Wolverhampton University Rugby Club

About Wolverhampton University Rugby Club

Club page for the University of Wolverhampton Rugby teams.
For Current Players, Gracious Alumni or Avid Fans.

The University Welcomes all new players



A well fought loss to the returners ended 26-21!
Thank you to MS Society for coming down raising awareness of the cause!
That closes all the games to our season!
... We're looking forward to the sports awards!
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Tomorrow night is the annual 'return of the rangers' match where the current lads will take on the old boys!
Time - 8:30pm k/o
Location - Walsall Rugby Club


Last week we enjoyed varsity with our friends over at UCB! We would like to take a moment to support one of their players who suffered a life changing injury while playing rugby earlier this season.
"Hi, Guys, I'm 24 years Old and wheelchair-bound due to a tragic rugby accident which took place on the 21st November 2018, I was in the scrum and it collapsed making me break my T12, damage on L1 and severe nerve damage. I have created this page to raise money for a sports chai...r as I have played rugby most of my life I would now like to continue playing sports and not feeling left out because of my condition. Giving this chance will hopefully also be recovery and rehab to walking again in the future! Any donations and shares of the post will be 110% appreciated."
If anyone from our club could support this cause it would be great!
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Varsity tomorrow vs UCB!!
Wolves uni rugby team are hosting a social After party for the varsity event day.
The event will be held at the leaping wolf and is open to all students, sports teams and supporters of the university sports event.
... Wristbands can be bought on the day off rugby social members who will be walking around during the sports events, tickets can also be bought on the door at the leaping wolf!
Message @jack roberts for guestlist, securing your place on the guest list entitles you to a shot on entry
With the grainstore as the official After party, wristbands available to purchase will include entry to both the leaping wolf and grainstore.
Food will be served at the leaping wolf alongside karaoke and a dj.
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Sports award nominations are out. As a team we would like to go for the following.
-Coach of the year - Darrell Edwards https://www.wlv.ac.uk/вҖҰ/sport-award-nom iвҖҰ/coach-of-the-year/
... -Captain of the year - James Mitchell https://www.wlv.ac.uk/вҖҰ/sport-award-nвҖ Ұ/captain-of-the-year/вҖҰ
-Team of the year - Mens Rugby https://www.wlv.ac.uk/вҖҰ/sport-award-nom inвҖҰ/team-of-the-year/
If you could please vote. It doesn't take very long and will make a huge difference to our chances in getting awards!
Thank You
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LADIES of The University of Wolverhampton! A FREE rugby taster session!
Come down and meet the girls and give rugby a go! рҹҷӢрҹҸүрҹҷӢрҹҸүрҹҷӢрҹҸүрҹҷӢрҹҸү


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рҹҸүрҹҸүрҹҸүрҹҸүрҹҸүрҹҸүрҹҸүрҹҸүрҹҸүрҹҸүр ҹҸүрҹҸүрҹҸүрҹҸүрҹҸүрҹҸү Wednesday 13th of February Wolves mens 2nds take on UOB 5ths in a friendly at Walsall! Come down and support your boys! рҹҗәрҹҗәрҹҗәрҹҗәрҹҗәрҹҗәрҹҗәрҹҗәрҹҗәрҹҗәр ҹҗәрҹҗәрҹҗәрҹҗәрҹҗәрҹҗә


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рҹҸүрҹҸүрҹҸүрҹҸүрҹҸүGAME DAY ALERTрҹҸүрҹҸүрҹҸүрҹҸүрҹҸү Tomorrow Wolverhampton University 1s take on Coventry 2s in the next round of the cup. рҹҗәрҹҗәрҹҗәрҹҗәрҹҗәрҹҗәрҹҗәрҹҗәрҹҗәрҹҗәр ҹҗәрҹҗәрҹҗәрҹҗәрҹҗәрҹҗә Kick off 2pm get to Walsall to support your boys! рҹҗәрҹҸүрҹҗәрҹҸүрҹҗәрҹҸүрҹҗәрҹҸүрҹҗәрҹҸүр ҹҗәрҹҸүрҹҗәрҹҸүрҹҗәрҹҸү


Update - due to weather circumstances overnight the Men's 2nd Team game is cancelled today.
Keep an eye out for next weeks updates going in to the 1st Team cup game!


рҹҗәрҹҗәрҹҗәрҹҗәрҹҗәрҹҗәрҹҗәрҹҗәрҹҗәрҹҗәр ҹҗәрҹҗәрҹҗәрҹҗәрҹҗәрҹҗә Your boys return this Wednesday 30th January Wolves 2s are taking on Biringham Engineers in their first fixture of 2019. It is an away fixture but if you are available to travel please come to cheer on your pack! рҹҸүрҹҸүрҹҸүрҹҸүрҹҸүрҹҸүрҹҸүрҹҸүрҹҸүрҹҸүр ҹҸүрҹҸүрҹҸүрҹҸүрҹҸүрҹҸү... 14:15 kick off see you there! рҹ’ӘрҹҸјрҹ’ӘрҹҸјрҹ’ӘрҹҸј
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Merry Christmas to all of our players, alumni And fans! рҹҢІрҹҢІрҹҢІ


The menвҖҷs annual Christmas meal went down a treat!
Thank you to our sponsors at Hooded Ram Wolverhampton for hosting a treasured event in the calendar


Wow thank you to everyone who has donated. ВЈ400 pound raised for an incredible cause to honour the memory of a fantastic guy. But why stop there? Your money will make a huge difference so please don't stop giving it.
https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/Wl vunirugbyPapyrus


LADIES OF WOLVERHAMPTON UNI! вҖӘReady to tackle a new sport? Want to get fit? Bored of the gym?вҖ¬ вҖӘрҹҸүрҹҗәрҹ’ғрҹҸүрҹҗәрҹ’ғрҹҸүрҹҗәрҹ’ғрҹ Ҹүрҹҗәрҹ’ғвҖ¬ рҹҸүрҹҗәрҹ’ғ вҖӘWhether youвҖҷre tall or small, fast or powerful, tactical or combative, youвҖҷll be amazed at what you can achieve on a rugby pitch.вҖ¬ вҖӘJoin us and be part of a band of fierce, fearless females, where everybody and anybody can flourishрҹҢ·рҹ’җрҹҢ№... рҹҸүрҹҗәрҹ’ғрҹҸүрҹҗәрҹ’ғрҹҸүрҹҗәрҹ’ғрҹҸүр ҹҗәрҹ’ғвҖ¬ рҹҸү рҹҗәрҹ’ғ Come down and have a go!!рҹҳҠрҹ‘ҜвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹ’Ӣ
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Completed it mate вң” Members of the Wolverhampton Rugby team have just completed the West Park Santa dash in order to raise awareness of young suicide.
Please donate here: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/Wl vunirugbyPapyrus


Members of the club will be running in the Santa Run at West Park, Wolverhampton TOMORROW. This involves taking part in a 5k walk, run, skip or hop in support of people living with sight loss.
This year we will also be running in memory of a close friend of one of the players who has recently passed away. We would like to use this opportunity to raise awareness around the issues around young suicide. Suicide is the biggest killer of young people in the UK, 200 school childre...n are lost to suicide each year. PAPYRUS is a uk based charity that provide confidential help and advice to young people and anyone worried about a young person. They help others to prevent young suicide by working with and training professionals and also campaign and influence national policy.
100% of the donations will be going to PAPYRUS, which is an amazing organisation so please help us out by donating what you can. Thank you.
https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/Wl vunirugbyPapyrus
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More about Wolverhampton University Rugby Club

Wolverhampton University Rugby Club is located at Walsall Campus Sports Centre, Gorway Road, WS1 3BD Walsall