Simon Tansley Tarot Reader

About Simon Tansley Tarot Reader

Having worked for over 30 years I am a highly experienced tarot reader and Reiki master.
I also do House healing (psychic Feng shui) .
I am working at Ascent Therapies on Wednesdays where we offer taster sessions in Reiki and discounted Tarot readings.

Simon Tansley Tarot Reader Description

A Highly Recommended Tarot Reader With 30 Years Of Experience



card of the day: thoth tarot - 4 swords. a moment of calm at the eye of the storm, make the most of it as the rest of the week is going to be intense. get your breath back. do quiet things. chill. if you must, tie up loose ends, make those phone calls, catch up on business, but, really, doing nothing means doing nothing. get centred, grounded, regroup ready for the next hectic phase.


card of the day: medieval tarot - page of swords. it's a thinkative day but at least it's a thinkable one. your intuition will give you an advantage, use it. "I knew that was going to happen" means you can prevent it. don't be afraid to make yourself wrong, or right. you can look after yourself whatever happens. there is a certain amount of wooliness around but also moments of pure accuracy. when in doubt go walkabout.


card of the day: astro-tarot - 12. the hanged man. why not just give up? or, rather, let go and let god (goddess / the universe, etc)? surrender. go with the flow. stop banging your head against the glass and find the open window. whatever you do you always end up here so find a way to enjoy being here. stop the protest, relax into the process. you can't fight the river so you might as well swim, or float, or use a boat. money's coming, but it's going first. let go and have cake.


card of the day: dream interpretation cards - knot.. everything is connected and there are signs everywhere, however, it is easy to read too much into things. it is better to take a breath and take a moment, don't let a passing cloud disturb your equilibrium. you are just passing through so you don't have to engage in every discussion and disagreement. the important things are not going anywhere, you are tied in. a commitment is a commitment until you decide otherwise. save your energy for other things.


card of the day: astrological mandala tarot - sword five. everything is pointing to trouble but just point back. there is certainly opportunity. we may not like change but we will like what change brings. learn to say "no", and "yes". the universe brings you options but you can be choosy. expect the unexpected and your response may not be what you expect. there is always another option around the corner but better? you decide.


card of the day: star tarot - xii the hanged person. trust and surrender to your own higher good. things are the way they are for a reason and sometimes you have to surrender to that and let go. good is coming and all you have to do is get there. don't fight the river. relax. if there is the opportunity to party, party. the more you allow yourself to celebrate the more celebrations you'll be allowed. you are not heading in the right direction you are being carried there so relax and enjoy the ride.


card of the day: the faeries' oracle - 24.the piper. there are signs but they're not obvious. just a subtle something, a slight fluttering. if you are quiet this is just enough to tell you, a whisper in the breeze. listen, feel, notice, follow. something is calling you. take a breath, relax, sense, smile. despite all the extraneous noise you know you are still on track and that's all you need to know, for now.


card of the day: Olympus cards - 18.odysseus. it is time to get on your bike, sort some wheels, get out there and do something. they say travel broadens the mind, it certainly gets a task out of the way. you return with a fresh perspective and a feeling of having done something, achieved something. then you can relax and relaxation is the best state to receive inspiration, a knowledge of the next step to take...


card of the day: girlfriend's tarot - ix of cups. where did this come from? a surprisingly good day when, perhaps, you were anticipating otherwise. you may have been out of sorts and struggling a little and suddenly you seemingly blunder into this really positive space. don't worry, it's not a mistake. the universe has planned this very carefully. it likes to be appreciated and after what's happened recently you will certainly appreciate this. don't force yourself to enjoy it just relax into it and let the pleasure just naturally rise to the surface.


card of the day: the answer deck - scandal. there is always going to be talking. some people are so busy talking that they're not actually living. it's better to have an ugly window and a beautiful view than it is to have a beautiful window and an ugly view. who makes your opinions? who decides your view? make up your own mind. create your own picture. make it a beautiful one.


card of the day: howard - reed tarot. you are talking but no one seems to be listening. you have a dream but it's fulfillment seems a long way away. everything seems to be around the bend or the one after that. you are being tested but keep having faith and keep plodding. this is not a time for compromise. wear your heart on your sleeve, keep hope in your pocket and a smile on your face. the journey may seem long but the outcome will be worth it. stick to the path.


card of the day: page of swords. no matter how much you feel under pressure, irritated, jumpy. do not act until you feel ready. take a deep breath and count to ten, take another nine and count to a hundred. step outside and get grounded, feel your connection to the earth. it moves at it's own speed, relax into that rhythm. get away from your head and away from all those 'shoulds' , 'musts' and 'oughts'. get back to 'I choose' and 'I feel.' don't beat yourself up just let yourself go. better?


card of the day: xiii tarot - queen of cups. you are well tuned in to what is going on. don't fight it, let go into it. ride the waves and enjoy the experience. you may think all these feelings take you away from the real world but this is the real world. from here you can observe it all passing through. all part of a bigger picture, a bigger story. you are playing your part so go with the flow and see where it carries you. to a place of peace and calm and satisfaction.


card of the day: success cards - ordinary. just get on with it. it's the little things that count. stop trying too hard. other people appreciate you because you are who you are not because you are trying to be bigger or better or more special or perfect. in other words don't try to be anybody else just be yourself. however, if you and noticed and appreciated, accept it and give it back. say thank you. small courtesies go a long way, and come back to you enhanced by their journey.


the labyrinth tarot - iiii wands. rewards and results are going to come, though not necessarily from the direction you anticipated. if you just keep muddling along something will turn up. take a moment, count your blessing, and watch it grow, and multiply, and head off in some interesting directions and return to you, changed, improved and offering you opportunities that were not even available to you before. shows what muddling can do!


card of the day: Adrian tarot - viii justice. good things come to those who wait. at last, something arrives you've been waiting for. it may not turn out to be what you wanted but at least now you can justify changing your mind. what you need is on it's way if you wait just a little bit longer and are a little bit clearer and aim a little bit higher and ask for something better. all in all, in hindsight, this turns out to be a useful glitch. clever universe!


card of the day: Gendron tarot - ix swords. there is a lot to ponder on but too much thinking can lead to worry and doubt. get out of your head. do something, anything, to occupy yourself. clarity will come when you are not thinking about it. relax, stop being so hard on yourself. it is not you, it's just the nature of the time and time passes. read a book, phone a friend, go for a walk. anything to change your perspective. let go and answers will find you. resistance is futile.


card of the day: rune cards - 9.defense. slowly is holy. this is not a time to push forwards. delays are there for a reason. the universe is looking after you. either this is not the right time or you are trying to go in the wrong direction. stop. read a book, or suchlike, and wait for things to change. it will be clear when it is time to move forwards because blockages will clear and you will have a clear sense of direction. clear?

More about Simon Tansley Tarot Reader

Simon Tansley Tarot Reader is located at 7 Ball Haye Terrace, ST13 6AP Leek, Stoke-On-Trent, United Kingdom