Sajid Javid

About Sajid Javid

Member of Parliament for Bromsgrove.

Sajid Javid Description

Instagram: @sajidjavidmp
Twitter: @sajidjavid



Truly humbled by the support I have received from colleagues and Conservatives around the country. We ran to win, but I am incredibly proud of the race we have run together - #TeamSaj! Thank you


A long but exciting day yesterday that got so much better when I came home to this from my 10yr old. Whatever happens next, I will be happy.


Great to talk to Beth Rigby from Sky News about my approach to Brexit, plan to unify the country and the fact I’m the only change candidate left in this contest: after nine years in Govt we need change if we’re going to keep Corbyn out of No10


I enjoyed my Good Morning Britain interview this morning with Piers Morgan & Susanna Reid. I want young people with my kind of background to know that they can achieve anything in this country.


If we are divided, Corbyn will rule. #TeamSaj


I believe we are at the dawn of a defining decade – a decade in which building the foundations of our post-Brexit future will just be the start -party-and-our-co…/


Great to have some robust debate this evening. I’m in this because I believe I have the background, experience and vision to lead our great country through Brexit and beyond.


I enjoyed speaking to senior members of our voluntary party today. My big takeaway from these hustings is that we need to offer the chance for debate around the country.
It’s now almost certain that Boris will go through the MP rounds, and has a lot of support with party members. He’s done well and has my very best wishes. But I’m also sensing a growing appetite for a robust final round.
We are the greatest, most historic party in one of the world’s greatest, most historic de...mocracies. And as Conservatives we should embrace competition over coronation.
There have been suggestions of giving members a “confirmatory vote”. We must reject this. Not only is it a patronising nod to party democracy, once again denying hard-working party members their say.
But it also denies us an opportunity for healthy scrutiny. Two of our last three PMs got to No.10 without proper contests. If I earn enough support of colleagues next week, I will follow it through.
This contest needs to test not just our next party leader, but someone who will suddenly become PM at one of the most challenging times in a generation – and without an election.
I believe the best contest would be a positive debate between two change candidates. I have the background, experience, and vision to give people a proper choice. I hope I am given the chance to do so.
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Never mind whether Corbyn is qualified to be PM of our great country - based on his past associations alone, Corbyn wouldn’t even qualify for a Home Office building pass.


It was great to have Ruth Davidson the leader of the Scottish Conservatives intoducing me before yesterday's launch speech. You can read/watch my full speech at _tomorrow_s_leader…


I speak with feeling about this country because, for my family, Britain was a choice. And I believe our best days lie ahead - through Brexit and beyond _tomorrow_s_leader…


I look different, my background is different, my life experience is different to what you might think a traditional Tory leader is. I think it’s time for an outsider because it is the easiest way to reset our relationship with the electorate.…/conservati ve-leadership-contes…


I got into politics because I wanted to give back to our country, which has given me so many opportunities. I'm proud to be able to share my story with you. Check out my campaign video and join me at


My campaign video goes live tomorrow morning at 9AM!


In case you missed it, I was live in the LBC studio with Nick Ferrari taking listeners calls this morning.…/sajid-javid-gri lled-by-lbc-listene…/


Delighted to have the backing of Victoria Atkins MP, Caroline Nokes and Susan Williams this evening.…/sajid-jav id-secures-backing-…/


As PM I’ll make our schools the envy of the world – no ifs, no buts, no excuses ke_our_schools_the…


I know better than most that education is the bedrock of opportunity. Schools, colleges and universities are the biggest engines of social justice in our country. As Prime Minister I would deliver a properly funded, long-term, multi-billion £ ten-year plan for education.

More about Sajid Javid

Sajid Javid is located at Bromsgrove