True Grit Training

Monday: 06:15 - 21:30
Tuesday: 06:15 - 21:30
Wednesday: 06:15 - 21:30
Thursday: 06:15 - 21:30
Friday: 06:15 - 20:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 16:00
Sunday: 08:00 - 16:00

About True Grit Training

We are Staffordshires complete facility, an 8000sqft class space alongside a 6500sqft fully commercial gym.

True Grit Training Description

We are a training facility based on the outskirts of Hanley city centre. We specialise in fat loss, sports performance and improving body composition.

We run classes based on High Intensity training system that are scientifically proven to fire your metabolism and help you burn fat and build lean muscle mass.

Ladies can you be a True Grit Girl? we run female only classes that will sculpt and tighten your body and boost self esteem!

As all our trainers have partaken in a variety of athletic endeavours and have extensive experience and education in sports performance we are well equipped to help any standard of athlete male and female achieve there goals.

One to One Personal training is available, as well as group sessions just come down to True Grit Training and speak to one of our trainers.

We also offer a Membership so you can use our facility in your own time for ВЈ15 per month *this does not include classes and you cannot train during class hours*



Put down that left over pizza and plan your week of training рҹҷӢрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷӮпёҸрҹҷӢрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷӮпёҸ


Why our gym ?
Who ever you are, what ever your goals, we have the equipment/space or industry experts to cater your needs
We have Olympic athletes all the way through to 70+ year old great grandmas training and progressive under one roof in a friendly environment вң…вң…
... рҹ’ӘрҹҸјрҹ’ӘрҹҸјрҹ’ӘрҹҸјрҹ’ӘрҹҸјрҹ’ӘрҹҸјр ҹ’ӘрҹҸј
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Would you like a FREE hour long personal training session worth ВЈ30?вқ“
Message us to find out how to claim рҹҳҚ
Start your journey today with the areas complete facility рҹ’ӘрҹҸј


Our members ask... and we listenрҹ’ӘрҹҸҪ
Keep your eyes pealed for Yoga & Pilates Classes. Coming Soon..рҹ‘ҖрҹҳҚ
With over 50 classes to choose from, new classes continually being added, and one of StaffordshireвҖҷs best facilities. Sign up for a 12 Month Membership and gain a FREE Personal Training session- sign up now!


We are delighted to be offering our Emergency service staff and NHS staff a discount on our 12month memberships рҹҷҸ
We are offering a 15% discount (ВЈ21.25 per month)
T&CвҖҷs apply - we will be releasing details of how to sign up tomorrow рҹ’ӘрҹҸј
... *current members who qualify can also receive the discount
Tags and shares as always are appreciated.
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5 missing but not far off a full house рҹ’ӘрҹҸјрҹ’ӘрҹҸј
The areas very best team


рҹҷҢрҹҸҪрҹ‘ҖTake a look around our Gymрҹ‘ҖрҹҷҢрҹҸҪ рҹ’Ҙ This is only 25% of our space рҹ’Ҙ
Want to see more? ...
... рҹҢҹSign up for a 12 month membership today рҹҸӢпёҸвҖҚвҷҖпёҸGain a Free Personal Training session when signed up!
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Giant sets рҹ‘Ңрҹ‘Ң рҹ”Ҙ рҹ”ҘрҹҘҮрҹҘҮрҹ’ӘрҹҸјрҹ’ӘрҹҸј


Imagine a gym that.......
Offers you a free personal training session when you join рҹҳҚ
Provides programmes and bootcamps for members to follow at no extra cost
... Has an expert team of 16 trainers on hand рҹҷӢрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷӮпёҸ
0 add-ons, no sign up fee, all classes and gym use included with no restrictions рҹҷҸ
Treats every member as an individual not a number on a sheet рҹҳҖрҹҳҖрҹҳҖ
рҹҘҮ get in touch today
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115 folk Jack Hardy live on the decks 8 trainers рҹҷӢрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷӮпёҸ 45 minute full body workout
... This is why we are рҹ’Ҙ
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рҹҷӢрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷӮпёҸAre you looking to join a gym? рҹ’ҘTo follow a program? рҹ’ӘBuild your confidence? рҹҸӢпёҸвҖҚвҷҖпёҸTrain in one of StaffordshireвҖҷs best facility? рҹ”ҲLooking for guidance from an industry expert ?
... We are delighted to offer you a FREE personal training session and gym induction if required, worth ВЈ30 if you sign up to our 12 month membership рҹҳҚрҹҳҚрҹҳҚрҹҳҚ
This offer is for returning members and new sign ups рҹҷҸ
в¬ҮпёҸв¬ҮпёҸв¬ҮпёҸв¬ҮпёҸв¬ҮпёҸ рҹ’Ҙsign up via & mail to book your session рҹ’Ҙ
Members why not refer a friend and have a joint FREE PTрҹҳҚ
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A few months back we set ourself the challenge of raising some money to help Alex get her new chair рҹ‘Қ
Alex was involved in a traffic accident destroying her wheelchair, because of the severity of her illness her chair is specialised and bloody expensive
Our fantastic staff and members clubbed together, with the help of some amazing donations - we climbed Snowdon/we had a quiz/raffles and so much more
... We raised ВЈ3500 рҹҺү enough to buy this beautiful young lady her chair. We are thankful we have amazing people around us helping such great causes. вқӨпёҸ
TGT family рҹҷҸ
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рҹ”ҘWe are about to blow your minds with this treasure chest of a giveaway worth an eye watering ВЈ600+рҹ”Ҙ
- 6 months free membership - Huge Supplement bundle - 2 TGT T-shirts ... - TGT SnapBack - 1 weeks meal prep from Nutribox - Sports massage with Rich Sale - Free PT with TGT trainer of your choice!
For your chance to win this epic giveaway allвҖҷs you have to do is вң…Tag 3 Non Members вң…Share this post вң…Make sure you like : True Grit Training , Nutribox & RJS Sports and Remedial Massage pages.
Winner will be announced once our True Grit page Hits 7k likes so get sharing and inviting рҹҳҚ
вқ—пёҸEntries are unlimited if you tag different people each timeвқ—пёҸ
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We bloody love Saturday mornings рҹҳҚ Stronger with Adam 8.30 Spin with Josh at 9 Circuits with Karen & Josh at 10 рҹ‘Ҡ


рҹ”Ҙ рҹ”Ҙ рҹ‘Җ Keep your eyes peeled for our humongous giveaway it will be our biggest one yet!!
All details announced Sunday @ 5pm This one is going to be huge! рҹ’ӘрҹҸҪрҹҷҢрҹҸҪрҹ”Ҙ
... Partnered with Nutribox & RJS Sports and Remedial Massageрҹ‘ҢрҹҸҪ
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рҹ’ҘDid you know we offer 6 Week Bootcamps all year round?рҹ’Ҙ
вң… All you need is a 12 or 6 month contract вң… Pick a start date to suit you вң… Free to all TGT members... вң… Six programmes to choose from вң… Check-ins with members from our team
рҹ“©Programs designed with our members in mind and something to suit everyoneрҹҷҢрҹҸҪ
Start your six week transformation with us nowрҹ’ӘрҹҸҪв¬ҮпёҸ s
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Welcome to the team Chantelle рҹ‘Ӣ
Chantelle will be at the gym Monday and Wednesday morning doing the admin stuff behind the scenes that you guys may not notice but рҹ’Ҝ happens, and will get better and better taking us to the next level рҹҳҚрҹҳҚ
Warm welcomes please
... #newsletters #charitywork #teamtgt
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Are you looking for somewhere to train over the next 5 days or maybe looking for a change all together вқ“
вң… We are offering a 5 day FREE trial from 3/08/18 --- 7/08/18
... Simply go to рҹ–Ӣ Sign up - then notify us Ether via Facebook or
From there we will allocate 5 credits to your account to use for either one of our classes or the gymрҹҷӢрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷӮпёҸ
We have 52 unique classes our gym is open 100 hours per week with over 80 car park spaces рҹҷӮ
Tag and Shares appreciated as always and questions please fire away
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AUG 21st 5.45pm
We have local DJ Jack Hardy coming in to do a live set
The class is now live and ready to book
... вң… 90 stations вң… 45 minute mega class вң…big tunes рҹҺө вң…loads of trainers
Tag your friends and donвҖҷt miss out ВЈ4 to non members or free to members (If members are unable to book in because of Renewal date comment вҖҳinвҖҷ below and weвҖҷll do it our end рҹ‘Ң
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You want results?? This is the place to go with the best trainers to get your arse in gear. I have never felt so welcomed into a gym with a lovely family of both trainers and members who want you to get the results you can. No matter what ability/target/weight/health they are always willing to help you, nothing's too much. Can't recommend you guys enough, and a massive Thankyou as before joining Grit I never had the motivation or desire to commit to the gym but now I can't get enough.


This place has become my second home, such loverly supportive people пҝҪ amazing results and always a happy place to be пҝҪпҝҪ


The most down to earth gym I have ever been to!

After coming here for 3 months I feel welcome every time I enter, and like I have accomplished something new by the time I leave!

A great gym family, staff and members alike, all treat everyone equally regardless of abilities and strength.

Would recommend to everyone I know!

Plus the 1:1 availability is quality and always available! Tom Lloyd I can highly recommend, yet to test the others ;)!

#believethehype! пҝҪпҝҪ


Thank you so much to the 2 trainers on yesterdayвҖҷs вҖҳBums and TumsвҖҷ class. Having never been (let alone hardly exercised) they have encouraged me to come weekly! Thanks so much girlies - I WILL get fitter. I WILL get stronger...eventually рҹҷҲ


Started at true grit a few weeks ago after my friend recommended it to me. I was a bit worried at first but once i got there the trainers were brilliant and so were all the other people. Its a warm friendly atmosphere. No egos just people wanting to train. Would definitely recommend.


Staff are friendly and knowledgeable! Gym has very good facilities with a wide range of classes and programmes available! I am a classic buy a gym membership and go once, at TGT i have been an active member for nearly a year now and I love my body more than I ever have done пҝҪ


So many people call this place their second home or вҖҳthe friendly gymвҖҷ because thatвҖҷs exactly what it is. ItвҖҷs a true testament to what Tom, Grant, Jess and everyone else here has done by keeping the egos out and getting the decent people in, that at times it feels less like a gym, and more like the bar in Cheers or the Central Perk coffee shop in Friends. You will make friends here, you will always feel welcome. I started off by going on my own initially but after a couple of sessions it didnвҖҷt feel like that anymore because I was seeing the same friendly faces everyday. Most importantly, you will want to make sure you keep coming back, because when you train at Grit four or five times a week ( which doesnвҖҷt at any point feel like a chore by the way ) youвҖҷll not only enjoy the social aspect, but youвҖҷll also achieve some outstanding results almost just as a by product. It is tough, you will get pushed, but in a way that lets you know youвҖҷre being encouraged and cared for as a client. Your results are also their results at the end of the day and nobody here ever loses sight of that. I canвҖҷt recommend this place enough and anyone at any level of fitness and at any age will have a great time training here. They have the best trainers, the best equipment and some truly incredible people as clients. It really does feel like a family, and if youвҖҷre thinking of starting somewhere new in the new year, you could do a hell of a lot worse.


Really great place to train. Great to be able to do a class then jump in the gym afterwards. Great equipment in the gym with plenty of room.

Love that fact that none of the trainers have their Mobile phone stuck to their hand when doing PT with you.

A really great set up combined with a great atmosphere and the guys and gals make you feel very welcome пҝҪпҝҪпҝҪпҝҪ

I would highly recommend пҝҪпҝҪпҝҪпҝҪпҝҪ


My second home!! Started in January having PT sessions with Kelly and it's the best decision I ever made! I absolutely love the classes, the gym and the trainers make it even better!! I would never go anywhere else this place has changed my whole outlook on fitness and nutrition and I am the happiest I've ever been! I hate rest days because I can't wait to get back to Grit!!


Love this place... .like a home from home! The staff are all down to earth an real people with the best advice around. They work you hard and pur you through your paces but you will get results. Fab range of equipment and lots of classes to choose from! They are always striving to better themselves the gym and their members and achieve the best over and over again пҝҪ


Love this place. The instructiors are very encouraging and motivated! Lovely atmosphere and people. Circuit classes are awesome, one of the best gyms IвҖҷve ever been too, very happy here.


I've been training for about 2 years doing different classes at dimensions. Tonight I did the extreme class with Tom and was very good, very hard but I really enjoyed it all in all a great gym with knowledgeable staff and friendly members


I love this place! Friendly and everyone is very supportive. So much choice of classes and so many different stations! I now have a Pt who is based here and she is amazing! They all know there stuff and IвҖҷve learnt so much already. There is also an area for your children to sit and watch so no excuse not to go classes!! CanвҖҷt wait for the meal prep kitchen to open on site too! Literally everything you need all in one place!!! Amazing place!!!!


I joined True Grit in January having signed up to do the Evolution Programme. I have to say I've loved attending every class, all trainers are so friendly and welcoming. They motivate and push you in order for you to achieve your goals. I'm feeling energised and motivated having gained confidence since joining on my own in Jan. I can't wait to see the new expansion guys пҝҪпҝҪпҝҪ


I honestly couldn't recommend this gym enough! The trainers are absolutely fantastic and always willing to help! And Tom and Grant should be so proud of what they have achieved with the expansion! Everyone is so friendly! It's become like a second home! I've made so many friends here and I honestly look forward to going every week! I wouldn't go anywhere else!


How to describe True Grit in a word - amazing вҖ“ itвҖҷs possibly the best gym with best trainers in the area. What Tom, Grant and the rest of the True Grit team have done here is nothing short of incredible. This place continues to go from strength to strength. The facilities here are fantastic and the trainers always put you first, and if you are willing to push, will help you achieve the best possible results. The transformations this place gets says it all. I owe my transformation in large to the Grit and its trainers.

I first started coming to True Grit back in July last year, after hearing about the place on Facebook. I had been to numerous gyms over the years, and didnвҖҷt really get the results I wanted. I started PT sessions with Haydn at the Grit, who helped me get the fittest, leanest and best shape I have been my life. In all honesty it changed my life.

Then just under a fortnight ago I competed on stage for the very first time in a Men's Physique Competition - Haydn and the rest of the True Grit Training have made something that I never dreamed achievable possible. The support IвҖҷve received has been incredible, and it shows what a friendly gym this is, and if you are willing to put the effort in what you can achieve.

If anyone wants to make a change to their life, I would 110% recommend coming to True Grit, itвҖҷs where transformations are made. My only regret is that I didnвҖҷt find this place sooner.


Brill overall - friendly staff, they always speak to you and say hello and always willing to help. Gym is ace with a lot of equipment and classes are amazing. Glad I came to this gym and made this journey :)


Being an athlete IвҖҷve been in many Gyms across the UK and abroad, I can honestly say with out a doubt the people make this Gym so unique, good vibes, no arrogant individuals and very welcoming and it as to be up there with the best IвҖҷve been too, affordable, quality and all round just a nice relaxed environment where everyone of all genders, labels shapes and sizes actually want to work hard and help each other! Very rare to find these days! How lucky to have True grit training near me in my home city !? Thanks for all the support #TGT


Been coming for 8 weeks. Dropped a dress size, getting my fitness level up and feeling good. Great classes, no pretentious gym bunnies just people who want work hard. Sometimes train with friends but its very comfortable to go alone! Trainers push you and importantly they get your technique right. I've made been many places where they just walk by and let you carry on doing it wrong.... think this place is greatпҝҪ


You want results?? This is the place to go with the best trainers to get your arse in gear. I have never felt so welcomed into a gym with a lovely family of both trainers and members who want you to get the results you can. No matter what ability/target/weight/health they are always willing to help you, nothing's too much. Can't recommend you guys enough, and a massive Thankyou as before joining Grit I never had the motivation or desire to commit to the gym but now I can't get enough.


This place has become my second home, such loverly supportive people пҝҪ amazing results and always a happy place to be пҝҪпҝҪ


The most down to earth gym I have ever been to!

After coming here for 3 months I feel welcome every time I enter, and like I have accomplished something new by the time I leave!

A great gym family, staff and members alike, all treat everyone equally regardless of abilities and strength.

Would recommend to everyone I know!

Plus the 1:1 availability is quality and always available! Tom Lloyd I can highly recommend, yet to test the others ;)!

#believethehype! пҝҪпҝҪ


Thank you so much to the 2 trainers on yesterdayвҖҷs вҖҳBums and TumsвҖҷ class. Having never been (let alone hardly exercised) they have encouraged me to come weekly! Thanks so much girlies - I WILL get fitter. I WILL get stronger...eventually рҹҷҲ


Started at true grit a few weeks ago after my friend recommended it to me. I was a bit worried at first but once i got there the trainers were brilliant and so were all the other people. Its a warm friendly atmosphere. No egos just people wanting to train. Would definitely recommend.


Staff are friendly and knowledgeable! Gym has very good facilities with a wide range of classes and programmes available! I am a classic buy a gym membership and go once, at TGT i have been an active member for nearly a year now and I love my body more than I ever have done пҝҪ


So many people call this place their second home or вҖҳthe friendly gymвҖҷ because thatвҖҷs exactly what it is. ItвҖҷs a true testament to what Tom, Grant, Jess and everyone else here has done by keeping the egos out and getting the decent people in, that at times it feels less like a gym, and more like the bar in Cheers or the Central Perk coffee shop in Friends. You will make friends here, you will always feel welcome. I started off by going on my own initially but after a couple of sessions it didnвҖҷt feel like that anymore because I was seeing the same friendly faces everyday. Most importantly, you will want to make sure you keep coming back, because when you train at Grit four or five times a week ( which doesnвҖҷt at any point feel like a chore by the way ) youвҖҷll not only enjoy the social aspect, but youвҖҷll also achieve some outstanding results almost just as a by product. It is tough, you will get pushed, but in a way that lets you know youвҖҷre being encouraged and cared for as a client. Your results are also their results at the end of the day and nobody here ever loses sight of that. I canвҖҷt recommend this place enough and anyone at any level of fitness and at any age will have a great time training here. They have the best trainers, the best equipment and some truly incredible people as clients. It really does feel like a family, and if youвҖҷre thinking of starting somewhere new in the new year, you could do a hell of a lot worse.


Really great place to train. Great to be able to do a class then jump in the gym afterwards. Great equipment in the gym with plenty of room.

Love that fact that none of the trainers have their Mobile phone stuck to their hand when doing PT with you.

A really great set up combined with a great atmosphere and the guys and gals make you feel very welcome пҝҪпҝҪпҝҪпҝҪ

I would highly recommend пҝҪпҝҪпҝҪпҝҪпҝҪ


My second home!! Started in January having PT sessions with Kelly and it's the best decision I ever made! I absolutely love the classes, the gym and the trainers make it even better!! I would never go anywhere else this place has changed my whole outlook on fitness and nutrition and I am the happiest I've ever been! I hate rest days because I can't wait to get back to Grit!!


Love this place... .like a home from home! The staff are all down to earth an real people with the best advice around. They work you hard and pur you through your paces but you will get results. Fab range of equipment and lots of classes to choose from! They are always striving to better themselves the gym and their members and achieve the best over and over again пҝҪ


Love this place. The instructiors are very encouraging and motivated! Lovely atmosphere and people. Circuit classes are awesome, one of the best gyms IвҖҷve ever been too, very happy here.


I've been training for about 2 years doing different classes at dimensions. Tonight I did the extreme class with Tom and was very good, very hard but I really enjoyed it all in all a great gym with knowledgeable staff and friendly members


I love this place! Friendly and everyone is very supportive. So much choice of classes and so many different stations! I now have a Pt who is based here and she is amazing! They all know there stuff and IвҖҷve learnt so much already. There is also an area for your children to sit and watch so no excuse not to go classes!! CanвҖҷt wait for the meal prep kitchen to open on site too! Literally everything you need all in one place!!! Amazing place!!!!


I joined True Grit in January having signed up to do the Evolution Programme. I have to say I've loved attending every class, all trainers are so friendly and welcoming. They motivate and push you in order for you to achieve your goals. I'm feeling energised and motivated having gained confidence since joining on my own in Jan. I can't wait to see the new expansion guys пҝҪпҝҪпҝҪ


I honestly couldn't recommend this gym enough! The trainers are absolutely fantastic and always willing to help! And Tom and Grant should be so proud of what they have achieved with the expansion! Everyone is so friendly! It's become like a second home! I've made so many friends here and I honestly look forward to going every week! I wouldn't go anywhere else!


How to describe True Grit in a word - amazing вҖ“ itвҖҷs possibly the best gym with best trainers in the area. What Tom, Grant and the rest of the True Grit team have done here is nothing short of incredible. This place continues to go from strength to strength. The facilities here are fantastic and the trainers always put you first, and if you are willing to push, will help you achieve the best possible results. The transformations this place gets says it all. I owe my transformation in large to the Grit and its trainers.

I first started coming to True Grit back in July last year, after hearing about the place on Facebook. I had been to numerous gyms over the years, and didnвҖҷt really get the results I wanted. I started PT sessions with Haydn at the Grit, who helped me get the fittest, leanest and best shape I have been my life. In all honesty it changed my life.

Then just under a fortnight ago I competed on stage for the very first time in a Men's Physique Competition - Haydn and the rest of the True Grit Training have made something that I never dreamed achievable possible. The support IвҖҷve received has been incredible, and it shows what a friendly gym this is, and if you are willing to put the effort in what you can achieve.

If anyone wants to make a change to their life, I would 110% recommend coming to True Grit, itвҖҷs where transformations are made. My only regret is that I didnвҖҷt find this place sooner.


Brill overall - friendly staff, they always speak to you and say hello and always willing to help. Gym is ace with a lot of equipment and classes are amazing. Glad I came to this gym and made this journey :)


Being an athlete IвҖҷve been in many Gyms across the UK and abroad, I can honestly say with out a doubt the people make this Gym so unique, good vibes, no arrogant individuals and very welcoming and it as to be up there with the best IвҖҷve been too, affordable, quality and all round just a nice relaxed environment where everyone of all genders, labels shapes and sizes actually want to work hard and help each other! Very rare to find these days! How lucky to have True grit training near me in my home city !? Thanks for all the support #TGT


Been coming for 8 weeks. Dropped a dress size, getting my fitness level up and feeling good. Great classes, no pretentious gym bunnies just people who want work hard. Sometimes train with friends but its very comfortable to go alone! Trainers push you and importantly they get your technique right. I've made been many places where they just walk by and let you carry on doing it wrong.... think this place is greatпҝҪ

More about True Grit Training

True Grit Training is located at Unit D2 Metro Business Park, Clough Street, Hanley, Stoke-On-Trent, United Kingdom, ST1 4AF Hanley, Stoke-On-Trent, United Kingdom
Monday: 06:15 - 21:30
Tuesday: 06:15 - 21:30
Wednesday: 06:15 - 21:30
Thursday: 06:15 - 21:30
Friday: 06:15 - 20:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 16:00
Sunday: 08:00 - 16:00