Purley Chase Centre

About Purley Chase Centre

Purley Chase Centre is a retreat and conference centre. Our primary aim is to foster a spiritual foundation for people in their lives.

Purley Chase Centre Description

Welcome to Purley Chase Centre …

a place of spiritual exploration in a safe, caring and restful environment. We have both new events and regular favourites for you this coming year. Look through this website and you will discover a range of events, workshops and retreats which reflect an engagement with contemporary spirituality for today’s world and which seek to foster a spiritual foundation for our lives.

We hope that at Purley Chase you will experience a sense of community based on mutual respect and sharing. Although Purley exists for serious purposes, the atmosphere is light-hearted. There’s not a lot of pious talk, but plenty of laughter and spontaneity and often some challenges, since these kinds of experiences can touch us deeply. We meet in a place of loving-kindness towards each other in the midst of our human situations. This is what we all have in common and it is more important than what divides us.

The Centre’s spirituality is rooted in what we believe to be an enlightened and balanced approach to Christ-centred spirituality helped by the insights in the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg. We validate all faiths and welcome open dialogue between people of all religions and those with none at all. We are keen to embrace a spiritual approach that is based upon love, freedom and rationality, and believe we can learn from each other and this can lead to new growth; ultimately bringing peace and harmony into our lives and the world.

Our hope is that those who visit will take something special home with them. In this way coming to Purley is not just a break or escape, but an experience which can carry over as a practical blessing in your everyday life.

Whatever event you choose you will find an open, warm welcome from my wife Anne – who is the Centre Manager – and her staff. Our aim is to ensure that your physical and spiritual needs are well catered for.

We look forward to welcoming you to Purley Chase Centre soon.

David Gaffney, Programme Director



We are currently compiling the brochure before sending it off to the designers. If you have any pictures of Purley that you would like to see in the brochure please email them to us! enquiries@purleychasecentre.org.uk. I hope you all had a fantastic bank holiday!




If you are at Purley this week please share some pictures of what you are up to!


Well summer is here and soon Purley will be full of Young People for nearly a month. We will also be putting together the new brochure which should be delivered to you the beginning of October. We do still have availability for next year and if you would like to run an event at Purley please complete the form on our website http://www.purleychasecentre.org.uk/final -booking-form/. Also if you have got any pictures of Purley for the brochure and leaflets at the centre please send them to us either by emailing us through Facebook or sending them to enquiries@purleychasecentre.org.uk. Hope to see you at Purley soon!


We need a Manager to replace the current Manager, Anne Gaffney, who is retiring. You will be responsible for running Purley Chase to ensure that all guests have a safe and enjoyable visit in a welcoming, friendly and well-maintained environment.
This is a full-time position working flexibly (7 days on/7 off negotiable) with a Deputy Manager with a need to remain overnight on the premises while working, with 24 hour responsibility. On-site living... accommodation will be provided. Flexible working is essential to cover absences and holidays.
Salary is £26,000 a year plus non-contributory pension.
Please see job description on: http://www.purleychasecentre.org.uk/job-o pportunities/
Apply with CV and application letter to vacancy@gcnc.org.uk, or Recruitment, Purley Chase Centre, Mancetter, CV9 2RQ.
Closing date is 25th April 2017
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I hope everyone is enjoying this lovely sunny day. We have a few events going on this weekend so please comment if you are at Purley for what should be a sunny weekend.


We are currently looking for a full/part time cook to work at the centre. If you are interested then please get in touch for further information. Telephone: 01827 712370 or email: anne.gaffney@purleychasecentre.org.u k


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqwCd73L3 Fc


https://www.facebook.com/events/236907053 379490/


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33FfPQsf_ zU


This is a friendly weekend aimed at families aged 0-16 to meet old friends and make new ones. During the morning, adults and children are led in separate sessions learning and creating with experienced leaders. Saturday afternoon is free to spend time in the grounds or to join in family activities which vary year to year. The evenings are a time for all ages to mingle and join in fun and games together, and weather permitting we hope to have a firework display (this is thr...ough money contributed by the group during the weekend).
a weekend to gather together in a beautiful environment to enjoy fun and fellowship as well as time to learn and reflect.
Helen Curry started coming to Purley Chase as a teenager and made lifelong friends as well as meeting her husband, Daniel. They now enjoy bringing their 3 young children to share the same friendship, fun and learning. Helen looks forward to welcoming new faces and returning families to the fellowship of Purley Chase.
Jenny Jones is a teacher who has loved attending Purley Chase all her life and Steve Jones is a fire fighter who was first introduced to Purley as a teenager and has been coming ever since. They now have three children who also see the centre as “a home from home” They love meeting other families to share in weekends full of fun, laughter and the chance to think about and discuss spiritual issues relevant to our hectic modern lives.
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Elijah and John the Baptist
We may be familiar with the Gospel accounts of John the Baptist being introduced as fulfilling prophecy; “This is he who was spoken of through the prophet Isaiah. A voice of one calling in the desert, Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths form him.” (Matthew 3:3)
Malachi 4: 5 also prophecies about the coming of the Lord, but speaks of the prophet Elijah being sent “before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes.”
... The Old Testament and the New Testament are closely linked; the people of Jesus’ time are aware of the prophecies contained in their scriptures and in relaxed and friendly few days at Purley Revd Christine Bank will lead an exploration of Elijah and John the Baptist, hopefully unpicking something of their lives and their shared role in introducing the Lord’s own ministry to the people.
Christine Bank was ordained in 2008 but has always been an active member of the church. She is mainly based in Keighley church where her passion for spirituality and working with children really shows.
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This weekend will be split into three areas; leather work, painting and embroidery. In each area you will be learning new skills or extending skills that you already have with the help of the leaders. With their guidance, you will be creating something that you will be able to take home with as a memento from the weekend.
Why not come along and enjoy good food and company and create something wonderful that you can enjoy long after the weekend has finished.
... David Turner has been making custom made leatherwork for just over 50 years. Challenges are many and varied. Putting something back has meant of late, David has undertaken an increasing number of teaching assignments to help encourage others to develop their skills with this craft.
Ann Skinner is a qualified mathematics teacher who completed City & Guilds examinations in embroidery during the 1980′s. she has since taught embroidery to physically handicapped adults and has taught occasional classes for her local branch of the Embroiderers’ Guild. She has also completed a number of commissions, mainly for gold work embroidery.
Jenny Key has found Purley Chase to be a special part of her life since she was a child. On leaving school Jenny trained as a dress designer, pattern cutter and worked as such until she went to New Zealand for seven years. On her return she trained as Primary School Teacher, studying Art as her main subject, using watercolour and oils. After teaching for 29 years she has been able to renew her love of Art in retirement. she runs the village Art Group and specialises in Watercolour and Pastel.
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The focus for this weekend will be the prayer Jesus taught his disciples when they asked him how to pray. It is a prototype for prayer, addressing the Divine as ‘Father’ and so linking all who pray as his children, seeking his will. We are to petition him with our daily need for nourishment and forgiveness, for all we have comes from him. It is his power that transforms us. During the dancing we will focus on different aspects of the prayer, refreshing its meaning and express...ing it in a new way, through movement rather than words. The weekend is for people new to circle dancing and those who already love it. Each dance is taught and no partner needed. You are invited to come and enjoy dancing in this wonderful setting with delicious home cooking, delightful grounds and welcoming sphere.
Mary Duckworth loves leading workshops and sacred circle dance. A one-time French teacher she now focuses on matters relating to spiritual growth including meditation, Swedenborg’s teachings and circle dance. She is increasingly interested in mysticism, oneness with the Divine and with others, and the balance in relationship through the dancing circle. She has been a minister for 20 years.
Rita Russell is an experienced facilitator. Having worked in education in the past, specialising in music, she now works primarily in the area of spirituality. She particularly enjoys facilitating workshops and spiritual growth groups. Rita is a mother and actively involved with her grandchildren. She brings her love of people and life experience into her work. She uses her skills as a teacher to encourage others to experience the love and power of the Divine. She has channelled Reiki healing for twenty years. Rita also loves leading Sacred Circle dance and has an extensive repertoire of dances. She uses her musical gifts and skills as a teacher to encourage others to experience the spirituality and power of sacred dance.
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The theme of our Camp this year will be Easter. We will be able to spend time looking at these events which are so central to Christianity as well as having fun at Purley and taking trips out including swimming and shopping in Atherstone.


Our theme is “Journey’s II – from Eygpt to the Jordan. We will be exploring the Exodus of the Israelites as the journeyed through The Wilderness, received The Ten Commandments and finally entered The Promised Land. The week is aimed at the 13 – 18 age group. We are planning the usual mix of activities ; for example, a swimming and shopping trip, camp fire ad barbecue, outdoor and indoor games, team challenges. This year we are planning to take a day visit to Go Ape at Can...nock Chase. This will require making a booking by the end of June. To secure your place you will need to book online and send your deposit either by cheque or bank transfer. As the cost of the week is far more than the deposit, we encourage young people to make donations – if you are a UK tax payer these can be made via gift aid.
Bookings Deadline – 30th June 2017
Date of birth must be given on booking
Jack Dunion, Christine Sutton, Rob Taylor & Andy Leather
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A weekend to enjoy many forms of Yoga from chair to Dru Yoga, Yoga fro healthy backs, Viniyoga and Hatha. Sessions also include meditation, mindfulness and relaxation. Classes are suitable for all levels, including the absolute beginner as well as the more experienced.
There will be free time to appreciate the grounds and walk in the surrounding countryside; as well as opportunities to try Neuroflexology, have a Hand Massage or and Angel Reading.

More about Purley Chase Centre

Purley Chase Centre is located at Purley Chase Lane, CV9 2RQ Atherstone, Warwickshire