Sir. Barnett Stross

About Sir. Barnett Stross

The Polish, Jewish man who, amongst many other philanthropic acts, helped rebuild Lidice, the Czech village "wiped off the face of the earth" by the Nazis on the orders of Hitler in 1942

Sir. Barnett Stross Description

MP, Sir. Barnett worked tirelessly to improve the working and living conditions of the people of Stoke-on-Trent throughout the 40s, 50s and 60s. He was the founder of the "Lidice Shall Live" campaign in 1942 & a founder of the Save The Children Fund.

Presently Barnett Stross is celebrated and revered in Lidice and the surrounding region of Bustehrad, Kladno and Prague, but in his adopted home city of Stoke-on-Trent there is hardly reference to his name. This page seeks to raise awareness of his name



The Czech centenary mosaic is to be designed and produced in Stoke-on-Trent by Philip Hardaker, with the help of the city's young people, and sited in Lidice, the community in the Czech Republic devastated by Hitler's Nazis in the Second World War and largely rebuilt through the fundraising efforts of ordinary Stoke-on-Trent households.
The mosaic celebrates the 100th anniversary of the Czech nation, strengthening further the links between Stoke-on-Trent and Lidice for the s...ake of future generations and many of our ancestors who campaigned for social justice. All significant sponsors of £50 or more will feature on an additional handmade ceramic plaque to be fitted beside the centrepiece.
Be a part of this truly international project here: ent-and-the-czech-…
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Fundraising for this exciting, unique, international project of Peace and Friendship now totals £1800. This includes contributions made directly. Please help us reach the target figure by making a donation and sharing. Thank you. ent-and-the-czec…/…

More about Sir. Barnett Stross
