Wrekin Landlord Association

About Wrekin Landlord Association

Wrekin Landlord Association's aim is to uphold the interests of Independent residential Landlords and tenants in the Telford and Wrekin area of Shropshire.

Wrekin Landlord Association Description

The Telford /Wrekin Landlord association has been created to help address issues and keep members up to date within the Telford and Wrekin borough. Join us to add your voice and protect our customers, the tenants within the Private Rented Sector (PRS) and the landlords who serve them.



Electrical Safety Checks - soon with added regulation


We hope you had a wonderful New Year and look forward to seeing you at the New Years Meeting!


Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!


The Autumn Landlords Conference 2019
We had a most successful conference on October the 8th. Members of the Wrekin Landlords Association gathered at the Venue in Madeley and met with a number of speakers addressing many of the topics which are currently of concern to Telford and Shropshire landlords. We had in depth advice from Faye Craggs of Terry Jones Solicitors in Shrewsbury, who have a dedicated Landlord and tenant team and offer guidance on possession, eviction and deb...t recovery amongst many other things. We had Nick Wooley from the Department of works and pensions who tackled the thorny subject of Universal Credit, which related to many of those present, as did an address form Lee Higgins of Telford Housing Benefits who updated us on the current situation.
The whole evening was concluded with a panel of experts from the Telford and Wrekin Council who engaged most enthusiastically with our membership with numerous topics which covered everything from grants to seeking out Rogue Landlords, landlord accreditation and homelessness, this was all admirably compered by Cllr David Wright, the cabinet member for housing and infrastructure, who also offered our members assurances of his continued support. A very good night indeed.
What are your thoughts?
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Lovely comments about last nights Autumn Conference from one of our members!
"Having just returned from this evening's Annual Conference, I just wanted to say thanks to all involved for delivering the event. The guest speakers and panel were very relevant and informative and kept the audience engaged and on track all evening - this is not always easy ! What stood out for me was the engagement of all the partners who gave up their time tonight to come and talk to us."
... Review of the meeting (for any of you that sadly couldn't be there) will be available soon on our website (www.wrekinlandlords.co.uk) soon! Look out for our update!
Our next meeting will be held January 14th 2020!
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All set for tonight! Who’s coming?!


Autumn Conference countdown! Who will be joining us and our wonderful speakers? Tomorrow (8th October) at 7pm at; The Venue, 15 Queens Street, Madeley, Telford TF7 4LA


LAST CHANCE TO INFLUENCE LHA RATE: In our latest Campaign notice in the July update we advised about your opportunity to influence the LHA rate which is to be revised next April and that you only had until the 30th of September to do it. If you haven't done it then please click on the button below and register those rents that are currently above average (there is no point in registering below average rents or you may actually lower the rate). The Government have not yet announced their intentions, but we do know that, LHA rates are paid at the 30th percentile of the areas average rents, so the higher the average rent, the higher the allowance. This percentile is calculated on data collected from individual landlords, letting agents and tenants up to the 30th September of the previous year. (So about a week then).


The Autumn Newsletter is now available to view! https://www.wrekinlandlords.co.uk/newslet ters


The wonderful CAP (Christians Against Poverty) are holding another fantastic fundraising quiz!
Saturday 19th October at the Valley Hotel, Ironbridge. Tickets are £15 per person which includes a hot buffet supper.
... Fancy creating a landlord team again? Contact Bernie directly or via chairman@wrekinlandlords.co.uk
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New blog post! Frozen LHA rates hopefully lifted in 2020? Join our latest campaign


We've added more information on HHSRS following the last Summer Meeting!


New Blog Post! A recap of our Summer Meeting held on July 7th.


New summer 2019 Newsletter now available to view on our website!


Thank you all who attended last nights meeting, here is a short blog post for those who missed out.

More about Wrekin Landlord Association
