
About Relaxology

A Sleep Coach and Reflexologist helping families find balance by providing natural solutions for sleep, health and well~being.



Morning lovely ones.
I always advise clients to nap ( specific times mind) it doesn’t interrupt your sleep at night, if done properly.
I take my nana naps, when I don’t I really struggle the next day.
... Who naps during the day?
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Another super infographic
Hope half term is going swimmingly


Hey wonderful people. If you are on half term how are things going?
We've had the sick fairy visit our house yesterday 😕 so it's been a little strange not being able to get out and about as we normally would.
Saw this infographic and thought it was pretty damn spot on when dealing with our children's wellbeing.
... Have a great day x
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You know you’ve had a good day at the beach when you bring the beach back with you. 🤣🤣🤣 💫 Let the half term antics begin! 💫 Have fun people


This is our ‘prepping’ ourselves for half-term event. 💫 The full monty, tea and a quiet space to have a chat before the madness commences at 3.30pm. 💫 Plus, I’ve woken feeling hungry and semi normal for the first time this week!... 💫 Who is excited for half-term? Show me some hearts OR thumbs down for dreading it.
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***This is not a pity post, it’s IMPORTANT ***
This face sums up how I feel. I have felt like crap for just over a week now. I’m struggling. My body is struggling. My energy levels are non existent. I keep telling myself to get up ‘I’ll be fine!” When quite clearly I’m not.
I’m cross with myself, not because I’m ill. We all get ill but because my body cannot recover as quickly as it could do.
... You see, a few months after the twins were born. After the tandem breastfeeding, getting up every hour, running 2 businesses, looking after a toddler, trying to be super mum, surviving in 2 hours sleep a night- I crashed and burned~ spectacularly.
I burnt out. My body stopped working with me but against me. It nearly killed me!
It started with tiredness - I ignored
Then illness - I ignored
Then depression - I ignored
All the signs that were telling me to slow down, look after myself, went by the wayside. It took me years to get back to health again. Years! Not months, weeks or days. Years!
Even now, when I pick up a virus, like now, it floors me. Whereas it might take you a few days to get rid of something this will take me weeks. I know to rest and take care of myself but this ALL could have been avoided by taking better care of myself. Letting people in, letting people help!
If I could give my 10 years younger self any advice? It would be to read that book and forget work.
Find the time to get out in the fresh air.
Sleep more not less
Laugh more don’t stress!
Play more work less
If you are that momma who right now is juggling those balls, feeling like you need to be perfect at motherhood; your career etc. I’m sending you a massive hug and with my hands on my hips and finger wagging - asking you to:
Stop juggling so many balls
Find a way to look after YOU!
Ask for help / it can come in all shapes and sizes.
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Oh my days. It’s not often I resort to medicine cabinet remedies BUT..... 💫 These bad boys from Asda, half the price of the regular brand and by gum they work! 💫 Now.... to rest up and catch up on Coldfeet.
... #imabadpatient #sendmemalteasers #asda
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Full of cold and a trapped nerve in my shoulder. 💫 Hit me with your cold remedies. 👃 💫 Ps my first vlog is uploading on YouTube as I type. I’ll let you know when it’s avail. Feeling a tad nervous 👀😬
... You can subscribe and get notifications for any new uploads.
Link in the comments
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Can we just take a moment to appreciate this fine bit of Chocolaty goo 😋
Eldest’s toe has been at war with a bench. It’s still swollen and black 👀
Both me and Mr P have some lurgy bug trying to attack us. So there’s only one thing for it! 👇👇
... What things do you do to cheer yourselves up when feeling bleeuugh?
Would love to know.
Happy weekend peeps
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I like to check in with you once in a while to see how I'm doing on this page. So, are you finding the content useful/ helpful?
Would love to know what you think. If you get a second or two tell me what you like or want to see on this page.
Have a great weekend peeps


Who wants a great nights sleep? 💫 Try the womb room in London. 🤣😬🤣 💫 b-room-london


Happy Friday 💕🤣


After a busy day at school & walking the dog. All you need is a game of draughts and some jammy toast! 💕💕


Today is Safer Internet Day
A great article to help you to keep your kids safe whilst on the internet/ social media / playing on PS4's etc..
It's written about Australian parents but the content is still the same for every parent.
...…/85940-every-da y-should-be-a-safer-…
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An interesting post on social media and ‘keeping up with the neighbours’ 💫 When we accept that some people are ‘putting on a show’ then we take a step closer to feeling great about ourselves. 💫 #smokeandmirrors
...…/shoppers-are-buying-cl othes-just-for-the-…/
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Hey peeps.
Happy Monday, this has gone up a bit a later than planned ( Technology, don't you just love it!)
Hope you've had a smashinday so far.


Happy weekend folks. 💫 Have a marvellous one 💕


I give you this mornings ‘Mombie’ look. 🤣🤣🙈🙀 💫 Bless my little cherubs for taking this glorious picture of me. 😡🤣 💫 Thank god for make-up and coffee. That is all I can say! ☕️☕️... 💫
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Michelle Emerson - this is actually me walking to the kitchen to get a cuppa ;-)
Bit chilly out there today kids


Wonderful relexology sessions, can't recommend enough x


Had a lovely session today with Cathy, very relaxing. Thank you!

More about Relaxology

Relaxology is located at 4 Radford Street, st15 8DA Stone, Stoke-On-Trent, United Kingdom