat/drink too much etc.
As soon as you understood that there are reasons, you'll start to give your body what it needs. Call Stuart for a free telephone consultation - 07825 599340
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More about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Recovery - Ptsd Therapy Kenilworth

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Recovery - Ptsd Therapy Kenilworth is located at Cottage Therapy Center , 12 New Street , Kenilworth , Warwickshire, CV8 2EZ, CV8 2 Kenilworth, Warwickshire
+44 7825 599340
Monday: 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 21:00
Friday: 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 21:00
Sunday: -