Tavern Orchard Rare Breeds

4 star rating

About Tavern Orchard Rare Breeds

Tavern Orchard is a small holding specialising in pedigree and rare breed livestock, reared naturally and free range producing the finest quality meats.



Well our sausages have been flying out and the reports have been amazing. They've been tested by some of the best sausage fans, foodies and chefs. Thank you to everyone who has tried and reported back how much you enjoyed them, both the rare breed plain pork and the pork leek and stilton.
We are proud of our product, organic, rare breed, hand made by the finest sausage award winning butchers using only natural ingredients, nothing fake or fuzzy about these bangers.
Cooking tip: People are always asking the best way to cook them, we say as they are all natural without stretchy plastic'y skins and rusk fillers, they are best cooked slow and steadily in the oven, or on a low BBQ heat that will keep in all the sweet succulent flavour, you don't want to over sizzle and burn these lovelies.

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