Ackworth Howard Church Of England - Vc Junior And Infant School

About Ackworth Howard Church Of England - Vc Junior And Infant School

Ackworth Howard school is a lively and friendly primary school set in the pretty and historic village of Ackworth, three miles from Pontefract.

Ackworth Howard Church Of England - Vc Junior And Infant School Description

Built in 1833 by Miss Rachel Howard the school has been central to village life for nearly 200 years. Built of Ackworth sandstone, at a cost of ¬£450, teaching originally focussed on the three Rs ‚Äď reading, writing and arithmetic!

Within the school grounds is a Plymouth Brethren burial ground.

Rachel's father Luke Howard was an amateur meteorologist and is famous for naming the clouds. He was a Quaker, later converting to the Plymouth Brethren, and became a pharmacist by profession. In approximately the year 1797 he then went into partnership with William Allen to form the pharmaceutical company of Allen and Howard in London. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1821 and spent the years 1824 to 1852 in Ackworth, Yorkshire.



A well earned Headteacher award for reaching the top of the behaviour chart by consistently demonstrating excellent behaviour. Well done!


Headteacher award for working well independently when rewriting a fairytale set in Ancient Egypt. Well done!


We are very pleased to introduce you to our new Junior Headteacher and Junior Deputy Headteacher who have been voted in as part of the school council (junior leadership team). We are excited to see the direction they take as the year goes on! #pupilleadership


Big Me Day...
3 children were very excited to receive responses to their letters from Big Me Day in our celebration assembly this morning. They had responses from a teacher, the COO of British Dressage and Mary Berry!
Today's post also delivered some responses to children from an artist, a nurse, a doctor and Channel 5 - Yorkshire Vets Julian Norton. #inspiringaspirations


Well done to the children in Key Stage 2 who competed in the cross country event this morning.
The children did a fantastic job and came 2nd overall earning qualification to the West Yorkshire School Games event in March at Temple Newsam!
As well as the team trophy, 2 children came back to school with an individual gold and bronze too!


Children have enjoyed receiving their special afternoon tea, the first of a half termly treat, in recognition of excellent behaviour and attitudes to learning through living our vision. Well done!


The Howard History Museum of Dinosaurs is open for business today for one day only!
The Year 1 museum staff have enjoyed sharing their exhibits to all classes in school this morning and after their lunch break are looking forward to reopening for adults at 2pm!


Some fantastic homework earning a headteacher’s award! A very informative timeline of World War 2 and models of Anne Franks hidden annex and an Anderson Shelter. Well done!


Enjoying the Spooky Disco!
Thank you to the HSA and staff who supported the event.


Year 6 were wonderful when leading their class assembly this morning. They shared their excellent knowledge of World War 2 and presented it in a clear and informative way which was very impressive. They shared examples of their writing, art work and finished with a demonstration of their African drumming skills!


Jason Buckley is visiting our school today. He is a P4C (Philosophy for Children) expert.
At the Howard School, we use Philosophy for Children as a teaching and learning approach which helps children to develop into effective, critical and creative thinkers and to take responsibility for their own learning in a caring and collaborative way. We do this by providing practical ways of developing good thinking, questioning and communications skills.
Jason has worked with each cl...ass during the day to deliver P4C sessions alongside teachers in order to develop their skills in this area further. It will be followed by some follow up teacher training after school.
The children have really enjoyed the sessions in school today. I am sure they would enjoy telling you all about the 'big questions' that they have explored.
You can find out more about the approach on our website: arning/p4c
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A well earned Headteacher award today for reaching the top of the behaviour chart by consistently demonstrating excellent behaviour and working well with peers. Well done!


This weeks newsletter is now published on our website:‚Ä ¶/newsletter_18.10.1‚Ķ
This week: Big Me - ActionAid, Attendance, Parent Surgery, Values for Life, Bikeability, Diary Dates, Online Safety, The Scarecrows Wedding, RSPB Bird Song Day, Celebrating Us!


This morning PCSO Vicki Jackson, our Safer Schools Officer link, came into school to launch a new initiative that we are delighted to be a part of.
Vicki introduced the children to PC 999 Robert Bear (Bobby) and told us all about the 'Talk to the Bear' initiative which will be incredibly useful for younger children in school to talk about their worries and/or concerns. She also shared with us the intense training PC Bobby has undertaken. PC Bobby has already made friends with... Howard Bear and is looking forward to getting to work!
You can find out more about PC Bobby's training on our website in the Well-being-Safer School's Officer section: llbe…/safer-schools
On another note, thank you for all of your support on the playground this morning following the incident at the front of school. It was greatly appreciated! ūüĎć
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Big Me for ActionAid...
Today we have joined schools across the UK to take part in Big Me for the charity ActionAid UK.
Big Me is a day for children to come to school dressed as what they want to be when they grow up. They are spending time during the day exploring their hopes and dreams, writing a letter or postcard to their inspirations, and learning about children in other countries. All while raising money to help children in the world’s poorest places.
... £184.84 has been raised for ActionAid which will support women and girls in poverty across the world. Thank you for supporting the day which promotes our vision - Educating for 'life in all its fullness' providing opportunities to develop the mind, body and spirit.
The children are really enjoying the day and we are excited to see what responses the children receive.
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Super proud of these children. They have produced some excellent writing about The Scarecrows Wedding and have earned a headteachers award ūüĎć.

More about Ackworth Howard Church Of England - Vc Junior And Infant School

Ackworth Howard Church Of England - Vc Junior And Infant School is located at Station Road, WF7 7HH Pontefract
01977 612124