St Luke'S Church Kingstanding

About St Luke'S Church Kingstanding

Saint Luke's Parish Church is situated in Caversham Road, Kingstanding, Birmingham

St Luke'S Church Kingstanding Description

St. Luke's is a friendly and vibrant church situated in Kingstanding, Birmingham. Everyone is warmly welcomed at St. Luke's and invited to become part of our parish family. We have Mass every Sunday at 10. 30am, with other masses throughout the week and we also run a number of groups, such as the Friendship Group on a Monday and Weight Watchers on a Thursday. St. Luke's is so much more than a church. Here, we believe in the real meaning of 'church', as a community rather than a building. As such we aim to develop our parish life within the wider community with many events throughout the year, such as concerts, theatre trips, outings and holidays.



Some more photos from our fabulous vintage afternoon at the Pigeon Parlour today. We enjoyed delicious food and first class entertainment, with music from Father Barry. With thanks to all who arranged the day and for the wonderful hospitality we enjoyed from the team at the tea room...


Thanks to all at the Pigeon Parlour for a wonderful lunch and afternoon! More photos to follow....


Diary of a Cross in my Pocket - May16th
It seems that much of the 'diary' this week has focused on things of nature but everywhere looks so fresh and beautiful and each day has brought joy:fields of golden buttercups, reminders of the richness of God's provision; the red of a rhododendron, Christ's sacrifice for us; the purple lilac, his kingship and majesty and the over-arching, clear blue sky, the purity and expanse of his great love embracing us all.


Diary of a Cross in my Pocket - May 15th
A blessing by Augustine of Hippo heard on Prayer for the Day this morning: 'O Lord God, the light of the minds that know you, the life of the souls that love you and the strength of the hearts that serve you: guide us with your still, small voice; that whether we see you, or are blind to your brightness, you may walk with us all the days of our life, scattering the dark from the path before us. Amen'


Diary of a Cross in my Pocket - May 14th
A day at RHS Wisley Gardens in Surrey was made all the more perfect by small reminders of God's presence in all things. Vapour trails in the sky made the sign of the Cross; a glorious azalea represented the burning bush; a plant called Madonna invoked the sweet aroma of Mary and a mustard plant helped us recall the parable of the mustard seed. A God-given, perfect day filled with reminders of his presence and love.


Today is Vocations Sunday, where we especially pray for more vocations to the priesthood...


Diary of a Cross in my Pocket - May 9th
It is all too easy to have unrealistic goals in our spiritual pilgrimages setting ourselves up for almost certain failure. It is equally easy not to strive at all and for our faith, then, to stagnate. I'm sure the best way is between the two extremes. I love the old hymn which says, 'Just as I am, Thou wilt receive, will welcome, pardon cleanse, relieve, because Thy promise I believe, O lamb of God, I come, I come.'


Diary of a Cross in my Pocket - May 8th
Walking in warm sunshine it was a joy to hear the clear call of the cuckoo echoing across the meadows. It brought back memories of a handwriting lesson in junior school when we wrote out a verse about the cuckoo, the only words of which I can remember now,being: 'In July away I fly. In August away I must!' Thank you Lord,for happy memories and for the beauty of your world. Help us to protect it and take care of it.


Diary of a Cross in my Pocket - May 7th.
After preaching at a service on Sunday afternoon I gave out small cards as reminders of what had been said. An elderly lady, who later said she was 90, asked if she could take one for a 97 year old friend unable to get to church. I happily obliged and offered the cross from my pocket to take with it. Seeing a look of longing cross the first lady's face, I gave her a cross too. Her smile of joy radiated love for Jesus.


Diary of a Cross in my Pocket - May 6th
Some words from a Celtic Morning Prayer by J. Philip Newell: 'In the early light of this new day, In the first actions of the morning, ... Let me be awake to life; As the day's light breaks the darkness of the night, As the first movements of the morning pierce the night's stillness, So a fresh beginning opens. In my soul and in my seeing, let me be alive to the gift of this new day. Let me be fully alive.
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Diary of a Cross in my Pocket - May 3rd
In a delightful book. 'Iona of my heart', one contributor writes of a life-changing experience. He had arrived on a visit 'armed to the teeth' full of resentment and cynicism. Communion was underway and all his defences collapsed when he sensed Jesus saying,"You are welcome at my table. Everyone is welcome at my table. Come eat and drink with me.' The writer says, "The power of welcome and inclusion changed my life."


Diary of a Cross in my Pocket - May 2nd
On this day 500years ago the artist Leonardo da Vinci died. Today, there is excitement over a very rare sketch that has been found that is said to be a portrait of this famous man. I guess there will be doubters about its authenticity just as Thomas doubted the fact that Jesus was alive again. Jesus said to him, "You have believed because you have seen me. Blessed are those who have not seen me and yet believe."


Diary of a Cross in my Pocket - May 1st
Luke 24:13-35 tells how two disconsolate disciples were walking to Emmaus, sad because they believed that their beloved friend and teacher was no longer with them. Jesus joins them but they fail to recognise him until later over supper when he breaks bread and in the familiarity of this action the light dawns that he is not dead,but alive. 'Did not our hearts burn within us as he talked to us,' they exclaim with joy.

More about St Luke'S Church Kingstanding

St Luke'S Church Kingstanding is located at 49 Caversham Road, Kingstanding, B44 0LW Birmingham, United Kingdom