Sedgley Kids Club

About Sedgley Kids Club

www. sedgleykidsclub. co. uk
Before and after school care, pre-school education and full day care, holiday playscheme



The Summer Playscheme programme is now available. Bookings are now being taken and should be made in writing. The website will be updated shortly. Please note that fees have increased for the first time in 6 years as unfortunately we are unable to absorb the ever-increasing overheads.


If you have sent a message to book a place for this week after we closed on Friday please bear with us. I will confirm places as soon as I have had chance to process all the requests.
If possible please try to book by 6pm on a Friday for the following week. This guarantees your place. The phone is not monitored at the weekends so places can’t be confirmed until the Monday.


Please don’t forget to let us know if you have younger siblings due to start school in September who will need a place at breakfast or after school club so that we can get their names down on the waiting list.


Looking for something to do during half term?
Come along and join the fun at Coseley Youth and Community Centre on Wednesday and Friday. 10am - 2pm Bouncy castle, ball pit and soft play. £2.50 per child... Suitable for children 6 and under.
See More


Our Playscheme is open over half term from Tuesday 28 May to Friday 31 May from 8am -6pm. If you need places and haven’t booked yet please let us know as soon as possible as we would not like anyone to be disappointed if they try to book in once staffing has been done as this limits the number of places available.


Do you need childcare on Thursday 23 May? (Voting day). We will be open if there is sufficient demand so please let us know by Friday 17th If you need a place.


St Chads, Alder Coppice and Coseley youth Centre are all being used for voting next Thursday (23 May). This means that Preschool, Breakfast and Afterschool clubs will all be closed on this day. If there is sufficient demand we will be offering childcare at St Chads which is open to all children over 4 years. Please let us know by Friday 17th if you would need a place.


Do you need childcare on Thursday 23 May? (Voting day). We will be open if there is sufficient demand so please let us know by Friday 17th If you need a place.


We have some soft play sessions running at Coseley Youth Centre during half term. Details are on the poster below.


More details and tickets available from


ST CHADS St Chads is being used as a polling station on Thursday 2 May and has an inset day on Friday 3 May. If you have booked and paid for places we will carry this forward to the following week.


ALDER COPPICE Reminder that school is closed for voting on Thursday 2 May and so there will be no breakfast or after school club open. If you have already paid for your place we will carry it forward to the next week for you. ST CHADS If you need breakfast or afterschool club next week and you haven’t already booked please let us know as soon as possible as at present we have some sessions with no children down to attend.


Spring Bank Holiday Playscheme programme is now available and places can be booked. In order to avoid disappointment please book places as soon as possible - when staffing was done for Easter our numbers looked very low meaning we only put two staff on which limits our numbers to 20 - we then had a massive influx of bookings which meant we had to turn people away as although we had space in the building we didn’t have enough staff working.


Join us on Friday 22 March for our COLOUR DASH at Sycamore Adventure 4pm - 6pm. For children aged 8-13 years £2 suggested donation for entry Wear a white/light coloured t-shirt as the colours may stain. Bring sunglasses to protect your eyes.


Our Easter Playscheme programme is now available and bookings are being taken. Registration forms and booking forms are available on the website


PRESCHOOL - If you are entitled to the thirty hours nursery funding for next term your code needs to be validated by the 31 March. If you think you may be eligible please visit to apply and let us have the code so that we can validate it for you. If you already claim the 30 hours please check when your code needs to be renewed.


Half term programme - we are now taking bookings for half term. The booking form can be found on the website:

More about Sedgley Kids Club

Sedgley Kids Club is located at St Chads, Catholic Lane, DY3 3QE Dudley
07989 984940