Slogan Fitness

About Slogan Fitness

Online fitness and wellness:
Slogan Fitness Online Studio
Fitness Yoga
Pregnancy fitness
Post natal restorative training
MMA cardio & conditioning
Lift Lean - Strength & Wellness Programme
Restorative training

Slogan Fitness Description

Class Timetable

6. 45am - Spin and abs - Stafford Leisure Centre
7. 00pm - INSANITY - Polish Club

6. 00pm - Pilates - Walton on the hill High School

6. 30am-7. 00am INSANITY - Stafford Leisure Centre
7. 00am-7. 30am - INSANITY - Stafford Leisure Centre

6. 45am - Spin and abs - Stafford Leisure Centre
6. 30pm - INSANITY - Stafford College main sports hall



Another new taste, another funny Owen face 😁


Fab second launch day yesterday with even more tough mommas showing how it's done!
Well done to all you ladies and babies this week!
No session Monday as its bank holiday, but back at it at Wildwood park next Wednesday at 10am
... #buggybeat #sloganfitness #mummyfitness #mumswhoworkout #mummyfitness #outdoorworkout #selflove #toughmommas #stafford
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Please check the active ingredients in your teething gels folks.


5 and a half months post baby and still not back to pre baby shape or weight.
Does it suck? Yes.
Am I being sensible how I go about getting my body back? Yes
... Do I wish it would happen overnight? Of course, yes!
But, I grew a person, a whole mini human being!
I shared my body with him for 9 months and I'm only 5 and a half months post! For the first 2 months, all I wanted to do, and did, was be with my baby and learn how this mummy thing works. Whole new level adjusting and living this new life with this amazing little person.
Pretty much the only training I did, was retraining my pelvic floor (still on that of course, consistent training is a must).
I'm now firmly on the road to getting back to how I was. Training sensibly and rehabilitating my body properly, it's been through a lot and it needs nurturing back to full health and strength.
So all you Mommas out there, do the same! Don't stress to get your baby weight off, to fit into 'that' pair of Jeans.
You'll get there.
Take your time. Enjoy getting used to your new life.
Don't punish your body, nourish it with physical activity you enjoy.
Eat well. Have the damn cake, but in moderation.
And reach out, you're not alone
You are amazing!
#maternalmentalhealthweek #selfcare
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When @amzlloyd23 leaves a wedge of cake on your car after Buggy Beat 😁😁😁


6 30pm at Stafford manor high school
No need to book, we got room so just turn up
Β£5 per session
... #coredeforce #humpday #mma #sloganfitness #stafford #corecontrol
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What's on my mind on a Wednesday evening??? CORE DE FORCE OF COURSEWhat's on my mind on a Wednesday evening??? CORE DE FORCE OF COURSE


Tough Mommas showing how its done this morning in Buggy Beat!
Well done ladies and babies, you were awesome!
#buggybeat #sloganfitness #toughmommas #outdoorworkout #mumswhoworkout #mumsofinsta


❀Maternal mental health week this week❀
It is the most amazing experience becoming a parent. This beautiful little bundle making the biggest splash into your life and making you feel more love than you've ever felt before.
But it's also the scariest, most overwhelming experience too, where some parents feel like they're struggling with the realisation this new little person has just dropped into their life.
... What gets you through? Talking to your friends, family, other parents, anyone!
You don't have to do it alone, ask for help. Even if it's just a quick coffee catch up (friends don't care if your house is a mess or you're still in your pj's!).
Send a text message to tell your new parent friend you're there and thinking of them, or even call them so they hear the voice of an adult.
Be there for each other and we can all be stronger for it.
As a first time mum, I hadn't a clue what was in store for me as a parent, but I have had so much support from loving friends, family, and other parents who I've met so far over these past 5 months. The text chats at 3am really helped!
You're not alone, reach out.
And remember, you're doing awesome!❀
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Oh hey guys, you excited about Buggy Beat tomorrow? Because I AM!!!!
#buggybeat #buggybeatstafford #sloganfitness #mummyfitness #outdoorworkout #mumswhoworkout


#legday 😁


The sun came out to play for us yesterday for Monday launch, fingers crossed for same again tomorrow for launch number 2 at Wildwood.
I'll bring along some pre screening forms if you've not managed to fill them in online folks xXx


#nofilter needed with the beautiful morning we had for #buggybeatstafford relaunch. What an amazing turn out this morning, buggy army was out in force with all the tough mommas!
Fingers crossed Wednesday is just as beautiful! . .... . . . #buggybeat #sloganfitness #buggyarmy #buggyarmystafford #mummieswhoworkout #outdoorworkout #ladiesandbabies #postnatalcare #postnatalhealth #mummysupport
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Its Monday Which can only mean.....
... 7pm polish club!
No need to book, just turn up and smash out the calories!
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It's the final countdooooooown!
Launch week starts tomorrow 😁😁😁
If you've not been able to complete the screening form no worries, I have paper versions to bring with me so we're all good to go. xXx


Tomorrow 😁😁😁
If you could complete and send back to me the screening form that would be fab thanks lovelies.
If you've not managed to get that sorted, I'll have some forms that you can fill out tomorrow instead 😁😁😁


πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ we kick it off next week with 2 launches where you can try Buggy Beat for FREE!!!πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ
We can't wait to meet you all and help you get active outdoors, meet other parents & babies, and feel fabulous!
Head over to Facebook page Slogan Fitness and simply click you're coming to the launch to book.
... Not on Facebook? DM me and I'll book you on 😁😁😁 . . . . . #buggybeatstafford #buggybeat #feelfab #loveyourself #postnatalcare #strength #firsttimemummy #mumswhoworkout #mummyfitness #outdoorworkout #outdooractivemummies #pramworkout #familytime #nobabysitterneeded #getoutthere #iveorderedthesunshine
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CORE DE FORCE time with my brawlers!


No L.I.I.T-H.I.I.T tonight folks Enjoy the sunshineNo L.I.I.T-H.I.I.T tonight folks Enjoy the sunshine


The yoga classes are brilliant, Sam's great at providing encouragement to the fitness challenged like myself and really gets you to push yourself! Would recommend her classes to anyone.


Sam is such an enthusiastic instructor, She passes on that vibe to her classes and before you know it - like me you will be 50+ and have the abs of a 20 year old 😜


Sam is amazing and so motivating! i love her and love insanity :)


Sam is a dedicated instructor who not only inspires pull to push to their limits and beyond but motivates you to go even further


Inspirational and a real motivator to help you achieve your goals.


The yoga classes are brilliant, Sam's great at providing encouragement to the fitness challenged like myself and really gets you to push yourself! Would recommend her classes to anyone.


Sam is such an enthusiastic instructor, She passes on that vibe to her classes and before you know it - like me you will be 50+ and have the abs of a 20 year old 😜


Sam is amazing and so motivating! i love her and love insanity :)


Sam is a dedicated instructor who not only inspires pull to push to their limits and beyond but motivates you to go even further


Inspirational and a real motivator to help you achieve your goals.

More about Slogan Fitness