The Trainers Training Company

About The Trainers Training Company

Where freelance trainers grow their business.

Find out more at: https://thetrainerstrainingcompany. co. uk

Join the Trainer Talk community at: https://trainer-talk. co. uk /

The Trainers Training Company Description

The Trainers Training Company helps freelance trainers start up, grow and develop successful and profitable training businesses.

Sharon Gaskin is the founder of The Trainers Training Company. After a 12 year corporate training career she set up her own consultancy at the start of 2002 and has worked with corporate clients both in the public and private sector. The Trainers Training Company was established in 2009 as a direct response to the needs and requests that came from other freelance trainers who were struggling to get their businesses off the ground or wanted to make their existing businesses much more profitable. Sharon is passionate about helping freelance trainers to succeed and enjoy the adventure of being a business owner!

Find out more at

https://thetrainerstrainingcompany. co. uk /

Find out more about my Trainer Talk community at

https://trainer-talk. co. uk /



You know you need to connect with your prospects on Linked In yes?
But what on earth do you say? ­¤ś▓
Some nice examples here of how to connect and start conversations in a way that feels right for you --- and then how to move your relationship offline.


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WeŌĆÖre talking about internet trolls on social media and people who make unfounded reports and complaints, or unfair comments on peopleŌĆÖs posts.
Why do people feel the need to spoil other peopleŌĆÖs hard work?
... All the good stuff here: uly-19-2019/
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Learning, sharing and connecting with like minded freelance trainers. These are all things that make people love Trainer Talk Live.
#trainertalk #trainertalklive #freelancetrainers... #trainers #training
ŌśĢ’ĖÅWill we see you at the next one? ŌśĢ’ĖÅ
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ŌŁÉ’ĖÅMonday Motivation ŌŁÉ’ĖÅ
When life gets blurry adjust your focus ...
#trainertalk... #freelancetraining #trainers #training #success #motivation
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I put a post in the TRAINER TALK EVENTS group last week:
Who here has been in business the shortest or the longest?
It produced a lot of answers mainly from one end of ... spectrum to the other.... with people saying they had been in business 20-25 years
OR had literally just started out.
What I DIDN'T ask for or expect was that people then went on to share the things they had learnt over the years for the benefit of the newbies in the group.
I really shouldn't have been surprised.
These people are all members of my Trainer Talk community and they are so generous with their time, advice and wisdom.
So Thankyou Audrey Bodman Alex Hewlett Alison Reeves Anne Walsh ­¤śĆ­¤æÅŌØż’ĖÅ
I'm not sure what stage you're at in your business but I thought these tips might be useful to you too:
ŌØż’ĖÅ Be kind to whoever you meet on your journey
­¤Æ░ Know your numbers
­¤Æ¬ Be consistent with your marketing
­¤öź Be persistent
ŌśĢ’ĖÅ Form alliances with other trainers - they can be one of the best sources of referrals for you and even friendships.
­¤żō Keep learning -things change all the time
And from me:
­¤śĆ Accept that things take time - set realistic goals and expectations
­¤Äē Celebrate any wins along the way - big or small
­¤śŹ Your well being doesn't depend on making a sale (learnt this from Michael Neill recently and it's had a massive impact on me)
What have YOU learnt from your time in business?
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This weekŌĆÖs business development clinic focussed on asking brave questions and other business challenges as well as that well used phrase ŌĆ£nicheŌĆØ
Listen to the latest episode here: ... uly-19-2019/
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Ginette talks the next phase of Get that Course on Line and talking through ideas with other people.
Listen to the full episode here for the full discussion and more: uly-19-2019/


Schools out! How do you plan to get through the next 6 weeks?Schools out! How do you plan to get through the next 6 weeks?


ŌŁÉ’ĖÅAttention Freelance & Independent Trainers ŌŁÉ’ĖÅ
Do you want to?
- Get more clients, grow your business and make it more profitable?... - Get answers and solutions to the biggest challenges facing you and your business? Collaborate with other trainers, build relationships and create and explore new opportunities?
If you have said YES to any of these you should definitely come along to the next Trainer Talk Event!
#trainertalk #freelancetrainers #trainers #training
ŌśĢ’ĖÅWe'd love to see you there ŌśĢ’ĖÅ
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­¤īŹ Trainertalk The Podcast ­¤ÄŠ
Sharon talks membership communities and for anyone who thinks that running a membership is a potential cash cow, must be ready to put in a lot of work!
Listen here: 19-2019/


ŌŁÉ’ĖÅ5 Actionable Tips on Growing Your Blog ŌŁÉ’ĖÅ
Blogging is a fantastic tool for freelance trainers It can help you to build your reputation and authority while sending out positive signals to Google about the relevance of your content.
I know blogging is an important topic for many freelance trainers so IŌĆÖve put together five of my best actionable tips to help you grow your training blog:
... #trainertalk #freelancetrainers #trainers #training
ŌśĢ’ĖÅRead the full blog post below to find out more ŌśĢ’ĖÅ
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Branding and marketing can be something of a mystery when you become a freelance trainer.
You may have lots of questions:
What is marketing?... What is branding? Where should you start? What should you do? Who should you market to? How much will it all cost? Is a social media presence essential? Do you have to have a website?
To help you, whether youŌĆÖre just starting out as a freelance trainer or you want to take your marketing to the next level, IŌĆÖve put together this branding and marketing blueprint for freelance trainers.
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Have you heard about Trainer Talk Local?


In episode 43 weŌĆÖre focussing on decision making and why you shouldnŌĆÖt feel the need to do it in a panic.
­¤żŚ uly-19-2019/


How many training rooms have you been in this week?How many training rooms have you been in this week?


We all work from home right?
Here's the healthiest way to sit at your desk... and it isn't what you think!

More about The Trainers Training Company