Wolverhampton Mayor

Monday: 08:30 - 17:00
Tuesday: 08:30 - 17:00
Wednesday: 08:30 - 17:00
Thursday: 08:30 - 17:00
Friday: 08:30 - 16:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Wolverhampton Mayor

Keep up to date with the Mayor of Wolverhampton. Everyone is welcome to attend the charity events. Details of civic events will also be listed here.

Email: TheMayor@wolverhampton. gov. uk



What a fabulous day Saturday was at Molinuex. The sun was shining, Nuno was awarded an Honorary Doctorate for Sport by the University of Wolverhampton and Wolves won, cementing 7th place in the Premiership with the distinct possibility of playing in European matches next season. As my Mayoral year draws to a close, what a great note to finish on. More pictures of the ceremony can be found on the Universitys Flickr account here: https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outloo k.com/…


We had some special visitors to the Parlour, representatives from the Great Britain Special Olympics squad. Pictured here are Alex Davies, Karen Green and Emma Hunt, who are table tennis players. They are showing off their medals from the World Games which took place in Abu Dhabi in March. The Mayoress and myself would like to express our heartiest congratulations, you have done your City and indeed your country proud.


Wednesday 8th May will mark the 74th Anniversary of the end of hostilities in Europe. The War cost millions of lives, and I invite all of you to join the Deputy Mayor at the Cenotaph in St Peters Square at 11.00am for a service to remember the fallen. I would also like to invite all attendees to join the Deputy Mayor for refreshments in the City Suite after the service.


As Mayor I often find myself with nice pleasant duties to perform on behalf of our great City. Sometimes the duties are not so pleasant, and today was no exception. We gathered to show our solidarity with the peoples of Sri Lanka who suffered at the hands of violent extremists on Easter Sunday. Ordinary people were celebrating the most significant day in Christianity. They went to their local church as normal, many did not go home.... Some of the victims were on holiday enjoying a well-earned rest. One press report tells the story of how moments before - children in their Sunday school session were talking about the death of Jesus and a teacher asked them how many of them would be prepared to die for Jesus. All the children put their hands up little knowing that a few moments later many of them would. This sickening spectacle can be called an act of genocide. It is an affront to humanity. We know that this barbaric act will be repeated on some other shore in the future, therefore we must all work together, differing faiths cultures and traditions to show our solidarity Stand together as a community, as a family and as a Nation to defeat those who seek to bring calamity and the destruction to our democratic way of life. Wolverhampton has a strong tradition of ordinary people working together, many differences but one voice, one vision. We must never let the men and women of violence to destroy that unity.
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We have some fantastic young people in our City, and what better way to reward those that go the extra mile than to nominate them for Wolverhampton's Young Citizen of the Year Award. Visit www.wolverhamptonyoungcitizen.org.uk for more information, and give a young person the recognition they deserve.


Our thanks to the Royal British Legion, Staffordshire Branch, for inviting us to attend the annual Anzac Day Service at the Commonwealth War Graves Cemetery on Cannock Chase. It is a very moving ceremony, and serves to remind us all of the sacrifices made by soldiers from all around the world when the call came to fight to protect our freedom and democracy. It was also great to meet Watchman on parade, the youngster is growing into a worthy successor to Watchman V in representing their regimental association.


We had a special visitor to the Parlour today, amateur photographer Vic Collins from Heath Town. Vic has been photographing the area for over 50 years and has an amazing collection of over 11,000 photos and even more stored digitally. He was put forward for a national competition by Wolverhampton Homes and won 3rd prize. Here he is being presented with a special framed photo, it's one of Princess Margaret visiting Heath Town, taken by Vic in 1969, overlaid onto a modern picture taken from the same spot.


This morning the Mayoress and myself were sent to jail! Or to be more accurate, we visited Birmingham Central Lock-Up, which is now the new home of West Midlands Police Museum. The Lock-up. We were there to hand over a couple of artefacts currently kept by the council but we felt they would be better utilised by being on display in the police museum. The first item was an important document, the Grant of (a Coat of) Arms to West Midlands Police Authority in 1967. This was the... overseeing body of the West Midlands Constabulary, formed in 1966 by merging the police forces of Wolverhampton, Dudley, Walsall, Warley and West Bromwich, along with parts of Staffordshire and Worcestershire constabularies. This constabulary was short-lived, it joined with the rest of the Black Country, Birmingham, Coventry and Solihull to form West Midlands Police in 1974. The second item handed over was a ceremonial trucheon from Wolverhampton Police. Its age is unnkown, it was on display in the Mayors parlour at one time, but has been in storage for some time and we hope the public can now see it proudly displayed in the museum. Our thanks to Insp Steve Rice for showing us around this fascinating old building, we wish you every success with your plans to expand the museum.
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On Sunday, we were proud to have been invited to lunch by the Central Branch, City of Wolverhampton Royal British Legion. This was to celebrate 2 special events, the birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, and of course St George's Day. Our thanks to Fred, Richard, Pat and everyone else involved for organising the luncheon.


It's the NewYear of 2076 in the Nepalese calendar and we are privileged to have been invited to join in with the celebrations by our local Nepalese Community Association. We'd like to take this opportunity to wish them all a very Happy and prosperous New Year.


Saturday morning saw myself and the Mayoress in Bilston, for a healthy eating event at the towns market. Cooking demonstrations were courtesy of TV chef Rustie Lee and entertainment was provided by WCR 101.8FM. There was a great turnout from local people and we all learnt a new trick or two to tryout in the kitchen back home.


I'd like to thank everybody who participated in my recent Charity Quiz Night. It was great fun for all and we raised over £800 for my charitable fund, which will support my nominated charities Good Shepherd Relief in Need, Wolverhampton MS Therapy Centre, The Friends of Kingswood Trust and Inspire You.


2nd April was dedicated "World Autism Day", which made it entirely appropriate to launch Wolverhampton Autism Group (WAG) that day. An initiative by Gazebo Arts, they deiver a range of programmes including Talent Match, BBO Family Matters and HeadStart, designed to support local people and address local needs. This is in addition to Theatre In Education, National touring theatre and media production through Gazebo Studios. I was very proud to be invited along to assist with the official opening and wish the venture every success.


If you are in the city centre today, make sure you pop into the university courtyard. It's their International Fair, showcasing the diverse cultures that make up the their student population. You can eat your way across the globe with a the different cuisines on offer!


Tonight I'm at Molinuex, at an event organised by Services 4 Schools to give a well deserved pat on the back to School Governors. These volunteers often put in many hours of work, to ensure our children get the best education possible. Well done to all of tonight's worthy winners.


One of the charities I support, the Wolverhampton MS Therapy Centre is holding a Spring Fair this Friday, please pop along and show your support, they do some fantastic work with sufferers of MS and many other debilitating conditions.


You may have noticed that smart new tombola drum in the raffle draw pictures, here it is again with Shaun Aldis, head of Wolverhampton Homes who commisioned one of his craftsmen to make it for us. Thanks to Shaun and his team for donating this lovely piece of kit to the Mayors Office.


The draw for my Grand Charity Raffle was held last Friday and all the winners have now been notified. The Mayoress and myself would like to thank everyone who supported us in raising over £4000, a magnificent effort. Non of this could have happened without the generosity of the companies and organisations that donated the prizes and we would like to thank them again here: Rybrook Wolverhampton BMW, Services 4 Schools, our own IT Support Dept, Evans Halshaw Vauxhall, The Frien...ds of Kingswood Trust, Ian Rigby Jewellers LTD, intu Merry Hill, Mercedes-Benz Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton Homes, Wolverhampton Grand, Henns Jewellers - Jewellery & Watch Specialist, Renault Retail Group, University of Wolverhampton, David Howell, Royston Blythe, ROOT 66 Hair Care Bilston, Peter Posh Suit Hire, The Entertainer, Just for Pets, Arena Theatre, Boots the Chemist, Wolverhampton BID, Wolverhampton Racecourse.
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The results of my Grand Charity Raffle Draw are as follows: Ticket Number 1944 wins the BMW for a weekend 1676 wins a spa break 0325 wins an iPad 4212 wins a car valet and paint protection procedure... 4056 wins a family break at Kingswood Trust 1512 wins the Halcyon Days enamel box 4233 wins a 32" TV 1782 wins a £100 gift card to spend at Merry Hill. 1019 wins a Mercedes picnic hamper 4005 wins a microwave oven 3205 wins a tool box and tools 3047 wins 4 tickets to "Madagascar" at The Grand Theatre 1752 wins a ladies necklace 3227 wins RenaultSport merchandise 3421 wins a Jovial ladies watch 1128 wins a Paris Hilton ladies watch 1047 wins a Diesel gents watch 3457 wins a Guess ladies watch 4245 wins 10 Yoga sessions with David Howell 0933 wins a voucher for a hair-do at Royston Blythe 3491 wins a voucher for a hair-do at Route 66 3651 wins a £100 Peter Posh suit hire voucher 0474 wins 6 bottles of wine 1966 wins a £15 shop voucher 3972 wins a pets treats hamper 3641 wins 2 tickets to the Arena Theatre 1906 wins a £20 Boots voucher 3629 wins a £10 gift voucher 4057 wins a £10 gift voucher 0396 wins 2 tickets to Wolverhampton Racecourse My thanks to all involved, I couldn't have done it without you.
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Guide me lord...


Great to see the Mayor supporting health and fitness in our town for all!


Excellent. I am so proud of our Millennium City.

I promote our City through my photography and receive excellent comments 'bout our lovely city.

Maitreyee Sarcar HF FRSA [Mrs],

Co-Producer & Co-Presenter of Surtarang [Waves of Melody] Broadcast worldwide.



Private hire taxi


Private Hire Taxi License!


Handing out taxi badges like there hot pies �


Don't suppose Wolverhampton Mayors will stop council from changing weekly bin collection to fortnightly? No thought not.

More about Wolverhampton Mayor

Wolverhampton Mayor is located at The Mayor's Parlour, Third Floor, Civic Centre, WV1 1 Wolverhampton
Monday: 08:30 - 17:00
Tuesday: 08:30 - 17:00
Wednesday: 08:30 - 17:00
Thursday: 08:30 - 17:00
Friday: 08:30 - 16:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -