Ruslan Russian

About Ruslan Russian

The Ruslan Russian course is a modern, commonsense communicative course in everyday Russian at 3 levels and with multifaceted support.



To celebrate 25 years of Ruslan Limited I am planning to visit some of the cities in Europe where the Ruslan series is used, to meet teachers and to present the new Russian language games sets and book. The first presentation will be in Barcelona June 20 and 21 - u. The second will be at Pegasus bookshop in Amsterdam on June 28 in the early evening -…/p…/spell etjesmiddag-bij-pegasus. I look forward to meeting teachers who are able to come.


Also ready today, set 2 of the "Happy Families" cards. Follow the blue link from es. There are 64 cards in the set, including animate and plural nouns and adjectives.


Published today at last! The new Ruslan handbook for teachers "Игры на уроках русского языка". I started collecting games for the Russian language classroom in 1976. Now here they are, all in one book and with lots of extras at es. Thanks to teachers who helped. I'll post you a free copy after the holiday week.


This is a "family" from Set 1 of my new "Happy Families" cards, which are ready now. I am really pleased with the quality. There are 64 cards (16 families of four). The conversation goes like this: – У вас есть рыба? – Да, есть. – Дайте, пожалуйста, рыбу. – Пожалуйста, вот она!... Or: – Нет, у меня нет рыбы. – Как жаль! Apart from the Happy Families game there are lots of other uses for the classroom. There is more info, as usual, at es.
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Students of Russian in London using "Куда ты идёшь?". Just a short slide show.


Ruslan "Happy Families" set 1 are now ready. This is a pack of 64 cards (4 x 16 "families"). The cards can be used for several different classroom activities, but mainly the traditional card game "Happy Families". This practises у тебя / вас есть ...?, the use of the genitive after a negative and the accusative after Дайте, пожалуйста, ... Info is at es.


The pronoun dice verb game and the game "Куда ты идёшь?" are now published. For info see below on this page and for special offers go to es and follow the links.


This is a set of four Russian pronoun dice, four number dice and 26 verb workcards, which is enough for four small groups of learners to practise conjugating up to 156 Russian verbs.
To practise six different verbs, choose a workcard, throw a pronoun dice and a number dice and conjugate one of the verbs according to the pronoun and the number. The answer below: "Ты знаешь!"
NOW PUBLISHED! More info is at es


This is a low resolution copy of a new high quality board game for learners of Russian "КУДА ТЫ ИДЁШЬ?". As you can guess, players start at СТАРТ and have to get to ФИНИШ. Before each throw of the dice they have to answer the questions "Где ты? Куда ты идёшь?". If they land where they wanted to they get another go. If they land on СТОП they miss a go. If they land on a question square they answer a question about what they are doing there. If they land on the s...ame square as another player they say hello and have a chat. If they land on ПОЛИЦИЯ they get a ПРОПУСК which allows them through the short route "ПРОХОД ЗАКРЫТ". The board is 44 x 32 cm to fit on a desk, and comes in a plastic folder with dice, counters and cards.
The game will be launched at the UK Russian Teachers Group meeting in London on Sunday March 4th - It is available from Ruslan Limited at es.
See More


A bit of fun for people learning Russian numbers. Turn on your loudspeaker to appreciate it properly! There are more poems like this at - click on the link to page 60.


A video slide show from the Ruslan 2 Reader about traffic jams in Moscow: "Как много пробок на дороге!". There is a high resolution version for the classroom and the full text for learners at


Ты и вы This flowchart, with a small alteration, was taken from Tatiana Klimova's excellent website It was intended as a bit of fun, but is really rather good! For a translation for learners and a larger image please see


A second beginners alphabet video. There is a high resolution version at for easier viewing or for use in the classroom.


Thank you to all those who have "liked" or "followed" my new Ruslan page. I am delighted to have so many contacts so quickly. And I am still only halfway through my email lists sending notifications! My apologies to people who have had the info more than once, the system I have isn't foolproof.
If you are in a class or teaching a class, please pass the contact details on next time the class meets. Спасибо!


A short silent slide show to help beginners with the alphabet and with word recognition. There is a higher resolution version on open access at Thanks to teachers who helped with this and made suggestions.


I have just been watching the panel game University Challenge. I was shocked and saddened by the fact that a team of distinguished graduates including a BBC foreign correspondant could not recognise Novosibirsk, Ekaterinburg and Nizhny Novgorod on a map of the Transsib despite the fact that the town names were written in Cyrillic. And they all thought that it was funny... Let's hope our football supporters find their way around in June!


There is a new blog for Russlan language learning at The first article is about "Yes" and "No" and "Да" и "Нет" and shows how a misunderstanding might have led to the end of civilisation as we know it.


This is a trial video slide show to help beginners with the alphabet. Please let me have feedback. If the idea works, then I have a lot of pictures that I can use to make something much longer.


There are now free audio drills for Ruslan 1 and 2 at About 400 exercises, mostly from the books and workbooks, all with full sound.


This is the video version of Ruslan 1 Lesson 6 Reading. The DVD set is now on offer. Find out more at: Video produced by Alex Menshikov in Kaliningrad.


Thanks John for putting this facebook page up! 😃 We're still at it.


Ruslan Russian is the BEST!


Thanks John for putting this facebook page up! 😃 We're still at it.


Ruslan Russian is the BEST!

More about Ruslan Russian

0044 121 449 1578