Susie Gessey - Spiritual Mentor,Teacher & Healer

About Susie Gessey - Spiritual Mentor,Teacher & Healer

Healing treatments for people & animals plus spiritual mentoring, counselling, courses & workshops



Oh my goodness!!
So I’m just getting ready to drive up the motorway to go and perform ....yes perform ....a wedding for 2 lovely people!!! 💖💖
They are getting married on this magical Winter Solstice and I’m doing a love filled hand fasting ceremony AND they will jump the broom!
... OMG I’m excited and honoured and SO happy!
Sending loads of love to Jojo and Dean today .... and to everyone today as it’s such a magical day!
Let the love flow .... Susie xxxxx❤️❤️⭐️⭐️🥰🥰
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Happy Winter Solstice everyone! A time when nature shows us by her marvellous example that we are wise to rest, retreat and take care of ourselves. It’s interesting that at a time when nature is literally hibernating and conserving energy that most humans are dashing about and becoming over whelmed and exhausted by the pressures of Christmas holidays! Perhaps we would be wise to look to nature and take time to stop and rest more and take care of ourselves and not over commit.... Today is when the seasons shift and the days will start to become lighter again so the Light literally returns! What a true delight. This magical time is all about stopping and resting and doing things that bring you joy with little effort . So what brings you joy with little effort? For me a nice cup of hot chocolate and a cake in the warm is a simple and yet treasured experience!! This is not a time to be busy and active and make plans it’s a beautiful time to just rest and reflect on this past year and consider what you have experienced, achieved, and enjoyed and what you want to take With you into the new year . And also what you wish to honour of what you have learned and yet not take into 2019. So a time to decide what you want in the new year and what you don’t. Enjoy this magical restful and reflective time. I send you Light and love ... Susie xxx⭐️💜⭐️💜
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I’m just going to leave this here ..... 💖💖💖


This is happening Saturday!! ❤️ Just couple of spaces left so contact me if you would like to attend this magical morning xxx❤️


I love this! Perhaps we are all on a journey about “unbecoming everything” so that we can be truly free truly happy and truly ourselves!! Xxx💖⭐️💙


Love this! Life indeed would be better if we stop taking things so seriously and had more fun, loved more, were kinder and spread happiness wherever we go xxx


Someone lovely sent this to me today so sharing it as it’s beautiful Have a magical day Xxx💖🦄⭐️


This is so lovely 🐶🐶 I’m off to work now to go help some woofers with anxiety issues ... to listen and communicate and offer some healing energy Yesterday it was a giant beautiful horse! 🐴🐴 Plus I saw some lovely humans too. And next week I’m doing someone’s wedding !!... OMG I love my work!! Have a great weekend xxx💖💖💖
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Made me laugh! In my case it’s a circle of horses or woofers lol xxx🐴🐴🐶🐶💖💖⭐️⭐️

More about Susie Gessey - Spiritual Mentor,Teacher & Healer

Susie Gessey - Spiritual Mentor,Teacher & Healer is located at Natural Health Centre, 86 The Green, Kings Norton, B38 8RS Birmingham, United Kingdom
07780 698393