Urban Combatives West

About Urban Combatives West

UCW teaches Lee Morrison's original Urban Combatives in the West Midlands area.



Here is the latest depiction of UC Global group associates. These individual club logos in the main, depict individual UC Study Groups, Apprentice UC Instructor Clubs as well as Full UC Instructor clubs and organisations! The goal of UC is to educate good people in need of Personal Security and Self Preservation skills! Anyone a part of this movement should feel honoured, because you are indeed a part of something Global and Great! UC WILL most definitely expand to all corner...s of the World as I envisioned it would nearly 20 years ago! There is no doubt in my mind about that. For those involved in that, understand that there is a Code of Conduct, that I expect everyone to adhere to! Details of this will be sent out to all in good time! For now, let me ask to all and everyone currently involved, that you represent UC with a sense of professionalism, choosing not to ever dis others, or get involved in ridiculous debate about things that have no bearing on the Goal! That being, simply to Educate those in need of it! As part of that I gratefully request that anyone current or as a Newcomer to the UC organisation, that wishes to form a Group or Class of UC Study submit their logo with thought and consideration to anyone else that they may be associated to within a Combative, Self-Protection or RBSD sense! There is no wish to step on anyone else's toes here, or cramp anyone else's style so to speak! So please take this into consideration when you submit your logo to us, in order to become a welcomed part UC! Thank you most sincerely Lee M
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Working from restriction.


UC is becoming well and truly Global now! LM





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