Splat Education

About Splat Education

A warm welcome from your primary maths specialist.
Lean how to unleash your child's innate, mathematical super-powers without studying. . . Ever!

Splat Education Description

At Splat we do things a little different.
Our team of educational specialists work together to establish what lessons, and topics would be beneficial to teach children not just for academic results; but for their mindset, future decisions, and career options.

In fun, engaging and interactive hour and a half sessions we trickle these concepts throughout academia based topics.

Our maths and economic sessions will begin this September open to years 1 - 3. Places for years 4-6 will follow.

Check us out @ www. splateducation.com to find out more.



Education as it is, faces a very uncertain future. The great irony is that parents send their children to school, knowing that the schooling system is indeed broken. We are in a position as never before, we have the ability to significantly improve our children's lives... prospects and futures through one thing.
And no, it's not all about academia.... It's most certainly not all about test scores. It's not about which 'set' your children are in.
The point is...
If you are a parent and believe you have completed your educational journey, your children might as well too.
Education begins within the home. You probably know this better then I do... Children copy better then they listen... 🤦🏾‍♀️
🤔What learning habits are you instilling in your child?
🤔How enthusiastic are you about continuing your education?
🤔Think about it... What we do, they replicate sooner or later down the line.
How important is that little thing know as education now?
Have a look at the short video below? There's no right or wrong answers (well actually there are) but I won't judge. 😜
If you don't want to comment, that's fine, but have a little think...
How intune with the current educational standards of academia are you? 🤔 Do you know and understand what your children are studying at school?
I'll post the answer on Friday... would be great to see some responses🎉🎉
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Library take over day! At times studying at home can get a bit boring... same tables... same chairs... same floor! 'Library take over' is something we do on a regular basis. Grab everything you need including activities for a 'mind rest'. Dump it all in your desired pitch within the library and get stuck in! ... I'm always amazed at the emptiness of libraries. I always wonder where the children are 🤔🤔 The staff are always happy to see us and others at the library as they have witnessed the drastic decline of visitors! 🙁
If we only realized that the library is one of the wealthiest, resource-rich places in the world (aside from the grave yard) I'm sure we would visit more often.
#library #birminghamuk #happy #wealth #brightkids #love #mummy #readersareleaders @ Birmingham Central Library
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My poor 3 year old has been in bed, ill all day... 😣😣 Still had enough energy to get through her reading and writing activity. Bless her! ... In fact she asked for extras!
At first they may say... 'I'm bored' At times they may ask... 'Why me?'... At times they may question why Kirsty can sit at home watching TV after school until she falls asleep.
But the truth of the matter is... Once children are aware of the benefits. Once it becomes a part of everyday life they soon come to the realisation that neither Kirsty, TV, nor their X-box is going to impact their futures as much as education will.
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It's interesting to note how many parents would love to assist their children academically... but 'think' they can't!
Due to lack of knowledge, education or... simple frustration at the thought of it. 👀 Yep, I'm talking to you!
All that is about to change!
... #stayposted
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And a headline from the British Broadcast Corporation (BBC) today..🥁🥁🥁
Mainstream schools ever tightening budgets are affecting our children's education!
If you want your child to produce significant academic results you have three options:
... 👨‍🎓 Send your child to independent or private school if you can afford fees of £9000 plus per academic year. 👩🏽‍🎓Put in the hard work yourself, take charge of their education and educate them at home during after school hours and/or weekends. 👨🏿‍🏫 Invest in as little as one hour of private tutoring each week.
Or... 👍🏾 Your child is naturally gifted from birth, has their future and grades already set in stone and knows the ever changing curriculum inside out. 🎉🎉
Better to choose one of the above as soon as possible then allow our current failing education system to determine our children's futures!
It's a hard truth, but these are words spoken (Or typed) from a loving mother of two who will not accept average or worst yet; a failing system.
Cordeillia Cooper Your primary tutoring specialist x
app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?own er=15624917
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🌟It's not that we think you can't do it... in fact, we know you can. 🌟We all need help in some form or the other... 🌟It is those that seek help and guidance which turn out to be the strongest... 🌟There's nothing wrong with help... 🌟If it was easy, everyone would do it...... 🌟This is the most important time... time to build a strong foundation...
No truer words have been said to pupils then those above.
It's time for them to shine!
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Was that hour really worth it?
Do you worry that your child is not using their time effectively?
Stuck to the tablet, TV or computer games wayyyy to often for your likings? ... We know time is of the essence, especially when they are young. They have the world at their fingertips... If they use their time effectively.
But you don't want to be a pushy parent, you want them to enjoy their childhood!
But you also want them to do the best they can at school, while they can, while their minds are open, engaged and curious.
It's hard, I know. It's hard to find the balance.
But you know a little extra studying, tutoring, homework or academia will go a long way.
You couldn't be more correct!
Just an hour every week for 39 weeks ( a whole academic year) totals 39 HOURS of one to one, tailored learning.
What could your child achieve with 39 EXTRA hours of tailored tutoring each year?!
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'We need to maintain the progress of our children and seek to influence the process and structuring which then affect and influence their education' - I, as a mother and a teacher, can not stress the importance of this enough!


Concrete? Pictorial? Abstract? Why do children learn through play in their earlier years and are confined to a desk as they get older? Apparently there's a method to the madness, but this method also leaves many children to play 'catch up' each and every lesson.
Is this method supporting all? Or supporting those who don't require the extra support?


The REAL truth about your child's primary school teacher! Part 1
🤔How much experience has your child's primary school teacher actually had? 🤔Are they an NQT? (Newly qualified teacher) ... 🤔Should we simply be happy with the fact that our children are receiving some sort of education? 🤔Should we question the backgrounds of our children's teachers? 🤔Why are so many teachers leaving the teaching profession? 🤔What affect does your child's class teacher have upon their education?
The education my son recived last year, did not impress me at all.
I needed to begin ruthlessly questioning why his education had taken a down turn.
This year he has scored well on every test and is challenged according to his academic requirements...He is much happier!
Yes, I had a lot to do with this, but just as the class teachers and headteachers do from our children; I have an expected standard of education which I and his class teacher provide. If not, I will question why he is not receiving this.
Do you question your child's education or leave the teachers to do their 'jobs'?
app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?own er=15624917
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A good education is a necessity... Not a want, as it is education which will serve as the foundation for our children's futures!


The REAL truth about your child's primary school teacher! Part 2
🤔How much experience has your child's primary school teacher actually had? 🤔Are they an NQT? (Newly qualified teacher) ... 🤔Should we simply be happy with the fact that our children are receiving some sort of education? 🤔Should we question the backgrounds of our children's teachers? 🤔Why are so many teachers leaving the teaching profession? 🤔What affect does your child's class teacher have upon their education?
The education my son recived last year, did not impress me at all.
I needed to begin ruthlessly questioning why his education had taken a down turn.
This year he has scored well on every test and is challenged according to his academic requirements...He is much happier!
Yes, I had a lot to do with this, but just as the class teachers and headteachers do from our children; I have an expected standard of education which I and his class teacher provide. If not, I will question why he is not receiving this.
Do you question your child's education or leave the teachers to do their 'jobs'?
app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?own er=15624917
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Children are children...


5 min excersise that will prevent you from wasting 4 months of your life!
Did you know that we spend an average of 4 months of our lives travelling in the car ?! What could you do to make a significant impact and change 'life wasting time' into 'brain enhancing' time?
... Studies state that if we do something repetativly, 12 times or more, it is more likely and easier to become a habit.
Because habits are simply something which the brain has 'normalised'.
It's easy to pick up habits.... help and encourage your children to install good ones!
What will you do with those 4 months of travelling time?
app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?own er=15624917
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The power of education...


Schools budget continuously cut! ✂️😔🚫
This is affecting the quality of the education provided to our children.
They have already cut many creative subjects such as art and drama.
... They are continuously 'letting go' of teaching assistants and part time, non classroom based staff.
For many, they have cut the school week down to 4 and a half days instead of five.
Put your hands up if you are concerned about the effect these 'cuts' are having upon our children's education... our children's futures...
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Why it makes more sense to SplatEducate then worry about year 6 SATs.
Knowing your child is not fulfilling their academic potential can be a stressful experience for you as a parent. All you want to do is give your child the best and more. But no matter how much you give them... at times... in class... they just don't get it. ... You have thought about private tutoring, but your not the ' right kind of people' right?
Wrong... in fact that's a common misconception so many parents have. Leaving their child to disengage with education, leaving their children with ever widening learning gaps and a lack of academic confidence and self esteem.
Don't just educate... Splat Educate and change their fate!
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More about Splat Education

Splat Education is located at Birmingham, United Kingdom