Yousef Dahmash - County Councillor For Hillmorton

About Yousef Dahmash - County Councillor For Hillmorton

I grew up in Hillmorton and love where I live but as the local County Councillor I will work tirelessly to make it even better.

Yousef Dahmash - County Councillor For Hillmorton Description

Conservative County Council candidate for Hillmorton



Hello everyone. As we all know there has been a spike in vehicle crime (break ins when cars and vans etc have been left unlocked) and as you would expect I have been in contact with the police about it since it started. It has happened in my road as I am sure it has in many of your own.
Given the concerns about this issue and the issue of speeding on the A428 I had thought about putting together a public meeting of some kind but I figured that people would probably prefer to...
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Just a quick update on a few things in the area.
Road resurfacing -
The resurfacing work on Balcombe Road is now complete. I am now going to work on Shuckburgh Crescent and Willoughby Place which need work. I have arranged for a number of temporary repairs on these roads but it needs more permanent work doing.
... New grit bin -
The new grit bin is now in on Packwood Avenue. If anyone else thinks there area could benefit from one please let me know. There is a set of criteria for them so can't promise I will be able to get one in every place identified but there is a chance.
Paddox Primary -
The money is still in place for a school crossing guard at Paddox Primary but it is proving a struggle to find anyone to do it. If you are interested or know someone who might be the number to call is 01926 412661 or you can email
Featherbed Lane -
I have arranged for trees to be planted on both sides of Featherbed Lane to protect the grass verges near to the recreation ground. I have had a lot of complaints about this issue and I thought trees were far more attractive than lines of posts!
Pavement resurfacing -
The pavements on High Street have now been resurfaced. There were some issues due to the weather over the summer but they have all been recently inspected. Let me know if any near you need attention.
Speeding -
This is an issue everywhere sadly. It is a particular problem on Crick Road and High Street and on The Kent and Lower Street. The police have prioritised The Kent in terms of enforcement action and are conducting regular speed checks. I also recently arranged for Vehicle Activated Signs to be installed on both The Kent and Lower Street but as the problem persists I am now going to look at physical speed calming. I will be consulting with local residents before any action is taken. I have also asked for more enforcement on Crick Road/High Street and for that enforcement to take place at different times of the day. There is a big problem around the shift changeovers at DIRFT and I have now asked on many occasions that the police take action at these times.
If anyone has a problem I can help with or wants any info on anything above please get in touch at any time on or on here!
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Below is some info regarding some upcoming road closures in Hillmorton on the 2nd July. The roads are Watts Lane and Lower Street which will be surface dressed (which is a good thing!).
Work will take place on the entirety of the roads. The closures will be published in the local press on the 14th and 28th June 2018 and the emergency services will be informed.
B some upcoming road closures on the 2nd July. The roads are Watts Lane and Lower Street which will be surface dressed (which is a good thing!).


The Warwickshire County Council Councillor's Grant Fund is now accepting applications. The fund is aimed at voluntary and community organisations and each County Councillor has a pot of ┬Ż6000 that can be used to support small scale projects in their local areas.
More details can be found using this link: s
... The deadline for applications is 5pm on the 31st August and I would encourage local groups in Hillmorton to apply. The criteria for applications can be found using the link above.
Please share with anyone that you think could apply.
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Update on damage to roads due to the recent weather...
The County CouncilŌĆÖs Highways team have been out across Rugby today assessing damage and in our area Hillmorton Road is priority. I have also alerted them to issues on Percival Road.
If your road has been affected in any way - surface damage, lifted drains etc please let me know so I can get it looked at urgently and get the repairs arranged. You can reply to this post or email me on
... Feel free to share this too of course so as many people know as possible.
Similarly (as always) let me know of any other issues in the local area.
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Hillmorton councillors press release

Featherbed Lane recreation ground pavilion to be demolished thanks to action by local Hillmorton councillors.
... Rugby Borough Council has announced plans to demolish the old pavilion at Featherbed Lane Recreation Ground. The local Conservative councillors in the area have been working on improvements to the recreation ground for many years, including plans to demolish the old pavilion, and were delighted that news could finally be announced.
Over the last ten years the local councillors have overseen extensive improvements to the recreation ground including new benches, the repairing of the perimeter footpath, the building and improvement of the skatepark and the construction of a new childrenŌĆÖs play area in 2011. In 2012 the recreation ground was awarded ŌĆśField in TrustŌĆÖ status ensuring vital protection for the valuable local green space in Hillmorton and the retention of the site for sports and recreation.
Speaking after the plans to demolish the pavilion were announced Councillor Kathryn Lawrence said: ŌĆ£Since 2009 I have been working with my fellow Hillmorton councillors, council officers and the local community to identify potential options for the pavilion. I am delighted that we are now able to announce that stage 1 and the demolition can go ahead and I look forward to being able to announce further details of the re-development of the site in due course.ŌĆØ
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Quick litter pick this morning around Featherbed Lane rec and the Ex-ServicemenŌĆÖs Club with local Rugby Borough Council councillors Kathryn Lawrence and Ian Picker.
Also contact details for all of our local elected representatives are now up in the county council funded Hillmorton Community Noticeboard. If you have an issue that I as the local county councillor, our three borough councillors, our MP Mark Pawsey or the Police & Crime Commissioner can help with please get in to...uch with us at any time.
And...if you fancy helping out on the next litter pick let me know! WeŌĆÖll be focussing on the Village Green next in anticipation of this yearŌĆÖs Heart of England in Bloom competition. Must be clear though that it is the local long-standing community group the Hillmorton Village Greens Association that do the amazing work to enter Hillmorton into the competition every year (and who keep winning awards). They never seek praise or credit but each of them are quite simply amazing. TheyŌĆÖve been doing it for years and are always after help and you can find details about how to get involved with them in the Notice Board near the Co-Op too.
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Just a quick one to let you know that the old, crumbling pavilion at Featherbed Rec is to be pulled down...finally.
The local councillors in Hillmorton have been on the case for years but the hope had always been to have the money in place to build a new one when the old one was demolished. That funding is still being sought but I am glad the Borough Council have made the decision to pull the old pavilion down anyway as not only is it an eyesore it is potentially quite dange...rous.
Cllr Kathryn Lawrence deserves a lot of credit as she has been on the case over the pavilion for many years as well as ensuring new play equipment and benches have been installed in the park.
Below is the press release from the Borough Council.
News release - Rugby Borough Council
PR 2390
23 May 2018 For Immediate Release
Council confirms plans to demolish Hillmorton Rec pavilion
THE council has confirmed plans to demolish the pavilion at Hillmorton Recreation Ground.
The pavilion, built in the 1960s, has fallen into a state of disrepair and become a target for vandals in recent years.
Now the council intends to bulldoze the building and work with the community before making a decision to either replace the pavilion or develop other facilities, such as play equipment, nature areas or an outdoor gym.
Work on demolishing the pavilion has been earmarked for completion by the end of October, with a development plan for the recreation ground set to be finalised by the end of the year.
Cllr Lisa Parker, Rugby Borough Council portfolio holder for environment and public realm, said: "We refurbished Hillmorton Recreation Ground in 2005, when we worked with the community to deliver a range of improvements.
"However, it's clear the pavilion now needs to come down and we have started the process of commissioning the work.
"We now want to involve the community again to find out what facilities residents want at the recreation ground in order to finalise plans for the future."
Hillmorton Recreation Ground was granted Queen Elizabeth II Field status by Fields in Trust in 2012, protecting it as a green space for future generations to enjoy.
For more information, contact Mike Green on (01788) 533599 or email
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I really do need to try to update this page more regularly...I am sorry but finding the time is often tricky. As I have said before you can always contact me on 07769916990 or if you need help with anything or have any questions about the area.
Right here goes.....
1) New Vehicle Activated Signs are being installed on Lower Street and The Kent next week (24th May). There will be four in total. There has been a delay on the VAS being installed f...
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UserŌĆ”/aŌĆ ”/hillmorton-brickworks


I have been notified this afternoon that the Planning Inspectorate has dismissed the appeal by Gladmans Developments Ltd for Waldings Farm.
The Planning Committee at Rugby Borough Council refused planning permission but the appeal was lodged - and now that has been dismissed!
This is great news for the local community and something that could not have been achieved without everyone working together. It is absolutely the right decision as the site was not sustainable and hopef...ully will stand us in good stead in our ongoing battles against other developers targeting very similar sites around Hillmorton.
If anyone would like any further details please drop me an email on and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
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More about Yousef Dahmash - County Councillor For Hillmorton

Yousef Dahmash - County Councillor For Hillmorton is located at CV22 5HL Rugby, Warwickshire
01788 542677