Sexual Health Therapy Kenilworth

Monday: 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 21:00
Friday: 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 21:00
Sunday: -

About Sexual Health Therapy Kenilworth

Individuals living with long-term sexual problems are often too ashamed and embarrassed to discuss their concerns with anyone – not even their partner – and this can take a toll on their sex life, relationships and well-being.

Sexual Health Therapy Kenilworth Description

Individuals living with long-term sexual problems are often too ashamed and embarrassed to discuss their concerns with anyone – not even their partner – and this can take a toll on their sex life, relationships and well-being. Psychosexual therapy provides an outlet for people to talk about their issues and resolve all kinds of sexual problems.

Some of the sexual issues seen in psychosexual therapy include:

loss of sexual desire
painful intercourse
difficulties with orgasm
arousal disorders
erectile dysfunction
premature or delayed ejaculation
sexual difficulties following abuse
general breakdown in a couple’s relationship
not being able to achieve penetrative sex
fear of sex
pregnancy and postnatal sex
sexuality and illness
sex avoidance
poor body image relating to intimacy.
The essential aim of therapy is to identify the root cause of a sexual problem(s) and then treat it appropriately.

Once the root cause of a sexual problem is identified, sessions will then move on to treatment. In psychosexual therapy, I will explain the physical causes of sexual problems (such as vaginal dryness) while helping clients to rethink unhelpful misconceptions about sex. .

Psychosexual therapy can help individuals of all ages, sexual orientation and health. Some people may be single and not actively having sex, but can still benefit from seeing a sex therapist if something is troubling them.

Couples – whether married, cohabiting or living separately – can receive treatment together, If relationship issues are the cause of sexual problems, therapy will tackle conflict and communication difficulties as part of of the process of sex therapy.

Some individuals in relationships may prefer to see a therapist on their own to resolve their own issues rather than as a couple . Psychosexual therapy empowers individuals and couples to deal with their sexual problems in a healthy way – helping them to work together to understand their sexual problems, better express their sexual needs and wants, and broaden their choices of sensual and sexual expression.

Call Stuart: + 44 7825 599340



SEXUAL HEALTH THERAPY - KENILWORTH Hypnosis in the treatment of psychosomatic problems. Ask yourself - what is preventing you from resolving issues, holding you back from leading a more fulfilling, satisfying and healthier life? Lasting change is possible, taking back control of your emotions, releasing ...fear, anxiety, stress, guilt, jealousy.. Specialist Websites Anxiety - uk... Eating Disorders- www.eatingdisorderskenilworthwarwickshire OCD -www.obsessivecompulsivedisordertherapybi Cocaine Addiction - uk
Stop Smoking -
Gambling Addiction - .uk
Alcohol Addiction - www.alcoholaddictiontherapykenilworthwarw
Addiction -
Sleep - www.sleepdisordersandinsomniatherapykenil
BPD- www.borderlinepersonalitydisorderkenilwor
Psychotherapy- www.kenilworthwarwickshirepsychotherapy.c
Life Coaching-
Lanzarote - www.lanzaroteaddictionsanxietyandweightlo
Harley Street -
Lanzarote - www.lanzaroteaddictionsanxietyandweightlo
Life changes and so can you .
Call Stuart - 07825 599340 for a free 30 minute confidential telephone consultation to discuss your issue in more detail
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If you’ve been struggling with your weight for a very long time and you can’t figure out why, may be you've experienced some form of sexual abuse ?. My definition is this: anyone that's ever made you feel uncomfortable in your body. I had a client who's grandmother used to always comment on her weight, and it wasn't until she remembered that, she was able to release the weight. If you've struggled with sexual trauma (even if you've been to therapy before) chances are, THA...T is the reason you can't lose weight. Clients report a 90% reduction in their emotional eating within 2-3 months and the results are permanent! Call Stuart for a free 30 minute confidential consultation -07825 599340 -
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Sexual Health Therapy Kenilworth Individuals living with long-term sexual problems are often too ashamed and embarrassed to discuss their concerns with anyone – not even their partner – and this can take a toll on their sex life, relationships and well-being. Psycho sexual therapy provides an outlet for people to talk about their issues and resolve all kinds of sexual problems. Call Stuart - for a free confidential call - 07825 599340


Do you experience a loss of sexual desire,difficulties with orgasm,arousal disorders,erectile dysfunction,premature or delayed ejaculation? sexual difficulties following abuse Do you experience a fear of sex,sexual difficulties following abuse,sex avoidance, poor body image relating to intimacy ?. Call Stuart 07825 599340 or email


Sex/ Porn Addiction The essential aim of therapy is to identify the root cause of the sexual problem and then treat it appropriately.
Once the root cause of a sexual problem is identified, sessions will then move on to treatment. Call Stuart for a free 30 minute confidential call on - 07825 599340 or email


Psychosexual therapy can help individuals of all ages, sexual orientation and health. Some people may be single and not actively having sex, but can still benefit from seeing a sex therapist if something is troubling them. Couples – whether married, cohabiting or living separately – can receive treatment together, If relationship issues are the cause of sexual problems, therapy will tackle conflict and communication difficulties as part of of the process of sex therapy. Some ...individuals in relationships may prefer to see a therapist on their own to resolve their own issues rather than as a couple . Psychosexual therapy empowers individuals and couples to deal with their sexual problems in a healthy way – helping them to work together to understand their sexual problems, better express their sexual needs and wants, and broaden their choices of sensual and sexual expression. Call Stuart: 07825 599340
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Psycho sexual therapy provides an outlet for people to talk about their issues and resolve all kinds of sexual problems. Some of the sexual issues seen in psycho sexual therapy include:
loss of sexual desire painful intercourse... difficulties with orgasm arousal disorders erectile dysfunction premature or delayed ejaculation sexual difficulties following abuse general breakdown in a couple’s relationship not being able to achieve penetrative sex fear of sex menopause pregnancy and postnatal sex sexuality and illness sex avoidance poor body image relating to intimacy. The essential aim of therapy is to identify the root cause of a sexual problem(s) and then treat it appropriately.
Once the root cause of a sexual problem is identified, sessions will then move on to treatment. Call Stuart for a free 30 minute confidential call on - 07825 599340 or email
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Erectile Dysfunction Hypnotherapy Is Extremely Fast And Effective I approach each client without theories or preconceptions – except for one – that the answer to the sexual problem lies only within your subconscious mind. There is no need to suppress or manage your symptoms. By helping to resolve and... correct the true cause, your erectile dysfunction – along with any anticipation, anxiety and fear – can automatically fade away, until eventually your erectile dysfunction is nothing but a vague and distantmemory. With my Hypnosis You are not required to relive any traumatic or upsetting situation. All you will feel is beautifully relaxed. Nextstep… If you would like to explore further how my hypnosis can help with erectile dysfunction or other sexual issues, then pleas contact me to book a consultation.- Stuart 07825 599340
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How Clinical Hypnosis Works for Erectile Dysfunction. Sexually active individuals can benefit greatly from using hypnosis to improve sex and relationships. The most effective way to treat erectile dysfunction completely and permanently, is to resolve what’s causing it; if there is no longer any cause, there can be no effect.
So why do you suffer from erectile dysfunction? You have probably puzzled over this many times before. Looked for reasons, triggers behind it. Perhaps know why; an early sexual experience caused you embarrassment or feelings of inadequacy. Perhaps it’s been triggered by stress, guilt or depression. Maybe it’s linked to a wider anxiety issue, or fear of failure, rejection or criticism. But knowing this doesn’t make the problem go away. Or maybe you can’t think of any reasons to explain it. But that doesn’t mean there is no cause, because for something to exist it has to have been created. It has to come from somewhere.
Beneath all the triggers, confirmation and contributing factors there is a single, root cause stored away in the subconscious mind. It’s something you can’t think of. Something small, easily forgotten, easily overlooked. It’s like that bit of grit in your eye. Once you remove it, it can be hard to believe that something so small could have caused so much trouble. Call Stuart - 07825 599340 for a free 30 minute consultation to discuss your ED issue in complete confidence
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Five Ways Hypnosis Can Treat Erectile Dysfunction Are you a man struggling with erectile problems? You are not alone. According to the NHS, erectile dysfunction (ED) affects half of all men aged between 40 and 70. But one quarter of men seeking help with impotence are under the age of 40, according to a study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine. What is psychological ED? Whilst erectile dysfunction can be caused by medical reasons, if you are able to get an erection i...
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What is EMDR? Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a highly effective treatment method for a wide range of issues. EMDR is a powerful therapeutic approach with the aim of reducing distress in the shortest period of time. It uses the natural healing ability of your body to clear emotional and cognitive blockages. The mind can often heal itself naturally and much of this occurs during sleep, particularly during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. However, when yo...u experience a traumatic event (eg a car accident) or are repeatedly exposed to distress (eg childhood neglect) your natural coping mechanism can become overloaded and disturbing experiences become stuck and unprocessed. EMDR utilises eye movements to help you process blocked information so that the distressing memory tends to change in such a way that it loses its painful intensity and becomes a neutral memory of an event in the past. EMDR treatment is recommended by the government's National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines. It has successfully treated over 1 million individuals for PTSD. In addition, the World Health Organisation's new guidelines recommend EMDR for trauma and loss, PTSD, acute stress and bereavement. They state "...EMDR therapy aims to reduce subjective distress and strengthen adaptive cognitions related to the traumatic event... these techniques help people reduce vivid, unwanted, repeated recollections of traumatic events" (WHO 2013). I can help you with trauma, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, stress, sleep problems, bereavement, addictions, pain control, low self-esteem, performance anxiety, PTSD and phobias.
EMDR can help you with reducing the painful intensity of your distressing memory. Other associated memories may also heal at the same time. This linking of related memories can lead to a dramatic improvement in many aspects of your life. If you feel you or a loved one or friend could benefit from EMDR Therapy, call Stuart -07825 599340
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How We Stay Stuck In Emotional Pain When you feel underappreciated, dissatisfied, frustrated, abandoned, or criticized in your relationship, you want to make the emotional pain go away. And if you're like the thousands of people we've worked with, here's what you're most likely to do:
Fight with your partner Withdraw from your partner... Leave your partner altogether Yet, in each of these scenarios, you've only treated the "symptoms." Unless you uncover and dissolve the underlying cause of your pain, you will continue to hurt in love.
Pain in our hearts - the natural grief and other emotions that all humans feel - is likewise a messenger. When you feel emotional pain in response to what your date or partner did - or didn't do - that's your inner compass telling you that there's something that needs to be healed on the inside.
If you keep experiencing the pain of people leaving you, there is an underlying cause.
If you always feel like you're the one giving in your relationship, there is an underlying cause.
If you feel like your partner isn't sufficiently attracted to you, there is an underlying cause.
And you will keep attracting people and situations that trigger your emotional pain - whatever it is.
Heal Your Heart Once And For All Just as physical pain resolves once you treat the underlying condition, your emotional pain will also stop once you treat the root causes.
That fight you keep having over and over with your partner will stop.
Those players you keep attracting will leave you alone.
That ache of dissatisfaction you feel in a relationship will vanish.
But recognizing your underlying patterns can be tricky. After all, they've been with you for most of your life.
We're specialists in helping people tap into the root causes of their relationship pain. If you want immediate help so you can zero in on exactly what's causing the problems between you and your partner, listen to our audio program Breakthrough to Bliss.
And if you think you ALREADY know the underlying reasons why you and your partner fight, you especially need this program.
I have found that most couples are completely wrong in their analysis of their own relationships, and their "diagnosis" is usually way off. That's precisely why they keep running into the same problems and experiencing the same emotional pain! Call Stuart for a free 30 minute telephone consultation to see how life coaching could help you with your Emotional pain - 07825 599340
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Sexual Health Therapy Kenilworth Individuals living with long-term sexual problems are often too ashamed and embarrassed to discuss their concerns with anyone – not even their partner – and this can take a toll on their sex life, relationships and well-being. Psychosexual therapy provides an outlet for people to talk about their issues and resolve all kinds of sexual problems.
Some of the sexual issues seen in psychosexual therapy include:
... loss of sexual desire painful intercourse difficulties with orgasm arousal disorders erectile dysfunction premature or delayed ejaculation sexual difficulties following abuse general breakdown in a couple’s relationship not being able to achieve penetrative sex fear of sex menopause pregnancy and postnatal sex sexuality and illness sex avoidance poor body image relating to intimacy. The essential aim of therapy is to identify the root cause of a sexual problem(s) and then treat it appropriately.
Once the root cause of a sexual problem is identified, sessions will then move on to treatment. In psychosexual therapy, I will explain the physical causes of sexual problems (such as vaginal dryness) while helping clients to rethink unhelpful misconceptions about sex..
Psychosexual therapy can help individuals of all ages, sexual orientation and health. Some people may be single and not actively having sex, but can still benefit from seeing a sex therapist if something is troubling them.
Couples – whether married, cohabiting or living separately – can receive treatment together, If relationship issues are the cause of sexual problems, therapy will tackle conflict and communication difficulties as part of of the process of sex therapy.
Some individuals in relationships may prefer to see a therapist on their own to resolve their own issues rather than as a couple . Psychosexual therapy empowers individuals and couples to deal with their sexual problems in a healthy way – helping them to work together to understand their sexual problems, better express their sexual needs and wants, and broaden their choices of sensual and sexual expression.
Call Stuart: 07825 599340
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Through Hypnotherapy, instead of trying to force yourself to do things against your body’s will.
• You will turn your attention toward understanding why your body wants to smoke/over eat/drink too much etc.
• You will stop seeing it as the enemy that just won’t listen to you.
... • You’ll stop trying to push it around and force it to do something against its will.
• You’ll understand why you want to smoke/over eat/drink too much etc.
As soon as you understood that there are reasons, you'll start to give your body what it needs. Call Stuart for a free telephone consultation - 07825 599340
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More about Sexual Health Therapy Kenilworth

Sexual Health Therapy Kenilworth is located at Cottage Therapy , New Street , Kenilworth , Warwickshire, CV8 1RR, Kenilworth, Warwickshire
+44 7825 599340
Monday: 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 21:00
Friday: 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 21:00
Sunday: -