Rugby Life Coaching Stuart Downing

Monday: 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 21:00
Friday: 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 21:00
Sunday: -

About Rugby Life Coaching Stuart Downing

As a professional life coach, I am totally committed to helping you achieve what you desire in all areas of your life.
Call Stuart: 07825 599340



Creating the Commitment: Stretching your Goals
A recent thought on goal setting inspired this post. Imagine if your commitment levels were set by how much you were stretched by your goals? As a life coach, I work with highly driven individuals. Some of whom want to achieve success at all costs. What surprises me the most is not how high they set their goals, but how committed they seem to be to achieve them. It would also seem that the bigger the goal, the higher the level of... commitment. The higher the level of commitment, the more creativity and energy that is created as you take steps to achieve those gigantic goals. I have ten questions that I would like you to ask yourself about your goals. My guess is that right now, your goals are far too small to release the motivation inside of you to truly reach your full potential and achieve greatness. Is your goal clearly defined and specific? Do you have a solid understanding of your own motives and behaviours and why it is you want to achieve this goal? Do you understand the full implications of the sacrifices required to reach your desired outcome? Can you visualise what it would look like if you were to achieve your goal? Do you have a long-term plan that is created to achieve the goal? Are you doing something every day that contributes to achieving your goal? Are those around you in your everyday life supportive of you achieving your goal? If you achieved your goal, would you make the lives of those around you better? When you think about your goal, do you become worried you won’t achieve it? Do you have the skills you require to face up to the tasks needed every single day that accumulate in your achieving your goal?
Remember, these questions were thought about in the context of long-term goals that are meant to inspire you to take action. Set huge goals that you only dream that you can achieve. Set yourself a long-term plan to gather the experience, knowledge and skillset required to chase down your dreams and scale every obstacle on the way. Motivation will flow through you like never before when you set goals that take you outside of your comfort zone, and inspire thought on a completely new level of thinking.
How do you set your goals? Are you setting them right ones? Or they are simply another form of limitation that you are setting on yourself? Get in touch to speak about how we could transform the way you think about goal setting, and ultimately transform the way you live your everyday life. Call Stuart - 07825 599340
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Three ways to increase your work ethic
As a life coach, I’ve worked with people across the world who have had success bread into them. The funny thing is, the people who reach out to me for executive coaching? They’re already extremely successful. They’re asking “How can I be more successful?” Working with highly engaged and passionate people gives me a great understanding of human behaviour and what motivates us. But it also allows me to see where most people are being held ...back. If there were three ways to increase your work ethic that were simple, would you employ them in your daily live to increase your motivation and efficiency? Luckily for you, there is. Set the right goals Are you sure you’re working towards what is right for you? We often set our goals based on our belief on what would make us feel successful. The trouble is, we are very fluid as people and our opinion is moulded and shaped as we have new experiences that make us question what we truly believe. These experiences don’t have to be major (though the ability to change after serious life events is often the “blessing in disguise” we always speak of when something tragic does happen), it can just be a result of passing time and maturity. The way you can increase your work ethic with your goals? Re-write them! Take the time to consciously think what it is you are working towards, and rewrite your life goals to ensure they are what you truly want. Set up your environment for success One thing that really helps a lot of my high-performing clients? When they wake up, they’re prepared themselves for success. Their home. Their office. Their lifestyle. It’s all calculated and planned. They have taken control of their environments, and set themselves up for the day they truly want to life. And they’re extremely more productive because of it. Make sure that you prepare for every day. Write down a to-do list the night before. Prepare your meals for work the night before. Get up early and create a great morning routine. This could instantly increase your productivity ten-fold. Surround yourself with the right people Who do you surround yourself with? Are they supportive? Do they have the same ambitions as you? What are your common interests? The highly successful people that I coach? They’re not down with people who aren’t on their level. No matter who they are. Old friends? Family members? If they’re not playing the same game? They’re out. Take control of who you surround yourself with. Understand it is your responsibility to yourself that is important. Loyalty to others only goes so far, especially when the people you are being loyal to are potentially the people who are keeping you down. Call Stuart - 07825 599340 or email
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Four Ways To Ascribe Positive Meaning To Your Life You will have horrific tragedies in your life. There will be illness, death and misery around you. How will you handle it? As we face the suffering of life, it’s often useful to find ways we can attribute meaning to our life that gives us the way forward and paves a pave of light in the darkness we can often clearly see in the world. Your Possibilities
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How A Life Coach Could Help You Achieve Your Potential We all feel lost and unmotivated at some point in our lives. Life coaches aren’t some elusive, omnipotent beings that have the ultimate knowledge. We are therapists that listen intently to your current situation and help you conceptualise how you could become more satisfied with your life. There are many ways that I can work with people, and it’s all on an individualistic basis. Some people literally have one thing in min...
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Setting Goals: A Mindset To Success The only way to set yourself up for success over the long-term? Clearly define your goals and ensure that working towards them becomes the focal point of your life. As a life coach, it would make sense that I promote goal setting. But I don’t simply promote goal setting. I promote goal setting that provides you with a real purpose. Goals that are well thought through. Goals with meaning. What are you looking to achieve? Even better, why do ...
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Long-Term Perspective: The Journey To Success How can you continue to strive for excellence in the face of constant struggles? How can you sacrifice the present for the future? How can you take responsibility for your own circumstances and make your dreams a reality?
A long-term perspective is generally considered a ten to twenty five year plan. It's a journey to success that takes sacrifice, will, commitment tfor
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Your brain is over 7 million years old and its split into 3 smaller brains. The reptilian brain, the monkey brain, and the leadership brain.
The reptilian brain (amygdala) has a primary focus to survive and when you perceive a threat it fires of your patterns of fight or flight.
The monkey brain (limbic) is our relationship brain and it looks for connections but it gets easily distracted and struggles to focus on any one thing it's constantly chattering away to itself and if asks questions that create doubt it will feel threatened and call upon the reptilian brain to get ready to run or fight.
The leadership brain (neocortex) visualises into the future, creating and building a better world for itself and others it is our logical brain that can also solve problems in creative ways.
Successful entrepreneurs live in their leadership (neocortex) brain and know how to control their monkey brain while keeping their reptile (amygdala) asleep. However if you are carrying around unresolved issues in your personal or professional life (baggage) it's hard to do as your monkey chatter keeps on waking up your reptile brain and SHUTS DOWN the neocortex (leaders brain).
Once you live more of the time in your leaders brain it is only a matter of time before you become way more successful. Call Stuart - 07825 599340
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Personal Development- Life Coaching Could we work together to enable you to achieve your dreams? Contact me on to speak about how I could encourage you to change for the better. Call Stuart - 07825 599340 for a free 30 minute telephone consultation to see how life coaching will help make changes in your life

More about Rugby Life Coaching Stuart Downing

Rugby Life Coaching Stuart Downing is located at 12 New Street, CV8 2EZ Kenilworth, Warwickshire
07825 599340
Monday: 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 21:00
Friday: 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 21:00
Sunday: -